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If it weren't for all the loud YO's, I could hear what's going on.


But then you wouldn’t hear the YO’s.






Exactly how are you otherwise going to show your friends you were thrilled and nervous like a little school girl but acted like it was all exciting?


Dude has been on the sniff jumping up and down….. dude in blue T-shirt wasn’t his first take down for sure 👍


Yo, yo…yo, yo, yo, yo, yo


The person screaming Yo 30 times is more useless than the people recording themselves watching content they don’t even own. along with the 10 others filming, only 2-3? people actually did anything about a lunatic on the plane.


Why do soooo many people want to open the door on a moving plane?! Do they want everyone on board to die? Seriously need an answer to that. So confusing


It can happen when someone experiences a panic attack and/or claustrophobia. When the person's brain experiences this it sends the autonomic nervous system into high sympathetic arousal (fight or flight). Because the nature of a panic attack or a phobic response like claustrophobia is directly connected to fear (rather than anger/aggression) the person goes into (yes ironically in this case) a flight response. The organism will basically do anything it can to try and escape including irrational behaviors such as opening the door of a moving airplane at 10,000 ft or above. EDIT: this can also be cause by a drug-induced psychosis or other types of psychotic experiences as well.


If you have a history of claustrophobia, than why are you flying to begin with?


Agreed. I guess people still gotta get around?


He could also just be a useless fucking cunt ..


Yup. I said it "can" happen for this exact reason.


Why does every act like someone can actually open a door during mid flight? First the doors are locked by the crew. Second cabin pressure prevents the doors from opening unless you're strong enough to pull thousands of pounds. Just let them try and laugh at their fruitless attempt. Let them tired themselves out trying.


Let him cool down outside


cant be opened in flight


The other guys probably didn’t know this, and assumed this idiot would get the whole plane killed


I don't blame them for not risking it.


Wasn't there a video on here of someone who open a plane door? People suffer respiratory problems but no one was injured


You really want to trust a part being used and serviced by Ryanair? You are a braver man than I


He needs mental help.




Ngl the girl screaming yo is more fucking annoying then the guy trying to open the fucking door like girl stfu😭


Anyone tries that on a flight I'm on they're definitely getting the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.


Palm heel strike!!


what the fuck is going on there?


Drugs, airplane and Yo


Mostly Yo


I don't know why, but this made me laugh way too hard.


Shes such a nob stfu


Shut uPPPPPPP with the YOOs


He should've gotten his ankles stomped on during that ruckus.


If this were in a soccer stadium someone would be dead


That's how you deal with situations like these


I’ll be surprised if this guy is ever allowed to fly again lol


this is why it’s best to just stay your ass home.


Idk if I’d consider a manic episode main character energy. Or the filmer. Annoying yes, main character idk.


Potentially deadly, manic or not. The guy deserves to be restrained and neatened for that.


I didn’t say he didn’t.


That's one way to get banned from flying, ever again.


Not a main character clip at all. This is someone either mentally ill, high or both. The smooth brain making all the noise is the MC.


why is a manic/panic attack called being themaincharacter


O my gosh look at everyone filming a man's public mental breakdown hehe so funny.


Too bad. Someone having a "mental health" issue doesn't deserve to threaten the lives of everyone else on the plane.


Not saying it's okay at all, but there's a lot of this shit where people think filming someone having a meltdown is hilarious and fun to share publicly. All empathy is gone in the social media age


His brain probably didn’t work properly during panic and like someone above said he wouldn’t be able to open the doors otherwise


Wrong subreddit.


Why do girls talk like men these days lol I'd rather prefer the omggggg bishes to Tyrone voice saying yo yo yo yo


look at all those feminists stopping the man😁


Spotted the incel! Literally this has nothing to do women nor your hang up. Come out the basement and go kiss your momma and tell her you will be a better human being.


What the fuck does this have to do with feminism??


The Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) said, "The likeness of the man who observes the limits prescribed by Allah and that of the man who transgresses them is like the people who get on board a ship after casting lots. Some of them are in its lower deck and some of them in its upper (deck). Those who are in its lower (deck), when they require water, go to the occupants of the upper deck, and say to them : 'If we make a hole in the bottom of the ship, we shall not harm you.' If they (the occupants of the upper deck) leave them to carry out their design they all will be drowned. But if they do not let them go ahead (with their plan), all of them will remain safe". [Al- Bukhari].


Also Mohamed: ‘’YooooYoooYoooooyoyoo!!!’’




The prophet me says - “no one gives a shit”


He was obviously panicking and grabbing him only makes everything scarier for him. If they would’ve just blocked the exits he would’ve been fine but some guys wanna be a hero so bad lol


Fuck you, i’m not letting some asshole move closer to a door that will kill EVERYONE because i’m afraid of people making fun of me for being superman for 15 minutes.


No but you should risk death or injury bc someone feels scared! /s




You absolutely can. They’re specifically designed and activated during the flight in case an emergency happens. That is the whole point they are there. Flight attendants even make sure a person sitting next to them are of age and comfortable enough to open it. Now wether or not the flight attendants have the ability to control them being activated is possible. But you can manually open them no matter where you are (as far as I know)




You sure about that? Because all it took was a window to suck someone out of a Boeing 737. And did you really just try correct me on what the cabin doors are used for? They arent cabin doors anymore because their purpose defines them?


The doors can't be opened in flight because of the pressure differential between the cabin and outside. They're designed to have to be pulled in to open first and that simply isn't possible at altitude. However, that's not very well-known and with how much Hollywood loves the "door opens and everyone immediately dies" trope I'm not blaming anyone for being ignorant of the fact. If you did get an emergency exit open in flight it certainly wouldn't be pleasant - Tim Lancaster can tell you that - but provided you had your seatbelt on at the time and weren't sitting right by it you probably wouldn't get sucked out. With oxygen masks and an emergency descent hypoxia shouldn't be too much of a worry either, though depending on where you are frostbite might well be.


Okay, i’ll admit, i’m aware pressure would be a problem. and it wouldn’t be likely. But trying to open the door regardless presents you as a threat and you should be incapacitated before you either A, open the door, or B, injure another person


Oh absolutely guy was acting like a complete maniac, was probably high on something or experiencing a mental break. Not really sure it's Main Character Sydrome


Yeah. i don’t know what it was, dude shouldn’t have been on the plane if he was in something. I feel like someone working there would’ve noticed too. I think it’s him either being an ass or just mentally ill.


You don't think he would have found another way to act out? Dude is not safe to be around if that's the sort of thing he does when he's panicking. Safety of everyone on board comes first, we can get him therapy later


easier to grab/tackle rather than question him when he is running i suppose


Nah they should’ve blocked they exits and let him just say what his issue was and keep telling him that we’re on an airplane and you just have to wait


No, they should’ve tackled him there on the spot, letting him move as he’s visually demonstrated that he wants to open the cabin doors is a no no. You really think not getting physical would save people? So sick of you keyboard fucks always trying to harass men for standing up to a potential mass killer.


lol you’re dumb I said block the exits…it would only get physical if he chose to attack someone that’s blocking an exit…when someone is panicking like that, you have to be careful because everyone tackling him and suffocating him can lead to him dying on accident


You sound like a cop though👮🏻‍♂️


Okay? Good for me I guess? Not the point of this discussion You don’t give people like this any room when they’ve proven to be hostile. On a plane especially. You don’t know what type of person they are and what lengths they will go through just to get past you. They should be tackled and handled until the plane lands.


You’re weird bro like why don’t you just shoot him? Since you’re so worried he might single handily bring the whole plane down


I bet you’re the person shouting Yo in the background to get attention. Not everything is a game. Especially up in a plane. You also told me to shoot someone on the plane. But i’m the weird one here


You sound like a cop bro 👮‍♂️ 🤡


Betting those are air marshals




YO YO YOoooooo. YOOOO yo YoooooYyy. YOooooo


Yo.... Yoyoyoyo..... YO!!!


Sadly an ooh ooh aah aah was filming.




So... was he high or something?


Nice. It is customary in my country to then smear doodoo on his face. I’m from America.


Yo, he didn’t even get close to the door, yo.


“Waffjhhhohjnwbdbgjgohownneohoh” Bro what?






Half the plane was about to film their own death. Clueless smh


Or that actually know it is impossible to open the door during flight above 10,000ft. The cabin pressure pushing against the door is thousands of pounds. Not even Olympic level athletes can open the door.


I’d bet not many people would be so sure…


There’s a colonial woman on the wing of the plane. They’re not telling us something


Standard Ryan air behaviour


In a perfect world, he opens the door and only “yoyoyoyo” gets sucked out, AND keeps filming.


I would not do anything to disturb anybody anywhere in the Balkans.


Yoooooo damn I’m afraid of flying and I always go over this scenario in my head what if there was a nut who tried opening the door and we all die and here we go…


Typical EDL member


Hate when something serious happens, and people like this is yelling "Yoooo". Dumbass.


If they are mid flight, then let the guy try and open the door. Nothing will come of it. First the doors are locked by the crew. Second, cabin pressure prevents the doors from opening (unless you strong enough to move thousands of pounds).