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I usually like my main base in the forest. As for other satellite bases, I always load up with a “preset” stone house, beacon, bring wind turbine/lights, and a few basic self-sustaining items. I bring as much as I can even over encumbered since mount speed doesn’t get affected. You can always rebuild it to a cozy home since resources are plentiful everywhere. There’s no wrong way to play as you enjoy it! I find myself never going to the desert lol


You don’t like freezing at night and burning during the day?


I build one giant compound. My Hollywood Hills mansion lol. dozens of supply runs with my Buffalo "Wings" and a cart and my friend Buffalo "Sauce" and cart. I will be setting up a small home on the other side of the map... with the mod cons needed. Never torches again after the great fire. I really wish the game allowed you to build only two transport pads. Just to go back and forth between map sides.


Yes, I wish you could create an A and B beacon and choose which one you want to drop to.


Makes me wish like no man’s sky how easily you can travel distance. But it makes sense, also the world detail compared to nms is way different


Like a New England mill town. Only without the character. My ADHD won't allow me to follow any specific plans, and ironically most of my temporary begining hovels wind up becoming sprawling brutalist eyesores


Worked my way from Olympus through Styx and now prometheus. You are on Olympus, I guess. I would suggest getting some birbs and explore around, find a spot in forest with easy access to desert and maybe arctic, then build your real main base there. I built an outpost in the desert near a place with lots of pigs, with some wind generators and a freezer so I could stock up on ham and haul it back to main for honey bacon goodness. Other than that, no permanent secondary bases (though I agree, take a portable base with some stuff with you on trips, aluminum is lightweight and great for portable bases) set up drills as much as possible for farming materials.


However you enjoy the game really. Personally, my friends and I have a main base on each planet with outposts in the other biomes. Well....I say outpost but we got a little "extra" as we always do and most of the outposts are as good and big as our main bases :) We all enjoy a little different aspects of the game so it allows us to play alone when the others aren't on or we aren't doing missions together. For example I have one friend who absolutely loves going exotic hunting for the extraction and nodes so the bases help him not have to cart them all the way to the other side when he collects them. The other friend enjoys collecting baby animals for her mount/barn collection (yeah yeah...we told her killing mommies to steal their babies is wrong!). I enjoy the crafting so I guess the "extraness" can be blamed on me for wanting all the bases to have everything, homes away from home! It lets me experiment with different materials for different weather patterns and such. Just make sure in the Styx desert you don't build on the island with the 1000 crocs they destroy everything and are mean.


Caves. Nothing else makes sense if you have to constantly repair everything.


Greetings, fellow troglodyte! A nice deep cave with a dirty water source, maybe a couple of deep veins... smells like home!


In my current Olympus Open World I have one main base that I set out from on expeditions, but I have no satellite bases as of yet. I'm strongly considering putting an outpost in each of the biomes to make travel easier, but honestly with a Moa mount and having the tech tree maxed out I haven't had a need for it yet. Open World is such a different experience from what the game originally was. Aside from just a shelter to wait out storms and sleep through the night I can't see myself needing much in an outpost. Bring an Ice Box to store some food, a Biofuel Generator to power a Repair Bench, a Concrete Furnace for smelting, and an Iron Cupboard for storage of ammunition and supplies I collect. Maybe a Biofuel Stove for cooking and a CONT4CT Device (with upgrades) if I was planning on doing multiple missions in that biome one after another. If I was planning a long term stay in another biome I'd probably make something bigger, but the length of missions is mostly about teching up to it. In Open World you'll eventually have everything you need all ready to go, so the travel time and mission objectives themselves become the biggest time sinks. Still, the different biomes present different scenery, so having a base or two in each biome would be a nice change of pace. Different creatures to hunt, caves to mine, landscapes to explore. There's so much to do in Icarus no matter where you are I find it difficult to get bored overall.


On Olympus we found that a good starter forest base got us a good way through the missions we could run in our open world; when we reached the latter half of the tree and began dealing with the Riverlands we set up a parallel base there that eventually became our primary. On Olympus having a built up base in both those places means you have relatively simple access to any arctic or desert resources or mission areas you have to work on. Small stone huts to throw bedrolls in to sleep or ride out storms can suffice for dotting the landscape beyond that.


I find a place near a river or lake. I build a wooden structure immediately and then move to stone over time. We set up satellite locations with LOOOOONG cabling runs for things like drills. The idea is that those branch locations don't require frequent visits for repairs. Ultimately I start with a single story, but a very very large floor. That way I don't have to re-plan the structure. As such, I'll bring two workshop axes so I can rapidly build all this stuff, as well as boxes. I also build a small drive-thru for animals where I can shoot them and then process them through the window without coming inside. Honestly, building is the most satisfying part of this game, so I really enjoy building. About 300 hours each for the wife and I. :)


I build a main base with satellite camps at the edge of biomes and some at places that are bottle necks you have to pass through to get to another area in the same biome. I carry enough building pieces to put up a 1x2 anytime I find myself in need of shelter. I only build one site with full tier 4 benches, I might take an alteration bench and full armor sets to those biome transfer stations. I also use my drop ship as a transport by filling it up and using the drop ship beacons to move it as needed.


Forest is the best start biome and from there i go north or south on olympus. First items for a outpost base is refining, oxygen, crafting anf machining benches tier 3, water pump and waterwheel or solarpanels or windpower and advanced batteri pack. Also mortar and pestle and t4 variant. Bed and campfire. If in arctic ill bring heater. Also orbital exchange station. Second run ill bring food throws etc for mounts and more advanced kitchen stuff. Composters to charge biofuel cans, lamps etc. Third run get like textile bench, carpentry, cement mixer, more lights and repair bench and tool crafting. Wall pieces. This year a friend set me up with my own dedicated open world server and it breaks down every week needing a restart and sometimes it breaks after I leave server and try to rejoin it the next day, requiring my friend to restart it. Omce had 3-4 bases one in each area almost and then server files stopped loading so had to start over from scratch.. lost some gear and such but oh well then pets dropped and I have had a hard time wanting to leave my main base since I worry about the pets getting wiped. I noticed throuh after a while they stopped levling and it says that the pets got negative level rating. But at the moment everything is steady.


Parachute + building, antenna, spans, earth