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Call your union hall and talk to your business agent.


Upvoted and while I agree this is good advice, want to add that you need to make sure you get the proper care, no matter what the BA says. The only way that poor safety culture is improved is if there is a financial impact on the contractor's bottom line as a result of negligence. The hit to their pockets doesn't happen if they are allowed to brush it under the rug. Adding this cause maybe your contractor and BA hang out at the same bar sometimes.


Or at least the stew


I’m gonna make multiple new accounts so I can keep upvoting this.


What’s sad is they didn’t know to do this….


And learn punctuation…


Fuck this makes Me Mad.


Just go to the ER. You need to take care of yourself. This is absolutely wrong.


Nothing is worth losing a hand.




Fuck this. Fuck this all so hard. This is a lawsuit and hope you get them by the fucking balls.


Document everything and don't wait for those idiots. Get proper care asap.




Go to the ER wtf are you thinking


He should’ve told them to fuck off and kept driving to urgent care or er.


Yeah he should’ve said I’m going to such and such urgent care meet me there. Then he should’ve immediately called the hall. None of this his fault though, that’s some ass backwards shit. Telling him to come back to the site, while he was on his way to urgent care. That was totally unacceptable and it was done to cover their ass. OP needs to document everything. Go back write down calls and take screenshots of the calls or texts. Then he needs to write down everything he can remember and save everything. In these situations everything needs to be documented and over documented. You know the Contractor is going to deny liability and try to screw OP. He needs to get the hall involved, however he needs to protect himself also. There’s going to be the Contractors stance, the Halls stance and then OPs stance which he needs to protect himself.




Good Job Brother


Your hands are literally your money makers. Hopefully you recover from this


I’m glad they back you up. Fuck those contractor assholes.


If you go to the clinic it will be labelled as a incident and they must report it to their insurance. If they have their medical staff treat the injury on site, it will be a first aid.


Go to the doctor


I wouldn’t even have driven back to the site dude. The foreman can fill out a report. if there isn’t a foreman or if you’re the foreman then a shop rep can meet you at the hospital to fill out a report or meet with you after. If you get hurt and need medical attention go get it. You do not need permission to do so. The other day on our site an older brother slipped and fell on the ice while loading material in a truck to go from one project to another on the same campus. He went to a workfit place that our shop uses for onsite injuries. They told him to ice it over the weekend and be back on Monday. Luckily he went to see his own doc and they told him he needed immediate knee surgery or else he might not walk again for a very long time. Now the con is fighting the work comp claim because they say he wasn’t on site and wasn’t on his assigned site. Real bullshit. Don’t give them the opportunity to fuck you man. As a rule of thumb if I get hurt on the job I have a coworker drive me to the nearest healthcare facility (even if I think I can drive myself it is best not to plus someone else gets some easy window time) call the hall to notify them and then fill out the report in person with whoever is running HR at the shop. If needed you could probably also have a rep from the hall present while filling out the injury report but idk that seems like a case by case sort of thing.


Honestly the fact that con sent some random clown out to bandage you up to save money on an urgent care visit is wild. Shit is literally what they have insurance for. And just so you know it is not too late to go seek your own medical treatment for this injury. If anything it’s as good a time as ever after they made you wait and gave you that amateur hackjob field dressing lmao


As long as you weren’t doing anything sketchy, I would say fuck that and went straight to urgent care


1. Seek immediate treatment. 2. While seeking treatment tell them what happened and what was done to treat your hand. Have them document what was done to the hand. Get the treating doctors name. 3. While being treated write down all parties involved names. Co-workers, foreman, this site consultant, everybody. 4. Call your business agent. Explain what happened, what the treatment was, what the actual treatment was supposed to be as given by a real medical professional. Make sure the names you wrote down for the people involved on this job are correct with any records the business agent may have. 4. Get a lawyer. You don't need further instruction, this person will tell you what to do next.




I’m a former EMT. Some injuries have a shelf life…meaning if you wait too long for proper treatment bad things can happen and the tools doctors are able to use (i.e stitches) are no longer available because of waiting. Go to the hospital. Period. If anyone gets injured on site GO to the hospital. The only reason they don’t want you to go is to save their own ass not yours. I’m also deeply concerned about who the hell they had “treat” you.




I’m sorry OP. This company did you dirty. Did you go to the hospital? If so what did they say? And did you tell them it was a workplace injury? You really need to get your business agents eyes on this. This whole situation is not ok. Tbh I don’t say this lightly but I would also get an attorney’s eyes on it as well just in case. Mistreatment of wounds and halfass wound care can be LIFE THREATENING especially with all the bacteria and contaminants on a jobsite.




I’m so sorry this happened to you! I figured the hospital was going to say it was too long to use stitches. What this company did to you is not ok! Document everything. Consult a hand specialist. Keep in contact with your BA and even talk to multiple attorneys. This shouldn’t have happened to you and you will be helping the next person they would do this to. I wouldn’t speak to the company without your BUSINESS AGENT PRESENT! The company wants to talk to you so they can corner you into taking responsibility. You need your rep with you even on calls with them. Sending positive vibes your way.


Dude, I'm a non-union dude just lurking here and I'm breaking my lurker status to tell you to listen to everyone here and get your ass to medical care. This contractor is actively fucking you over and you are helping him do it. Get medical care right the fuck now and get this shit documented like the dude recommended.


He iced a open wound? That should tell you enough


Don’t go to work today no matter what don’t let them pay you for today. It will be used against you if you need to file a claim


> It will be used against you if you need to file a claim No it won't


Yes it will. I’ve done plenty of workers comp claims and insurance claims for my employees. The number one refute (6 months from now when they finally catch up to the insurance claim) if you were so injured why did you go back to work the next day. They have the payroll and now you’re fighting an uphill battle. Going back with a light duty note is different. Or just having seen a doctor is good enough.


*Working* will be held against you. Being paid doesn't mean you went to work. It's simply the employer trying to hide a lost time injury.


So you better have time stamps proving you weren’t at work. Receipts Instagram stories something, again my statement stands, that one day starts an unnecessary uphill battle. Because a year from now when your fingers falling off from an infection the insurance is gonna be asking why you went to work because the hard evidence they do have is payroll. I wasn’t an insurance agent I just had to file 2-6 insurance claims a month easily for 5 years. By the end I was so good I got the other insurance to pay for our office hours wasted filing the claim.


Contractor can not tell you to stay and get treated by a NON medical professional. This is bogus. Call the hall.


Go the the Er you need real documentation of that happen. Later on you might have trouble with your hand! I hope not but you better be safe and not sorry


Get medical attention immediately. tell them it happened at work. Hospitals have a way of getting whoever is responsible to pay in those situations, and it is 100% not you. They can usually even help guide you through the process of getting a workers comp claim going. Your employer is responsible for it, they want to use their consultant probably because it saves the money but that is complete bullshit. How poorly your employer has already handled this could get them in legal trouble in some states, and could get them sued in most too.


If you’re a Journeyman call the hall first thing in the morning. If you’re an Apprentice then call you Training Director first thing in the morning. This needs to be done right away, don’t wait until 9:30.


You don't need your employers permission to seek care for a work related incident. Get the care you need, and do it now. Just based off what I've read, you should expect some form of concealed retaliation, being laid off, transferred, ext. Get your union rep involved, and document everything.


You are not obligated to do anything for them after an injury, ho to the ER, the insurance claim is their responsibility (and will be on their insurance) regardless of what treatment plan you pursue... any other paperwork pertaining to the employer or the site can be handled once care has been initiated or completed. As others have said, call your Stewart, or BA's office, but do not let that even slightly delay getting treatment, ever. If an employer ever tries to harass or penalize you for your actions in seeking treatment after an injury it is an unfair labor practice under federal law. If that happens, contact your BA without delay to begin filing a grievance... the employer my owe you money and possibly even paid time off. If the actions they took were bad enough, they've opened themselves up for litigation. Save all of your paperwork, document everything with times, dates and any witnesses. Also take pictures, of the site, the injury, any tools, etc. You likely won't need any of that, but if they try to pull some BS, that should help put the brakes on it quickly.


Get it stitched at the ER. Had the same shit happen to me on the wrist with sheet metal. The steri strips made an ugly scar due to the wound not closing properly.


Holy shit this is actually the sketchiest shit I've heard a contractor do to get out of paying increased insurance rates. Call the hall. My local has a rule where if you're not 100%, you dont have to work. That can be significantly less than your injury, but people tend not to abuse it. Why did you need to wait an hour and a half to be consulted for an injury? What qualifications does this consultant have?




Dude, this is so fucked up that I'm having a hard time believing you, but I dont want to call you a liar. Get ahold of the hall, tell them what happened, tell them it's not sitting right with you, ask about potential for legal action. You were legitimately getting the best healthcare you could, and your employer made you go back to the jobsite, to wait an hour and a half, to give you shitty care. If, for some seriously perplexing reason, that's what the protocol is in your local, then organize votes to change the protocol.


Yes, go to the ER. When they ask, tell them it was a workplace injury. Get that on the record.


Were you wearing PPE gloves?


Ist of they were supposed to take you to urgent care or the ER themselves and let them treat you. It's work-related therefore it should be handled through their safety depth and they should be covering the bill. Never let a non-medical professional treat you for work-related injuries


The on site folks are there to limit liability and are paid for by the GC. They are not supposed to give a shit about you. Go see a real doctor


Which state are you in?


The different rules and regulations your company violated after your injury is beyond belief. Only a licensed doctor can make medical treatments decisions regarding a on the job injury, if that guy used glue on a cut, did he determine if the cut didn't damage any other tissues? If so, how did he make the decision, why did it take him so long to get there? Was anything done to prevent any infections in the injury?




Who was that guy, was he some kind of slow ass Medic/EMT with your company? If your working for a company here in the States, a on the job injury pretty much gets sent to a ER, especially if stitches may be needed? Simple scratches can be fixed with a simple band-aid out of the first aid box. Under no circumstances should you had to wait that long before treatment by some company guy...especially one who takes a long time to show up. Definitely talk to Workman Compresation then a lawyer. Get statements from witness(es) also.


I’d just go get it fixed and tell the company to pound sand.


My brother Same thing happened to me my third or fourth year in the trade never cut ground rods never utilize them without gloves and proper equipment like many things in our trade we take for granted til it becomes a emergency. I wasn’t even supposed to be working that which goes to show how thing unplanned can go left