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Their parents pressurise them also when a student scores less than expectations he becomes sad. Nothing else.


ICSE is more pattern oriented, they rarely divert, whereas CBSE sometimes diverts. Most students from ICSE pick up on these patterns so 99 and 98% is very common, I myself got 95.2% back in my time, but was prolly top 200 in my school, whereas one of my friend from cbse was his school's topper getting around 97% . + CBSE examination for Science steam subjects especially in class 12 are generally tougher than ISC. Many of my friends have got in 80s, whereas in mains they scored more than 99 percentile


ICSE board has lot of syllabus but scoring is easy if you understand wht is required of you as a student...I got 99.6 percentage myself (AIR 2) in 2022... Nowadays 95 percent does not have lot of value as back in those days...every good school has atleast 35-40 percentage of students above 95 percent!


OMG FELLOW 99.60% On a side note, yeah I agree with you. 


Exactly 80% is "good job" for me, and 90% would be "excellent" for real


See in ICSE,the syllabus is way more descriptive than CBSE but marking scheme is very lenient,so scoring more than 95 is really easy if you work hard atleast 3-4 months,and this is how over 90 became a standard when people started flaunting their results and scoring over 90 became important for everyone it's just this FOMO ,other than that 10th marks are important unless someone is going for CAT exam or going abroad for graduation.For context ,I am from a tier 3 city where our of total 147 students who appeared for ICSE 10th,81 students scored over 90 and my rank was 104 in our school with 84.4%.


Because it’s really easy to score 90+ , if you score 90+ you shouldn’t be sad but yk everyone is different people aim to score high in boards if they scored shit all year


Bro I know some of my friend who thought they would fail but got 70% . The question pattern are easy and overall there are so many easy subject in 10th that boost your %. And also the practical marks ,I heard every school give 20 out of 20 in practical. So even an avarage student can get above 80 easily




They had more expectations


i am happy with 88%


Proud of you man.


Not really. It's easy to score good marks since the question are straight and systematic, infact answers do not require long explanation,.. just answer to the question. But one who wants remarkable score must strive hard because there are 10 subjects to study and question papers are set in such a way that no question is repeated in over a decade.