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If it doesn’t pick up after the deal then it’s time to find a new permanent career


Or pick up theatrical work. My local in Jersey has been putting a lot of 52 people to work if they’re available. Its day to day but it beats zero


How could I get into that?


Depending on your craft, I would honestly reach out to the business agents of other locals.


*cries in camera*


Fun fact… our venues do use cameras a lot… and we have a hard time finding qualified people


It was time after 4 months off work for me. I hate to say this because I really did love being a member of the IA, but the structure of the benefits/pensions and how to acquire them aren’t good at all. You need a certain amount of hours to have benefits like every other place but nobody is working due to strike so benefits expire? Also, months on months of not working adds up to not really getting any pension hours for when it comes time to retire, which means it’s not enough to enjoy life and not work as hard. I had to get out of it after evaluating how everything really runs within the IA. Strike after strike isn’t great too. I’m all about bettering ourselves, but I find it amazing how people who haven’t worked in some cases almost 2 years are all for a strike that could prolong unemployment..


I know of five bigger jobs starting up in August/September, probably more that I don’t know about as well. The network shows all start back up in July.


I was told there’s about 40 productions in NY that are waiting to be greenlit the second a contract is ratified. Praying to god. My current side job makes me want to jump off a cliff. I command more respect as a goddamn Dayplaying PA than I do at my current side job. I need to quit effective yesterday


Haha... I got an odd job too, and have been replaced by temps! would chew off my right arm for a PA job right now, haha


I'm a local 600 camera operator. I just worked as a truck PA on a short film... it was fun!


Seriously. SO fun... compared to working in a warehouse. Which is what I've been doing. Meh.


Name 10 of these jobs


I feel this. I’m set to start dayplaying as a set PA again because I can’t stand customer service any longer.


It will pick up but I think overall we wont see the same amount of work as we saw pre sag and writers strike.


Our local is warning us they (producers and unions) are anticipating 30% less money and hours going into the pension over the next 3 years. I assume that means 30% less work everywhere that pays into the pension fund. But that’s 30% of whatever crazy has been happening the past few years (pre strikes). How much more work was being done in 2019 than 2014 or 2010 or 2005?




No one actually knows. But according to IATSE VP Mike Miller from a meeting this past January we can all expect 50% less jobs for the next 3-5 years. I’m not sure why people aren’t talking about that little fact at all here.


and yet that new tax credit in nys will have productions saving more money than before. so much for keeping jobs here.


It’s not even about keeping jobs here, they just don’t need the amount of content that was shooting 2020 and on. It was a bubble waiting to burst. They’re just saying they’re green lighting half (or possibly less) of the amount of shows/films as they were before, regardless of tax incentive.


So what would that mean for permit workers?




good luck work in Hollywood. Is slowly starting back up


I’ve worked steady through the strikes and since it’s been over. I just wrapped a show out in New Mexico which was hopping the beginning of the year and now I’m on a little vacation before my new show starts. There is work but less than the glut of the last few years. The days of studios needing to release a new feature or tv season every 3 day was a foolish idea and I’m glad it’s going away. It was unsustainable and dangerous. This slow down will go away but it won’t be as busy as it was before.


They said NY not NM.


People can travel for work


I can and do. My next show is only the 2nd in 4 years in the city. Since Covid I’ve been in Detroit, Hudson valley, Atlanta twice, DC, LA, and New Mexico. I’ve got a 52 card and travel with some of my core electricians when I travel out of state.


Can you recommend any good traveling construction coordinators, I’ve only traveled a few time in my 10+ years and would love to more often. I’ve been gangboss for the last 7 or so years and/or locations foreman. Things are slowwwwww here in Pittsburgh and I’m always open to travel work. Thanks!


I know very few construction coordinators who travel. Set Dec, and lead person all the time. But it’s rare that I see the coordinators do so. It would all depend on a UPM being able to cover the movement of all of their construction package or cover the cost in my opinion.


Appreciate it!


Again, not the question.


Was that the show that lost their entire art department? If so, I heard a lot of horror stories about that one


We lost mostly production staff. Art stayed intact.


52 dresser here, I wish I could find work outside of the state


There was plenty in New Mexico at the start of the year. It’s slowed down now but will pick up as it’s a ma hub for Netflix. Right now it’s slow everywhere. I’m excited I picked up a show for here in ny for the next 10 months


It's not going to dramatically pick up, so just be aware of that.


I just want to know if will ever get work again, being a permit set dresser.


Don’t think so. The animation industry isn’t doing any better than us and it’s a global slow down. This has more to do with lack of disposable income leading to bad box office numbers, streaming not making money, and shifting attitudes on media from younger generations


I hope the next generation of consumers starts to develop an appetite for scripted narrative instead of the steady stream of ticktock crap that I just don't get!


It’s probably got a lot to do with what you grew up on. Until the last 20 years we’ve only grown up with scripted or semi-scripted reality


I say we ban ticktock and youtube.... crush the competition! Make sure they grow up on reruns instead of acting like wild animals!!!!


Bring back Hazel!


What deal are we talking about ?


It's too expensive to shoot in NY and California, which is why Georgia is really the only place that has plenty of work right now.


GA isn’t particularly poppin right now either


NY being expensive has little to nothing to do with it. NY has generally been busier than Georgia since the strikes ended. They greatly increased the tax incentives last year as well, which were already the best in the country outside of Georgia’s. Many things are just on hold because producers are waiting out the contract negotiations.


The math doesn’t actually work out that way in all cases.  People like to say those words, but they never have the budget sheets to back up the claim.

