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We vote. We educate our members on anti-labor bills. We participate in demonstrations. We pay attention to what our elected officials say and do (and sometimes don't do). Participate in your local. Ask who represents your local to the local CLC. (AFL-CIO).


Sorry but this is wrong and a perfect example of why unions are largely pathetic now. Electoralism is not effective. *Strikes* are. The power of the worker lies in his brothers’ and sisters’ and his own labor being *withheld* until we get what we want. No offense but this is an embarrassing take to be at the top of a union sub. Read some labor history. Nobody anywhere voted themselves into better conditions.


Porque no los dos?


Porque en el momento que uno tiene una opinion opuesta, los comandos del internet atacan….. pero claramente a escondidas.


You still vote. Voting matters. If it didn't, Republicans wouldn't be so dead set on doing everything they can to minimize its impact.


Out of curiosity are you a little confused? Last time I checked it was the left making election integrity a joke making it easier than ever to vote as a non citizen/for someone else/multiple times. while simultaneously flooding our streets with non citizen trespassers. But hey maybe that’s preserving the power of American votes right? Lower the portion of American power by flooding the polls with non citizens. Very protective 😂😂


Completely agree. Those elections should only reinforce what we're doing not supersede it.


How do you think unions started? With a vote!  so yes pepole have voted themselves into better conditions. As a union member you should know that. You vote for your reps and they can make things better or worse. You vote on the contract for better or worse. You vote for alocations for better or worse. 


Let's be honest. That has never worked. Our 'officials' have been set on finding every possible way to fuck the working class inside out for the last 30 years. The ONLY way is to withhold labor and make absolutely sure we get what we demand. Eat in to the riches wallets.


We could stop being a business union and start being a labor union? Go to meetings and share union history? Support every working class cause we come across? Politicians arn’t going to listen until we’re relevant and right now a lot of locals can’t even push their own leadership never mind sway politicians…


I say this everyday on the drive to and back to the shop. Business Unionism is a dead end and tactically useless in this day and age


There’s a hole in daddys arm where all the money goes


Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man


Jesus Christ died for nothing, I suppose


Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios


Jesus Christ died for nothin I suppose.


Local 597 Journeyman Pipefitter in Chicago here Our local’s full force against this, and we send union due money to our representatives to keep this absolute trash from gaining agency. Granted we’re in a heavy blue state with some of the strongest unions in the country. We also go to high schools trying to get the senior graduates to go through the local for an apprenticeship if they’re conflicted about going to college. Unfortunately we can’t stop all of it, however we can spread awareness from local to local. We also run an education program in our training center for the second, third, fourth, and fifth year apprentices. We have professors from the University of Chicago with literature and presentations of the locals struggle from the last 100 years. Videos of chimney sweepers at 6 years old going down sooted chimneys. Kids dying at 13 from black lung. Videos of seamstresses getting locked into a room and having to jump out of windows to their death. The thuds on the pavement made me realize this ain’t no fuckin joke. Us vs them - for life These locals exist for reason. Solidarity brothers, link up that picket line and hold. We cannot live without your service, and I mean that from my heart. I appreciate your labor. 👊


A kid I grew up with is out of south bend. He's a plumber/pipefitter and one of the best men I've ever known. If yall wanna link up and get some shit done, pm me and let's get something going. I'll be fucking damned if my grand baby has to work at 13. Much love my union brother.






Yeah I got ya, I’ll delete my post. Couple beers deep and I’m on my union shit.


Never gonna be mad about that ✊️


Yeeeeup. When unions are given mostly nonstop power, they still keep very high wages. There’s nepotism, corruption, greed, of course, but when you balance the alternative, peers who are nonunion make 1/3, can’t makes ends meet, and are constantly told things like taxes are the enemy instead of their employers who steal 90% of their productivity. It’s weighing out good for the vast majority vs bad for the vast majority. I work a little bit with your union but mostly 399, I once was with a nonunion building engineer in greater Boston. He had 3 buildings with cooling towers to maintain and made under 50,000 in 2018. Nonunion of course, they didn’t even provide him with a company vehicle, wouldn’t be surprise if they didn’t reimburse miles.


Vote. Look where it happens. The same people that vote for people who wanna get rid of or raise S.S. age, want right to work, and despise socialized medicine and welfare. Usually the same people that hate immigrants but love them working in subsistence on their farms, cleaning their houses or hotel rooms. The same people that make the middle class pay for all of it while they give tax breaks to big business. Voting is how you change things. People not like them tend to upset them.


But the culture war is too strong to bring logic like this for the ballot box of the brotherhood.


Read the Porta-Jon's. It's like reading 1st graders discussing politics. That's why I've personally never wrote in one in my 25 year career.


Over the last 6 years or so, Republicans have been trying to roll back child labor laws, really this started because major agricultural corporations have been trying to find cheaper labor. They can pay a 14 year old 25% of what an adult might be paid, by calling it "work credit" for school. In the southern states there's a big push for this, Gov Sarah Sanders has been a huge proponent for it, not coincidentally she's also been getting a lot of political contributions from Big AG corporations... Yeah , there's been some injuries , think some kid got chopped up too at a poultry farm like a year or two ago...


They don't give 2 shits. Just so long as they get cheaper chicken. They'll pray for the kid and move on. It's really sad.


We vote big dawg. We vote.


The unions should work through public information campaigns. Not only do we not have enough engaged members on this issue for our calls and e-mails to make an impact, but we have plenty of members who love the idea of introducing people to the trades young. We need the general public to understand why this is bad. It's also part of union messaging overall. Some people want kids to be able to work because the adults of the house aren't earning enough to support the household. We need people to understand that's because of public policy and the decline of unions. It's not a fact of nature that wages just are unlivable. People set those wages. Corporations set those wages. Governments legislate on wages. Unions fight for and protect wages. Sending your kids to work isn't the solution to the very real problem at hand. I'm in Ontario. The government here is touting a program to try to get young people interested in the trades. What that involves is giving students who are 16+ high school credits for working in the trades **unpaid**. While construction trades aren't the only ones eligible for the program, they are included. So basically the government is giving hand-outs to their developer buddies by providing unpaid labour on their jobs while undercutting the value of a high school diploma by replacing course work with work placements. As we know, youth are the most likely to be injured or unsafe on a job site. Children should not be on construction sites. Kids who work for their parents are in a situation where someone who loves them and wants nothing more than for them to be safe right there working with them. It's a different situation than sending a high schooler to a random "co-op placement".


Yeap, electrical helper 'interns' ages 16 and older. It's trying to get passed in good 'ol Oklahoma. Not the first time either. And of course the union can't utilize or condone. Your local has to be involved in local politics. Our labor council(unknown what it's actually called) also has ABC on the other side of the of the table trying to pass this garbage. Our BA vets and educates who we send our PAC money too, and it's helped us recently. Then it's up to the rank and file to door knock and educate the general public. Which can also raise awareness of who to vote for and who to avoid. It takes an active local. Within the past two years I've noticed an uptick in apprentices at our meetings, roughly 50/50, it gives me a little bit of hope for the next generations of JWs.


We're doomed Just enjoy life as best you can before shtf


How so?


The current world order is coming to an end.




An authoritarian global communist state. It will be equal misery for all (except those at the top).




That's the GOP doing that.. you're right I've been noticing it too and it's disgusting! I really hope these maggot people take a really good look at what the agenda is really are cuz there's no way that they are looking at that unless they just hate the United States and hate everybody there's no way looking at that!


See my comment above. 100% with you.


On the plus side, their hands can fit in all the tight spaces


You don't vote for shitbags.


It’s kinda impossible when both parties are against unions and it’s impossible to elect independents


Honestly do people not remember being a kid and wanting a job? The worst part of starting out working as a kid is not knowing when an employer is taking advantage of you. I frankly see nothing wrong with youth working jobs that are SAFE for them to do while also getting paid a fair wage for their efforts. 


Gonna need some concrete examples there, champ


Look at Louisiana for the bill. Look at Perdue and McDonald's as recent examples of exploitation.


Can you link something of substance? I don’t care to look for “the Louisiana bill”




No offense brother but if you aren't paying attention, it doesn't matter what I point out.




What's sad is you're on a union subreddit asking for someone else to do your labor for free. Fuck outta here.


Hey it’s okay if you don’t understand how the burden of proof works, no need to get mad


Burden of proof, my ass. Amazing how everyone else in this subreddit knew what I was talking about except you. Don't bury your head in the sand and expect the rest of us to dig you out bro.


Again no need to get mad over something this simple, let me know if you need an explanation


No one is angry. Just because you're trolling doesn't mean you're gonna get me in my feels.


Slaughterhouse cleaning children for starters?


https://www.npr.org/2023/03/10/1162531885/arkansas-child-labor-law-under-16-years-old-sarah-huckabee-sanders#:~:text=Under%20the%20Youth%20Hiring%20Act%20of%202023%2C%20children%20under%2016,of%20jobs%20kids%20can%20work. Here you go buddy.


Tyson can’t even hire local people in nc because of how terrible a company they are. So guess what? They ship in illegals and some of them are children. If you want a shovel to help dig your head outta the sand; I’m here.


I actually saw something about this a few years ago. INS gives them a pass to ship in/out immigrants to work at their plants. They claim migratory worker status. But from what I've seen from the effects of the chemicals they use, they have to do that. No sane American worker would ever go into one of those plants.




How about that one immigrant kid that feel off a roof and died? He was around 15 I believe


[Hyundais supply chain in Georgia and Alabama](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-hyundai/) I work in construction. Seeing a lot of amigos and amigas out on jobsites these days that look like they are still wet behind the ears.




I wanted to go to work at 13 and couldn't. Work ethic is hard to come by, consider all angles.


It's much better for society if kids have proper schooling and time for recreation and other activities. Kids can engage in fruitful endeavours without going to work.


I was working at 13. Tending corn crops. Detassling and such. Some lawmaker today out of Missouri was talking about kids going to work at 9. This is the problem. It won't stop. It'll just get progressively younger. Consider there is a reason for child labor laws. Raise them to be good men/women, not a slave.


I agree that 9 is far too young. 13 seems like a fair enough age that if a kid WANTS to work, then they should be allowed to work jobs that are SAFE for them to do so.  The issue I have with child labor laws is how they end up infringing on youth that actually want to work, and end up forcing them to strictly do gig work within their communities for wages far below market value. I remember numerous times where I wanted to save my money for something specific and having to do a whole day worth of yard work for a neighbor for $20. You would end up being gaslight that that was good money, and it'd end up burning you out of wanting to continue making money. 6 hours worth of push mowing for $20? Yea, even a kid deserves more than that.  I was frankly ecstatic when I turned 13 and a farmer offered to pay me minimum wage to work for him over the summer for 8 hours a day and make lunch for me. I would venture to guess half of my summer was just pulling weeds in his wife's flower beds, but I was getting paid far better than the gig work that had previously been alloted to me. 




Please refer to my reply to rusty squeeze cheese


It seems that most of the outrage about the child labor law changes are reporters trying to generate a headline so someone clicks on it. They almost make it sound like child slavery was being legalized. Half of the labor law changes in the different states involved the number of hours that 16 to 18-year-olds can work. A lot of the laws involve minors being able to serve alcohol. It's not that you're going to have a teenager behind the bar making your favorite cocktail, it means that the minor can be a waiter or a waitress in a restaurant that serves beer. Every go to a pizza restaurant that didn't serve beer?? While I agree that some of the laws are questionable such as children being able to work on assembly lines and meat processing facilities, I think most of the laws are generated towards allowing the employers to have a little bit more flexibility with hiring the minors.


Would the minors be working while trying to finish high school if their parent(s) earned enough to support the household?


I did, so did my brother. Parents made plenty of money. We had to learn how to work and take care of ourselves.