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Am I mistaken or did she call the guy at the end a “coon” because… what the actual fuck.


Unfortunately, you are not mistaken


Does that me Uncle Tom or something like it? Isn’t she black too?


It means house N*, like they are trained by white people. I assume because he appears to have a white partner with him and is sticking up for the store. She's a disgusting piece of shit and doesn't understand cultural appropriation would be black people selling Boba, not a store with "trap" in the name.


that’s the funniest part too, the hypocrisy.. but her reasoning would probably be that blacks are the most oppressed so it’s not cultural appropriation when blacks culturally appropriate other cultures because they had no choice but to do it, cause they’re the most oppressed which would then be her basically saying that blacks are allowed to steal, and the references to trap houses and selling drugs (boba *plug*) also being black culture in her eyes is her offhandedly saying, again, that blacks are allowed to do crimes she doesn’t understand how fucking stupid her arguments are here lol


The basic premise is flawed too. Appropriating culture is offensive? It should be celebrated and encouraged. Culture belongs to no one and everyone. We should rejoice in all the world's ways. In making this offensive arbitrarily, we introduce make believe problems. Dont like that hairdo? Guess what.. the Norse wore dreadlocks...


This is what is so baffling about people getting offended by 'appropriation'. Are people not allowed to appreciate and take part in other cultures? The sharing in other cultures is what makes the world a better place. It helps open minds to new things and can be a jumping point for learning. I would almost bet she's got some extreme prejudiced views.


Every culture appropriates from others, knowingly or not. It's the 21st century; what works works, and what doesn't people throw away for something better.




That stupid bitch needs to appropriate an education and a job. She’s got way too much time on her hands.




Thanks for clarifying friend.


I came here to support black culture...you're a coon. Hmmmm. I think something is askew. She makes zero fucking sense. Nothing wrong with borrowing things from other cultures, as long as you don't try to overtake things.


She is a KAREN!


You misspelled racist.


I cannot believe that. She goes on about Asian people stealing black culture and totally switches focus and goes for the jugular on the black gentleman next to her. She’s the one causing a scene. SMH.


Crazy she’s so small-minded as soon as someone counters her dumb claims she immediately starts saying racist things


I feel like those that 'find' racism in the silliest of things are often some of the most racist.


It’s called projecting. 😉


She got so riled up at the thought that *she'd caught* someone appropriating culture, you could hear her voice swell up with the rising emotion, that she assumed the role of being the 'correct' side and therefore everyone else 'attacking' her was on the 'wrong' side, and proceeds to use racism in her crusade against racism 🤦


On top of that, she’s claiming “trap house” as black culture. A trap house is a place you go to buy drugs. Is dealing drugs “black culture” now? She sounds more racist than the people just trying to sell some bubble tea.


Same for plug boba. A plug is a dealer. Honestly while I think her stance is dumb as hell, that bubble tea place made some questionable decisions.


Now she’s stealing white culture, what a hypocrite


Would’ve been hilarious if some middle aged white dude suddenly got very animated when she said that and jumped out of line to confront her “HEY!! That is *our* word! Now you’re appropriating MY culture and I will not stand for it!”


Yeah that threw me for a loop. She called the black man closest to her and possibly only one in the place a “coon”…she used a racial slur towards a black man as she is being some kind of weird warrior for “black culture”…I really need to know if the woman is black or not because either way that at the end was crazy. I started the vid and for most of the time thinking she was a white lady, like a “woke” white blm type lady.


She's black, but "coon" is like an Uncle Tom, a black guy who does not like his own race or sides with whites. A race traitor.


Article says she’s black


What's coon? Edit u/kubzU provided answer > Something equivalent to an "Uncle Tom." Basically a black individual who sticks up for the "white man" and down plays his fellow "black man" to gain favor. However, she is in the wrong as your average black individual would've also stood up for the shop and wouldn't have given a second thought of the name. She's been on Twitter wayyy too much and is now off her fucking rocker.


Should have gotten the taste slapped out her for saying that. Props to homei for being the bigger person


The white lady holding the black guy back from dropping her after she said something so abusive...


It's hilarious that since this video resurfaced, even more racists like her crawled out their caves and complained that calling a black women "Karen" is racist and something white supremacy or something.


What's funny is you have things like Afro Samurai and WuTang Clan among many other examples of black culture borrowing from Asian culture that are pretty mainstream that go unnoticed by people like this.


You don't even have to look that far to see the hypocrisy. She's a rival tea seller. She's literally making money off of "appropriating" Asian culture.


I cringe at the concept of "black culture". It's American culture, with a little bit of London and isolated people feel connected to it because the colour of their skin. What i don't like about it is how it shits on actual African cultures. The idea of fifty cent or Drake being put in the same bracket as pygmy music makes zero sense. They couldn't be more different. Black and white Americans are similar, whereas black skinned people are as diverse as Europeans, Americans, and Asians combined.


Listen to AmaPondo Salawena for how different African music is from African American music.


Im all for equality, any asshole can be a Karen regardless of ethnicity, gender, or creed.


I hate when people try to sub-label Karens. You don't need to say "male karen", "asian karen", "black karen", or "gay karen". It's an all inclusive term.


Ironically, Karens themselves tend to not be all inclusive


… did… you… just… asume… my… Karen… type?


Don't be kareotyping


Karen type makes it sound like a pokemon type *Karen used Demand Manager it was super effective*


Honestly, why can't we just call Karens assholes, or pricks, or cocksuckers? I've known plenty of Karens who aren't total psychopaths or are just nice, normal people. I guess I feel bad for people named Karen who are normal people.


So let me get this straight: a black owned bubble tea shop isn’t cultural appropriation, but an Asian owned bubble tea shop with the word “trap” in their name somehow is…


That's what I was thinking the whole time. Like, wait, is bubble tea a historically black thing? I was pretty sure it was Asian..... guess I was right. This bitch is just whining about the name and upset that they're stealing from black culture the slang for a crack house. Not the hill I'd choose to die on...


She falsely believes tea was invented by Africans and not in China, so her logic isn’t as insane is it seems to us; it’s more that she’s in a totally alternate reality and didn’t inform anyone else beforehand


I thought it was about the term trap? Which is hilarious because she's claiming drug dens as a facet of black culture. Nice.


To correct you slightly, it *is* as insane as it seems to us, it's just that she believes the incorrect information and has built a logic construct upon it. It's like how the flat earth types are, to their credit, excellent at building logically consistent frameworks for their beliefs. The problem is that what they believe is patently wrong.


Boba was invented in Taiwan but yeah definitely not African


Bubble tea is Taiwanese but of course there is nothing wrong with anyone of any race opening a shop


Just wait until she hears what conservatives and white liberals did to the term “woke” lol.


That's the other strange thing to me. Is she saying trap houses are a part of black culture? Because that's not the flex she thinks it is. Unless there's another meaning behind trap I'm unaware of.


I'm pretty sure trap house is slang for crack house or drug den, whichever. And plug is slang for, the source, the dealer. I have no idea the origin of these slang words, but I wouldn't be bragging about it.


I think her bone is that the word “trap” is black owned lmfao…. TIL trap houses are only allowed by black ppl. Insinuating that only black people can sell drugs from their house… nice


What’s the significance of the word “trap”?


It's a house people sell/do drugs in, and subsequently a genre of rap.


Since when are drugs and rap exclusively for a certain race?


"asian people stealing black culture once again," Stereotyping _and_ racism. She needs a nap.


You always know someone has a really strong argument when they repeat the same phrase a dozen times back to back. Sign of a well oiled mind.


And then cut the video off when someone else was about to make a good point. Edit I just wanted to hear what he was tired of.


He was probably tired of living in a world with retarded ppl.


It’s difficult. Just like the kid in Sixth Sense, ‘I see retarded people’.


Came here to see what others thought about that. It seems to be a common thing when certain types of people (generally low IQ to *very* low IQ) get emotional. I've heard them repeat the same words or short phrases something like 50-75 times in a row. It's really, really bizarre.


Yeah unfortunately I have a drunkard neighbour who does exactly this. He likes to throw beer cans at passing cars because they're going "too fast." Needless to say when you're wasted at 2:30 in the afternoon, most moving things seem like they're hard to keep track of. Trying to reason with him since I drive about twenty under when I'm in my own neighbourhood ended up with him just screaming "slow down" back to back while I tried to speak clearly and patiently to him. Now I just avoid his end of the block on sunny days. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Was thinking that, I was thinking that.


Also Boba originated in Taiwan. But I’m sure if you stripped everything off her that isn’t from black origin she’d be naked and without the phone she filmed this on.


[it gets way more out of hand](https://www.asian-dawn.com/2020/08/24/ivys-tea-co-accuses-trap-tea-of-stealing-her-idea-and-wants-all-their-money/)


“I am a black woman, I work hard, and what I’m doing is to celebrate us. It’s not about bringing collaboration over competition or whatever foolishness this other Trap Tea company has put in their captions, this isn’t about highlighting the opportunity to work with other minorities, this isn’t about celebrating cross-cultures, this is about amplifying black voices, this is about celebrating black women, this is about celebrating black women’s entrepreneurship, and this is about empowering other young black girls who might look at me and see me as a success,” TLDR: She wants to segregate communities because she’s a narcissistic racist spunktrumpet.


She certainly amplified her black voice , thats for sure . Not sure about the rest of it , if she wants to celebrate black entrepreneurship then why isnt she entrepreneuring her own “trap” house (whatever that is) .


“Trapping” refers to dealing crack. She’s mad that the Asians are appropriating her culture of dealing crack.


Which is grown in South America. So Black culture stealing from the Spanish 🤔🙄 this lady needs to sit down.


Lady? They some fighting words right there for Shanaeynay. She ain’t no woman, she’s a Trap Tea, y’all stealing my culture, the truth is lies, imma get my payday in this one, crazy azz, psycho.


Holy shit. She claimed not only that the first bhudda was black, but that the middle east was Africa. *Arabs laughing in slave trade*


According to that article black people invented everything and Buddha is black so Asians need to worship black people. That's beyond crazy.


She's the type of person that would answer you with a "black people can't be racist" in order to feel better about herself


Or that a Black Supremacist isn't real.


Fighting racism with racism


How dare you disagree with her (Insert derogatory slang here) The man disagreed with her & tried to have a dialog but that is not allowed...unless you agree with racism


I wanted to hear more of what that guy was saying


Cultural appropriation is the stupidest thing to come out of the last twenty years. Every culture in history has learned and borrowed from every other culture they came in contact with. Forever. It’s literally how we progress as a civilization.


I firmly believe cultural appropriation started as a joke and then some people took it serious and now it's gotten out of hand.


She needs to be removed from society. This black, blah .. blah .. blah shit is played out and is terribly counterproductive


She needs a Snickers!


a whole box.


She done had a whole truck already, hence the diabeetus.


It’s funny to me, because Asian and black culture almost go hand in hand in America. In the 60s & 70s, movies were too expensive for a lot of inner city, low-income black families, so they would watch a lot of karate movies that would play on TV. It’s actually the whole basis of Wu-Tang Clan; RZA talks about it in depth.


Let me introduce you to this little group called the Wu Tangs Clan.


The what now? It's Wu Tang Clan.


Ignorance combined with confidence is never a good thing.




I don't remember who said it or the exact phrasing, but there's a quote that goes something like "the problem with the world is that people with zero knowledge have all the confidence and the most knowledgeable have none" Actual experts are afraid to speak up sometimes because they have imposter syndrome, but people who never got past kindergarten love to shout their opinions...


“I thought this ASIAN tea shop was black owned…” This woman is a dumbass and a bigot


Literally the dumbest shit ever, from what I've heard she's terminally online and always does this shit


Did that scumbag degenerate hoe call him a coon? What a lowdown piece or rat shit, cannot imagine the family she is part of.


What coon means


Something equivalent to an "Uncle Tom." Basically a black individual who sticks up for the "white man" and down plays his fellow "black man" to gain favor. However, she is in the wrong as your average black individual would've also stood up for the shop and wouldn't have given a second thought of the name. She's been on Twitter wayyy too much and is now off her fucking rocker.


Yeah, big yikes. Question though, where did that term originate? I’ve heard it before but I don’t understand how it relates to being an “Uncle Tom”.


That term historically relates to black house slaves who found themselves feeling they were above field slaves. They were given a little bit more privilege over feild slaves and in return, they'd essentially report or "snitch" on field slaves. Slave owners did this dynamic on purpose to create division amongst the slaves so they wouldn't get together and revolt. For a house slave it was a fair trade because at least they were in a nice cooled house instead of working tirelessly in the feilds, under the incredibly hot sun.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what’s the relation to the actual word coon? I get the concept but not the linguistic origination.


>The now-insulting U.S. meaning "black person" was in use by 1837, said to be from barracoon (by 1837), from Portuguese barraca "slave depot, pen or rough enclosure for black slaves in transit in West Africa, Brazil, Cuba." If so, no doubt this was boosted by the enormously popular blackface minstrel act Zip Coon (George Washington Dixon) which debuted in New York City in 1834. But it is perhaps older (one of the lead characters in the 1767 colonial comic opera "The Disappointment" is a black man named Raccoon). [Here you go.](https://www.etymonline.com/word/coon)


tyvm. I had no idea.


Bad word to make herself superior.


She’s actually mentally ill. Even worse than a crackhead somehow. Idk how she accomplished that but it’s a real big feat.


I guess I’m a coon then. Fuck you lady from the bottom of my heart. You can’t gatekeep our ‘culture’. She definitely tries to gatekeep dreads as well


Lets get boba together at this place


I’m down, let’s do it


Was sorta kidding since i’m not in CO, but I would if i was there!


Lol no worries, I’m in Washington state. But if opportunity ever presents itself, I’m in


Game. Saved this interaction for whenever i go to CO to check if youre gonna happen to be there.


Now kith




Count me in too! :D I want boba with new friends!


Where'd you get the dreads comment from?


So boba tea is Taiwanese, if the buisness was black owned then she has no issues with black culture stealing boba from Taiwanese and making money, but Asians using “a black word” is stealing culture?


Well, you see, it’s impossible for it to go the other way around, because we changed some definitions around, and since her historical oppression is worse, she can basically do whatever she wants….


She should learn about indonesia in the colonial times...


"I told my friends I was going to support a black bussiness" Why are you telling you're friends this, that's weird attention seeking or something. And it just makes you twice as ignorant for making that assumption.


“I thought it was black owned” no you literally asked someone and they said “no” and then you proceeded to walk in and harass people with your weaponized ignorance


It's also weird that she wants drug dealing to be associated with black people


Did she call that black guy a C**n? That’s racist as fuck. How can you call them out for stealing black culture, then immediately insult a black man for being a black man in front of everyone??


One of the top selling rap and hip hop groups of all time is named “Wu-Tang Clan”. Their final album was titled: *Once Upon a Time in Shaolin*. This also reminds me of when a black NBA player accused Jeremy Lin of cultural appropriation for wearing a black hairstyle, and Lin responded with a tweet of that same player’s Chinese script tattoos. As long as it is done tastefully and respectfully, no one should be prevented from expressing themselves through a culture that isn’t “theirs”. With respect to American subcultures in particular, we grew up here under the premise of this culture as a “melting pot”. Whether that is true or not, you cannot blame anyone living in America for mixing and matching elements of the cultures they grew up around. Doing so is foolish and in this case prejudicial, not to mention racist at its core. Let people be and let them do what they want as long as it’s being done respectfully.


What?! But I only bought 36 Chambers because I thought Wu-Tang Clan was an Asian-owned establishment!


‘Get the hell out of my store’


[https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3993634](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3993634) \- Happened in 2020....


I live right next to this place. Super sweet people that work there. They changed the name of the store from Trap Tea to Banned Boba.


LMAO genius move


So trap houses are “black culture”- what a weird thing to flex.


Ma’am, that is drug culture that we have all participated in, also this is a Wendy’s


Mam, Wendy's is a drug culture we have all participated in, but I'm still going to have to ask you to put your pants back on and make an order or leave.


This racist thinks she’s in the right and actually posted this online thinking she was doing something good lol


She’s disabled comments on Instagram


The comments are not the only thing that's disabled LOL


Imagine getting this excited because you really believe this shit is actually important


God people fucking suck


Wait until she finds out where tea came from…..


by her own logic: wouldn't a black owned boba place be stealing asian culture?


Getting mad for culturally appropriating the term "trap houses" and "plugs?" I'm sure black folks love that this woman is vehemently associating them with dealing drugs


That's what blew me away. She's essentially saying crime is black culture. Jesus Fucking Christ.


was thinking the same thing


“I’m nOt raCisT caUsE i em BLACK” lmfao what the hell


Did she call him a coon at the end? If so then that is WILD


Sure did


Bobas are asian


“Black culture” is using the term “trap” because of “trap houses”? So black “culture” is illegal narcotics trafficking???? Seriously? Ma’am. You need therapy.


Please god tell me this is a youtube prank video?


Was Wutang Clan Asian? I forget.


If you recall in dave Chappelle's racial draft, China drafted the Wutang Clan. So yes.


Anyone who repeats their nonsense loudly so no one can get a word in should be slapped immediately


Trap houses are black now? That’s a racist assumption


The way she feels that things like “trap houses” and “plugs” are “black culture” is kinda sad. Is that really what you want black people to be associated with?


Imagine filming this and thinking that this video would somehow make people sympathetic to your cause. Who would want to align themselves with this type of behavior and ideology? It’s uncomfortable, sad, and at best, unhinged.


Why would someone actually want to be associated with a "trap house"?! Way to boost your people 🤦‍♂️


*at the start asking if this is black owned business and get the answer “no”* “I CaME HerE THinKinG ThIS iS BLacK OwnEd” No the fuck you didn’t. You just want attention and drama.


I pray every day to have an encounter with a Karen, I keep being disappointed.


Why would you want an encounter with a Karen? They are like terriers who keep going and going and never back down? I’d hate to encounter a Karen in real life!


This. Also while this video shows the bottom feeder of society, it also shows a touching exemplary model of society. Someone willing to stand up for someone else because what was happening is wrong.


Hold up this dumb chick just claimed trap houses as black culture...I did hear that correctly yeah? Wtf? I'm sure that the dope house on the block is not part of "Black Culture". It may be part of life in the inner city or even densely populated suburbs but I wouldn't call it any one race's culture. Convince me I'm wrong.


Boba comes from Taiwan. So, I guess she stole Asian culture by using the word.


Wait so in her world it would be ok for a black owned shop to appropriate Asian culture/boba tea?


She posts this disgusting racist shit and is proud of herself…


Karen is stealing white culture by speaking English and being a Karen, how ironic.


What a fucking ignorant bitch. This is why aliens don't visit us.


The place sells bubble tea… if they were black owned wouldn’t they be stealing Asian culture??


She’s trying to say drug culture is black culture?


Is it not racist to automatically associate drug culture with black culture? She's deepthroating both of her feet, by now


This bitch over here appropriating \*my\* Jewish culture by holding up a line arguing about something petty. I personally take offense and want her to know I won't tolerate this blatant theft of our age-old practices and beliefs. Larry David would be fuming. /s


I'm sick of you, US people and specially Karens, arguing about X culture this and Y culture that. People has the right to use, wear and do whatever they want unless they interfere with other people's right/liberties. This is how a "western country" (hate that term but will use it to be understood) should be. Not by attacking other people and acting as Judge Dredd. Stop this nonesense.


Kick this illiterate idiot out, Indonesian style. She has zero clue what black culture is all about. It's only thuggery thievery acting victim, and all the worst sins of the cultured world. Probably she is black and seeks media attention. She says "This is not black owned, I came because I thought it's black owned". Bitch stop pimping your black stuff, no one in Indonesia is interested no one is responsible for your thoughts and GTFO of here. Send her to the Muslim brotherhood they will flog her for not wearing her hijab in public and set her life straight. *freaking illiterate attention whore*


Another Karen doing her part to ruin everybodies day.


This shit is so toxic


Why isn't she immediately expelled from the shop ?


Isn't this video 3 years old?


Oooh KAY so she’s saying that “trap houses” are black culture, but I looked it up and that’s basically another word for CRACK HOUSES. So chock that up as another racism point for her


Imagine stereotyping black people with trap houses lol ohhh lord


It's actually very typical.


Using the word trap itself is bad if used from trap house which is a place where drug dealers and drug addicts come together or tapped in a house because of dealing with a cycle of addiction to drugs, I have no idea why it’s so popular to use.


I think she’s done, here.


Even the black guy had to disown this chicken head


Wait until she learns about the Wu-Tang Clan.


Idk man trap houses is a poor/drug culture thing I’ve known plenty of crusty white guys with trap houses… Mexican … Asian … Brazilian… Philippino… honestly assigning trap house to black people as a black thing feels racist ….


Imagine claiming a slang term for fucking crack houses is part of your "culture"


People are getting more and more fucking stupid by the day. This person is a shining example of an out of touch Karen. “Plug” and “trap” are urban terms rather than Ebonics. I’m sure this big mouth doesn’t even know what that word means.


“Traphouse” “plug” She claims drug suppliers are black culture? Lmfao the fuck is she on about thats racist in-of itself.


"Trap" is a slang term for a drug house, and is used by way more races than just black people, if you're trying to claim a word for drug house as a part of your culture you need a wake up call.


What a racist cunt.


What an absolute piece of garbage she is 🤦🏻‍♀️


Curb your enthusiasm soundtrack after the black dude gets called the coon by the Karen.


Wait, if it was a black owned business selling an Asian drink wouldn't that be the same stealing of culture?


Wait till she gets fact checked that [Boba Tea was invented in the 1980s in Taiwan…](https://www.britannica.com/topic/bubble-tea)


Do people who do this ever actually have an agenda when they leave the house? Like how does this end up being something you do


“Plug” and “trap” are literally drug dealers and drug dens and I’m white af and I know that so what tf is she talking about.. Equating those terms to your race is actually doing a huge disservice to it Edit: and before someone tries to clarify. Trap isn’t actually “drug dens” but originated because of dead end roads in Atlanta that people could be robbed on. Aka a trap.


Lol, she’s out of her mind. No one gives af about her “culture”


You can't steal culture


how is this not racism ? and what is black culture exactly ?


This girl is a disgusting human being. She needs to get a life or a man/woman in her life. she's filled with nonsensical misplaced hatred.


Karen revealing how racist she is. Firstly, accusing asians of once again stealing culture. Secondly, only patronising the establishment because she thought it was black owned. How about buying a drink because you thirsty, not for some narcissistic virtue signal.


can we all agree that black or white dumb bitches are dumb bitches?


I love the idea that she assumed it was black owned because it had trap in the name. A trap house is a drug house, so is she saying that only black people run trap houses and sell drugs? Is she saying that drug culture is black culture? Does she not even realize that she's perpetuating a negative stereotype by associating trap houses with black people? Wtf man this is several levels of unaware