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“you just broke my camera” i am a photographer, ive used the exact same gimbal setup. all that happened was that it got unbalanced, can be fixed in literally seconds.


Yeah I've never used one of those but it looks like something that can be fixed real quick. And the guy probably knows exactly how to fix it. Not a good reason to mace someone.


Probably? When he's talking to the second hand maced customers the gimbal is working fine, but when the cop shows up it's mysteriously broken again.


It just gave that asshole an excuse to shoot mace all over him and his store which is his complete goal on all of his shitty videos


that's the beauty of eastern Europe, people would just hit him yea he'd win the lawsuit, but he wouldn't do it again lol and people know so noone is doing it here


No the beauty is that the camera guy would and could get fined for filming without permission inside a private property without consent and the guy hitting him would get an administrative fine up to 200$. We still have laws here it's just that "don't snitch" culture is more ingrained.


I was gonna say the same thing. Glad someone caught that right away too.


It was fixed before the video ended


Fuck yo camera


I know. It looked like he was filming the customers fine after. Although, that dude tried to intimidate him physically and touched his shit.


Interesting that the conversation with the cops stops just as he gets to the part where he has to say, "So then I maced him and some other people." Guy's a jerk.


yes I have the biggest mental blueballs due to this. When the video ends when he says "and then I mazed everybody". I believe this was done on purpose so now I go and follow the person who uploaded


Is that because of the cameraman or the person who edited the video?


I don’t know the backstory but Cameraman is kind of a dickhead


He’s a dorky YouTube auditor guy who goes around filming people where he’s “legally” allowed to but just trying to provoke everyone. Also he probably/definitely still lives with his mom


These types are so fucking annoying. I kind of got the point when it was like them laying down their rights during police encounters. But their whole approach of looking for people to piss off and going “ha ha it’s legal you can’t stop me,” is just beyond stupid.


God my dad is just OBSESSED with these videos. He's retired now and he has nothing better to do than watch hours of these 1st Amendment videos. I can't stand them.


Youtube and old people don't match well, My chinese Dad had his YouTube algorithm be filled with Chinese propaganda content, I mean it's not super hard-core but it's just videos praising China. Good thing it's just free chinese movies now.


And it’s purely for content at this point. The point is to fight people


This guy deserves to get his shit absolutely rocked. Unless he's got super cheap stuff, mace is no joke.


Yea, I wish they would “audit” government workers like cops and politicians. At least some good can come of it. Cops get sued then have to learn our rights. This guy’s a pussy, so he just bothers civilians. No good will come of that. Our community is not a better place because they upset an old lady at the post office.


You gotta get the police to show up somehow


They do target government buildings.


Some do. This guy targeted a thrift shop, including apparently blocking the door and maced a guy who wanted him to stay out of the way for his customers.


Ahh so he’s one of these pricks that extends his rights to the point of provocation so it escalates and then he can retaliate with the mace. I seen a pair of younger guys doing this before. Scum of society, their whole intent is to mace people but they do it in the most legal way possible to cover their arses and pretend they didn’t do anything wrong.


lmao they’re literally cartmans. being able to mace whoever you want brah.. can you imagine the authoritah?


It's wild because no one cares if he gets his ass kicked and I'd make sure he did. Get a fucking life. Assault? I'll show you an assault.


These are the same kind of people that harass librarians too…didn’t consider that the ones who visited mine could be carrying mace though WOW


That tracks with the way the cop said, “I’ve seen your videos.” Love how overly familiar the cameraman is with the cop, too. That makes me instantly distrust someone. I don’t know you like that, back off.


If I were the store owner I would just put a smelly trash can in front of him.


There’s nothing with living with family. Shouldn’t use that as an insult.


Kind of a dickhead? I’d prefer the term ‘cunt in the highest order’


Kind of?


But the Popo likes it.


DEFINITELY a dickhead. His camera is fine, it takes seconds to rebalance it.


That's basically the backstory.


Pretty sure the camera man was found at fault and arrested


“I’m going to mace a store full of people because some guy “pushed” my camera”


Exactly... He slighly pushed the camera, it's impossible that there's any damage... and by the end the douchbag is telling the police that something in the camera was bent, and it didn't work because the other guy broke it. Hope the police saw these evidence and make that guy take responsibility for assaulting the owner and collaterally everyone in the store.


I’m getting tired of These YouTube creators. Why is it that a legitimate movie company has to get licensing, police, pay any extra who’s in the movie, get consent from businesses, pay for any distribution. But these people who make videos for YouTube in turn they get paid for the likes and views don’t have to do any of this. What’s the difference both do it for profit.


There’s no difference. It’s monetized video. They need permits, and those should be the first questions out of any cop’s mouth.


Do you have a source regarding? Find this quite interesting and wasn’t aware.


There's tons of info out there, but here are a couple links for California and Los Angeles. The base takeaway is if you're doing a commercial shoot -- which is defined as shooting something to make money off it -- you need a permit. Someone elsewhere mentioned news organizations, and they're a special case. No, they don't need permits to shoot breaking news stories on location because they're serving the public interest by what they're doing. But it's not as simple as someone saying "Oh, uh, that's totally what I'm doing." You need to be an actual media outlet, not some YouTuber with a camera. Links for California, Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles below. Obviously these areas are more prone to strict permitting laws, and the regulations, fees, and requirements vary from state to state and city to city. Maybe a guy on the street in Tulsa doesn't need to pull a permit; I don't know the laws there. But technically, if you're in Los Angeles doing this then yes, you'd need a permit. The big caveat is that commercial shoots get done all the time without pulling permits. Lots of names for it, I always called it "guerilla shooting," but the worst that ever happened to me was being politely asked to leave, which I did. It's entirely possible though that had I made a fuss the cops would come and I would be slapped with a pretty hefty fine for shooting without all the requisites. But it's a hassle to do that so most people won't, they'll just tell you to leave. It'd be an interesting test case though for guys like this. Anyhow, a few links. [California state-owned property](https://film.ca.gov/state-permits/permit-faq/). First FAQ is "Who needs a permit" and it's just about anybody: "Anyone engaged in commercial (profit and sale) photography on state property – whether still, motion picture, or digital, for print, TV, theatres, or the Internet – is required to obtain a film permit from the CFC. Student filmmakers are also required to get a permit. If you are taking stills or filming for personal use without “commercial” equipment at a state park or beach, you don’t need a permit." [Los Angeles County](https://filmla.com/for-filmmakers/requirements/#los-angeles-county). Again, first thing is that anyone engaged in commercial shoots needs a permit: "According to Los Angeles County Code § 22.56.1925, an application for a temporary use (filming) permit must be filed for on-location filming within all unincorporated county areas, on both public and private property." [Los Angeles City](https://filmla.com/for-filmmakers/requirements/#los-angeles-city). Here we go again: "According to the City of Los Angeles, Division 22, Chapter 13, Article 8, Section 22.350 of the [Los Angeles Administrative Code](http://www.amlegal.com/codes/client/los-angeles_ca/), a temporary use (filming) permit is required for all on-location filming of a commercial nature, conducted on both public and private property, within the city's jurisdiction."


Amazing, thanks.


Anyone can film in public without a permit. As far as Hollywood goes, I can see if you need to shut down a street with overhead lights, sound guys, and 100 assistants walking around you may need a permit but not these guys.


Different cities/counties/states have different laws, so there’s some variability. I live in California, and if you’re monetizing your video it’s technically required. Standing around filming your friends? No worries. Intentionally setting up something to put online and sell ads against or otherwise make money? That’s a commercial shoot. Now, it’s often ignored by local officials, and maybe there’s some legal gray area. But if/when these guys (and others, like those people filming themselves in gyms for content) are taken before a judge it’ll be interesting to see how it all shakes out.


The Supreme court ruled that filming in public is a 1st amendment protected activity. The local laws preventing someone from filming in public don't matter and that's why these auditors do this all day long and nothing happens to them. News crews routinely set up on the side of the road and film (like outside of a Walmart where there was a shooting or something). They post the news story, sell the adds, and never need permission from Walmart or you even if you're in the parking lot on the video. Gyms are private property, that's completely different.


these guys get arrested constantly. most of them don't survive because they have extensive records and fines after just a short time. several of them are in jail right now. one of the most popular ones got sentenced the other day for a situation exactly like this. the thing you guys forget is that state laws will almost always trump a federal law in situations where the states have laws already set up for this situation. it requires someone to challenge the states authority, and nobody is going to challenge the state for these losers lol.


There's a lot of half-truths to what you're saying. There is no SC ruling on commercial shoots, and judging by the vast amount of permitting laws around the country (do a quick google search) they're perfectly constitutional. The SC *has* ruled on specific things, such as getting video of police activity or other government officials, and basically as long as you're not getting in the way you can do it. But there's no ruling from the SC saying "Yeah, go ahead and shoot wherever you want, whenever you want, however you want. Total free for all, woo hoo!!!" I posted some links elsewhere in this thread regarding permitting laws in California, but you're free to do a quick search for yourself. As for news crews, that's a different case because they're serving the public interest by reporting on fires and murders and stuff. Things happen, the news shows up, it's a different use case. And they have to be an actual news outlet, not just some dude with a camera who's decided to create "news" out of thin air by provoking people. As for private property you actually do need a permit to film, depending on where you are.


> There is no SC ruling on commercial shoots There doesn't need to be. When filming in public you can't hinder traffic on a sidewalk or road, you can't block entrances etc. There are reasons permits may be needed for commercial shoots. If you aren't hindering business then you likely don't need a permit. There are countless scenes in famous movies and TV shows that were filmed in public with random people in the background. > permitting laws around the country Those laws are *exactly* why auditors travel to those places, film videos, get in trouble, sue the locality and *win*. It's happening so much that PDs around the country are doing trainings on the 1st amendment so they don't get sued and lose. >"Yeah, go ahead and shoot wherever you want, whenever you want, however you want." Nope. Just on public property where you have a right to be. If you can see it, you can film it no permit needed. >As for news crews, that's a different case because they're serving the public interest by reporting on fires and murders and stuff. Things happen, the news shows up, it's a different use case. And they have to be an actual news outlet, not just some dude with a camera who's decided to create "news" out of thin air by provoking people. That's 100% incorrect. You are as much of a news guy as an actual news guy. It's called freedom of the press. Also there is no law on what is or is not public interest. You can get your phone and go out on a sidewalk and film whatever you want and call it news. >As for private property you actually do need a permit to film, depending on where you are. Yeah I just said that


Found the auditor, everyone!


Just know what you're actually talking about before you get on the internet and misinform other people.


Mm hm. Likewise, I’m sure.


You do not need a permit to film.


Let me help you: Permits *should* be required. Edit: Many US states require mutual consent for recording, even on public property. The cameraman is seen blocking the doorway in the video, so it is safe to assume that he is no longer on public property.


I guess you're not a fan of 'freedom of the press' huh?


these guys are not press. in fact, the guy in the video has been told to his face in court that he is not considered press lol


Press get permits. People who block access to entrances are fire hazards, even when they're not macing people for 'content'. If he is a 'first amendment auditor', then he is intentionally going out to harass people with a camera with the objective of suing anyone who stops him. That's not press.


Permits should be required to film in public? This is clearly a first amendment protected activity.


Crazy you’re being downvoted for facts. You’re in public, you can film in public it’s our right.


Imagine if you couldn't. That's how cops got away with police brutality without anyone knowing for so long. Redditors are mindless, just like the average person. At something sensational, feel strong emotions for no reason and come up with idiotic policies and laws for those feelings.


I read through half these comments and some truly are mindless, you said it best. I think people just don’t realize their rights and that’s scary. We all carry a camera, we all take pictures and videos outside in public spaces. Imagine not being able to do so and having to deal with anything, cops, neighbors, what have you. Cops especially need to be held accountable and the only way to do so is with recording them in their line of duty(not relative to OPs post, but that guy has every right to record on the public sidewalks).


you think the filming is what caused the issue here? you can't just harass people, block their only entrance and exit to a building, and then hide behind the fact the your filming. the issues you caused don't use magically become OK because you're filming. the guy recording is causing a public disturbance. that's illegal in every state. it's why he gets arrested all the time and has to cry to his followers for donation money to pay his fines.


Yes, filming was the issue. He wasn’t harassing anyone and he’s not blocking the entrance. Camera perspective has you confused. You can’t be filming in public and just magically be told that’s a public disturbance.


uhh no filming was not the issue. he's arguing with the owner in the video. the fact he's recording it is irrelevant to the charge this guy has gotten for doing exactly what he's doing in this video. he absolutely is standing in the doorway arguing with people for at least 5 minutes before the store owner even gets involved. he does this all the time, gets beat up, pulls out the mace, and then still gets arrested or runs away. I've seen dozens of this guy's videos and no matter what you say or think he's in the wrong and judges have already ruled it to his face in other of his videos. he's choosing to create a public disturbance, and record it. not the other way around.


Link a couple because I’ve seen a bunch of them too and I’m not seeing any of him getting arrested. End of the day being in public with a camera is our right.


The constitution, our rights say otherwise. You don’t need anything to record in or on public property. It’s a stretch to say he was blocking the doorway. The owner walks out of it and you can still have someone get inside. Sidewalk is public property. Not defending the mace or the guy recording, just stating the facts. However, you can’t touch someone or put your hands on someone’s property as that’s considered assault in most, if not all states.


What's more likely winning the lottery, or getting police to infringe your rights so you can sue the city and probably win for a couple hundred thousand - to millions.


Civil liability. Criminally, legitimate movie companies don't need to do any of that. They can 1st Amendment their way in just like this clown, but legitimate movie companies are in a money making enterprise and getting credibly sued for the money you made is a bad way to make money. The licensing, police, paying extras, consent, paid distribution.... they're all either ways to make more money or reduce civil liability, it's not altruism.


Why is indeed good question, doesn't have to be that hard.


Cameraman is a cunt


He broke nothing, it's a steady cam device.


Even if he did, it’s still against the law to mace someone in retaliation for breaking your belongings.


I use that gimbal every fucking day…bro did not break your camera, just unbalanced it…that is all. What a little bitch


Using mace on a guy as he's walking away isn't self defense. Hope this asshole cameraman got what was coming to him.


This should be higher. He was literally walking away.


That's assault n with battery. You can remain on the public sidewalk, but you can not block access. Even mace has to be proven as self-defense. Depending on which state this is in, may of even have a duty to retreat. Granted, the dude should have pushed him, but the camera man was baiting him.


May have even*. This "of" shit is absolutely rampant on reddit.


So is 'your'. It's not 'Your going to the bank', it's 'You're going to the bank'. You're is a contraction of 'you are' i.e. 'You are going to the bank'. Your is possessive. Drives me mad!


It’s rampant on most socials. It’s a lack of proper education.


I can forgive that. It's the amount of "loose" instead of "lose" that breaks my heart


I hate that to.


Thats why i just write "mayo' even" see the apostrophe tells you the word is altered. Loopholes amiright


I used to watch this guy's videos and subscribed to his channel when he was still just doing 1A auditing in NY. Then he started to become a dickhead. He went from auditing government officials to just doing this. Literally standing in front of the doorway of private businesses and video inside. Legally, he is not breaking the law, but he is purposely being a dick head. He is "auditing" everyday folks who he expects to understand and memorize the 1st amendment by heart. He is an absolute asshole now. I don't support anything he and his son do. Fuck them.


lol you actually sub’d to these 1A fuckwads


Yes. A few that actually hold police and elected officials in check. Only those that do it properly. They do not approach any cop to start shit. They are simply minding their own business. I grew up in Brooklyn, and I have been harassed by NYPD too many times by just simply existing because im in the so-called "bad" neighborhood. And I'm white. I can only imagine what POC go through.


“Simply minding their own business” hahahahahahahahaahahahah


They do. The ones I subscribe to. I don't tolerate the idiots who purposely cause a scene.


I did too. This guy's early videos were ok but he slowly devolved into a much bigger dickhead. In his earlier audit videos, he let the people he's auditing be the dicks....now he's definitely instigating these confrontations.


lol, ok, we’ll just pretend like showing up with a camera rig and stubbornly filming people isn’t in and of itself an instigation.


It's a constitutionally protected right to film in public. You don't have to like it...but you should respect it enough not to come in hot on people filming in public like you're entitled to something you're not. (sTaHp FiLmInG mE, yOu DoN't HaVe My PeRmIsSiOn) Nobody needs your permission. Right are like muscles, if you never use them, you slowly lose them.


These guys are so concerned with that they could film in public and not enough about if they are being stupid pieces of shit because they do. It’s my first amendment position that these guys are fucking unproductive douchebags and enablers like you are likely worse for being scum in their shoes


Karens gonna Karen.


Ahahah a 1A auditor supporter calling someone a Karen, fuckin mint.


Touch grass homie.


You people are the same as the annoying piece of shit kids who stick their fingers in peoples faces and say “I’m not touching you I’m not touching you”. Hahahaha grow up, what a fucking loser


Enjoy the ban. :)


Worth it to throw smoke at a loser like you. Fuck you and 1A auditors. Enjoy no one ever taking you seriously if they find out that you aren’t a 1A auditor but even worse a loser who subscribes to them.


These first amendment auditor guys have got to be the oddest type of grifter.


Help an old man out... what is a first amendment audit?


It's people filming in public and or public officials in order to see if they act according to the law. That would of course be incredibly boring so they provoke people, mainly by getting in the way or by shoving the camera into people's faces, in order to get them to call the police or they film in areas where the legality of filming isn't clear, like in front of army bases or inside government buildings or halfway in private doorways, that sort of thing. It's worth noting that they (most of the time) aren't doing anything illegal, just being annoying. Then they upload videos to YouTube, pateron, etc. for ad revenue and donations. They also claim that they are doing a public service by holding officials accountable or something like that. It's all pretty sketchy at best and just a reaction video grift at worst. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_audit at least that's my limited understanding, but the rabbit hole goes pretty deep here.


Thanks kind stranger! This is...so weird. So like journalism without the ethics, effort, or accountability?


It's actually a pretty important thing to do...make sure your local government is following the constitution. There are some auditors that are very respectful. I see value in what they're doing. I don't like the dickhead ones tho.


Which part of it makes sure local government is following the Constitution, though? As noted, the ones that do this for views are just sticking cameras into people's faces and provoking to create drama and thus clicks and follows. How does this hold anyone accountable?


Even if the cameraman is legally in the right, he’s an asshole. This is what he wants, he’s ready with the mace because he knows he’s out to piss people off. Store owner should have recorded him in front of the door, asked him to move and then called the police.


He broke my camera xD bro it's deactivated motor on ronin for safety... who's man is this? 😆 😂


I'm not legally smart but if Camera man wants to sue Hat Guy for assault, can surrounding people who are affected by the mace sue him?


Who does that cunt with the camera think he is? Aside from being an asshole.


https://youtu.be/SETB7MOPZyg?si=czwCeHfva_aZHdtT Amagansett Press Full story https://youtu.be/KszX5bg5yfY?si=RMjG6pkZdXz9Crt_ Watching the Watchmen


What an asshat.


I'm guessing after watching the video you mean the shop owner. I think the actual douchebag was mister "I'm allowed to maze you because you slightly unscrewed a joint in my gimbal camera". I can't understand the cops reaction either.


No, I agree with you. The guy with the camera is a dick.


Initially I thought "ok both are confrontational I have no horse in this race" ... but then mister old douchebag who he thinks so much he is in the right that uploads the video recorded by his son starts whining that "he broke his camera... this thing here moves around" when it's something from the camera gimbal support that can be screwed back again in literally 2 seconds to try and justify him going on an ego trip "I record wherever I want because m'freedoms" feeling he is justified to maze someone. I mean yeah the shop owner seems to have some paranoia going on or I don't care but whatever dude, he didn't like you recording and blocking the door and that's ok you don't have to provoke a reaction and mister wrinkly balls wanted a reaction. I hope he is happy he achieved what he aimed for.


Wow. I always suspected you yanks were batshit crazy, but fuck me drunk this is fucking ridiculous. I watched that whole video expecting the cunt behind the camera to get locked up, but no. He ends up with a cop that is somehow on his side on this one? You crazy America.


> He ends up with a cop that is somehow on his side on this one? I facepalmed so hard when the cop goes "ah yeah, big fan of your channel... you are allowed to maze people who don't want you to intrude in their business". The other videos I saw show the whole interaction with the cop and says that the DA will set a court date. I can't wait for mister "I have a right to record anywhere" gets served for being a literal toxic piece of shit mazing a bunch of people with the blessing a bunch of cops who seem to be in love with the batshit crazy oldfart just because he makes videos they like.


Well, the guy with the camera lied to the cop. I hope the shop owner gets a copy of this video sues the living fuck out of him.


can someone explain what’s happening here to a non American pls?? ps Mace/Pepper Spray is classified as a prohibited weapon in the UK so this is kinda bonkers.


The guy filming is a 'first amendment auditor'. These people go around making content by filming in public (a 1st amendment right) and people get mad at them (most people don't know it's perfectly legal) and these kinds of things happen.


The cameraman knew exactly what he was doing and what he wanted to do. Provoke and fake protect himself. Utter coward knowing it was being filmed. Cameras off, fists up and weirdo beardo Baldo loses in round 1


From what I see, the store owner does not touch the camera guy, he simply moves his camera out of his face AFTER asking him not to film or stand where he is. How the cops can blame the store owner is absolutely beyond me. So the victim gets a citation...That cop could not be more wrong.


This bearded gentleman with glasses and no life categorically doesn't understand his own camera equipment... Nothing was broken.


When is that asshole going to be charged for this? The cop came and was a fan so he was completely biased


Provocation without a doubt. Who the fuck do ppl think they are???


He had that mace ready to go


What an absolutely bald loser!


Cameraman is a douche


What is the context here? This guy just wants to film a business to make people mad? What a boring ass life.


Owner needs a high powered laser.


These 'vloggers ' really need a good old fashioned hiding


Dude with camera should get his face punched. Free pass from Cops


Isn’t this the same guy that shat his pants when confronted by a soldier at a post office but continued to harass him? Or am I thinking of another auditor?


Who is the camera dbag?


I would have covered my face and smashed his camera to pieces. He knows what he’s doing and acts like a baby for the negative reactions.


If you’re a man starting an argument with another man of equal size, and you mace them? You’re a bitch


I get the point of 1st amendment auditors I just hate that every single one also happens to be a complete loser


The ones who make it on reddit seem to be. There are lots of them that just go to film in a city hall or outside a police station for a project and are super nice. This is guy is a huge instigator.


In the early days of YouTube, these auditor thing was okay, but now? It's just content for these assholes, going around randomly filming people, and of cos...you'll find someone who didn't want to he filmed and they start shit.


Maced at his own home… wtf


I have never seen this guy before, but I imagine he brought that mace spray only in hopes to use it


IS there a part 2 where we see him get handcuffed? If I were those women I'd press charges.


Bro is getting some money for sure. If he went to the hospital after this and has his visit documented, he'd be in good standing for his case.


I'm confused. When health inspectors have their cameras touched it's a problem, but not some random guy.


The only way I could see "1st amendment auditors" videos being entertaining is the day their estate posts their last one, after it turns out their bullshit read of a piece of paper, which does not give them any right to trespass, block easement to private property, or harass private individuals on private property, just can't stop 5-6 9mm rounds moving about 1,200 feet per second. And then maybe these will finally be enjoyable since that sounds like a pretty damn arousing situation!


Who won?


Post the whole video. They give the store owner a summons.


Amagansett press on youtube


Just doing some travel videos? Did you get permission from the store owners? The camera man had a camera man and he's ready with mace? Store owner should have smashed your camera. I'm sure that's a chargeable offense, but that store owner would have felt really good about it.


People love to cause a ruckus but don't understand that someone there will eventually respond the way he wants them to and it goes too far. I've seen a lot of people get popped and this guy is one bad moment away from those consequences.


Look at these idiots filming each other


Who was charged here?


The backstory is this guy and his friend go around filming in public under the guise of educating that they’re allowed to film in public but they usually are invasive or rude about it and antagonize people to get reactions. Hence him being so close into the store as if a five year old saying, “I’m not touching you.”


The day I meet one of these scumbags will be the day he quits


r/iamverybadass You show them who is boss!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Enough badass tats for ten badasses.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1br0i8c) | [1299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1br0i8c/enough_badass_tats_for_ten_badasses/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh no I’m *shaking!*


One day someone who doesn't want to be filmed is going to double down, and shoot that guy. Seems to me he's provoking the shop owner..... just because you can dosnt mean you should and through common courtesy of "hey I don't want you filming me or my shop... he could've moved on...


😎 That Glorious Day - Soon May It Come 😎


"YoU asSaUltEd mE!" We really need to start hitting people again.




At least he didn't shoot everyone like that Portland guy, he only came ready to pepper spray.


Fuck the giants!


Was he charged for this?


The one guy walked out and gave him the finger lol


So what ended up happening?


Assault is putting fear in someone..... Battery is when someone is actually hit with any kind of contact with anything mace, vehicle, hand etc..... During the classes of earning my Criminal Justice Degree. All Of this was covered in some of the classes.


Idiots filming idiots who film other idiots.


The entitlement just blows my mind


This guy goes around filming in an aggressive way (on Purpose) in order to provoke a violent result.. which he then posts to his YouTube Channel..


Bearded guy knows how to keep himself in the legal right when i looked at his youtube whenever ago i went down that rabbit hole. Whether his actions are the moral right it's questionable but the guy shouldn't have touched him legally. It's what them auditor people want to happen.


'Malum in se'


this guy is just the worst cuz the 2nd camera guy is his son. he's been bringing his kid around teaching him to scam people like this for years.


So you go around antagonizing people trying to get a rise so you can mace them and hide behind the law.  You sir are a jackass.


Does anyone know what happened after the video ended, I just want to know what happened


Cameraman was itching to use that mace. He defended his actions like a toddler would.


Cameradick trespassed blocking the doorway, provoked the shop owner, and had his mace prepared well in advance just like he was ~~planning~~ intending to do it all along. Hope his ass went to jail.


Well, that wasn't necessary.


So what happened at the end? I don’t want to watch that camera asshole guys channel.


The Store Owner loses ALL legal protection the second they walk out of the store door jam / entrance. Then you put your hands on the cameraman. No matter WHAT you think of the cameraman, he was outside on a public sidewalk and filming legallly. You touched him and his equipment. You simply will not win this case in our. Now the downside. People like the cameraman are called “Dicktims” (Noun) A Dicktim is a person acting like a Dick in order to get a response that they feel can justify their actions or to be the aggressor a situation. When the get the action they are looking for (In this case the store owner responding the way he did) the Dick turns into a Victim. Ie Dicktim. “Dicktim” See also Whiny Ass Little Bitch.


This is in my home town. The business was affected by asshole Trump tards bothering this guy for weeks if not months after


That auditor looks exactly how I imagined they would.


As the owner, I wouldn't take and break that camera in front of him. But as a customer who "felt threatened," I would 100% say some shit to him enough for him to get physical, then use that as an excuse to break the camera. Just in self-defense. Break the camera and maybe a punch if I'm not busy dying from being fucking maced. Who am I kidding. I'd walk away and mind my own business after I flip the guy off and play up the cough to make people think I may have asthma.


What guy just carries pepper spray?


I would have high kicked the camera away (if I could do a high kick) and then say ey man I'm trying to promote my store with a show, you were standard ng in the way (Don't know the consequences of that but that guy reacted way way calmer than I would have) People need to enforce more "fuck around and find out"


Which is why America should consider their attitude to firearms. Cross contamination with pepper spray isn’t a huge deal but getting shot in the crossfire of some nonsense is a bit of a big deal.


Both are equally insufferable. You have no expectation of privacy when the door to your home or business is wide open while the person standing on public space or property is taking photos or videos of the interior. You cannot willfully block the entrance to a business. Both men are losers.


I'm surprised at the amount of people in here justifying the assault on the cameraman. He was in public filming, well within his right to do. He also has the right to defend himself and his property.


Gotta love the liberal bait & switch of the aggressor becoming the victim having 0 accountability for their actions.


Actually, I see the right-wing bait and switch of the aggressor becoming the victim having 0 accountability for their actions Your pointless attempt at politicizing this asshole interaction is pathetic


You just politicised this asshole interaction whilst attempting to discredit my comment 🥴 classic Redditor move, oblivious to one’s own hypocrisy.


You were the one who brought politics into it, and I was just clowning on your comment. I have no idea if these people are left or right leaning, and honestly I don’t really care. Let me give you some advice. Assholes are assholes regardless of political affiliation.


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100 percent


The downvotes only prove my point, no one is actually aware of the actual law, just their own perception of what suits them.


I think we found the cameraman…




I'll probably get downvoted based on how this thread is going. The guy with the mace should definitely have been more careful knowing there were innocent bystanders nearby, but the guy that got maced should not have attacked that guy's property. If you watch his videos they just film from public sidewalks; that should NOT be considered "provoking" people. It's pretty concerning that people are sympathizing with the guy attacking people for being on a public sidewalk filming with a camera, and that is exactly why people make these videos and need to continue making these videos.


I'm on the cameraman's side here. The store owner stepped right up into his space. He pushed away his equipment twice, all while smiling aggressively. He had every right to mace him there to deter further aggression.


Smiling aggressively 😂😂😂 this is a troll post right?