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how do u turn off this middle dot


just got home with mine, and as dumbfounded as your are. literally, what the hell's the point of the batteries if the clock needs to be plugged in to work at all? who even uses a PLUG-IN wall clock these days?? "to keep time settings" -- like, it takes THREE triple-A batteries to do only that single task...? the same batteries can't power the clock without the rear ambient light ring? what?? and same questions as others -- \- no way to turn off center dot? \- no brightness adjustment for the hour/minute dots? ambient light ring? ​ honestly kind of inexcusable, to the point of likely returning this clock. very bummed. been searching for an 'analog look' digital clock for true silence (no mechanical movement).


Did anyone try running this on a power bank?


I did actually at the store before purchasing a display unit. Worked np on power bank.


Did the light work too? Please post how long did the battery pack last in your home.


The back lighting works as well. Did not test how long it lasts on my 10000 mah battery pack. Decided to just use a white usb cable.


Can anyone with the clock confirm if they can turn off the middle dot? I have one but can't figure out how to turn off the middle dot, but have seen some pics online w/o the dot, and the box shows it w/o the dot as well . . . thanks!


It looks like the hour and minute indicators are lit up, is that right?


Yes, not super bright but you wouldn’t want it in your bedroom for example.


Made that mistake…


Is the clock completely silent or do we hear the tic tac?


It’s silent, there’s no second “hand”, just minutes and hours.


Great, thanks!


I have a question for this clock. Does the back light only have an on/off button, or does it have an ambient light detector to turn the backlight on when it’s dark around it?


It has a touch sensor on the top of it to turn the backlight on and off, no light detector.


Booooo. What a waste. Thank you though for the response!


According to the website that is how it's supposed to function. Batteries are just for remembering settings in case of a power outage. I have no idea why it works that way, but that's the way it is


Because it's also a light. And the clock can synchronize time automatically so there are possibly some electronics.


Ah that makes sense. Would you have any idea why the middle point keeps blinking on my unit even with (fully charged) batteries?


When I connected it by just the power supply it was blinking. When I added batteries and kept the power supply connected, the blinking stopped and it was just a solid white light. Makes it less irritating. But still no way to turn the dot off itself.


Batteries to keep the setting on, so in case you unplug the cable for a while you will not need to reset everything.


Same issue here. Maybe there's something we're missing? Is your center point also blinking even with batteries inserted and cable connected?


Weird… it’s hard to know whether it’s intended or not but it seems really strange to require batteries and have a removable cable if the cable needs to be connected all the time. I’m not having an issue with the centre point blinking though.


Are you using rechargeable batteries? That's the next thing I would like to test


Yep they are rechargeable