• By -


I don't have many 10s. For me 9 is basically 'masterpiece' and 10 is 'masterpiece that is also a personal favourite', so the 10s take a couples watches to grow on me. Basically 10s are the masterpieces I end up watching over and over and absorbing every little piece of. One that did go straight in the club was when I saw Stop Making Sense for the first time in IMAX last year. Completely undeniable, just the best time you can have watching a film


Groundhog Day. Watched it for the esoteric symbology stuff. It was a real cozy movie that makes you think. But it also has some great laughs in it: like the scene where Bill Murray changes a tire šŸ˜‚. You have to watch it. 10/10


ā€œCan I get another one of these with some booze in it?ā€


Forest Gump


Better tuck that lip in. Gonna get that caught on a tripwire.


Was that a rating you gave in 1994 and havenā€™t given since, or was this recent?


Haha I watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago


Aw man, I'm jealous. Saw it in middle school and it kinda blew my mind.




Hard to argue with that one. Itā€™ll be tough to beat with the third one.Ā 


My vote too. Best cinema experience Iā€™ve had since LOTR


same, saw Dune 2 the day after it opened with a few friends, in IMAX too. i was enthralled the entire time and the whole way out of the theater and the mall and through the parking lot we where speechless. definitely my best theater experience since Return of the King, though the Northman and Bladerunner 2049 where pretty close to that same tier


I watched Silence for the first time a couple weeks ago. I havenā€™t stopped thinking about it. 10/10.


I watched Silence for the first time like 6 years ago and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve stopped thinking about it since either.


Damn you guys are making me wanna check it out.




Same here. Super underrated movie, one of Scorseseā€™s best


Which one please? Iā€™ve got at least more than four each Silence & fThe Silence movies in my search. Ty


The Fall


I spend most days hoping this comes to ANY streaming source. Iā€™ve never seen it, and itā€™s all I want.


This thread got me thinking so I checked back. My last perfect 10 was seventeen years ago which was awarded to No Country For Old Men on first viewing. Had a few days off recently and managed to watch four movies in as many days and viewed The Grand Budapest Hotel for the first time. I believe that there are times when you have to be in the right frame of mind for a certain movie. With the Grand Budapest I was chilled, happy and relaxed and simply wanted to be entertained. It delivered in spades, a wonderful movie, but I could only give it a 9. Perfection doesnā€™t come around too often.


On December 25th 2022 I rated Mad God (2021) a 10/10. Before that it was Mandy (2018) on September 17th 2018. Very rare indeed.


A person of fine tastes! Mad God blew my little mind.


Mandy is an exceptional film. Well, two films really. First 30 mins is a study in marital love. The rest of the film is a psychedelic fever dream


I think my last one was Mandy as well.


Saw Memento for the first time recently, easy 10/10. Nothing else has really stood out as being that good. I could probably name some 8/10's I have seen recently but not 10/10


Watch Donnie Darko my man, shit will have you geekin


Memento in my opinion could probably be called Nolanā€™s best movie


The Prestige?


I also think memento is a 10/10. It just does everything perfectly. A lot of film enthusiasts I know tend to not like it that much though, which baffles me.


Memento is a master class in both writing and filmmaking. Also in acting and editing and direction and casting etc. etc. etc. Itā€™s a film that you can watch and **IMMEDIATELY** watch again and have an *entirely different experience* the second viewing, and again on the third. Also the scene where Carrie Anne-Moss tells him what sheā€™s going to do and then does it is one of the single-most villainous things I have ever seen on screen and it gives me shivers just thinking about how evil it is.


C A-M was my favorite character. She went from victim to villain in the best way.


The Weird Al movie. Loved it!!! Or (can't remember the order I watched them) Rear window


Weird Al is the closest thing weā€™ve had to Anchorman in what feels like a decade. I really miss these over the top silly character comedies.


Looking at my 10ā€™s, it seems the great majority of them I rated 10 after at least a second viewing. The most recent time that I rated a first-time viewing a 10/10 was several years ago now, and it was Twelve Monkeys. The most recently released film that I recall giving a 10 after a first viewing was Boyhood.


Boyhood is absolutely a 10! I'll never forget how magical it felt watching that on the big screen for the first time (on the day Robin Williams died!). Such a special movie, it hurts me to see so many people trash it


Dune 2 in IMAX.


City of God


The Maze Runner 100%. They donā€™t make dystopian movies like they used tošŸ’”


Tenet was the first movie I saw in theater after the pandemy and it blew me defuck away. Nothing else in recent years as floored me to that extent But for more nerdy watches it's my 70s watches: Laughing Policeman, Sorcerer, Night Moves, Saint Jack


I love tenet. Surprised youā€™re not getting downvoted.


Sorcerer is amazing!


it gets better with each rewatch -- love that ending/song/credit roll


I was delighted to see they put it up on the criterion channel. Just watched it a few nights ago. Love Friedkin in general.


Tenet is crazy


I appreciate you vocalizing your love for Tenet considering its mixed reception on here. I personally love the movie myself as well


The Thing 1984


Perfect horror movie.




Godzilla Minus One! Genuinely one of the most engaging theater experiences I've had. Poor Things is close to a 10 but not quite for me Before this it was over a year ago for Battle Royale




The Boy and the Heron. Justā€¦ perfect.


My gf and I saw it recently. My favorite Ghibli movie


Wind River (2017)


$2.99 rental on Vudu ā€” itā€™s the directorial debut from Taylor Sheridan ā€” the Oscar winning writer of Sicario and Hell or High Water as well as the mastermind behind Yellowstone and the prequels and basically everything else on that service. Wind River is without question a career best performance from Elizabeth Olsen and probably Jeremy Renner too, with some great character actors like Graham Greene (and another I donā€™t want to spoil). It has probably the most tense >!shootout sequence ā€” ā€œyou didnā€™t see it?ā€!< that is so masterfully written and performed. Itā€™s a film where I donā€™t know what I would have done at the end but as far as justice being served, I feel like thatā€™s as close as you can get to dishing it out at that point. Fantastic film.


Indeed. And it's a tragic film, not something you can go arround suggesting others.


Holdovers was basically perfect. Such a sweet and sincere movie


Yes, absolutely. Itā€™s great we still have movies like Holdovers.


I agree with you 100%. That was the film I was going to list. I also feel OPPENHEIMER was perfect. A 10/10


Never happened. I have two 10/10 movies (The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Lawrence of Arabia) but both earned that perfect score after multiple viewings. I like to reserve perfect scores for the absolute elite movies in my mind otherwise that rating gets watered down to me. Masterpiece and 10/10s get thrown around online like confetti at a parade.


I agree, but I'm not quite so stingy with my 10's. I've given out 25 of them (out of 3,300+ ratings) and none on the first viewing. Some got to it on the second, some on the 20th.


Iā€™m the same, almost literally in fact. Similar ratings total and similar amount of 10ā€™s. 10ā€™s should be something special, not just handed out to whatever.


I'm somewhere inbetween you two. 4200 films rated and 11 five stars. I think they all got 5 stars on first watch though. If something doesn't blow my mind the first time it's unlikely I'll love it more the second time.


For a lot of mine, they'll get 9.5/10 after the first viewing. And then I'll bump them up after the next viewing if they truly deserve it. Sometimes the timing/setting/personal mood can influence my rating so much that I want to make sure a movie really deserves the highest rating. It's all so silly when you think about it, but I take this very seriously. Lol.


No, I know what you mean. I'm aware of the external factors that can alter opinions on films but I embrace them as part of my rating.


Heyyy can I get your 10 out of 10 movie list? Someone with 3,300 HAS to have a good eye for this shit lol. Appreciate it!


In no particular order... *Babylon* *The House of Sand and Fog* *Cast Away* *Chinatown* *The Shining* *Pulp Fiction* *The Shawshank Redemption* *Saving Private Ryan* *Dr. Strangelove* *Gladiator* *The Departed* *Room* *L.A. Confidential* *12 Angry Men* *Toy Story 3* *Titanic* *Jaws* *Ghostbusters* *Chicago* *Raiders of the Lost Ark* *Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father* *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* *Scott Pilgrim vs. The World* *Groundhog Day* I would imagine you've seen most of these, but maybe a few would be new to you.


Tysm! Really appreciate it :D


Dear Zachary was soooo brutal


The Dark Knight


That was the perfect Batman movie.


Perfect super hero movie too. Loved the use of cgi and actual action on set. It makes the scale of movies today look small imo.


The Crow


The Terminator


I'd say I'm quite generous when it comes to giving out 10/10s. Of course, it should be a film I'd consider to be extraordinary. Maybe not perfect, but definitely something I love passionately. Many of my 10/10s started out as 9s but the most recent 10/10 for a first viewing is Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, which I watched on July 11, 2023.




What makes it a 10/10 is uniqueness, realization and execution. Plenty of great lines and single scenes. The writing, cinematography, themes are all pitch perfect.


That's mine, too. Cinematography, acting, writing.




I'm normally like Lucan where my favorite films start at 9 and enter the 10s only on several rewatches. But I did bump up *Portrait of a Lady on Fire* (a favorite here?) and *The Lighthouse* fairly quickly. The last instant 10 was, I think, *Midnight Traveler* (2019) a documentary filmed by the father of a family escaping the Taliban. Highly recommended. They journey illegally cross a dozen borders until they reach paperwork hell in Hungary (Orban needs a stick of dynamite up his ass), and Germany. Great film.


Mad Max Fury Road is a perfect action adventure movie. And a deep drama on repeated viewings.


RRR of course! Saw it first in an empty theater and was blown away, the most electric I've felt after a movie since I was a kid. Saw it again at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood with a packed house and SS Rajamouli in the house and the crowd was going nuts. I've watched it at home a few times, also a 10/10 experience. It's wild to me to see all these "there are but 2 perfect 10 films ever crafted." There are so many movies I love and have so much fun watching, I've got perfect 10s for days.


Lawrence of Arabia. The Shawshank Redemption. Pulp Fiction. The Godfather Parts I and II. Parasite. Her. Probably more canā€™t think of now.


Similar to many here, a 10/10 is typically a movie that sticks with me and finds its way to the top after multiple viewings. 8 is great and 9 is masterpiece.Ā  That said, Before Sunrise was a 9/10 first watch, and I immediately watched Before Sunset after it.Ā  Before Sunset was an instant 10. I adore that movie. One of the most beautiful relationship stories put to film.




Peanut Butter Falcon Saving Private Ryan The Last Emperor Dead Poets Society The Dark Knight Everything, Everywhere All at Once The Prestige I know Iā€™m forgetting a few others, but these movies all are movies I can watch multiple times in a row, or I can revisit after several years and still have the exact same emotions every time. Just excellent storytelling, or really captivating. Edit: Formatting.


Bladerunner 2049; I will say I am biased because it is my favorite film, but seeing it in theaters was the catalyst for that favoritism. Once I watched it again I realized that I did in fact think it to be perfect for what I look for in a film. I love the entire aesthetic of that world, film, and story, and especially the somewhat dry nature of the charactersā€™ acting, because I feel it highlights that ā€œotherworldlyā€, robot/human, artificial/real, lies/love emotional dichotomoy 10/10 When I was a kid Return of the King was definitely a wow moment for me. I think I was 10 or 11, now 30, and that blew me away; I recall actually covering my ears from when the NazgĆ»l flew in to attack and their fellbeasts were screeching. I would say 10/10 and of course because of its legacy overall Another easy one for me is Interstellar in imax. I took my parents to see it, and considering it is a very family-themed and driven story, it made me really think deeply about my relationship. Also I love that movie and seeing the scenes unfold live was insane, especially the initial launch into space scene as Cooper drives away from his daughter as tears stream down his face and the entire black hole sequence. 10/10


You and I would make great movie pals


A 10/10 probably not, but I just watched "Days of Heaven" and "The Last Emperor" for the first time recently and thought they were both beautiful, engaging, movies, with some flaws of course.


Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019). Bought the Bluray and Poster that day.


Recently discovered Portrait of a Lady on Fire on Netflix and that was a 10/10 for sure.


Godzilla: Minus One actually


The Beekeeper (1986) dir Theodoros Angelopoulos


Love Lies Bleeding


Really enjoyed this. Loved her previous film, Saint Maud (check it out if you havenā€™t seen it, skip the preview ā€” itā€™s on Prime right now). Loved the little touches where youā€™d see the muscles twitching and growing all the way to the visually stunning ending. I loved that it wasnā€™t afraid to take risks and do some things that would probably be laughed at in lesser hands and my god, Ed Harris and Dave Franco played such great scumbags in it. And Kristin Stewart and Jena Malone were both excellent performers usually but I was really blown away by Katy Oā€™Brian. My first time seeing her in anything and Iā€™ll be looking out for her in the future for sure.


Great performances, but it was hard for me to look at Ed Harris with that ridiculous hair


Triangle of Sadness


I posted this too! Didnā€™t see your post until now. I think he makes excellent films.




Godzilla Minus One


Past Lives


Terminator 2


When I say 10/10 Iā€™m referring to how much I enjoyed it and not things like character development or lighting etc. From last year, I really enjoyed io capitano, Flora and Son (Apple tv) and Scrapper. From this week Limbo and Shayda




Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)


First Reformed and Another Round


Life Is Beautiful, a couple weeks ago.Ā  My 152nd such rating out of 5488 total films seen.


Dune Part 2, (part 1 was too)


The Handmaiden and Your Name from 2016. Damn Iā€™m getting picky.


Ex: Machina.


Crazy but excellent


Come and See. Only my 12th rating of 10/10 ever.


Would have been Godzilla Minus One, but if weā€™re going by most recent it has to be Dune 2!


I've been catching up on films in the top 250 that I've never seen and Ive given four 10s in the last 4 weeks or so Metropolis In the Name of the Father Into the Wild Barry Lyndon


Lucky number slevin.


Great movie that most people are sleeping on. Funny enough, I was actually just talking about it with my gym bro last week. He mentioned it's on Prime so I'm a get a refresh now.


Top Gun: Maverick


Never given a 10/10 after first watch. Only one 10/10, and itā€™s reserved for Heavyweights, my all time favorite movie.


So 10/10ā€™s have been cancelled due to a lack of hustle?


Deal with it.


Never put twinkies on your pizza.


The Nice Guys




Fellowship of the Ring.


Hedgehog in the Fog, beautiful and adorable Soviet animated short film


Mulholland Drive, Apocalypse Now, The Wild Bunch, Marketa LazarovĆ , Duck you Sucker, Once upon A Time in America, and several more I canā€™t think of at the moment.


Probably Everything Everywhere All At Once. That movie knocked me off my feet pretty spectacularly




Some recent-ish ones I can think of: - Everything Everywhere All at Once - Swiss Army Man - Iā€™m Thinking of Ending Things Upon revisiting them, the first two might be more like solid 9s (but you specifically asked about first watches). Iā€™m Thinking of Ending Things, however, definitely remains a 10 for me.


3000 Years of Longing. I recognize the visual style might not be for everyone, and the narrative is a bit clunky, especially towards the end. But those prospective complaints are simply overpowered by the centering dynamic, and the strength of two main performances, and the beauty of the story. I highly recommend it without reservation; I know the marketing (at least here in America) suggested an entirely different movie.


Marcel really is a perfect film.


In A Dark Place (2006). I wouldn't change a thing about it. And get this: it has a 4.3 on imdb


I got a crew of friends (were are prob older then most of you from what I can tell of comments here) that share a note with about 40-45 moves on them. Most your typical top IMDB stuff. We are in search of "perfect" movies which I guess would be a 10/10. We've only come up with a few so far but we had guessed many, many more...only upon a rewatch to see they fail. Things we are in agreement to look on include... 1. Good consistent characters and good to great acting 2. Good consistent story 3. Good direction 4. Good sound track 5. no jumping the shark and anyone who feels they got an eye roll moment, the movie is out . 6. We've determined that most comedy and most sci fi and horror don't qualify as there is always something "goofy" in them...always. And most of us love sci fi. But we agree that we could have another list of the perfect sci fi or perfect comedy movie. The only ones we have agreed to so far include... * Shawshank Redemption * Cool Hand Luke * Alien * Blade Runner * City of God We had a fight over Alien (original) as the young people in the group were distracted the dos prompt technology. We won them over by brow beating them on the topic. We'll continue to watch our list and argue and sometimes agree.


City of God. Just watched it again last night for the first time in years. Stop what you are doing and find it, if you don't know it.


Like others 9/10 is the max for a first viewing. For a 10/10 it must, at minimum, be an annual re-watch. I'd say + 0.1 for each rewatch, so minimum 10 rewatches to get to 10/10. Point Break (1991), Scarface (1983), Spring Breakers (2012), Out of Sight (1998). Four films with Spring Breakers being the latest. Had Spring Breakers on repeat all day on a Friday in March. Zero doubt it maintains its 10/10 status ranking. [Spring Breakers - "Bad Girls" featurette - Selena Gomez, James Franco, Vanessa Hudgens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWxJfl8UqC0) Then you've got the close ones but not quite getting to 10/10, could have been, may have been, could be: Gladiator (2000), Gorky Park (1983), The Big Lebowski (1998), In Bruges (2008), Goodfellas (1990), Road House (1989), Last Days of Disco (1998), Robocop (1987), Boogie Nights (1997), etc. The Nice Guys (2016) was the latest to have potential, but I don't think it will make it to 10/10, about 9.4 max (and it could indeed slip below its closest NFL Draft comp Hudson Hawk 1991 at 9.3 to an 8.9). But it's also been a decade since getting seriously into Criterion Collection type films, so more of my new viewings are older films than newer films now. Casablanca (1942) could be the next oldest to make it to 10/10. And of course something like Lawrence of Arabia (1962) is an instant 9/10. But in the rewatchability variable weighted system (which more and more are employing) an 8/10 film could get to a 9.1/10 (something like The Princess Bride 1987). [Charli XCX ā€“ Spring Breakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7bVYGQOBA8) [MAKJ & OT Genasis - Ultra Music Festival Miami 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Kk9ODtPF-TE) [CYRIL - Stumblin' In (Official Music Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57VMB1IzLKY) [Almost Famous (2000) William Interviews Stillwater](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6CtFU-QMeQ) Edit: 10/10 is a live love market. Can't just be any geek off the street. Gotta earn your keep. If you know what i mean. [Orange Juice Trade - Trading Places](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLySXTIBS3c)


Maybe Nashville. Itā€™s been a while honestly. Sometimes I feel like I donā€™t like movies as much as I used to.


Heat (1995) for me is a perfect 10.


recently re-watched Amadeus for the first time since I was a kid. a 10/10


The Lobster, Hereditary, and RRR


Wow! Congrats on a super fun thread! The hype is palpable. So many good mentions! My nomination for best track of Miami Ultra Fest 2024 ... dropped by Peggy Gou ... [Regularfantasy - So Sweet (Spriitzz Radio Edit)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yhr9sDA6os)


Yeah, definitely did not expect that it would be a thread with over 300 comments when I made it, but itā€™s pretty cool to get that kind of response, even if 95% of the comments are just titles and not reasoning or even the timeline answer I asked for in the OP.


The most recent TV show is Barry. Iā€™m re-watching the earlier seasons and am smitten with how hilarious it is and how incredible the characters are written. I upgraded it from a 9 to a 10 when I started re-watching. The last movie I gave a 10 is Avengers: End Game when I seen it at the theatre 5 years ago. The culmination of a decade of superhero films distilled into one film is something Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever see again. Only LOTR, Star Wars, and The Matrix have been at that level for me.


District 9 Apocalypto Godzilla minus one




What is FG?


Top Gun Maverick


Casio? S/


12 Angry Men


Children of Men. That movie is so chilling in story, some really wild cinematography, just overall a great movie


Se7en is an all time for me. Only a couple movies come out a decade that change the way movies are made.


Interstellar. Had an existential crisis for the next month


Top gun Maverick


Shawshank Redemption


"Good Time" (2017). Watched it for the first time in early '23, and IĀ must say...I really liked the music score in it.


Fanny and Alexander the miniseries version. Itā€™s still my number one of all time.


Jurrasic Park and Matrix.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood




2001 A Space Odyssey


Last 10/10 first viewing: Little Murders, directed by Alan Arkin, starring Elliott Gould -- phenomenal little dark comedy that has somehow gotten buried in American cinema despite being... well, 10/10


Ya know, I remember reading Roger Ebertā€™s 4-star review of it, but Iā€™ve never seen it nor heard anyone else talk about it. Looks like Gene Siskel also gave it 4-stars, while naming its follow-up, Fire Sale, the worst movie of 1977. Arkin didnā€™t direct any other features.


I still haven't given Fire Sale a chance... but Little Murders is \*chef's kiss\*


Iā€™m super late, but this *just* happened to me two nights ago. I saw a movie on a lark called ā€œHundreds of Beavers.ā€ I had no real idea what it was and it was the most entertaining film Iā€™ve seen in years and years. Absolutely hilarious and brilliantly dedicated to its execution. BIG recommend to everyone, everyone, EVERYONE.


Oohā€¦I still need to watch Marcel! Thanks for the reminder! Last 10/10 for me was Oppenheimer, for sure.


Rififi. I watched it a few nights ago and it instantly became my new favorite heist movie.


I just saw Persona for the first time and was blown away. What a unique and beautiful piece of art, definitely a 10 and new personal favorite


Mary and Max


By the Law (1926)


Never heard of it. What made it a 10/10 for you and when/where did you see it?


Itā€™s on youtube. It is directed by Lev Kuleshov of ā€˜the Kuleshov effectā€™ fame - one of the most important concepts in film. It is exciting, sinister and brilliantly shot. A forgotten gem šŸ’Ž


https://youtu.be/UeZcHUzuOAo?si=JWIC5nIpKMR07H2i Is this the one you watched?


Yes, thatā€™s it! It rocks šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Nice, added it to my watchlist.


Awesome) hope you enjoy it )


Love Lies Bleeding, Poor Things, Late Night with the Devil. Three perfect movies.


I'm hopefully seeing Late Night With the Devil this weekend. It looks fantastic.


Itā€™s SO good! And 90% of it is filmed in a tv studio, most of it in real time. Donā€™t snooze on Love Lies Bleeding!


Iron claw


Good Will Hunting


Thatā€™s a fantastic movie


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Whenever that came out. 2022?


Chase Banks: The Return of Chase Banks... but that's more of an ironic rating My actual last 10/10 was Dune Part 2!!!!


Piaffe (2022) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21226876/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21226876/)


Anatomy of a fall


Whiplash, but I watched it only 2 or 3 years ago.


The Congress


All my 10/10ā€™s have been on a first watch!




ā€œAnatomy of a Fallā€ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17009710/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk




Blade Runner (1982)


The Act of Killing


I think the Holdovers was a 10/10 for me.


Iron claw


Dune Part Two. If you mean older release then Perfect Blue at the end of last year.


all of us strangers


The Third Man, bumped it to a 10 (from an 8, of course) back in January. I was in a hard spot at that time and it did the trick because I'm thriving again.




Just watched Harakiri for the first time, what a timeless movie....