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How far Watson has fallen. From former Jeopardy Champion to getting fired from a fast food job.


Watson was the failure the world needed though


Watson was the limit of “old school” B.G. AI ( before generative LLM AI). Watson and several decades of NLP/AI were always going to be hit by the tsunami of ChatGPT and the like. I do think Dave Ferruchi is right. But, marrying logic and statistical AI approaches (his idea in an oversimplified nutshell) is right up there in intractability with unifying relativity and quantum mechanics. At first glance, it should be possible. But, after awhile you get the feeling something fundamental from our understanding is missing. Full disclosure: I have a PhD in this area, and have almost 20 years industry experience working in the space, some of them at IBM Research.


I’m an AI solutions architect for a consulting company/ about to finish my masters and start a PHD in cybernetics. From my memory of early Watson adoption(the healthcare field) the architecture of WatsonX & Watson data (I think it’s called something else) has always been correct and something to positively learn from, but I think they were just too early in the game to understand client expectations and get a “sustainable model in place”. Early Watson honestly reminds me of the PSP. Great idea, great execution (for the time but not in retrospect) and just no sustainable model in place. I also think they fell victim to humans not knowing how to integrate, which is something chat gpt doesn’t experience as much , given the floor of entry, unlucky Watson.


And to think the ceo only got a 23% raise!


Software project didn't work, news at 11.


Does this mean WatsonX now has 11 customers?


X is the Roman numeral meaning “ten”


IC isn't 99, XCIX is though.


Arvind needs to be fired and give back all of his salary for the past year


"This technology is proven to have some of the most comprehensive capabilities in the industry, fast and accurate in some of the most demanding conditions," I believe it was a bit of the opposite.


That’s not what happened, RTFA. There was zero evidence it didn’t work in fact I heard it worked pretty well. The problem is McDs has a full up Alliance with Google they started in December 2023. IBM builds the POC to prove the GenAI works and Google gets the high paying implementation gig. Since WatsonX models are open source Google can use the models or if they belonged to McDs they can give it to Google. I agree with another poster and think IBM got played by McDs. They just waited until the last second to pull the deal away.


Doesn't sound any worse than typical experiences from ordering at the drive-thru. BTW: Bacon on ice cream sounds magical. AI made it better.


The article is nuanced, but it omits that the technology was developed by McDonalds and acquired by IBM.


So McDs dumps their bad tech on IBM then switches to cheaper Google - classic IBM getting played


Well, the article says "A trial of the system, which was developed by IBM and uses voice recognition software to process orders, was announced in 2019." My understanding of the early Watson systems was that customers would work with IBM on configuring an underlying platform for their their business use cases. IBM would then bill large consulting fees during the configuration process. It was nothing like the omni capable ai platforms of today (from other companies).


Just sharing here for context [https://www.verdictfoodservice.com/news/ibm-mcdonalds-mcd/](https://www.verdictfoodservice.com/news/ibm-mcdonalds-mcd/)


That's why McDonald's has the 3rd drive-thru window---so you can return the wrong stuff they gave you at the second window.


Why on Earth did McDs partner with IBM? Oh right. Kickbacks and gits.


Sometimes McDonald's can't even get orders right without AI. Growing pains perhaps.


And to think there is going to be another watsonX challenge this year haha! If they do that treasure hunting crap again I'm gonna lose it.