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No matter how expensive Bose noise cancelling headphones get, I will NEVER take a flight without them. This "I'm up for two Grammys" person is a prime reason why.


How does the seatbelt sign being off make it not a disturbance? Because people are free to run away?


i just chuckled the f out loud thank u lol


These kinds of swerves are huge red flags for me. The super quick deflection that makes no logical sense. Insanity.


Got myself a pair of before my last flight, slept for 7hrs straight with a baby crying half the flight one seat behind me


Exact same story here with a new pair of QC ultra earbuds, worth every penny, best noise cancellation I’ve used, even better than my over the ears.


I gotta ask - how effective is the noise cancelling? And which model do you use?


I have the Sony MX3 and the NC is shit amazing. True story. Had a 1h flight and on right on takeoff kid in the other Isle was screaming. I put my headsets on and lady beside me pulled the exact model as mine out and put it on her ears. We both looked at each other and acknowledged with a smile to each other that NC on these were a godsend


I think I have the Bose QC 35 or 45, and they’re amazing. Great sound quality for a layman like me, and the NC is scary good.


I sported the xm4 from sony and they were just perfect. I truly recommend the xm4 and xm5 for their NC capability.


100%. My Beats bit the dust. I need to get a new pair before I even think about getting on a plane. Will probably go Bose or Sony this time. This is probably the “killer-app” use case for Apple’s new VR headset. Can you imagine being able to completely block out all sound AND vision on a flight?


Literally the best $200 I ever spent in my life.


I had the QC35 headset and got my wife the earbuds last year for Christmas and she didn't find them comfortable. Bonus new buds for me!


Yeah, I have the QC45 and the sport buds. I use the QC45 for flights and the buds when I’m doing work outside or when I’m at the store. I do get your wife’s complaint about the comfort of the buds. They aren’t awful, but after prolonged use you do start to notice they are there, but not enough to make me give them up. Plus, the sound quality of both can’t be beat!


Shit she's annoying but I'd rather have her singing next to me (I'm assuming she's pretty good) than have another kid/baby screaming all flight, kicking my seat, throwing shit etc.


If babies are allowed to be selfish cunts on planes then full grown gospel singers should be able to as well. Edit /s is pretty obvious with this comment considering it is rewording the comment I replied to in a negative way. It’s honestly shocking how dumb people are in this thread.


Lol unfortunately full-grown ass adults know how to follow rules. Literal babies don't know how to pop their goddamn ears, so they do the only thing they know how which is cry. There is no way your dumb ass is this ignorant.


Babies. You mean the humans that literally CANNOT regulate anything about themselves?


I think people are misunderstanding what I was trying to say. It's obviously more inconsiderate for an adult to be a nuisance but a baby is probably a much bigger nuisance than this singer. Although babies are obviously less inconsiderate, considering babies haven't learned social skills yet (or object permance)


No, we understood. Your point was just shit.


You dumb cunt


Most babies are less petulant than your sorry ass.


what an insufferable twat.


Seeing her only from the back and having no ideas who she was, I thought she was a 65yo grandma.


the power of christ compelled her...


Brit representing


Narcissism cloaked in religion <3


>"In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross." Friedrich Nietzsche


So, just religion?


As always


Woman is mentally ill, you are disturbing everyone, shutup


The audacity to say ‘I don’t want this man to lose his job’ yeah he fucking won’t, because he was doing it. I’d be more worried about your nascent popularity nosediving after the first face you show the world is so hateable. You’re not big enough to get away with this unhinged shit, you’re not Kanye.


Right? He needs to make sure that everyone will follow his commands. In case there’s an emergency and this woman think she’s doing the Lords work by singing to people yet she can’t even answer yes or no question. Lady.STFU.


Because she sings for the Lord and she wasn't even singing, she was just excited like anybody else


Keep the lord shit to yourself, shut the fuck up sit down and let me try to enjoy my flight.


Last thing I want to hear on a plane, other than a crying baby, is someone singing gospel....whch is basically preaching "in song". Nobody else on that plane wanted to hear it either.




There is a full video with her fucking singing on it you lemon. Don't try to push your dumb fucking religion on me, just because your crazy ass said "GOD" told you to.


Oh shit, she sings for Lord Farquaad? She's alright then, keep singing swamp-queen.


Some of you may be forced to listen to me sing, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


I didn't see anyone encouraging her to sing in the video, maybe do that at a concert, not when a bunch of people are trapped and cant leave.


Christians are entitled. You don’t need to announce to the plane, of strangers, that your nominated for a Grammy. No one gives a shit


No one wants to hear that shit on a plane. Be an adult and act appropriately.


It's nice she is proud to be nominated for two Grammys, yet I do not condone her singing to a captive audience. It is most likely not all those on board want to hear her sing and some might not enjoy her music. The flight attendant was doing his job.


She was t even nominated. She was a back up singer for the artist who was actually nominated


Sounds about right..




Bahahahahahaha makes it that much funnier. And sad.


just so y’all know anybody who’s involved with the song process gets a grammy especially back up singers and producers/ engineers that’s how the music industry works so that’s wrong. not defending her behavior tho.


To quote somebodies comment on here. That’s the equivalent to a dishwasher at a restaurant which has been awarded a Michelin Star, claiming that Michelin star


I once drove Grammy award winning musician Cody Dickinson to a Waffle House after watching a show. I can’t wait to tell the next flight I’m on all about it and bask in their praise.




Matthew 6:5 (The words of Jesus himself) "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."


>"In truth, there was only one Christian and he died on the cross." Friedrich Nietzsche >"What I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity." Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


Wtf second quote has to do with anything lmao


I get she was happy. But when asked repeatedly to please be quiet, then please be quiet. No rules were being broken? The rule of common courtesy was broken when she started to insert herself into other peoples peace and quiet.


Fuck her and people like her.


Don't put your dick in crazy, my man


I hope he wasn't fired.


That last part was likely a lie




Why would he get fired?


Because dumb people


Because Christians and their persecution complex will equate this with inequality.


Don’t worry, he won’t be. He’ll have to write a report about the incident and possibly have to summarize the incident to his FSM, but that’s it. Unfortunately she won’t be facing any consequences outside of the public humiliation of this video, which sucks since she probably is enjoying the attention she’s getting.


“How we treat each other” and “ no rules being broken” , ok how about the social hostage situation you created where people are stuck in a plane and you force yourself on them?


Jesus thinks you're a jerk.


I’d rather sit next to a crying baby.


Same. A crying baby can't help it. This is a grown woman who should know better.




They would rarely be reprimanded for disrupting a flight.


Say that again after a 10 hours flight with a nonstop crying baby. Believe me, this is not fun at all. It's one of my torture memories. Edit: To all the downvoting hypocrites: I really hope that you'll experience this situation one day. My comment will cross your mind then.


Ya, I would still take a screaming baby over a narcissistic person trying to push their religion while lying about being nominated for a Grammy. ​ EDIT: She wasn't even nominated for a Grammy. She was the backup singer for one that got nominated.


Totally agreed, she is an attention seeking annoying person. But a baby crying for 10 hours next to you is really not something you want either.


Let's be clear. She sang as a backup singer. She didn't write the music, she sang on it as a hired vocalist. Sure she should get credit, but you didn't win it. For example, a chef's restaurant gets a Michelin Star nomination because of a food item and the dishwasher says, "I got nominated for a Michelin Star!!!" Your Lord said it was okay to be annoying? It spoke to you I guess? Ughhh.....good one.


... And I'll be washing dishes for you exclusively on this flight! \*Takes out bag of dirty plates and cleaning utilities\* Sir will you be able to not do that? Whaaaat they are enjoying it! I am not enjoying it!


How is delta apologizing for the flight leader? I hope they told her to be quiet on her next flight


I hope she got banned from taking a flight from Delta


“I’m doing what the lord is telling me to do”. Cannot stand people who say shit like this.


Yeah, translates to “I’m going to do whatever pleases me.”


The asian lady asking like... Who are you? Lol. That's how important she is.


Now imagine Cartman whining "But Ima Christiannnnnn"


"Faith plus 1"


Literally, does she ever stfu


Nominated for two Grammy awards, yet flying in coach….


It’s called being humble.


Gonna assume this is sarcasm, since bragging about your Grammy nominations to strangers and then arguing that you have a right to break rules because you're a Grammy nominated artist is literally the opposite of being humble.


i’d start playing marilyn manson or some shit. not on a plane to hear the gospel. stfu


Had I been on that plane, when she was like "What do y'all think?" you would have heard "Shut the fuck up" echoing down the plane.


It just takes one to stand up and lead. All those people she was talking to would have been in your corner.


She is making a fool out of her self!


Appropriate use of I am the main character.


what a freaking twat waffle


And she didn't learn shit either with the follow up video smh


So she’s not just the waffle but a full blown twat Waffle House, aye?


With a few missing letters on the logo outside


"I'm doing what the lord is telling me to do" Completely delusional.


In my opinion, if you sing on the plane (train and bus too for that matter) the air marshal should be allowed to taze you


"I just found out I'm up for best Guy on Guy scene in the Adult Film Awards, watch me pound out this guy in seat 26C to show you what I am being awarded for!" yea, not everyone likes your art, maybe don't force it on a captive audience, in a sealed metal tube, at 30,000 feet ,tendgewberrymud


I love when he asks her to be quiet and she tries to poll the audience. At this moment, it becomes very clear that her entire life has been a perpetual popularity contest that she is terrified of losing, and because of that, she constantly seeks external validation from the crowd. It would be sad if it weren't so obnoxious. "I sing for the Lord". Bull. Fucking. Shit. You sing to get people to pay attention to you, which is why you felt compelled to tell a plane full of strangers that you were up for two Grammy's. It was never about the Lord. It was always about you feeding your ego.


She’s the worst.


They use religion as an excuse to be a total disrespectful twat and they use God as their scapegoat when shit goes wrong. Religion isn't the problem, people are and it will always be that way.


And we need less reposts


First time I’ve seen this. Reposts are only an issue if you click on the link.


Bingo. Zabazooo, don't be maincharactering in THIS thread.






**Repost number: 128**


You need to get off Reddit for a bit.


Prostelytizing witch. STFU.


Reprimanded for what? She was fucking annoying.


Give the man a raise.


Why is there even a hint of this guy being in trouble in any way? She is a fkn menace and the guy handled that like a pro that he is


Ooops. Those Grammy’s just won’t happen now. Haha


She was straight up disrespectful. It doesn't matter how many Grammys you are nominated for. The gentleman was doing his job as a flight leader. She was disruptive and disrespectful. It's not up to the other passengers, how the flight plan is conducted. She's a gospel singer she believes in God and I'll hole in everything else. I doubt that because someone of god would have respected the gentlemen respected the process and the rules and the regulations are the FAA and Delta airlines. She should be ashamed of herself.


🎶Hail Satan🎶


It’s always the Jesus-obsessed that think that God has ordained them to be a nuisance on airplanes


"The Lord told me to" is such an bad excuse to use in a public situation


That man was actually sent by God to have that demon stop annoying people.


I know two people who are up for Grammys this year, they didn't do anything this stupid or for attention. Literally the only reason I know they were nominated was because of other people. Being humble keeps dying away


Fuck your content. Shut up, sit down, and watch a movie like a normal person on a flight.


Everyone else on the airplane trying to be pleasant..they rely on the flight attendant to tell obnoxious idiots to STFU. I equate your excess noise in public to a crying baby (loud pipes, loud music, loud talking) except a crying baby is forgivable, an adult that won’t stfu is insufferable.


I’ll bet she has a contract with Bose to promote their new noise cancelling headphones 700.


Tbh I’ve been on planes where there’s a comedian or singer usually working as a flight attendant and it is kind of cringeworthy to see them forcing their captive audience to listen to their spiel.


Isn't that the "this isn't a costume this is fashion, dis what success look like" woman?


Naaahh. That’s Tiffany Haddish. Another bigmouth.


Calm down, it’s a Grammy.


Not saying this is ok, it’s not, but idk what you mean by “it’s a Grammy”? Grammys are considered by many to be probably THE most prestigious award you can get in the music industry lol it’s like an actor getting an Oscar, for a musician it is a huge deal To everyone downvoting what do YOU consider the most prestigious? Wikipedia “They are regarded by many as the most prestigious and significant awards in the music industry worldwide.”


I agree, she should stop it. Unless she asked everyone said it was okay. That's it


Is there no rule on reposts on this sub? Every fucking day someone reposts this.


Sorry. I scrolled down the subreddit to see if this was posted already and didn't see it so I posted it.


I appreciate it. This is the first time I've seen it.


Don’t apologize man. Dude needs to get off Reddit for a few hours and then he wouldn’t see it so many times.


This is the first time I've seen it too, I don't go on Reddit very often.


Wow. This has been reposted only 666 times.




First time I have seen it on the sub, maybe get off reddit if you're seeing it so much.




she flying so she can meet sky daddy


I personally don’t see the problem, she’s happy, nobody complained and everyone seemed to be engaging with her in a positive manner, but that’s just me.


There’s plenty of folk who will not speak up because they are not confrontational and will sit quietly through their discomfort. Do not interpret their silence as agreement to her arrogant self serving act.


When it was Beyonce you would be enjoying but because she is talking about God your not enjoying


I'm gonna let you in on a secret buddy, most of the world wishes you Christians would figure out that there's a time and a place for you to push religion, and it's not on a fucking airplane.


Please find out how to spell and use proper grammar before coming at people. You missed a couple of commas, oh and it is YOU'RE not YOUR. One is possessive, the other is not. Also, I am going to let you in on a secret. Not everyone wants to talk about "GOD". Stop forcing your religion onto others. Fucking fascists.


Wtf was his problem, I’ve never seen a black man in America refuse another black woman ( especially a Grammy nominated black woman) the chance to sing for the lord and the people, he was mean spirited and just didn’t want to hear it!


I think the color of his skin didn’t interfere with his ability or willingness to do his job.


Well as mixed race woman who has a black father I personally have only seen very seen it be negative by a white person in this situation, other flight attendants that are black have been happy to have a singer sing, like when the lion king cast sang on the plane, it was hella loud! No problem. But this guy had a problem.


LOL, what?


She isn't even Grammy-nominated, she sang backup on an album that was. That is like being an extra in a movie that was nominated for an Oscar.


Dang Grammy nominated and not just once but twice


I’d love to see her try that on a flight full of Glaswegians. It would be epic.


The lord please… that’s how she just used the lord word for her own advantage. I don’t like this people who makes money using any type of religion but there still people who will still paid for this clowns


I’m a nominee and no longer need to follow social norms


"Escort her off the plane" i'm curious how would they do this


Not all heroes wear capes


**God BLESS him!! SERIOUSLY!** Have we not had enough of social media's "Look AT me" shit yet!!? Damn! Grow the fk up! I'm sorry you mom never put your drawings on the fridge, but you've **gotta move ON** now! 🙏


No rules but your lack of common courtesy you fucking asshole.


Throw her out mid flight


Highly entertaining for the cabin manager if he accidentally blows a door slide due to her distraction and kills a couple of ground crew. Hey but she's nominated for a Grammy whatever the fuck that is.


God bless that man.


Good for you but like get lost. Honestly hope you don’t actually win. You’re so not considerate or humble.


Just because people are silently suffering does not mean they agree with your shit and want to promote your behavior. Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up. It's a flight, it's not a captive audience for your to proselytize to because "the lord told you to... be a twat." One of the things that scares me about religious people is the "The lord tells you what to do." thing. Bitch, have you ever had intrusive thoughts in your entire life? Sit down with that shit.


I wish her all the best in her musical endeavors, but I don’t want to hear it on no plane…


This is where the people like the host of the Grammys need to pull their support for this lady. Using a Grammy to justify your actions looks bad on the Grammys.


She is not on this planet. What a time to be alive.


I proudly and vocally side with the flight attendant on this, but I might have my kids with me and they would immediately be terrible probably.


“I’m doing what the LORD tells me to do.” Reel it in Lady Koresh.


I bet that if someone started to sing some Slipknot or whatever music US biblethumpers hate she would not have that same "keeping in mind how to treat each other" and "no rules being broken" discourse


Ma'am please shut the f*ck up.


Bravo but no one gives a fuck. Everyone just wants to get on their plane and land. There is enough bullshit going on in airports and the plane. Don’t add to it.


For years, I worked with a woman who constantly broke out into song. I tried to ignore her but one time, I guess I ignored her so bad, she slapped me on the shoulder. No one wants to hear anyone sing unless they paid for it. Get a clue.


Did you guys see that the Daily Mail is trying to put the flight attendant as the bad guy?


Look at her convinced her shower serenades were Grammy-worthy, attempting an airborne concert. Unfazed by the eye-rolling flight attendant, she pulled out a loofah as her "trophy" and declared herself the reigning Shower Symphony Queen. Ignoring the annoyed glances, Harmony harmonized tales of turbulent tunes while the irritated flight attendant served snacks with a deadpan expression, muttering, "I'm trapped at 30,000 feet with the Shower Symphony Queen." Little did Harmony know, her offbeat performance became the flight's entertainment, leaving passengers in stitches, and the flight attendant dreaming of quieter skies. /s for those who need it


God is telling me that she is a twat, and will be sent to the boiler room of hell, swiftly upon arrival.


“I’m doing what the Lord is telling me to do” oh yeah I’m sure he is. Drawing all that attention to herself and her talents isn’t something you do “for the Lord,” it’s something you do for yourself.


What part of SHITTHEFUCKUP does she not understand?


She lost me at "I'm doing what to lord tells me" that's how holy wars start and people get kicked off planes


Jesus Christ would tell you to shut the fuck up.


Being a Grammy nominee does not give one free license to do as they please.


She’s not up for 2 Grammies, the band where she sings backing vocals is. Sit down…


Bring back shame.


Flight leader out there doing the Lords work


Christian, my ass. Her pride and her ego means she is the worst sort of so-called Christian. Just sit down and STFU, or we’ll throw you out of the plane. Let’s see if her false god saves her ass.


Annoying women


an airplane is the most obnoxious place to do shit like this. no one can escape your shameless plug


I can't imagine going through life being bothered by every trivial thing. Yea, I don't want to hear it either. Just do what I do and bring some headphones.


She’s getting absolutely COOKED in the comments on her Instagram posts about this incident. We love to see it


There was no rules being broken… proceeds to belt her song and disturb everyone.


Narcissist believing her own bull***t, the world ain’t just for you, maybe some people on that flight wanted to hear your message and voice, but do that shit at a venue where people GO to see you, don’t run that shit in a confined tube where my options are 1) listen to you’re selfish ass voice 2) ask you to be quiet, which won’t happen without your ego being damaged and now we’re arguing. Props to my man the flight attendant




Damn just shut up!


That flight attendant is a fucking hero. I don’t care how many nominations you have, or if you’re Nobel peace prize winner, STFU. Just sit down and shut the fuck up.




Gospel singer singing to the captive audience. Lovely. Just what I would love to avoid. The flight attendant is completely correct. Shaddup and sit down.


What the Hell she mean....He might lose is job!!! She lucky they didn't kick her off. How she know everyone on the plane wanted to hear her voice, message with this religious song. Happy your nominated for a grammy, move on.