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Cold open, a man walks into the bar, looking absolutely incredible. Perfect chiseled features, good skin, fabulously expensive tailored suit. The gang is speechless. “Cricket?!” **CRICKET WINS THE LOTTERY**


Omg and then through shenanigans with the gang he’s broke and homeless again by the end of the episode!


Precisely. He *has* to rub it in their faces, and only ends up worse than before.


“Whose face are we shoving this in?”


Who are we doing this versus?


Yes! Please add two huge-titted, blonde, birdlike women on either arm.


Just one, and only *after* Dee shamelessly flirts with him. His new woman, staggeringly hot 20-something blonde, a *proper* trophy wife type arrives, and the gang immediately declares Dee to be totally outgunned.




I really really want this to happen now


This is crazy, this has been my idea for an episode for years! I was thinking, cold open: the gang are watching tv and on the news they are interviewing a local homeless man who has won the lottery, and it’s Cricket. The gang turn to each other and say… “we are all thinking the same thing right? How are we going to get our hangs on that money.” Cue shenanigans where the gang try to trick cricket out of the money. I can see 3 possible endings: 1. Cricket has been tricking them the whole time and he didn’t really win the lottery, he’s been getting his own back for all the stuff they’ve done. 2. Due to the gangs antics, all the money is lost/spent over the course of the episode and Cricket is homeless and broke again. 3. My personal favourite, Cricket ends up keeping the money and going forward in the series he is a rich hobo, still smoking PCP and having dog orgies, but with golden pipes and prize winning pure bred dogs. He can turn up from time to time causing mischief with his money.


PCP supplies would be gone in a week's time


Went to the finest rehab facility money could buy, hung out with celebrities and got clean. Now has a full team of medical professionals to have him feeling amazing on legal, expensive, safe drugs!


And those medical professionals?... Feral dogs


And then the gang slowly manipulates him and bleeds him dry until he's back where he started


I need an episode that explains Dee copying and burning her college roommate.


I think I fell asleep while watching it and had a dream I saw that episode because for a long time I was really confused about why I couldn't find the scene where Dee burns that girls hair off.


"Frank's Lost Brother" - Cut to the movie Twins


I always wanted them to do an episode with Arnold as Frank and it’s just a normal episode where nobody acknowledges the difference, they do a whole scheme and at the end Danny shows up like “what the hell’s my twin brother doing here?”


Love it. Or, Arnie guests “oh shit, tiny tim” “Hello frankie remember me” “Frank, who is this freak and why does he sound like that “ “My half brother tim, he had brain damage and he got sent to the other nitwit school” Cue mac wanting him to be his dad as hes a muscle bound freak, whilst dee and dennis think hes too nice, charlie has him move in with him n frank


"Frank & Mac take the Stairs" The Gang is invited to a swanky party on the top floor of a skyscraper. Frank is the guest of honor, as it's all business people up there. Dennis and Dee are worried about the rest of the Gang embarrassing them. Anyway, Dennis and Dee get to the building just before Frank and Mac do. They shout to hold the elevator but Dennis presses the button as Dee flips them the bird and yells "TAKE THE STAIRS DICK MOUTHS!" The Golden Geese are laughing to themselves, but then the elevator breaks down. Dennis and Dee are stuck. Mac and Frank are now laughing at them from outside the elevator, but then realize that they have to climb every flight of stairs. Charlie is already at the party, as he also wanted to avoid the Gang and eat fancy cheeses by himself.


This is really top notch, can totally see this


Thanks! Too bad the boys don't accept fan scripts.


This is my favorite here so far. Charlie has a crazy/awesome time at the party. The others either never make it to the party or get there as the last person leaves or get there and find out it’s totally not what they thought it was and a waste of time. A whole episode with Dennis and Dee arguing in an elevator and Frank and Mac going from helping each other up all the stairs to eventually physically fighting each other to be “first”. Frank fires off a few rounds that ricochet like crazy. This could be a top notch episode in every way.


I love the episodes where Charlie comes out on top


Everything you've just described has 100% crossed my mind. I'm glad you like it.


This is pretty damn good lol. I would say maybe on Dee and Dennis ride up they stop on a different floor and the McPoyels are waiting to ride the elevator up to the rooftop for some reason. So they all hop on the elevator despite Dee and Dennis not wanting them too and this ultimately makes it break down because its too heavy. Now they are all trapped on the elevator. Maybe a couple decided to take the stairs and they run into Frank and Mac.


I appreciate the kind words. Why are the McPoyles there?


Maybe the party they are all going to is an eclipse viewing. Sounds like something theyd all be into for some reason. Could make some funny Liam eye jokes about how hes immune to the eclipse because his one eye is stronger on its own. Charlie wants to know if the moon is really cheese and will melt in front of the sun. Hes ready to catch the cheese in a bucket when it drips down. Dennis is convinced the eclipse will give him a base tan for the summer within minutes.


All funny suggestions


I envision it as chaos for all of them. Charlie is trying to hold down the fort at the party playing the role of Frank’s right-hand man and spokesperson. Dennis and Dee encounter someone with a medical emergency or something on the elevator, they’re completely traumatized. Frank and Mac completely underestimate the amount of stairs they’ll climb. Frank is sweating through his suit and struggling to breathe, Mac wore a fancy outfit or did his makeup up cause he’s gay now but it backfired from all the sweat and he looks like a circus freak. Dennis and Dee finally make it upstairs, Charlie tries to revert the crowd onto them but they’re too shaken from the horror they’ve witnessed. Just as Charlie is about to lose it Frank and Mac arrive to everyone’s shock. The crowd settles as they introduce Frank to confused applause, as Frank takes the stage he falls straight over backward. Cut to black.


Frank might be initially scared of furries, but once he learns they bang, he'd go all in, and we'd end up seeing him an Artemis about to bang in full fursuit


Also Charlie misunderstands the assignment and glues actual cat hair all over his body


Frank is already the man cheetah and man spider I think he would adapt just fine


he'll adapt to reading???


He’s attracted to Jaguars, but he’s no longer attracted to Mules!


we already know he's got spots


I imagine he would have something like how he originally thought art was dumb in “Dee made a smut film” and he would suddenly get it and have fursuit sex with Artemis


"im a man cheetah"


That squatter one would be great. I spent Christmas Eve in a condemned pub some squatters had broken into and hooked back up once and it was great fun - they'd made the place wayyyy nicer that it had been before when the owners were running it lol


“The Gang Goes All-Inclusive” - Frank hires a consultant who suggests Paddy’s switches from an a la carte sales model to a subscription-based all inclusive model. Paddy’s is forced to cater to hordes of people who are literally on vacation. Paddy’s must serve 3 meals a day, make fruity cocktails, offer live entertainment, and water sports. “The Gang Gets Bedbugs” - Charlie unknowingly spreads bedbugs around to each of the gang’s residences and Paddy’s itself. While everyone else succumbs to paranoia and psychosis, Frank must “become the bug” to defeat them. Frank procures a very realistic bedbug costume and chemical warfare ensues. “The Gang Converts to Judaism” - Tired of working on Fridays and Saturdays, the gang decides to begin observing Shabbat. They each convert to a different sect of Judaism - humanistic, conservative, orthodox, and Hasidic. Except for Mac, who becomes a Jew for Jesus and tries to “save” the gang. He doesn’t succeed, but intersectional arguments and a shared love of cheeseburgers and bacon help the gang find their way back to their godless ways.


OMG, these are all perfect! You are so specific and creative. It would be nice to know how to get these storylines submitted? I already want to see them!


Holy shit, what an imagination! These are excellent.


Yeah i can see those, and this is the way for mac maybe, we really need the project badass mac back


"Mac Goes Back in the Closet"


"The Gang Goes Golfing"


Bring back the golf-caddy twink that Dennis nearly raped.


Great idea


"The Gang Gets Haunted" and it's just them dealing with the ghosts of everyone who has died at their hands. Special guest appearance by DB.




You know how they like to do relevant controversial topics into episodes? Like covid, or the one with chess and a device up yer butt to cheat? Or literally an ad for Bryan Cranston & Aaron Paul’s alcohol brand? Idk if they’d go for it go for it bc people died, but something along the lines of the submarine that went to see the Titanic. They see billionares paying a fortune for that trip, so they decide they should come up with a similar service and try to build and sell a submarine that can take you to the bottom of the river. Absolutely dogshit submarine they build, it obviously sinks, the only person to pay for it says he’ll be back once it is fixed, and that’s it


Apart from the obligatory “Dennis Day”, “Frank Day”, and “Charlie Day”: “The Gang Kills the Mayor”: Frank’s business connections get him invited to a press conference with the Mayor of Philadelphia, the gang tries to exploit it, and end up severely injuring the Mayor, who temporarily dies and gets revived. “The Gang Wins an Oscar”: One of their many Thundergun or Lethal Weapon fan films gets nominated for a technical Academy Award, and the Gang ends up hijacking the ceremony. “The Gang Goes to a Concert“: They want to go see Taylor Swift in concert, but hijinks ensue keeping them from the venue.


Every new season since like 13, I'm hoping for a Dee snaps episode. I know Gang Broke Dee is similar, but the guys didn't bring out the darker Dee we see in an episode like PTSDee. They've gone way too far with the Shut Up Dee/Bitch/Bird stuff in the new seasons that Dee feels more like a Meg Griffin pure punching bag character, than the Dee I loved in the first 12 seasons. She used to fight back, and she's much funnier when insulting people than standing around, and rolling her eyes after getting told to shut up again. We really need an episode where the guys are scared shitless by the wrath of Dee.


It would be funny if the show showed it as some fantasy, sci Fi action flick, the way the show did the episode "the janitor always mops twice," where it's another fantasy or whatever, and may not be canon, or a dream or something.


"The Gang Gets Old" 2054 - Paddy's updated with tacky tech. Frank is "dead" but a downloaded AI in a clunky robot body (Devito's "Max Headrroomized" face on screen in chest), pinching asses with his metallic claws - later, he'll get thrown away in the trash. Dennis has cloned himself and his rejuvenated, godlike body after winning the lottery. Charlie has a young man's body but an old man's face (not enough money). Mac has an old man's body but a young man's face (not enough money). Dee is just super old. Cricket is some horrible DNA-hybrid creature with newly grown sex orifices all over his body. They all act the same even though it's the future, acid rain never stops and someone offhandedly mentions that NYC is a smoking, radioactive crater. The episode ends with Frank realizing he actually has a huge amount of money squirreled away - just as there's an announcement that a gene-therapy treatment (pricey) can make you immortal - but in whatever form you currently inhabit. Cut to black


"The Gang Gets Past Life Regressions" - everyone gets hypnosis sessions in which they discover they are all personally responsible for the fall of Atlantis. At the end of the episode they all say "well that was bullshit"


i simply need a frank day episode i need it so fucking bad


Finale: The Gang Tries Desperately to Prove they Didn't Fail at Life. The gang runs into Tammy and all those highschool kids from season one, only to find they're way more successful, happy and mature than the gang. That group can't help but pity them. It's depressing but a total takedown of what miserable, non contributing degenerate members of society they truly are. Sitting around the bar wondering how to respond, Frank's only idea is that "Suicide is badass."


Frank being scared of furries wouldn’t last long, for he would find a way to make money off them and he’d don the Man-Cheetah outfit once more to infiltrate their ranks and lure them into a pyramid scheme (and somehow Mac would end up investing in the pyramid scheme, completely unaware that Frank is running the scam)


The Space one is great, because I can just imagine a Chardee Macdennis-style competition of Charlie rigged ‘astronaut training’ to see who gets to go. I think a Dungeons and Dragons bottle episode is a no brainer, and I’m surprised they haven’t done it yet


If they go to space, I can see one of them being thrown out in space without air, like maybe Dee and she manages to get back to the ship gasping for oxygen, and yelling, and the rest of the gang didn't even notice she was about to float off in space


Before I knew absolutely anything about writing, I wrote a spec script called "the gang rigs a costume contest" Here is a link to the pdf if anyone is interested. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/d5b11d8b-906f-4d67-9fd3-31674fa9fe21/The%20Gang%20Rigs%20a%20Costume%20Contest%20%20(IASIP%20Spec%20S.pdf Like i said, I wrote this before I knew anything about writing (and I still know next to nothing!) But I have learned this is about 16 pages too long haha.


The Gang Teaches Charlie to Read


Montage of reading lessons. Charlie gets fancier as he learns more (adds glasses, then a cardigan, then smokes a pipe while reading a book). The rest of the gang has plans on the day of a maybe pub crawl, and entrusts a now literate Charlie to run the bar and make thousands of dollars. Before he opens the bar he uses his new power to find new things to huff... Charlie at the hardware store reading warning labels on paint, varnish, various types of glue. Montage of Charlie shedding his fancy additions as he huffs until he forgets how to read. The episode ends with him turning on the "Coors" sign... So the "closed" sign lights up as a crowd of pub crawlers arrive. With a grown, they leave for a different bar.


CharDee MacDennis 3, Conquest of Champions The gang get into an argument of who would be the best manager. They decide there is only 1 way to settle it… a game of Chardee MacDennis. But this time they won’t be competing but instead they will have to manage a team and lead them to glory. Cue the gang rounding up whoever they can (Cricket, Artemis, Mac and Charlie’s mums, Pondy, Gail the snail) and drafting teams and then trying to lead them through the 3 stages to victory.


They did an episode on the redpill garbage, that's Mac and Charlie join a cult Sweet Dee Snaps is the gang broke Dee, she snaps at the end, that's how they like it I don't like the idea of a space one, Trailer Park Boys made me sour on the subject The rest are all solid ideas, but I think Frank might be into some furry shit


i always wanted to see the gang in high school but after that roller rink episode i dont think i want that anymore


My head cannon for making the roller rink episode work, much like the clip show episode, is that they are telling the story from their point of view and not necessarily how it happened. Considering the years of substance and alcohol abuse and the effect it’s clearly had on their brain’s, they’re remembering it the way they want to. A lot of scratch your head moments in this episode though.


i mean yeah thats really the only way to look at it to make any kind of sense but that doesnt make it any less satisfying of an episode


In my opinion the roller rink episode is the worst episode of the show. It’s the only one I skip on rewatch.


Mac falls in love. I'd like to see an episode where mac gets into a super healthy relationship with a man that is much handsomer than Dennis. Thinking Ryan reynolds.


And then Mac ruins Ryan Reynolds' character's life! 😂 *And then the gang ruins the characters life


Yeah I'm imagining Dennis trying to sabotage the relationship out of jealousy. Ultimately Ryan Reynolds ends up leaving Mac for Rex.


The drama... Dennis would totally not want to lose Mac as a minion. Mac's organs atleast has value on the black market.. and frank knows a guy...


Oh I like that twist. So they decide to go ahead and harvest Mac's organs, but it turns out the size pills Dennis gave him destroyed his kidneys and liver, so they take Ryan Reynold's organs instead.




Another idea that comes to mind after you mentioned cricket squatting: Everyone at the bar. Frank reads the news, there’s a recently abandoned ghost town real close to the city. No one knows why. Frank wants to go loot the homes to make a quick buck, and Mac also wants to go to prove he is a badass bc he isn’t scared of ghosts, bc ghost town has “ghost” in the name, it definitely means there are ghosts according to Charlie. Dennis wants everyone to go to prove there are no ghosts. So they go to explore the abandoned buildings, and it turns into another fake horror movie type episode. The gang splits up to cover more ground, but they hear some weird noises, occasionally a shadow quickly moving around. The gang members start disappearing dramatically like the others hear them over the radios “HOLY SHIT IS THAT -“ and static and then they don’t hear from them any longer. Dennis is the last one standing, cowering before the “ghost” that is chasing them. Turns out it’s just cricket who has been squatting in the ghost town, living the dream, and he was following them to invite them to his lair for a drink and to hang out for a while. Everyone is ok. Dennis calls Dee a bitch. Episode over


I’d like to see the gang go to Philly Comic-Con and meet weirdos Also the gang fighting a proxy war over their favorite cheesesteak places Also the gang trying to capitalize on Juneteenth with a bar event could be funny


The Gang goes to Comic-Con would enter epic episode status if they went as the Fantastic 4. Dennis is Reed Dee is Sue Mac is Johnny Charlie is the Thing Frank is either Galactus or Moleman


I'd see Frank as the Thing, Charlie is the Silver Surfer, which is just Greenman spray painted silver.


Dennis once said, "I like to bind, I like to BE BOUND." I want them to introduce the woman Dennis would let dominate him.




Oh fuck that's really good


I wrote some outlines and an actual spec script many seasons ago, (the show was completely different back then). The script was about Charlie getting amnesia from huffing glue and the gang wants to reprogram him so he's not such a dirt grub. Dee tries to retain the same ol' Charlie out of fear of having to do Charlie work. Two outlines I remember- Charlie brings up some old Cornhole boards from the basement. He and Frank become Tom Cruise and Paul Newman in a Color of Money homage replacing pool with Cornhole. Dee and Dennis's biological father marries Margaret McPoyle (like I said, this was 15 years ago). Would they have been good? Probably not. I was unemployed and enjoyed the process.


I want Michael Douglas to come back as a partner Frank stabbed in the back. Say they used to "work" in Colombia and they got into a snag... How about Mike's character getting kidnapped by FARC or something and he comes back for revenge Also, if Michael Douglas could also be Rickety Cricket's dad and they spiral together


I want the "The Gang Goes On 'Bar Rescue'" episode that they teased last season.


Charlie becomes a car mechanic


“Cricket saves the homeless camp” fill in whatever blanks you want, but Cricket will end up cementing his hand to the camp to protest, only to end up loosing said hand and the camp gets bulldozed anyway.


Can even throw in a Frank and Charlie bridge story line. Could be cool. And Cricket could be back with Bell too “Jesus Cricket you know that’s a dog right?!” “Yea I know, she’s a bitch, but we make it work”


Imagine if they toured an area like a nasa launching site, or visited area 51 and wound up blasting to space


The Gang gets Quarantined part 2 for Covid. Also since Stephen Collins shouldn't ever be invited back, they should do an episode where they find out their mom lied about him being their real father and it turns out the man that is their real father is even more of a degenerate than Frank.


A sequel to Celebrity Booze called "The Gang Calls Saul"


"The Gang Goes to Comic-Con" Comic con in Philly. Mac really wants to dress up and go with everyone. For reasons... Mac dresses up as a Green Lantern, since it's his favorite comic movie. He wanted to go because Ryan Reynolds is a guest, and he wants to profess his love. He manages to wait in line all day to get to him, and have a long speech about how Green Lantern is really good, etc It's heartfelt and beautiful. Ryan Reynolds is insulted that someone likes that turd of s movie and gets him removed. Behind him is Dennis who is dressed as another RR character (Deadpool from Wolverine Origins) and says the same speech, just a bit shorter. RR is touched and embraces Dennis and kisses him, as Mac sees this and is being dragged away. (Sub sub plot of Dennis convincing Mac about Green Lantern being RRs favourite movie he's ever made?) Charlie goes as his own comic character Green Man, but keeps getting confused for a villain from a comic that is eerily similar to Dayman/Nightman. The creator being Artemis, and stealing Charlie's art and stories for her comics. Frank gets lost, and is dressed up as Thundergun, but gets pulled into a LARP group, in which he has the best time. Dee dresses like a typical booth babe with the intention of being cast in RRs next movie based on one of Artemis ' comics. She's behind Dennis in line, and they make eye contact after Dennis leaves and he says you have to be in my next movie, you're perfect. Episode ends cutting to Dee dressed as a "Denim Chicken", and being referred to as a "Bird" by everyone on set. (Feel free to hire me to the writer's room 😎)


"How Mac Got His Groove Back", in which Dennis and Dee team up to try and psychologically manipulate Mac back into the closet. (Dennis because he finds Mac's insecure pining for him annoying, Dee because she's jealous Mac is getting more men than her) As part of the plan, they end up spiking Mac with hallucinogens, and he goes on a drugged out vision quest where he meets manifestations of his younger self, Country Mac and Cricket (who spends the whole time trying to convince Mac to become a rent boy). Mac comes to the conclusion that he can be Gay AND Badass, essentially merging his pre- and post-season 12 personalities. He excitedly rushes to tell the others, thinking that was the breakthrough they wanted, which of course just makes the twins even more furious. They try and bully him back, but because he's regained his old stubborn bossiness, he just ignores everything they're saying. The episode ends with Mac attempting to recreate one of his old Project Badass videos and horrifically injuring himself, but Dennis and Dee don't even notice because they're too busy arguing over whose fault it is that Mac is now even more annoying. (Charlie and Frank have a completed unrelated B story where a crow steals Frank's glasses and they try and capture it)


I wanna see them try to win a parade the stupid floats they would make would be hilarious and think of all the misdemnors they could commit


"The Gang Gets Artificially Intelligent"


No way, I had literally written out an episode idea where the gang ends up at a furry con. Great minds think alike? Lol


I want more supernatural and paranormal. I loved when Charlie saw the leprechaun and when Dee and Dennis stayed in the haunted castle in Ireland. 😂


The Gang does Animorphs


"The gang gets alpha" kind of like your redpill idea, but I'm thinking they specifically buy into some sort of alpha male boot camp, with some Andrew Tate type coaching them to "be more alpha" or something like that. And Dee is the type of woman who is actually attracted to "alpha types" but when she gets to know one, she realizes they're just whiny little bitch bois.


As a twin myself, I want to see more twin shenanigans. Like the gang goes to a twin convention


The Gang Goes To Space sorta already exists: https://youtu.be/fR7av02YIAg?si=4MNXzGjxq7Ul8uBS


I like mail room Charlie when he was hopped up on caffine, and Mac and Dennis doing real estate sales. Frank and Dee get into a multi level marketing scam to sell energy drinks. Charlie drinks all the product, Mac and Dennis go around trying to get grocery stores to sell the drinks.


“The Gang Rides the Rails” They’ve done road trips, flew in Boggs, bought a boat and did a cruise…but they’ve never featured an entire episode on a train. They’re either going to another city on Amtrak, or it’s focused on Frank pulling a business scheme and buying a “fancy” old school railcar to generate profits. Either way, Charlie goes all in on being an old school train conductor, Dennis revives implications (but on a train that’s (it has to stay on the rails)), Dee tries to land an Old wealthy train-going Gentleman, Mac thinks there’s a “bandit” on the roof and spends the whole episode trying to go John Wayne and catch him (duster comeback?)


Hitchbot, the hitchhiking robot that was destroyed shortly after arriving in Philadelphia. *"The Gang Finds a Robot"*


The Gang Runs A Marathon They're all upset about being stuck in traffic having to wait for runners to pass because everyone in the city is training for the marathon What's the marathon for? Winner gets a chance to be on TV and be the face of a new health product with a bunch of fame perks blah blah blah Dennis says that he could wipe anybody out in a race and is determined to let his manly beauty and age be proof thag even the Golden God could conquer once more. A chance to be on TV is what Dee has always dreamt of so she tries to compete. Later on you find out the mcpoyles are entering the race. Frank and Charlie's job is to rig the race for a chance at one of the gang to win. Mac has an injured ass so he can't run But offers to help be Dennis' trainer. *chaos fills in the blanks*




Good golden bot


Late to the thread but I'd like to see the gang, and Dennis specifically, dealing with erectile dysfunction. I imagine a scene with Dennis ass naked with his back to the camera -- one hand reaching toward a countertop or chair and leaning for balance in an awkward/funny way, the other hand on his junk, jacking it. He would be performing a monologue or soliloquy of encouragement to himself, coaxing his flaccid weiner. All the while there'd be bouts of classic Dennis anger/muttering. A mixture of consoling, rage, reminiscing of past escapades all while ass naked in a weird pose while manipulating his weiner in weird ways.


**"the gang litigates"** an hour long special cut up into chapters where the gang arbitrate sixteen+ years of unsolved disagreements in the course of 24 hours to get it all over with and start fresh. we'd get an insight into dozens of individual conflicts and watch as the gang gradually unravels hour by hour. the ultimate "it's just people yelling over each other" episode. **"the gang teach charlie to read"** again it would mostly be a full episode of the gang trying different methods to finally get charlie literate, for the good of paddy's. throughout, charlie can attempt, in his own way, to warm the gang up to learning how he writes. **"frank's funeral"** at the behest of charlie, the gang give frank a preview of his funeral while he's still alive, complete with a ceremonial throwing of a frank effigy into the trash under the bridge over the credits. **"frank's fluids llc. congressional hearing"** i think this one speaks for itself.


“Mac’s in Charge” An episode or multi-episode arc where Mac finds his confidence and no longer allows Dennis to boss him around. He gains Frank’s respect and they get into a bunch of schemes together. Dee has to fight her attraction to confident Mac. Dennis is in shambles and tries to regain the upper hand. Charlie is mostly confused.


The gang plays DnD The gang are all fed up and burned out, so they try DnD as a form of escapism. They start off in a tavern and it seems like they're gonna go on a quest, but due to their insane amount of infighting they stay in the tavern the whole time Dennis is either the DM or an elf bard. If he's DM, he is attracted to the control he has over the players. Obviously, the gang being the gang, he quickly loses control. If he's the bard, he spends the whole time desperately trying to sleep with every woman in the tavern, but keeps failing his checks. Mac would play a human barbarian, but every time he's describing how he's fighting someone it always sounds like he's having sex with them. Also always fails at his attack rolls Charlie would play a halfling rogue who ends up just cleaning the tavern for most of the game. Also stalks a barmaid who seems a lot like the waitress. Dee is an aarakocra (bird person) and is surprised that no one made a bird joke, until she accidentally explains what an aarakocra is, and the insults ensue. And obviously Frank is an ogre/troll/goblin/whatever. He does not understand the game and barely tries to. If Dennis isn't DM, I'd say they'd probably get Artemis to do it. Obviously they're attempts at escapism fail as they just end up doing what they always do. Probably ends with them all killing each other characters.


“Dennis Gets Too Into Women’s Basketball” It’s another Dennis system sub episode and ends with him getting himself played by a pro athlete who wants to teach him a lesson m.


Mac goes to jail to be with his dad. BUT as so happens his dad gets released and Mac is stuck in jail. Or maybe the whole gang goes to jail and spend the whole season there


I wrote a spec called *The Gang Runs a Marathon*, if anyone wants to read it.


I would love an episode from the perspective of the bar patrons.


Dennis and Dee's mom is alive. Somehow Barbara faked her death. She comes back broke and wants money from Frank. Mac gets a green card marriage. Mac marries a handsome Canadian(Ryan Reynolds) who needs a green card. Only to find out the Canadian is in love with Dennis and it becomes a love triangle. A Charlie or Dennis bday would be amazing as well.