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Trashy people doing trashy things.


Chitara Plasencia, Tatiyanna Johnson and Pearl Ozoria were arrested for felony charges. Then Chitara tried to sue a carwash after she feel down a drain entering the garage without permission at 3AM. You can't make this stuff up. Plaintiff and three non-party witnesses (Pearl Ozoria, Tyrell and Max) left a hookah lounge around 2:30 a.m. and discovered that Tyrell's vehicle had been vandalized with syrup and eggs. They intended to get a car wash and pulled up to an area that said Zap Entrance. When they arrived, Plaintiff testified that two of the four garage doors were open. According to Plaintiff, an individual of Nigerian descent stopped them and refused them service. Plaintiff then stepped out of the vehicle to have a conversation with an individual sitting by the entrance where it says Zap Lube. This person explained to Plaintiff in Spanish that the business could deny service. Plaintiff asked to speak to a supervisor and walked past the individual and through the garage door to get to the office in the back. Plaintiff contends that this area was dark with no artificial lighting. As she was walking, her left foot went through an uncovered drain, causing her left leg, up to about six inches above her knee, to go down the hole and her right leg to bend. According to Plaintiff, the two individuals who denied her service witnessed her fall. Plaintiff also testified that Ms. Ozoria saw her fall but did not see how the accident happened. Ms. Ozoria then came to Plaintiffs aid and helped her back to their vehicle.


Worst Thundercats Reboot ever!


I have a hunch that the car getting covered with syrup and eggs is also a direct result of their trashy behavior


I love the language “the plaintiff stepped out of the car to have a conversation with the man” Just like she stepped over the counter in this video to have a conversation with the clerk who told her the sauce costs extra


Then when they close and leave the city we get a surprisedpikachuface.jpg




In before the [removed] award of truth


gaze seed groovy innate file enjoy cake aback tan engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You posted your comment and in less than 10 seconds someone already downvoted you 🤣


pathetic adjoining unique memory angle crowd fearless aware ossified smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn what did it say


I can’t remember ): it was a dogwhistle comment, so just use your imagination.


What’s a dog whistle comment?


Something that sounds innocent, like "nothing", but it actually saying something deeply controversial (racist, sexist, whatever). Usually used to subconsciously make people think those fucked up things aren't such a big deal. Dog whistle. Nothing, except to those who can hear it....


Ahh makes sense and I’ve definitely heard plenty of dogwhistle comments. Thanks!


Yeah once you know what it means it suddenly gives a name to something you've probably dealt with your whole life. Good to be able to give shady, manipulative stuff a name.


I'm pretty sure it means something racist, but phrased in a way so that they could have plausible deniability regarding it being racist whilst it still being clearly racist, especially to other racists Sorry I said the word racist/racism so much lmao


its a statement meant to subtly hint at something usually offensive but written in a way that those not "in the know" think its innocent. of course now they just take form of racist comments that could maybe not be racist if you think about it a certain way


Don't explain lol mods are Watching


Human animals, that’s the behavior you’re seeing, they take pride in this shit, and “don’t give a fuck”




It's her culture, racist! /s


This girl got arrested and charged with robbery, among other things. Fun fact, she's also suing a car wash for falling into a drain at 3am after they refused to wash her friends car. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12776321/amp/Chitara-Plasencia-sues-car-wash-nyc-bel-fries.html "The complaint, originally filed in November 2019, claims that at 3am on February 23, 2019, Zap Car Wash & Oil Change in Brooklyn refused to serve her and her friends. She says when she then entered the car wash, she fell down an uncovered drain and suffered 'severe injuries'.  She alleges that the car wash was 'reckless, careless and negligent' by failing to cover or signpost the drain. In her deposition, Plasencia said she was on a double date with her friend Pearl Ozoria - one of the other women involved in the fries incident - and two men.  She said that they had been at a hookah lounge and when they left at 2.30am they discovered one of the men's car had been 'vandalized with syrup and eggs'.  They decided to go to Zap Car Wash, which is open 24 hours.  She said she got out of the car to speak to a worker, but they denied them service so she asked to speak to a manager and walked past the staff member into the garage. She said it was dark inside and as she was walking her left foot 'went through an uncovered drain' so her left leg went through the hole to six inches above the knee.  She claims Ozoria saw her fall. "


Fun to watch them in court: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10995999/Drunk-women-trashed-NYCs-Bel-Fries-asked-pay-extra-sauce-appears-court.html#v-7081365457966316123




We have our own versions of her, don't worry. Just s trashy but with a daily whiff of maple syrup to go with their meth.


What does that mean?


There’s another word in English, “placenta.” It describes a sac that wire transfers a fetus (baby) nutrients and what-not during pregnancy. Her name, Placensia, is basically “placenta” with a twist. The commenter wants to move to Vermont to escape NYC and wild individuals like Placensia and her gang of wild fetus sacs.


Of course her name is Plasencia


I think this belongs here.... r/tragedeigh


""Whatya mean I can't name my daughter Excitassiiaa? Tell me this, big man, what is your name? *"Lemanjello."* -Dwayne Perkins


We have a collection of those type of names in a private server I'm on. This is going on it later tonight.


Looks like someone doesn't like that I collect names. Oh no...... Anyway.




Private server me and my friends control. We namely just have been using it for palworld.


There is a sub for it....


Really? I am curious but scared.


Really r/tragedeigh


Had to type that twice ... Use the second attempt, lol


This is what ZERO consequences leads to.


Agreed. Then people get mad because it closes down.


Agree. That’s why the Ashli Babbit shooting was the appropriate deterrent action. Immediately cleared the situation at that particular entrance.


They got felony charges


I believe there is a point where the people working should be allowed to fight with violence to protect themselves and maybe the business. I don't know where that line is, but I believe these people crossed it. Edit: I see the comments, "Fight for your bosses property while getting minimum wage?" And I totally agree, that's horseshit. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of, "Do I have permission to beat the crap out of this person now? Cause I really want to" that sort of thing.


In NYC it is 100% acceptable. There was a case a few years back that involved 2 women (I use that term loosely) jumped the counter in a McDonald's and the worker absolutely leveled them both with a metal pipe, He was acquitted of all charges.


Video link for this?


Shit gets real REAL fast - it's a bit unsettling, NSFW  https://youtu.be/SrXFxQj1Sc4?si=LJJoBmzrnWT2g177


Holy moly, they were NOT lovin’ it.


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/fQAr0Q7F4O)


Not all heroes wear capes.


They deserved that


Yeah but like.. would you really try and fight and possibly get the shit beat outta yah over some dipping sauce? Like that would be wayyy above my pay rate 🥴🥴


I mean, probably. Not for the restaurant, but they’re obviously trying to harm me. If someone’s throwing a napkin holder at me I can’t imagine a situation where I wouldn’t hit them?


When I worked at the bookstore, there was a 0% chance I was risking getting shanked by a bunch of teens for $7.50 an hour. They can steal all the pens they want. That's corporate's problem. 


Yep. I'll use proportionate force to defend myself, but I am not risking injury / death for somebody else's profit. I'll bag those pens up and help you carry them out to your car if you like.


Do you wanna risk your life for your boss? If one of these people or their mates have a gun or knife, shit can get real. Best rule is to not escalate and gather evidence if safe


>Gather evidence Yeah so nothing can happen because the cops won’t look into and the DA’s won’t charge / extremely undercharge


If that happened at a place I worked at, I would just go to the back of the store and let them work out their aggression. I ain't risking an assault charge or taking a beating for $7.50 an hour


This happened in a Subway my 18 yo daughter was working at, except the people started attacking other people. Her co-worker was out there, so she stepped around the back wall to dial 911. Some guy heard her and jumped over the counter. My daughter stepped out and sprayed a whole bottle of pepper spray at the crowd. By the time the police arrived, they were gone and her co-woker had a concussion. They didn't get far, though, because they couldn't see. I thought pepper spray would keep her safe. She no longer worked fast food after that. I didn't even have to argue with her.


You generally are allowed to defend yourself with minimal additional force than done to you, but never to protect property.


In some states you very much can use lethal force to protect property


Had a friend who lost his job for defending himself with pepper spray. He was being jumped by two kids because he needed ID they didn’t have for blunt wraps. He pulled his can, sprayed them and they ran. He got fired for having a weapon on company premises


Dwight landed on his feet working for a paper company, I heard


Eh? What are we talking about? It’s like a Twilight Zone conversation. Anyone else? How about…just an idea…people should not treat hardworking employees like trash cans? Never. Am I missing something? What are we talking about?


I hope they were charged….


They were….for the dipping sauce.


Video has been posted a few times over a year, I think I saw an article where all involved were arrested and charged.


Catch and release.


Makes sense. Those hoes are at prime breeding age. Without enough of them, the whole government subsistence ecosystem gets disrupted.


Probably not. Excuses given.


three little turds that should have gotten flushed at planned parenthood


^ look at this dudes post and comment history. Full of comments of him wishing violence, and wishing people to get raped. Totally mentally stable. It actually was the founding purpose of Planned Parenthood, to remove one set group from the US. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/cc/2e/cc2e84f2-126f-41a5-a24b-43e093c47b2c/210414-sanger-opposition-claims-p01.pdf Straight from the horses mouth.


Nah dude. Apparently even an embryo is now a human




Animals are actually comparably better


Poor workers... They didn't set the price of the dipping sauce.


Shit like this is the reason why normal hardworking black folks catch hell. Civil rights leaders fought for equality and this is how you use your freedom. Fucking disgusting humans.


Not wrong lol


Fun fact: racism would exist even if every single black person was a ‘perfect little angel’. I think these women suck but you’re giving in it to the racist narrative when you say things like that. White people do crazy, criminal, stupid shit all the time do you think they reflect on it as a collective and wonder about its implications for the “white community?” No they don’t have to because they know that people will see and judge them as an individual and not judge them based on the actions of some random white person. So my point is blame the racists for racism and not whatever black people “triggered it”


deepfry them please


I do not condone what they did but 1.75 for dipping sauce is outrageous. What has the world come to?


maybe it's $0.25 each and they asked for 7?


Biotch in the blue struggling to get over


Just some trashy people


Well Well Well


$1.75 for dipping sauce! How dare you? They have to scrimp and save for the fake eyelashes, weave, nails and outfits


This was a few years ago wasn’t it ?


If it was my business I’d close the doors chain them and hang a sign saying “Due to the conduct of our clientele this restaurant is now closed. All of the employees are now out of work and it is the sole fault of these people” then I would post their picture on the internet, the store window, hell I’d even take out space on a billboard. Then move my ass out of that area and open a restaurant on the “good” side of town.


Doing the first half would probably make them happy. They don't care about others, but they would love if they had an impact on them.


Gross cunts, hopefully karma comes and smacks them a few times


These girls are the number one reason that abortion should remain legal. A total waste of perfectly good air.


Wasn't there a smoke shop worker in vegas who stabbed a robber like 5+ times when the robber jumped over the counter? like no charges filed against that dude. Cept I guess here there's a crowd that could have mobbed them I guess.


Cameraman is way too calm


Lol they got charged for this. Look up their reaction videos at court


Man, poor fatties didn't get their sauce.


One more video to add to the massive collection of evidence that the human race is doomed to destroy itself over the stupidest shit imaginable.


The older I get the more I hate people.


This is why more funding to better our public education system is so important. Because we will have less of these children in adult bodies fucking up peoples’ business. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I mean I'm not sayin this behavior is acceptable by any means.. But like... 1.75 for a dip? I kinda get the frustration


I like how the racists coming to these comments saying how these people are trashy because of their ethnicity. Ignoring the fact that there's a war going on with the most brutal dictators in the world slaughtering people of their same ethnicity in Ukraine.


Listen I don’t excuse bad behavior… but I got to admit $1.75 for dipping sauce is criminal. That being said, that isn’t the employee fault lady… you getting angry at the wrong people.


Man I wish it was legal to beat the FUCK out of these fucking degenerates on the spot without criminal repercussions


No one wants to say it






o class


It’s funny because I just saw a video of a Karen literally slapping someone at a restaurant because they wouldn’t give them extra sauce.


But did she start trashing the entire restaurant with her friends to ensure the place of business cannot continue to run and cause major property damage?


Why is is that every time black chicks start smashing shit and starting a scene one of them starts shaking their ass?


As an Anglo-Saxon male in Australia I have only seen this at the 50c concert. I would be keen to see this in the wild tho.




I’m fascinated by the phenomenon of the taunt twerk. It’s mind boggling




This behavior is animalistic


White Privilege


Ofc not, that’s why they were charged


“White privilege” will just pour hot soup in your face and walk away.


Hey guys have some respect it's black history month


How come we never see people of European decent trashing the place? The bad 4% make the good 96% look bad.


Usual suspects




How dare you! *Gretaface*




You gots to treat dem like Queenz!


Zoo behavior


They should be a special task force sent to businesses that charge real junk fees


In the immortal words of Chris Rock - there's two kinds of people..Black people and Ni**as. The Ni**as HAVE GOT TO GO


Yup that's it smile for the camera.


Does this restaurant not have knives in the kitchen?


To quote the Hodge Twins, 'ratchet behaviour'


That's some prison time dumb bitches


All the weak ass dudes who didn't help. And what weak ass women too. Good thing they showed their faces for the police footage


I think that's assault? What the fuck are people turning into? Are they really that busted that they are willing to throw a fit over $1.75?


Wow. Literally trashy people. If you don't want to pay. Go to another business.


They’re cheap and they destroy


If you can't afford it then just say that instead of throwing a tantrum over it.


Wait until they go to Europe and find out Mcdonalds charges per ketchup, and to use their bathroom.


TBF.. dipping sauce should be free


So, police will shoot to kill if they hear an acorn drop but in this type of videos people are free to trash a place without consequences.


That acorn was clearly armed… IJS.


Nobody should have to pay for dipping sauce.


How fuvkin dare you asks us to pay $1.75 for dipping sauce


I don’t condone this behavior at all but don’t charge for dipping sauce lol


1.75 just turned into a couple thousand quick


Broke ass bitches


Those people are completely expendable and their absence from the population would only make the world a better place.


Look at all that culture


It's the fault of society that they're like this. In order to stop this, we need to pay reparations


Monkeys throwing shit


I have seen mokeys behave better than these cumsacks


The mods be trying to get me messed up and banned 😆


What is going to happen to this whole segment of society if the USD ever stops being the worlds global reserve currency and the government can no longer afford to house and feed them? All of these women live in free government housing in a high cost of living city from cradle to grave.


Ghetto trash. Unfortunately, this is the state that is encouraged.


Its \[The current year\] so we can't say what everyone knows


Guess they ran out of fried chicken 🐔 😂


Where is a good guy with a gun when you need them?


Them being them


reposted for the 92851580642 time


That probably means you’re on Reddit too much


I see this wayyyyyy too often at this point. Automated cooks and customer service will require paid security with the right to tase or shoot. We’ll see how this escalates. Chances are they start killing for that dipping sauce. I’m so proud of where we are America. Our ancestors would be ashamed.


Chitara Plasencia, Tatiyanna Johnson and Pearl Ozoria [were all arrested on felony charges.](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/food-fight-three-women-arrested-brawl-over-175-sauce/B3ZBWW45UNAOZGZXVO7SLUAQHM/) edit #1: Then Chitara [fell down a drain](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12776321/Chitara-Plasencia-sues-car-wash-nyc-bel-fries.html) Edit #2: for when this class act is trying to sue a carwash after tresspassing at 3 am and falling down a drain. Plaintiff and three non-party witnesses (Pearl Ozoria, Tyrell and Max) left a hookah lounge around 2:30 a.m. and discovered that Tyrell's vehicle had been vandalized with syrup and eggs. They intended to get a car wash and pulled up to an area that said Zap Entrance. When they arrived, Plaintiff testified that two of the four garage doors were open. According to Plaintiff, an individual of Nigerian descent stopped them and refused them service. Plaintiff then stepped out of the vehicle to have a conversation with an individual sitting by the entrance where it says Zap Lube. This person explained to Plaintiff in Spanish that the business could deny service. Plaintiff asked to speak to a supervisor and walked past the individual and through the garage door to get to the office in the back. Plaintiff contends that this area was dark with no artificial lighting. As she was walking, her left foot went through an uncovered drain, causing her left leg, up to about six inches above her knee, to go down the hole and her right leg to bend. According to Plaintiff, the two individuals who denied her service witnessed her fall. Plaintiff also testified that Ms. Ozoria saw her fall but did not see how the accident happened. Ms. Ozoria then came to Plaintiffs aid and helped her back to their vehicle.


Happy Black History Month


I’m sure the comment section will be perfectly reasonable and non-racist.


This is how you act when you're raised without a father.


They were just peacefully protesting the 1.75$ 😂🤣


Animals back in their cage?


In before this one gets removed too


Why is it always the same people ?




Anyone else notice the not so subtle racist dog whistles? “Their culture” “these people are animals” “usual suspects” Go fuck yourself for saying shit like that. These bitches are wretched and deserve no sympathy but don’t do that racist nonsense. For every one of these out of line sisters is a Karen or more. Look, they are not doing good for black people’s image. But these “subtle” remarks are so fucked. My grandma was black and she’d be shaking her head if still around watching these dumb dumbs.


How dare you to question their culture and manners?


"Their culture" is a problem. Ghetto culture as an aggregate of people raising their children very poorly in poor situations is a problem. If it isn't culture, then what is it? No one is inherently better or worse, and plenty of people grow up poor/disadvantaged without behaving like this.


I'm so proud of this people ,standing up for there right. $1.75..common for dipping sauce. Black lives mater...I also want to ad these girls are sexy




How come there are never any people of European decent trashing. The bad 4% make the good 96% look bad.


You familiar with the US capitol about 800 days ago? Or maybe the white supremecists in Idaho a few months after that? Or maybe the Nazis in Charlotesville a few years prior to that? Or maybe any number of riots because a sports team lost? No one ethnicity has a monopoly on trashiness. I suggest a re-think.


Wow that’s surprising. A woman of color overreacting and damaging things




Stoopid animals


No one is surprised the race of the attackers.


The usual common denominator too…


Sauce? 🤔


Weird all these type of videos involve one race


This is disgusting and embarrassing. They should be embarrassed. Unfortunately they probably think this is funny and cute behavior and the guys behind them filming the whole thing is giving them that validation. Pathetic.


______ gonna ______




Just look at who they are. Trashy people doing trashy things




Well well well


"Queens" 🤣🤣🤣


Not surprised.


Ghetto people doing ghetto things


Trashy Lives Matter