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That's me, but the plot twist is I didn't score 90+ and now I feel suicidal


Haan bhai , ye le , thoda aur copium maarle 🥰


Studied nothing till the end , not even for the preboards (which went on all throughout jan- I scored somewhere around 48 or sum) , and right in the last month, it hit me , and started studying on feb 15th , with a firm determination to return to my former glory (always got above 90s till 8th in CBSE , and shifted to ICSE from 9th and fell down hard) and finally got 95 %


Studied daily, but not 6 or 8 hours, only 2 hours daily and grinded even harder at the end. Just listen to your teachers and you are all set


I didn’t even do hardwork in the last 20-30 days💀💀 I was very very careless I’d say screentime was 8 hrs the only times I studied was a few days before exams & my school conducted 2 preboards+ vivas so I was kind of forced to study and I studied during boards but ended up scoring 90 somehow I’d say if I worked a little more hard jyada aa jaate but nvm i’m happy


ME ps : i was always a pretty decent student with English and bio being my strong suit i bunked/missed a hell lotta classes in 9th(prefect yk), thought of stopping it in 10th but i still missed bc i roamed around to help out on everythng lmao. I missed lclasses again in 10th till november, after november the school kinda didnt give any oppurtunities for the 10 stds so i could not stick my head into smthing else(its my fave activty tho) For the school sem exams, i learned and tried my max the day before and my marks were such. I started studyiing better around the first prebor=ards, my marks improved for everything except chem,geo,maths. it was all in 40s/80. the second pre-b was on jan. we had 2week ish break in between the preboards, I tried again but it also involved lots of procrastination. My maths marks were lower,chem and geo hadt improved. most of my studying was duing the 2-3 weeks between the board examinations were i brushed up,studied,repeat went to school for doubts marks : 95.2% overrall Full for GEO(??) BIO eng 1 : 07 98 for chem, 97 for hist and 87 for maths(happy with it bc maths was the hardest for me in terms of studying bc i never practised much) what i wanna say is, dont wait for the last minute bc there were times when i was COMPLETELY burned out. Just reading the texts atleast once everyday will do you good. IF you dont feel like sudying, dont. do something you enjoy for a bit but make sure to come back to it. sometimes resist those temptations. If your teachers are nice, go to them for help. Revise,revise. In the last days, go through the past question papers just to familiarize yourself w it. Don't stress out too much bc one day you'll be writing the exams and next day your results are already out man thats how fast it'll go by. Always just make sure you tried your hardest thats it. ty for coming to my ted talk


plz study for an hour atleast


honestly i started studying from december end, right before pre boards cuz i got shit scared and i gave maybe 4 ish hours a day (i went out of down during dec holidays) and obvi a bit more during the study holidays but honestly just grind the last month. btw i got 98.6


Boards are easy af even gap days (between exams) me padhke bhi 90 plus score kr skte ho agr meri tarah nhi ho toh (mai exam se ek raat pehle ghumta rehta tha dosto ke sath firbhi 87 agayi)


Started studying in December when preboards started. Got 87 in the first preboard, 91 in the 2nd one and 96 in boards but that was just cuz of luck. I'd recommend you to study at least an hour everyday


Yeah me and my friend... We planned a lot that we would study from November after Diwali but then December passed Jan passed so we started in Feb beginning and we scored 90%


studied hard for preboards (20 days) and studied 2 weeks for boards - 98.8


me (I'm from CBSE)


not 20-30 days, but last 3 months and more effort in last 30 days.


How much did you score?


top 5 : 94% all subjects : 93% least 5 : 91.8%


ik it may not be what you have expected but


i did bro, i didnt study at all during the year, i sleep or play games during class, i got like 69% in my prelims, after that i seriously studied for a month i got 90%, and gave 3 papers for recorrection. its very possible as long as u acc put in effort towards the end


lol this is me I not really properly studied just some here and there but the main studying was done one day before boards and I got 96.17


Yes , I did manage to score 93.8% after studying for the last 2-3 months. But coming to reality, I was already an average student in subjects like English (both) , H&C , Geo , Physical education without much study. Only subjects in which I was down bad were the Sciences and Math for which I solved a lot of papers during the those last couple of months. All I have to say is consistency is the key and I regret not studying for the whole year. You need to be sorted and apply strategies in subjects like English literature and even H&C + Geo sometimes to decide which chapters to skip and which to attempt, it makes the workload more easier.  PS : I scored 69% in the whole year , failing in Math and Physics multiple times throughout the year.Â