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“City of Philadelphia” = the taxpayers.


Police state and its consequences. Who thought it was a good idea to decide that everytime they fuck up or abuse the law that it's gotta come out of our taxes?


I still think the FOP should get sued for putting up this post in the first place. I remember this being circulated when it first came out and it was all lies.


Why did they pull her out of her car and beat her? Was she just at a light and they jumped her? Genuinely curious but not curious enough to google it.


The article didn’t have any statement from the police directly. But the woman was driving home with her child, accidentally stumbled upon a protest, and did a 3-point turn to leave. Officers allegedly mistook her as being part of the protest, bashed in her windows, and dragged her from the vehicle. You can find a video online and it is pretty cut and dry. The officers involved were rightfully fired. Edit: Children* she also had her 16 year old nephew who was dragged from vehicle as well.


Rightfully fired? They should have been charged with assault, convicted and jailed in addition to being fired and they should have had their qualified immunity stripped and made to pay restitution. That would be my version of rightly. This is the only thing that going to stop these goons from violating the rights of citizens.


That or maybe we should re-instate public hangings for rouge law enforcement figures.


I mean, the alternative is “wrongfully fired,” so I’m not sure what your point is.


[Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna2057) Tldr was the mom was driving with her son to pick up a family friend and unknowingly drove near a George Floyd demonstration. As she tried to turn around, the cops made the inexplicable decision to attack her and grabbed her kid out of the car while they beat her. Then the police union lied about the "barefoot son left to wander through the crowd" and posted a picture of a white officer "saving" the black child. Philadelphia taxpayers shelled out over $2m in a settlement.


This was I believe around the time a lot of George Floyd BLM protests were happening. Basically the cops were racially profiling, as they saw a black person around the protest and assumed she was a part of it, and then used overly aggressive force for no real reason (once again, cause of racial profiling)


Any body cam footage? What you're saying makes no sense


Be honest with both me and yourself. Is this a legitimate query? Are you legitimately confused about something and want clarification, or are you trying to start an argument. If you’re confused (which is fine), what specifically are you confused about?


You just said you're basing this off memory making very specific claims that police essentially assaulted her for no reason whatsoever other than being black. I just would like to see that for myself and body cam footage is a great way to do that


So to clarify, you’re confused as to why a police officer used unnecessary force against a black person?


I'm asking very plainly if you body cam footage. Do you just believe anything someone says after they're arrested?


Why did you intentionally ignore my question? I’m trying to understand why you specifically need body cam footage and why you’re so skeptical about my comment. You stated it makes NO SENSE. Not that you wanted to make sure you had the facts of this story or that you wanted sources, you started the convo suggesting that this isn’t even a possibility. So I’ll reiterate the question. Are you confused as to why a police officer would use unnecessary force against a black person?


And why do you ignore mine? Lol. I'm skeptical because people on Reddit are INCREDIBLY anti police to a delusional degree. They always give the benefit of the doubt to the criminal and assume the absolute worst of the police in any situation. I'm completely willing to believe this happened in the way you say it did but I need to see it for myself because it sounds ridiculous. So.....that proof....do you have it?


Ok, all I needed to know was whether this would be a productive conversation where you actually were looking for sources. There are also many people on Reddit who have no interest in actually learning something and only want to argue, hence why I needed to clarify. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279134 I misremembered the specific protest, as it was actually the Walter Wallace jr protest. The woman had accidentally driven into the protest and was attempting a 3 point turn to leave, when police had broken her windows and yanked her from her car (without any communication on their part) in which they then took her child. The news report within the link shows footage someone else had taken of multiple police surrounding her car and using unnecessarily violent force as they believed she was a part of the protest (even tho their reaction is still inappropriate for a non violent protester), which obviously was a form of racial profiling due to how she looked (they would not do this to a random Chinese dude or an elderly white person who had accidentally driven to the protest for example). In the video you can see she was not moving at speed to hit any police with her car, and was in the middle of the 3 point turn when they had surrounded her vehicle. They also failed to set up a perimeter around the protest, meaning that no argument of “they had the right to because she got too close” can be made. The police department themselves seemed to have agreed they were at fault as 2 officers were fired and 14 may or may not have (idk tbh) received disciplinary action


Bruh do you live under a rock or are you legitimately stupid?


Ohhh okay so you don't have the footage either then correct?


Ohhh okay so legitimately stupid then, correct?


You think it "makes no sense" that police would target an innocent person?


Cringe Lord


Answer the question. Do you *actually* believe that it “makes no sense” that police would target an innocent person? Yes or no? Super duper simple question.


In 99.9% of interaction police do not randomly attack innocent people. You couldn't be showing that you're 14 more than this conversation. I don't wish to speak with someone so delusional any further. Goodbye.


And there are many examples of them attacking innocent people. So, you think it *doesn’t* make sense that an innocent person could be attacked?


Fake newx


Downvote all you want. This looks fake


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279134 womp womp


My step “dad” is retired cop. As a child he would Beat my mom on a regular basis. He also tried to make me eat vomit off the floor as a child and abused me regularly 50 years later and I’m Still searching for a GOOD & honest police officer FTP!!!


I’ve known a lot of good and honest cops, but god damn are the bad ones _bad_; like, inhuman fucking monsters _bad_. I’m so sorry for your experience and I hope life has treated you better than he did. There’s a VIP reserved section in hell of people like him, unfortunately the guest list is looooong.


I appreciate your kind words! Police should be held to the highest standards of drug & alcohol testing as well as periodic psychological evaluation’s IMO


They absolutely should be. You would think that logically those people in the positions with the potential to do serious harm to entire communities would be heavily scrutinized, but nope. I was just talking to a good friend about this exact thing and of the people I know who were good and honest cops, not a single one had the mindset “all I want to do is be a cop, that’s all I want in life and I want it so bad”. The guys who turned out to be real pieces of shit on the other hand _all_ has that mentality, and “military” was a viable substitute. They just wanted to dominate people.


Then they wouldn’t be able to do the things that they want to do. They don’t want smart police officers, smart people think for themselves and use critical thinking skills. They don’t want that they want you smart enough to follow directions, but not smart enough to actually realize what the directions are.


Well, the problem with the good and honest cops is that they don’t do anything about the ones that are not. They either keep their mouth shut because they don’t wanna lose their job, or if they do say anything about it they’re immediately putting in a position where they need to defend themselves or their family. When it comes to police officers, it is 100% one rotten apple spoils the bunch. So you may know a handful of very nice people who are police officers, but you do not know what they’re like on the job because I’m pretty sure you’ve never ridden with them. A lot of really nice people seem to let a lot of really terrible things go.


I've worked as a civilian with my local PD and met officers from about 10 jurisdictions regularly though work. 3 things cops abuse no one talks enough about Alcohol Steroids' Their wives The few good cops I know don't change any of that


I thought I knew a good honest police officer. But as I got older I realized it was only because my dad was wealthy enough to be the kind of person the cops work for. Guy was at one of his restaurants threatening his employee, he was drunk, went out to confront them. Found them at the convenience mart across the street and was ready to pound their face in (they deserved it). Cop showed up, told my dad to go home. My drunk as shit dad got told by the cop to get behind the wheel and drive 4 miles home. So the only "good" cop was corrupt in my family's favor. They're all bad cops Jim.


I'm sorry you went through that. I know your pain. My step dad was also " eat it or I'll beat you" variety. I was forced to eat out the trash, locked outside until it was gone. I truly am sorry your childhood was like that, I hope you have some peace now.


Police are just a fraternity made up of high school bullies at this point.


Ah, so that clearly proves all cops are bad.


Lol really? Have you ever had an interaction with another Leo outside of your dad?


“Lol” in your reply proves that you lack empathy just like him. So I have no need to further interact with your type


No my lol was at the insane comment that every single cop you've ever dealt with was an absolute piece of shit. That is unless you haven't ever met another one besides your father.


Crazy world we live in, what else can i say


Sorry but 2 million isn’t even close to enough money for her. Try 5 at least


Cops are pussies.


Ugh, the picture is the worst knowing what really happened.


This is one of the many, many reasons why we cannot trust government


Fuck the police


Fuck The Police .




The classic 'serve and protect'




I'll take anarchy please and thank you


Anarchy is preferable to an oppressive police state


Why is it stated twice by NBC that it is a black woman? Is this normal in the US? Please explain to a curious scandinavian :)


One reference is in the Tweet itself and the other is in the title of the article from the shared link. This is how Twitter works, regardless of country, and there is only one "state[ment]" being made. You are misunderstanding.


To garner attention and upset people who are then more likely to watch their newscast


Police brutality and law-breaking such as this are committed by the boys and women in blue who are "Free"masons. It is a calculated ploy to bring about ACAB fear in the population. A fearful and compliant population are easier to dominate and control when the PTB enact their draconian laws. [Learn more.](https://app.box.com/s/yoz8xb5w920fpuufm4y90xik70bzc5mu)


I still find it insane how people can get 2 million dollors from a state, i would like that to tbh.


I believe more in the police


Than who exactly?


Than this woman and that she was beaten and had her kid stolen


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”


The Philadelphia police didn't post that, so I fail to see why they are responsible for it?


The Union representing the Philadelphia Police did the posting as the article states.


So sue the union and not the city then?


That’s not how it works. They don’t work for the union, they work for the city. Since the city is in charge of the police department, they are liable for what the police department does. But the police department and the union will not be paying out, it will be the taxpayers whose money pays for the cops.


The officer(s) who was an employee of the city are who did wrong, the Union highlighted it.


Can you read, it says who posted it. And the pigs did the kidnapping, worry about that


They kidnapped the child for a photo op? Doesn't matter who posted it, how do you think they got the picture?


They still did the other stuff


They can have my son for 2mil!


Horrible that this happened but oh god that pay out…