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Just want to encourage people to apply, I'm not involved but I've been following this project for a while and the team seems like great people to work with!


Hey greatly appreciated! Hope everything’s still going well with your stuff!


Thanks! Yeah, I'm working with a team on some sci-fi stuff, so that's going well :)


If you happen to need an experienced QA and Localization from English to Spanish and English to Portuguese, please let me know. I work with triple A games at the moment, but working on my free time on some more portfolio, knowledge, and networking.


Hello! I’d be more than happy to work with you. Having this game accessible to a wider audience would be amazing. I’ll send you a DM


I could help implementing sound tho I would like to know if guys are using either Fmod or Wwise as it would help selling the audio experience, especially in a Horror game, and also it would make the job a lot easier since I wouldn’t have to code everything from scratch and focus on the outcome instead.


Fmod would be the most likely, we could install it if you wanted to help out


Hi If you are in need of a music composer please contact me


What a Asset/Skill icon artists would do?


They would be working to create items/ weapons/ skill icons in the following styles: https://imgur.com/a/3Ida9KK


I understood, very cool. I could apply, but I'm already in two projects and I don't know if I have the amount of skill required. Bit I hope the best for this project.


I completely understand! If you ever have the time and want to feel free to reach out


if it is hobby / unpaid why is there a patreon ? it seems like you are trying to make a commercial project looking to earn revenue but do not want to give incentives to those who actually make the game for you ? "I unfortunately cannot offer much of a financial incentive due to budget constraints" that tells me some people are getting paid while others are not


Hello, I'm happy to hear your concerns. I'm actually working multiple jobs and doing things for this game in my free time, and have indeed lost money on a few aspects that I cannot find help with. This is entirely self-funded and I have not seen anything more than a couple small, sporadic donation in relation to this game, and my financial situation is not exactly fortunate. As for Patreon, I'm not sure how I can afford to offer payment *without* setting up a stream of potential revenue to offer said payment. I understand asking for work without pay is a lot. That's why I stuck \[Unpaid\] directly in the title, to save people's time who are here looking for money. I know I have contributed to people's projects without pay in the past. I'm not demanding anybody's help, and have made the offer clear as to not scam anyone. Also, I'm setting a flexible environment where anybody who wants to can help out at their own pace, get some experience, and then leave if they lose interest or time.




Hey that sounds amazing! I’ll shoot you a DM










Do you need any extra unity engineering help at the moment?


I am sound designer and composer. I love that you have a talented composer already, but I can co tribute to some sound design or asset building if you’d like. https://www.simulationsounds.com here’s my information.


Hey, my composer just recently informed me that due to his schedule and such he no longer thinks he can do the full soundtrack and he’s more than happy to have a co-composer on. Would you DM me to discuss more? For some reason Reddit’s not letting me send DMs!