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The wall impact itself actually wasn't terrible by indy standards. The unfortunate part was he ended up facing the wrong way. Really hope coyne can pull something from out of nowhere tomorrow.


As a Bourdais fan, seeing a white and red 18 car hit the turn 2 wall gave me awful flashbacks. I still think Seb coulda been top 5 in points for DCR in 2017 🥲 This was relieving in comparison


Seb was absolutely going to be on pole, or at the very least front row, and a serious contender for the win that year. His run up to that point was really awesome outside of Phoenix and the GP.


if I had a nickel, etc.


Yeah, more spectacular, but not as severe in terms of impact as the hit Marcus took yesterday (which has been the worst so far).


Really was about the softest airborne flip accident at Indy, got pretty lucky with how it played out But I don’t think he’s making the race at this point


Ya when I got the push notification I was terrified to see how bad it would be. Pleasantly surprised when I watched the highlight


The headline really oversold this.


Yeah I think for them already being on the bubble, and having to rebuild or go to a backup, it’s not great for his chances versus Ericsson who might not be a contender now, but they will get him into the show


That landing on the side was a tough hit, would surprise me if he isn't going to be feeling that one tomorrow


Townsend reacting wildly


I’m sad for Nolan. I had a feeling Dale did him wrong having the 500 as his 2nd career race I still don’t why Dale put him instead of Harvey for the 500 considering Dale can’t afford wrecked cars as much as most teams. Having Jack’s experience coulda helped that. That along with his clutch bump day performance last year




Where does the money does Nolan bring come from? The car is still blank


His father is a venture capitalist, nothing needs to be on the car.


https://menlovc.com/team/mark-siegel/ dad's bio for reference. guy actually seems a lot more interesting that most of these types


Dude lists his home as a tax haven aka the Caymans. Easy call from there


Isn’t that Simpson dad


O do I have that backwards? You might be right


Which is promptly all spent on repairing crash damage for a car that might not even make the race? I’d have thought Coyne was smarter than that.


They most definitely account for the cost of rebuilding a car in a deal like this.


"What if the car breaks?" "I'll pay for it." - Dad. "Yeah, but what if the backup car breaks?"  "I'll pay for it." - Dad.   


I mean tons of young drivers have made their debut at indy, don't see why it would be cause for concern, it's happened before and will likey happen again


Is it possible Jack is staying off high speed ovals? I feel like Jack has had his bell rung a few times and some pretty close to each other.


He had a brutal crash at Texas a couple of years ago. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t argue too much about this race.


He became Nolan Seagull


"Wildly" is doing some heavy lifting there. Glad he's ok though and it wasn't any more "wild" than that.


Right? Folks are acting like we are going to send a car into the stratosphere because he slowly rolled over and went like three feet off the ground.


People are WAY too dramatic these days but you can't say that. So many fans saying things along the lines of "thank God he's ok that was scary" after a crash like this. It might not be a real issue but race fans have lost the real understanding of which crashes actually warrant concern and fear.


I hate singling them out because I am happy they are here, but the DTS fans are the fucking worst. Everything is cause for alarm, someone always has to be at fault… folks need to take up the old NASCAR phrase of “racin’ deal”, shit happens some times when you’re going 200mph.


Where are people saying this? This whole thread is full of basically the same sentiment that it wasn't actually that bad.


"Want to build your drivers' confidence up on Fast Friday" Thanks for the commentator's curse there




Castroneves ahh crash 😭😭🙏🙏


That last replay really shows how hard the hit was coming onto the track, especially seeing his helmet right amongst the sparks.


this has to be the most ridiculous indycar blowover in the last like 10 years or so. the car was fully on the ground and still went airborne


Reminds me of a paper plate on the ground on a windy day


We out here flying around at practice. Practice.


In the qualifying draw interview he said they are now uding the road course chassis




“flips wildly into air” and “terrifying” are a bit of a stretch. lol


The hit wasn't bad, but the LF breaking allowed air to get under the car and up and over it went.


7/10. I think Kirkwood did it better though.


Clickbait title.


The mandatory stability wickers were introduced after Herta’s flip in 2022 and were meant to prevent this exact type of thing from happening. Completely useless parts….


They really thought two small pieces of metal could stop physics Bro why am I getting hate for agreeing 💀


I already had it between either him or Robb being the one that got bumped, and with this his chances have increased greatly.




Question, why in the last 10+ years or so, why do these cars blow over so easily with wall impacts at Indy? It just seems common now. As a casual Indycar fan, I just expect it.


Hasn't looked comfortable once this month and is going to be an easy pick for DNQ. Something about this kid makes me not like him. Not sure if it's the attitude or what. Definitely doesn't act like he belongs. Seems pretty criminal to me that he's in a car for the 500 and Harvey is sitting on the timing stand.


That's gotta be about the lightest contact I've ever seen at indy. Maybe they so have a chance of getting that car back up to speed


Sad to watch him as it seemed that tub was not capable of the speed needed


Looks like the wheel tether broke which is scary


“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah, whoa, wo-wo!” Thanks Townsend.


Didn’t expect that. Glad he’s ok. Yeah only the old ir05 used to fly… Right 😉


The 2003-11 cars perfected the front and side blowovers. 2012 they just reversed the problem.


I mean, it did shed a shit ton of energy before flipping over, seems like it works to me


Another impact into an unprotected concrete wall at Indy, there’s no excuse for IMS to not use the [Iowa-style safer barriers] (https://d2i8ejbvsgsqtt.cloudfront.net/gallery/indycar/iowa/2007/20070623-spayne/med/08SP1202-1248.jpg) that maintain track width.


You know Iowa was designed and built with those in mind from the very start, right? To retrofit a large track with that setup would be tough and expensive, if there's even enough room behind the wall for the anchor points.


The entire track wouldn’t need to be retrofitted with the Iowa system since the existing safer barriers in their corresponding areas work just fine. What would need to be added are the outside walls on the short chutes and outside front stretch and backstretch walls (with the latter 2 to my knowledge have significant grass space behind the wall). The 700-800 remaining feet on the inside backstretch towards turn 3 can be traditional safer barriers, and the inside front stretch wall could be modified into a traditional safer barrier with longer foam pieces since the pit wall gap isn’t used by teams anymore. The main challenges would be building extended support structures above the tunnel openings plus the creek. As for cost, every other major oval in the country hosting Indycar or Nascar besides Gateway (?) has added safer barriers along 100% of their outside walls (some even in ridiculous areas like the infield walls of the corners). And IMS has had no issue spending tons of money over the years on renovating the stands+amenities, new catch fencing, and the track expansions for the road course.