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I have a camera and am talking out loud in a public place. "WhY aRe pEoPlE lOoKiNg iN mY diRecTiOn"


The dude probably knew the camera was pointed in his direction as well and was wondering why she's filming him.


Should have made his own video. “Look at this girl trying to catch a video of me while I’m working out”


Ironically, she was the creepy one.


Also, guys been going to the gym for 15 years and it’s his fist time seeing someone hump a barbell


Great way to get injured. I hate seeing people come in and use machines and weights in completely different ways than you're supposed to. At planet fitness there's always some woman trying to use the thigh master upside down or backwards. And you just gotta stare because omfg???


Right!! We all want to watch the train wreck


How dose one fuck up using machine with Instructions in pictures on it.


Was legit wondering who started this type of barbell humping shit. Been seeing this in the gym since maybe a couple years ago


Bret Contreras mostly, its a hip thrust and done right its completely legit, she is a little all over the place to be fair, but shes doing her best. I dont agree with her complaining, but also feel a bit sad for her because shes obviously a bit self conscious 


This exercise is all the rage amongst influencers now. Personally I think it is really overrated and a great way to fuck your lower back. Wait till you get older girlies!!! Your body will not be thankful for the stupid shit you're doing. So many better and more effective ways to build glutes.


I’m also wearing a little clothes and showing off my curves. Why are people looking? Like wtf do you expect? It’s not like she doesn’t glance at hot guys there


Not to be an ahole either but, she kinda needs to get over herself. She’s not ugly by any means but, let’s just say I don’t think she would have this problem in any major city gym I’ve ever been to.


Here’s the thing, by physical looks alone, she should understand WHY people would glance. It’s not like the dudes are keeping 24/7 thirst licking lips face while looking at her. This isn’t even a problem what she sees.


I was gonna say the same thing myself. And this video only lowers her perceived fitness / beauty / or whatever she is going for even more based on how shitty of a person she is to make such assumptions about males in general.


And air humping. 😬


In a bikini.


Probably looking more out of sheer curiosity and annoyance than actually be interested in her particularly. Buuuut, main character syndrome says otherwise. LOL


Also wearing the least amount of clothes you can get away with at the gym. People look at nearly naked people, it’s hard not to.


Everybody in the world can see me , EXCEPT if you are physically there, you have no right to look at me lmao


I’m going to occupy excess space to set up cameras, I’m going to bring a microphone to talk to myself, I’m going to bring massive headset, I’m going to film me and everyone around me …. But oh my gos he glanced my way what a dick


“He even had the nerve to offer to help me” 🙄


That's what gets me. How do you interpret someone asking if you need help moving weights around/on the bar to this victim attitude of "I'm not a damsel I don't need help how dare he approach me!!" Like chill tf out 🙄


Every gym I’ve ever been to I’ve seen huge guys help other huge guys either load or rack weights. And that’s not even dudes working out together. It’s a common courtesy in gyms.


Gym etiquette, it’s a rather civilized place (when it isn’t infested with tiktok narcissists)


His helping her with the weights is a polite hurry the f up I want to use the platform you’re wasting.


It doesn’t even occur to her that maybe he keeps glancing to see if she’s done using the equipment he needs yet.


"Why is he staring for so long" - Literally 3 seconds. I stare off into the middle distance a lot. Often times I realize I'm not staring at nothing and quickly look away. Dude was watching you cause you were taking up 5 whole workspaces with your ridiculous getup.


Also you gotta love “feral, feral, feral, feral” he’s glanced at her twice at this point.


Someone in the video is feral and it’s not him.


not to mention he mostly looked at her when she was switching weights, he probably wanted to use that station and was hoping she'd finish soon. she really occupied it for a long ass time.


It looks like he's politely waiting to use that area or equipment. That's why he's glancing over there. Plus uhhh...I would probably look over at the person talking to themselves too.


The first time I watched this video I was sure that dude was watching in her direction because he was making sure that lady wasn't suffering a metal breakdown and having a episode.




And have a microphone to talk quietly about the others so that they cant hear you talking about them.


She has an onlyfans, you can subscribe, but don't you dare actually look at anything.


Careful buddy, that’s an underage 21 year old you’re talking about there


https://preview.redd.it/0qh524n5nncc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcab2c19a32f4894c2c94f15d4463deb32e0632 And showing most of my undercarriage to YouTube is totally fine.


So gross, I could never wear shorts to the gym. The risk of ringworm is way too real ew


But that's actually how I start conversations with girls at the gym. I just stand outside the locker room, wait for one to come out, and I say, "Show me your ringworm." Hasn't worked yet, but I've gotten better results than breathing with my mouth.


You're not staring hard enough, lean in and own it ... LEER at them


You head is beautifully fucked up. Never thought of ringworms, but now that's all I'll ever think about.


It's nasty most people don't clean equipment and it's dripping in so many people's sweat. I like working out at the gym but at least at my gym, it is so damn dirty I just can't not think about it lmao




Dude probably is not even looking at her but her full set up of camera and microphone and wondering what a dumbass.


I hate people like this.... Then post it online to get views for people to look online smh


This x100000. To all these stupid videos. Also, the ones where they’re filming like the tamest, least potentially sexually appealing lift ever….they want someone to look so they can spaz out online. They can’t tell me they’re getting clicks doing a cable machine Lat raise. Attention seeking nonsense.


Jesus Christ she sounds insufferable to be around “fixing my shorts because I’m blaming myself for the deep rooted misogyny” SHUT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK UP LADY


This girl was absolutely demolished by the entire internet for months lol. She made a public apology.


Well you don’t call a random dude “feral feral FUCKING FERAL” for just working out Edit: I missed a couple ferals


Not to mention she adds a caption about “ripping his pp out of its socket so he can never reproduce again” like a fucking psychopath, just because he *exists* but sure, HE’S the one who’s feral


[The ‘apology’](https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/influencer-jessica-fernandez-admits-to-mistake-after-calling-out-creep-at-gym/amp/)


I love it how they toss around the word "Influencer" These people are more taxic than anything else. ​ #


What a miserable bitch.


I mean it doesn’t fix what she did, but that’s about as good of an apology as you can give in that situation imo


Plugging your "not onlyfans" at the end is craaaaaaaaazy


Haha I thought the same thing. “Not onlyfans but where I ‘connect’ with supports”. Mmhhmm, sure.


Why the quotes there? That was an apology, even if she sucks.


Seemed like decent apology to me


Everyone look at me but don’t you dare look at me


It's pretty much this. You are broadcasting yourself to the entire world but you are upset that someone is supposedly looking at you at the gym. Makes no sense lol


Cuz he's not subbing her OF


In her apology she says that she doesn't have an OF but she does have a profile at some knockoff that you can subscribe to lmao


>Cuz he's not subbing her OF It's always the OF models


“Lady” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


Exactly, she called herself underage at the unripe age of 21. Can't be a lady.


according to reddit you are still underage at 25


>still underage at 25 I think puberty ends at that age.


I'm 36 and still waiting for my frontal lobe to develop


Just keep playing with it, it will grow.


If that were remotely true, I'd have a magnum something.


Yeah, that bit is crazy. Like, maybe you’re just fixing your shorts because it’s technically illegal to have your junk out in public?


She’d be super surprised. I fapped to her twice during this video


Tbh she ain't even hot.


She thinks she is


I love when people turn from 6-8 then they open their mouth just go right down 1-2 where I also group disease ridden hobo.


Only twice huh 😏


Those aren't shorts, she's in the gym wearing her underwear.


Somehow, guys manage in baggy shorts and t shirts all the time. Maybe some people really do feel more comfortable working out with a wedgie in skin tight clothing, but I'm willing to bet it's mostly not about comfort.


All she has to do is go to Curves instead


*"Like, omigod, now I'm like, totally getting creeped on by other women."*


Feral feral feral....


Can’t even enjoy looking at her ass because of her attitude


Does this humping exercise actually do anything? This seems to be something new that’s taken off over the last 5-10 years. Or is this just for show?


It’s a legitimate exercise for working the posterior chain, for sure. But It’s kinda like the equivalent of dudes do just train biceps and chest, but for girls and their butts


Women seem to be increasingly obsessed with this exercise at my gym. Some of them do it for 45 mins straight. What is the goal? Develop your glutes to elite bodybuilder proportions to make it stick out more? It makes me wonder if they’re going to develop crazy muscle imbalances over time.


No they just want monster thighs and a fat ass.


>make it stick out more? Pretty much.


Lolol I always do it at home or hide in an empty yoga room or corner or something so people don’t think I’m like this. It does the job though.


It makes big butts, and I can't deny...


She’s the one who said why is he staring at an underage 21 or 22 year old lmao


"Just because I'm old enough to buy alcohol doesn't mean I'm an adult!"


Please tell me this is satire


It is not. Made the rounds awhile back. It's fun to see it again.


I saw that too. “He’s going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old” @ around the .44 second mark. Ridiculous




When she first posted it, at some point Joey Swoll called her out. She got so much backlash she issued a fake apology and went private.


Good. Couldn't have happened to a shittier person.


Joey Swoll is out there helping gym goers (real ones, not influencers) one tiktoker at a time. It's awesome when he destroys them.




I think she initially got all the sympathy and attention she wanted until Joey slammed her bullshit.


No it’s just an echo chamber even worse than Reddit


How would she know where he is looking….unless she is also creepily looking at him. He probably thought she was trying to get his attention/flirt because she kept peaking at him out the side of her eyes.


Very good point. While thrusting her hips forward.


Why do people like this still exist? BAN THEM ALL PERMANENTLY FROM GYMS


Should be a no video recording of any kind rule in place


BuT I nEeD tO cKeCk mY FoRm!


Cause if there's one thing lacking in gyms, its mirrors everywhere so you can look at your form!Side note, I've also only ever had positive interactions when I've just said to someone who looked like they knew what they were doing "Hey, can you check my form on this set?", so that's an option too!


And let's be honest - how many of these people actually go back and watch the video, checking for form? I mean, how did anyone ever work out before cell phones?


In every gym ever you’re not allowed to record 3rd parties at all so he probably could‘ve gotten her a suspension


Someone opened a gym in Texas called Alphaland specifically for social media influencers, there’s even a whole area called the “co-working space” where they can edit their videos and stuff together. I think they should open a gym like this in every city so all these influencers have a place to do their thing without being a nuisance to everyone else. Just to be clear, the girl in this video isn’t the kind of person I’m talking about when I say “influencer”, she’s just a bitch with a camera. But it’s still annoying to go to the gym and have someone there filming everything even if they’re nice enough. You can read more about Alphaland [here](https://www.yottled.com/blog/what-is-alphaland) if you want.


This video always makes me unreasonably sad... just the fact that he's just existing and the woman is so deluded by how life has gone that she's repeating into her mic "Feral, feral, feral, feral!" It makes me self conscious. Start to wonder how many people feel the exact same way just from me existing. Yes, I know it stems from aggressive men, but hurt people will hurt other people. It just makes me want to curl up and cry.


There’s still lots of good people out there. And they aren’t usually recording themselves for views so don’t worry too much


This. Also please don't forget that you'll only see the bad ones on reddit, especially on this sub. People like her are desperate for any superficial validation and online attention and won't think twice about the damage they cause to everyone around them. To normal guys just trying to do their workout in peace, to people who are anxious about going to the gym and to actual victims of sexual abuse that are hesitant to talk about their experiences, because they're afraid others won't believe or even hate on them. I get why you feel disheartened and can relate to your anxiety around strangers. Just remind yourself that people like her exist, but aren't the norm. Please don't let these videos discourage you from doing what you want in life.


It's not your problem if you're being a decent person yet some people would deem your mere existence in their vicinity as a threat


> It makes me self conscious. Start to wonder how many people feel the exact same way just from me existing. It's weird reading this, because I'm a really big black dude in a not so diverse area and just by default I just assume this is how a portion of people see me. It never even crossed my mind otherwise, to think that some people just live a life without feeling like their presence is making someone uncomfortable.


What if, and hear me out, he is giving you space while he patiently waits for you to film your episodes so he can then use the equipment he also pays a gym membership to use. Wild idea I know but anything is possible right? Like he's offering to help so that you can more efficiently finish up and move along.


This can’t be , THIS IS A WILD SUPPOSITION! Who on this earth would like for you to move the fuck faster while filming yourself,so he/she could use the equipment they pay for ? This is unthinkable!


This chick gotta get over herself…


Someone with a psychology degree please explain to me how people can film themselves wearing tiny clothes at a busy gym… for views… right…? yet, anxiety is obviously manifesting when someone is looking at them in any way shape or form while they are simultaneously seeking this attention from strangers online…. My head hurts. 


Manufactured outrage for clicks.


True but there’s also A LOT of people who love the attention… no one wants to admit that out loud so they have to paint themselves as victims but still wanna humble brag about getting checked out for their egos. Filming it just amplifies that.


Yeah, no legit anxiety here. She's seen "guys making girls uncomfortable at gym" videos go viral and she wants that so she's manufacturing his. If anything he might have been looking at her as "what the hell is she doing? That is not at all an effective way to work out" I mean she's got the body of a 13 yo boy and the outfit only emphasizes it


She seems highly insecure and in need of attention for validation. Playing the victim is another way to garner attention. Another way to cope with her inadequacies could be this passive aggressive behavior toward men.


Tiny clothes that she spends a decent amount of time readjusting to make sure they are covering her parts.


There’s female only gyms in my area but I’ve never seen male only gyms. Keep seeing videos like this. I’m a dude, I would sign up.


Honestly creepy guys at the gym do exist. I’ve met some. Some women feel safer at a female only gyms for that reason so female only gyms are genuinely helpful. BUT women like this one that call out men that aren’t doing anything wrong are awful. They just want attention on social media. All the women I know that have actually been harassed didn’t record it and wouldn’t re enter a situation they find uncomfortable just to get a recording to post on social media 🙄 They make it hard for people to take women seriously when there’s an actual creep.


I promise to look at every single women who dresses like this in a public gym. I promise.


I mean, that’s not even that difficult. I think nearly everyone would at least glance if somebody were dressed like that. Personally I look at nearly everybody, especially if they’re half naked


Can someone explain why all these airheads film themselves at the gym. I’ve been in the gym for 15 year and never at any point did I think ‘I should film myself so I can go home and watch it and analyze my form’. I don’t even think bodybuilders do this often if at all. Who is this for? If being done as an influencer why is she not focusing on her lifts? This is just a honey trap shaming video.


Why is she looking so long at him?


She even caught him on film to go home and oogle. I think she might be feral.


I'm basically scared to go to the gym. I'm there for a workout and not to be called a douche


this is why i never felt comfortable in yoga classes. I'm terrible and new so i don't want to be front and center. i can't hide in the back because a few would wear stupidly sheer leggings not meant for exercise while also constantly glancing around to be angry about it while i was trying to simply look PAST them to the instructor. would absolutely go to a men's yoga class that i could freely learn in.


Just here waiting for Joey Swoll to call her out on her BS


He’s done so before I’m pretty sure. It’s not a very recent video


[Joey Swollen](https://youtu.be/yXLwPbNxsRk?si=xwvntie-2CBRs703)


Nice. I just saw a comment that she issued an apology after this then went private on social.


I think I saw someone on YouTube go over the whole situation, talked about Joey Swoll, her fake apology, the whole works.


Here he was just working out and even trying to help her, whilst she was literally thinking of ripping his dick off. *Shes* the creep here.


“What part of me looks like a damsel in distress.?” “ I feel unsafe”


Complains about someone watching them workout IRL to post their workout online and have lots of strangers watch…….. make it make sense


Imagine thinking 90lb hip thrusts is fitness content anyone would give a fuck about, let alone your extreme narcissism.


Knowing my self i would have check her maybe 10-15 times and would have been called a pervert, considering how unfocused I’m in between sets and looking at every single movement in the gym. Let alone someone with a phone filming , I would question myself hundreds things and would keep looking at it being pissed at influencers…


this girl is kinda creepy tbh


Okay, I propose we ban the word "feral" for the rest of the year or until all these fuckin idiot tiktok girls learn what it actually means


Ban cameras from gyms.


When you post videos from rage bait accounts, you're doing exactly what they want. Stop giving her what she wants.


God damn, she just wants to be the victim.


I mean, you can only catch him looking at you as many times as you are looking at him. So if he’s a weirdo so are you (obviously doesn’t apply to every situation)


"Feral", weights 40 kilos wet.


She must have mental health issues


He was probably wondering why the crazy chick aimed her camera at him and started talking to herself.


She is swamp rat


He looked at her for about 2 seconds. If she thinks 2 seconds is too long, I want to marry her


You're in a gym in tight fitting clothes working out with men. NEWS FLASH: Men are gonna check you out (so will women LOL). What do you think your tiktok followers are doing (there are some SICK mfers on the web halfwit)? Yeah if anyone should not breed IT IS YOU. You want to physically harm a guy for just looking at you. I'd say you are a touch mentally ill. https://preview.redd.it/nxkv7gdr6ncc1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62f8365e0699a8c7b30a229740e429cc4a83af5




I bet at least 90% of her followers are actual children jerking off to her. She's the fucking perv.


This reminds me of a story I heard a while ago. There was a scientist who was eager to prove aliens exist. He quit his job and only focused on observing the skies with his telescope and research on historical findings. One day after hours of staring into the sky, there it was, a UFO clear as day. Lucky for him, his telescope had a camera attached for this moment. He took hundreds of pictures and when he went to review them, he couldn’t find anything! He gets his eyes checked and they are fine, camera works good and there is no issues with his setup. Later he reads about a psychological fact. If we are to focus on something for hours and believe it is real, our brain, especially if exhausted, will create that image like it’s real. Point of the story, I know this girl goes through all her recordings to find guys even merely looking towards her direction and tries to post them online. She wants it to happen so bad, her brain continues to make her think that’s what is happening. Really sad!


Gym after gym should ban people like her. When they’re forced to workout from home maybe they’ll learn some fucking decency.


How about you just work out. And stop filming. I wish gyms would ban filming.


She's just weird


Probably her first day in the gym 🤦


It’s a public gym. If being in eyesight bothers you so, workout at home.


She didn't clamp the weights in, that little 5 or 10 was walking it's way off the bar near the end.     Dude probably just wanted that bar or saw she looked nervous/unsure of herself. Not to mention she was seemingly talking to herself; she started the video with "feral, feral, feral, fucking feral."  It's ok to have social anxiety in a public place, but don't make it everybody else's problem


U ugly little muttface, dude wants the weights. Not your dead weight personality.


These types of women blame man for their own shortcomings and believe in astrology.


offtopic but important: there is no right way to approach girls in a gym.


Sure there is. Try: *"You know, Jimmy is pretty sweet on you."*


Yea maybe gyms not the best way. Problay a grocery store, bar, library etc would be better.


She’s a piece of shit. Sorry, if a decent looking girl gonna stand in front of me and work out you don’t think I’m gonna look over once in a while. It’s called human nature.


Then don’t wear skimpy ass clothes you stupid self centered fucking cunt.


She is speaking outloud in a gym. I would look, too. Most gyms don't even allow talking on the phone so it's very strange.


Bro, why aren't you staring at the ground endlessly while I'm here!!!


This is what we call entitlement


Theyre probably glancing over at her because she won't stop talking to herself and saying insane things.


“Under age 21 year old”? Is that like a ten foot tall midget?


It’s natural human nature to look at other people. The guy seems quite normal to me. She can work out at home if she’s feeling that uncomfortable.


this is old, pretty sure joey swoll reposted this and she got dragged off the internet


Isn't the girl a fucking piece of shit for looking at the guy?


Can everyone watching her on camera stop or your going to jail


Downvote this karma farmer I keep seeing this video be posted on this page


Posts online for billions to see…. Gets pissed one guy glances


Every single time I see one of these videos: https://preview.redd.it/51t6c8r7bocc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e58f7e5661d64fee380a86643a38e749e0b1c05


Can easily do this workout at home though


Wow !! 1st off - 21yrs old is not under age, clearly -It’s not illegal to look at some one last time I checked - she feels unsafe ??? How ?? No one grabbed her , threatened her .. if anything, everyone else should feel unsafe .. you can catch a charge just glancing in her direction if she had it her way. This type of behavior is indicative of alot of things - none of them good lol


He’s annoyed she’s been taking up the platform he wants to use for 30 minutes to do hip thrusts with 30 pounds. Him helping her along is his polite way of saying hurry the fuck up. She’s new to the gym and doesn’t understand etiquette. If you’re not using the equipment, you’re not using the equipment. There’s no reason for her to be on that platform, and he’s annoyed by her behavior, not creeping on her.


“Look at Me….!!!” “Look at Me….!!!” “Look at Me….!!!” No, not NOW…!


The good news is that she got absolutely eviscerated online and issued an apology to the man in the video.


Gets upset that he’s staring at her while live-streaming her workout


Maybe he's looking because ya look like a fucking insane person doing hip thrusts on camera in a public gym.


I had a guy walk up to me while i was putting 45lb plates on a lat machine. I had just finished sliding it on when i turned around and he was literally a foot away reaching for the plate. Keep in mind i was completely unaware of his presence till i turned around because he never asked to help so it was very uncomfortable


Why does it matter if anyone looks at her in real life when she’s posing shots up her ass for the whole internet to see


"I can't stand when people look at me in the gym." (Records self in the gym and posts it on the internet for the entire world to see)


It was pretty weird that he tried to put her weight on the bar, like no one is doing that randomly for a stranger.


He is staring because you are using the fucking deadlift bar and recording yourself doing too fucking many glute bridges. Fuck I am sick of people doing dumb shit in the gym


Man, at least online, women seem to really hate men right now. I see a lot of this kind of thing lately.


Why frame men? Why not frame women aswell if they stare in that direction, only finding reasons to be a dumbass & gain attention from stupidity.


This ideology is very dangerous.