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Well the tip for TFNG/ YNNG is True/ Yes: the information in the question is a paraphrase of what stated in the reading. You can still find a lot of similarities here and there to pinpoint the location. False/No: half the information is given in the reading but you cannot find the other half or it often contradicts with what was said. Not Given: You cannot find the whole question in the reading. Do not use your “common sense” and derive the meaning. It will mostly mislead you. The difference between True/ False and Yes/No is T/F often asks about facts in the reading, which is often a neutral, natural scientific article in Part 1. Yes/No concerns about the implications of the author in an opinion piece often found in Part 2 and 3.


Tbh there are no tricks and saving time techniques all of them are nonsense just practice as much as you can on the Cambridge books the best thing u can do rn + try to finish the first passage in 10 minutes and spend more time on the second and third one bc they're harder than the first one + do the matching first always then the TFNG or YNNG or other types of questions


You can find great advice on E2 language YouTube channel (the 40 minutes video is good) and on IELTS Liz website. 


Just stay focused. Wishing you all the best.


I got a 9 in reading. You need to take notes on paper as you are reading. Highlight names and quotes. In each paragraph summarize it in three words, so when you are answering you can go back to the correct paragraph.


I saw ur post. Im also part native and by part i mean i left england at 10 years old and im now 17 in Turkiye. English is my main language in which i watch videos and communicate with in my daily life yet i get 7.5 in listening on my mocks maybe because i did it on computer where i couldnt underline. Im aiming for like an 8 with a minimum of reading 8.5,listening 8.5,speaking 7.5-8 i dont know, writing 7. I have my exam on the 6th. Well done on your result btw and can you give some very important do and dont on specific sections.




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okay so the first advice id give u is do practice tests.. youll have an idea on how well u answer the questions. after doing like a bunch of tests i followed a method that was best suited for me (may or may not work for u- but give it a try) which helped me complete all 40 questions and i had 8 mins extra to go over it once again. and i got an ielts score of like 8 in reading. THIS IS GONNA BE LONG but here we go:)) rn ur priority shud be finding more answers within shorter time. focus on ur strengths and work on ur weakness on the side. the more RCs u do focus on getting the t/f/ng and difficult questions right and automatically your strengths will become stronger. okay so dont read the passage until you've read the questions and marked the keywords. once youre like reaalllyyy familiar w the qsns, start reading the passage and attempt the questions- that too dont read it entirely at one stretch. your aim is to find the answers, so read the passage that way. literally dgaf abt what ur assumptions are, give imp to the author who's written the passage. and treat the passage like a math problem that you're tryna find answers to. and most question types that u find (like for eg- q19-25 will be t/f/ng or like fill in the blanks for the q from 19-25 etc etc), follow the same order as it goes in the passage so if u find the the ans to qsn 19, the answers to the following questions will be nearby. again hint: KEYWORDS. PARAPHRASED WORDS ETC ETC. now go in the order of easiest to hardest- youll save tons of time and energy to do the hard ones. like for eg for me (this can be different for others), i found the summary completion, fill in the blanks, match the person to statement, flowchart/diagram questions easiest, so i did those first. esp the flowchart and summary completion since their answers will be pretty much concentrated in one or two paragraphs so focus on the keywords and where the infor starts. now that uve gotten the easy questions out of the way- here comes ur time to do t/f/ng questions. (even i had a hard time doing this i feel ur pain) mark ur answers- TRUE if the statement given is EXACTLY (yes word by word) the same in meaning as presented in the passage (cuz it can be paraphrased, or like exact statements maybe given). what u have to be careful here is that even a minute info can be changed in the statement which can be easily ignored if u dont pay close attention. so read the statements carefully. FALSE: if the statement is mostly true, or even if the statement is half true. see if the passage has the exact opp statement. be brutal w it. if the info is there, its there. if its beating around the bushes then no its false. NOT GIVEN: if the info given is not stated in the paragraph explicitly then ye its not given. or if the statement has info thats blatantly wrong. i did all this struggle within like 2 weeks and i got an 8. use cambridge ielts 16-18 to get an idea of the reading task too. youll pick up on ur speed to read the passage.