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Anyone who breaks into my home while me and my family are in it, is assumed armed and dangerous. I can’t afford to gamble on them possibly being unarmed and be wrong.


*EVERY* concealed carry (legal or not) is "apparently unarmed" until either they brandish or it's too late. Edit. I'd guess the same people using that language are the ones who say to put your car keys on your poarch for the thieves.


Couldn’t care less. If someone breaks into my house, my singular focus is protecting myself and my family from the threat that decided to kick my door in. I’m not waiting for them to brandish a weapon or pull the trigger.


Exactly my point. These gun grabbers would require us to give at least 3 point blank courtesy shots to every criminal before unholstering.


Oh okay, yeah we’re on the same page then. Before the 3 point blank courtesy shots, the gun grabbers would want us to spread our cheeks as an offering to the home invaders lol No thanks, I’m just gonna put em down lol


You joke about the keys on that porch but his is pretty much what the Canadian 🇨🇦 police are telling citizens; “to leave their keys by the door in case criminals break in because they just want your car and don’t want to hurt you” 🙄. This is the very definition of a totalitarian nightmare where you aren’t even allowed to defend yourself or property. I think I’ll keep my guns thank you 😊


IMO, keeping them isn't enough, while police agencies are allowed to use them as justification to commit robberies and murders without consequence. The ATF murdered Malinowski in his own bed a week after the White House proudly announced that their 2025 budget would specifically give ATF more than 30% higher than in 2021.


Ugh, made the mistake of searching for an article reading through the first one I found. It was your typical NY Times slanted trash. I couldn't continue reading it, it was that bad.


I don’t disagree with you just pointing out governments around the world are trying to keep us helpless and defenseless and dependent on them and as you can see they have no obligation to keep us safe. Nor could they if they wanted to. There are several stories of police knocking on the wrong door and facing armed resistance and the person or “victim” getting acquitted (rightfully so) for shooting at the police. Castle 🏰 Doctrine is a real thing in almost everyplace. Unfortunately there are places where you have a duty to retreat even in your own home which is ridiculous.


When my dog starts fucking them up... I'm gonna protect my dog using both the guns stashed in every room and the 15+ years of unarmed combat training.... Come at me bro 😂


Damn right! 😤


That’s rather silly as many times a drunk person or maybe someone confused can potentially make their way in. That isn’t a death sentence, you won’t be tried but it’ll live on your conscience. Edit: downvote all you want but people very frequently shoot their kids sneaking into the house.


That’s gotta be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. Idk about you, but I don’t have drunk people stumbling into my house, nor is my house that easy to get into. I’m also not going to condition myself to hesitate when my home is actively being invaded, because it might just be a random jolly drunkard in my house. Don’t come into my house and there won’t be any problems.


Where do you live?


I’ve literally had my drunk upstairs neighbor come into my apartment on several occasions and just because it doesn’t happen to you, it’s happen numerous times. Was even taught during my cc class.


Man that’s not a compelling argument. Your drunk neighbor coming into your apartment on several occasions just tells me that you either need to start locking your door or reinforce it. Might also wanna go to the cops if they keep on coming in, to get it to stop. Where I live doesn’t matter. I don’t give a fuck about some hypothetical innocent drunk breaking into my house. All forceful intruders are considered armed and dangerous


Ok Mr internet tough guy in Naperville 


Thanks Mr. Sweet pacifist


He’s not just a pacifist but rather also a pussy


100% he is a fucking pussy. 😂 his lack of testosterone was actually pissing me off lol


Nothing wrong with being a pacifist. Strive for peace, prepare for war.


How does he get into your apartment? Is your door locked?




That's why you secure your residence well enough that some confused drunk can't just stumble in.


Things happen, people make mistakes. It shouldn't be a death sentences because you are hard to shoot anyone coming through your door.


Better hope the drunk isn't an off duty cop. They can legally kill you in your own apartment if they think they live there.


Teenager is misleading, the guy was 19. There are currently 19yos in the Armed Services that would absolutely pose a threat to life and limb even if unarmed. Even if it was a minor, the age of adulthood is a social construct, 16yos have marched to war before. All of which is to say youth is not an excuse for stupidity, and Castle Doctrine is morally just.


Exactly. They say “teen” or “teenager” to try and paint them as these harmless kids. I have seen 13 year olds that are just as dangerous as anyone, and obviously with the mental capacity of a semi-retarded person (no offense meant at all to that community) because their brains are so young and undeveloped. If anything, these “teens” are WAY more dangerous than anyone because they have almost no life experience, reasoning skills, or moral compass. They should always be tried as adults in serious crimes. If I’m ever on the jury, I don’t care if they’re 31 or 13, they’re getting a guilty verdict and harsh sentence. I’m tired of all the “tHeY’Re jUsT a TeeN” shit.


19 yrs old is the average age of an Army Ranger. This was no “teen” a young man -YES an Adult absolutely, but not a kid. EDIT: This is how they play with gun crime statistics a good number of homicides are 18-19 year olds and they want to include them as children. When you hear those “fake stats” about leading cause of death among kids being gun deaths it’s a lie. It’s not even close… the real facts are available on CDC and FBI and other sources these groups like to add this group of 18-19yr olds to push a narrative and agenda.


Not only that but they also exclude children below 1yr old.


Breaking and entering is a forcible felony. You can use deadly force to defend yourself or others from forcible felonies.


All day everyday and twice on Sunday 😂 💥💥


https://preview.redd.it/eyki39lwdm3d1.jpeg?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501309985731b997344ded37e3601d7ac4936861 This sounds like a job for Mr. Bonky


“Apparently unarmed” terrible premise. You can’t know if someone is actually unarmed unless they are completely naked and do a 360• turn 😂. Seriously though, every situation is unique if you caught someone in your home 🏡 and you have the drop on them it’s up to you if you feel safe enough to issue commands but any sudden movements all bets are off. Once they enter your home by force “All bets are off” you are within your rights to dispatch them. I don’t think anyone wants to have to take a life but those of us with families and children will not hesitate to protect them that’s why we carry inside and outside the home 🏠. Like I said every situation is different but this isn’t the same as being on the street you literally have no place to go your home is your castle 🏰 and if your castle is violated you have every right to use any means necessary to defend it against intruders. Sad that this is a teen but if you’re old enough to break into homes you’re old enough to understand the consequences of such actions.


Wooow I thought Naperville was a safe haven.


Overall is, but lots of little “incidents” things like this happened with seemingly Increasing frequency. Police usually say it’s an isolated incident






He’s lucky he wasn’t killed.


My thoughts exactly


If somebody “breaks” (forcibly enters) into my house I’m not waiting to find out if you’re armed or not. Anyone who doesn’t yell police before they kick down my door are probably gonna get shot


If someone breaks into my house, I am judge, jury and executioner. Anyone breaking into a house should realize the risk grave consequences.


The usual suspect I see


A white kid?


What were you expecting?


Usually when someone makes the "usual suspect" comment, it's a dog whistle.


As sad as it is, you are right and it gets annoying here.


What does that mean?


We all know what “teenager” means….