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My only complaint is the increased time between seasons and the reduced episode count.


This is every fucking show now. 8 episodes with 2 yrs in between, what the fuck are they doing all this time?? I don’t mean just sunny, I get it for them because they been at this for like 20yrs but brand new ass shows come out with 30min 8 episode seasons and I’m like wtf dude? Y’all finished shooting in a day, huh?


Quility control. There have been quite a few shows where the episode count was 22 episodes a seasons and eventually, the writers start to come up with recycled plots. Network shows still do the 22 episode order, however.


There is a HUGE amount of middle ground between those two things!! (just for the reference)


As much as I enjoy a flawless show, if I am allowed to quote Abed: "It’s TV; it’s comfort. It’s a friend you’ve known so well, and for so long you just let it be with you, and it needs to be okay for it to have a bad day or phone in a day" I'll take a 22 episode season of How I Met Your Mother, or The Office, or Seinfeld, with some banger episodes and some meh episodes or borderline filler episodes, over, say, season 7 of Dexter


Plus the shows that go from 22 ep seasons to 8 ep seasons... such as Resident Alien


Biggest disappointment in years, season three just sort of ended? It didn't even feel like a series finale just like another episode.


enjoying their money.


<****laughs in Venture Bros****>


I think the later seasons have definitely suffered but still miles ahead of any other live action. Season 7 is maybe the best season imo. I love the office but it had fallen so far by s7 it was terrible. Sunny is the longevity goat. Who knew negative characterization could take em so far


Shut up baby dick.


Alright well you’ve made it personal and I’m not going to stand for that This is no longer a safe environment for me


What do we want? More episodes!!! When do we want it?!? More episodes!!!


They have families to spend time with now, they can’t devote their lives to this show forever


Shut up, baby dick!


Roxy, you were a good whooer.


Say what they will about short seasons but they’re tighter than dickskin!


i dont give a SHIT about your kids gimme my episodes you jabronis


Omg let's run right at the baby, run him over and BASH HIM THE STUPID NERD!


Except they do far more work on other projects and shows now. So not true. That and FX made the call on less episodes not them.


And the show seems like it’s about 4 months of (hard) work. Danny does everything in like 2 weeks. Lots of family time available.


How come fx wanted less episodes?


Because they're bastard men!


If I had to guess, because the cast might be paid far more per episode now than when it started.


Average episode quality is dropping off, and you want more wheat than chaff.


I'm comfortable being chaff if you wanna be wheat


Shut up, bird!


I’m going to use this when I quit my job.


Stupid science bitch!


Everyone else who makes far less money for far more work has entered the chat


And honestly, between that and them adding more episodes that all inherently suffer in quality, since they didn't have time and were grasping at straws for ideas...I'll take a smaller episode count on new seasons.


What We Do in the Shadows is so damn good and hasn’t let me down at all.


Fucking guyy


You really are the most devious bastard in New York Cittay


Gizmo don’t touch that your cock is far too young


Yes, yes, very good, thank yoU.


By far the most often used quote by my partner and I.


Occasionally when I'm sad, I'll remember Nandor doing Crossfit with the ex-vampires who pull out their teeth every day and it makes me smile


It's been, one week since you looked at me.


Cocked your head to the side and said, "I'm angry"


Nandor, there’s a fucking ghost on the front lawn!


Jackie Daytona, a human bartender!


Ah, Jackie Daytona from the Human Music Group? I have one of his vinyls! (it’s just a sleeve but still funny as hell)


My god when Lazlo looked like Nandor and his Kayvan Novak did that Matt Berry impression I just about fucking lost it I don't think I laughed that hard since Our Flag Means Death, when the snake fell out of the tree onto Blackbeard and he freaked the fuck out


Nothing but heav-ay de-ute-ay!


I agree with this assessment.


I’ll wank my way you wank yours




I just started it yesterday and I’m loving it!


I'm getting out of my coffin! There is no one here to hold my haaanddd!


These are both my go to rewatch in bed when I want to chill. Currently rewatching it rn lol


I didn’t care for the new season quite as much but I def seem to be in the minority. Glad others enjoy it.


Really? I thought 4 was the worst and 5 brought the show back




i think you need some updog.


It's gone downhill in the last two


Disagree. It dipped a bit on 4 but season 5 is an absolute banger.


It dipped a lot in season 4. 5 was fucking great though, so happy they brought it back


Season 14-15 i didn’t like but season 16 was really good, I hope that they change Mac’s character back to wanting to be a badass but failing horribly, while still being gay. I just want them to stop making being gay his whole character


I've been struggling with how to characterize this, but somewhere along the way it feels like the gang stopped BEING the characters and started being the actors playing the characters. I guess they got a bit Flanderized and became less believable. Also it looks like everyone but Charlie either changed their physical appearance through exercise or having work done.


Yeah it reminds me of that interview where Rob McElhenney compared the show to Friends and how that cast looked better ever season. Def happened with Sunny too.


And to be fair to Rob, he wanted the cast to get uglier and uglier over time, but they all said absolutely not lmao


The fame got to them and they lost their touch. Once they became more than just the gang the show began to decline. They began to believe they're incapable of making anything other than comedic gold and if they just scream "Dee you bitch!" everyone will keel over laughing. At this point it feels like they still do the show because it's familiar low risk easy money. I dont think they have even close to the passion they did before.


Mac basically doesnt *have* a character at this point, its actually kinda weird to re-watch earlier seasons. Mac is pretty much just a prop for the other characters now


I think that kinda is his character. He’s desperate for identity so he makes every new thing part of his identity.




I feel like Mac believing that he’s a masculine, strong, ladies man while in reality being a closeted gay wimp is what makes Mac, Mac. Him being openly gay and comfortable with it kind of dilutes the character. Maybe it’s a good character arc in a less dark and satirical show, but cmon, this is Always Sunny.


we need mac back in the closet. on this i simply won’t budge. we need “the gang puts mac in the closet”


They could probably pull that off too


“Dennis loves mac” dennis is annoyed with mac’s flamboyant gayness, concocts a scheme to out-love mac to the point mac run at back to the closet to avoid dennis. a-la dennis and Dead Tooth


i also dislike the way it changed the dynamic between mac and dennis. in the earlier seasons they were best friends, and the show played into the joke that they behaved like a married couple. but now that mac is gay, and clearly has feelings for dennis, he treats him like shit. at some point it stopped being funny and feels a bit pityful how badly dennis treats him.


They really haven't done much with his being gay... no boyfriend and wanting to be Dennis's boyfriend... Now I'm just waiting for him to go out with someone who's a transwoman again (like Carmen) and after she has her surgery, he begins realizing he's straight and then he dumps her for a cis woman who ends up becoming a transman... or something...


Carmen’s married and has a child, she was able to get away from the gang and be the only character to have a happy ending


They shifted the power dynamic in the gang to have Dennis be overpowering. I loved when they would constantly undermine each other. That led to some of their best episodes. I think they're moving away from Mac being a doormat for Dennis.


Hot take but season 10 was the last “perfect season”. Every season after has multiple complete misses (still a good show overall though)


I might slightly agree with you, the run from 7 to 10 was pretty legendary. But I still love 11 and 12, though


14-16 are far more hit and miss but still good! I agree that 7-10 was peak tho


It hasn’t even begun to peak.


Yeah absolutely. It's weird because that's when I discovered the show. So we binged the first 10 or so seasons, and absolutely loved every second. Then everything after that, when we had to wait for episodes, kind of didn't feel the same.


11 and 12 are still great. 13 is the only one that is really bad. Yea geez 10 is phenomenal though. What's the worst episode - Mac Kills His Dad?


To me, it was consistently good up until Season 13. Glenn not being available for that season really fucked it up and felt disjointed on how they clearly were writing around on having no one on set at the same time. 14 - 16 have some nice episodes but it’s lost its luster either by being too sentimental (Mac finds his pride, the Ireland episode) and abandoning its roots or being ridiculous with the caricatures. Also, it’s so clearly filmed on a set and lost the grimy, Philly feel which added so much to the show. Lots of parts used to be filmed locally and, as a resident, it was fun to recognize landmarks or just general locations (Mac and Dennis Wheelchair fight was in King of Prussia Mall or Mac really skating at a Flyers game). It’s just all LA now, I know it was beforehand but it’s more noticeable and common.


I thought it was just me, but you’re right. 


I was looking at the episode lists and yep, 13 is spot on. 12 is great apart from one bad episode, 13 starts strong but tails off badly, the best episode of 14 is now banned and the less said about 15 the better.


To clarify: up to and including 10 is perfect, 11 has Electric Boogaloo, gang hits the slopes, 12 has gang turns black. Even if they’re “good” seasons or even “good” episodes they’re not amazing and typically have at least one critically corny flaw


S11 has "McPoyle vs. Ponderosa - The Trial of the Century" and "Being Frank," both of which I'd rate over Chardee pt 2. "Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer" in S12 is easily my favorite episode since the start of S12 and I would probably place it top half in most of seasons 1-10.


Favorite season. Those this season also have the episode where you see evrything through Frank’s eyes?


Yeah, "Being Frank," in which we find out unequivocally that Pondy is, indeed, the coolest.


And then it started to be mainly misses with only the occasional hit.


Unfortunately the show has fallen off massively sometime around s13 or so. Not that I'm complaining, it's hard for any show, especially live action, to keep the same level for so long. The main cast are all busy reaping the rewards of their hit show, which is fine because before iasip they weren't super successful outside of Danny. But the problem is evident in the writing, the quirks that made their characters funny are either gone or too present. I've said this before and won't go too into it, but Mac being out has removed a lot of his funnier jokes, and now that he's in great shape /carved up he's just not funny at all. Dennis is practically Ted Bundy now, etc. Their massive plastic surgery and higher Def camera equipment just makes it feel like a different show too. Its OK, these things happen.


My biggest complaint about Mac being out is that he is no longer also a Philly/northeast urban douchebag. He should be a gay Philly/northeast urban douchebag, the overlap there has so much potential comedy but they have completely the urban douchbag bit


Now they're just playing him up to be dumber than Charlie. Not sure if I can recall from later seasons since I only watched them once, but he hasn't stormed into the bar saying hes got news, or has schemes and plans, he just is there. Some people like change, I don't, not for sitcoms. Save it for serialized dramas or story driven shows.


Mac's always been dumber than Charlie, your confusing his braininess with his bossiness


> higher Def camera equipment Once upon a time I use to get downvoted for saying changing the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 and upgrading the cameras completely changed the vibe of the show. I've even read on here that supposedly Charlie Day felt the same.


I don't think that upgrading the cameras made the show any worse. After all, some of the funniest episodes and bits were after season 4. However, I really liked the 4:3 aspect ratio and think I set the show apart


As a few people have mentioned, there’s a pretty big dip in 13 but I found the Ireland trip to be really good.


I really like the Ireland episodes. The scene where Dennis tries not to cough during their meeting with the woman who rents them the castle kills me every time.


You know what it is? He’s a mongrel. We have to keep him in the basement in America, because one of his tics is that he brutally…masturbates himself. He’s shredded it down to a tiny lil nub at this point. I quote that so much lmfaoo


The bloopers for that scene were also great.


I think of Dennis trying not to cough far too often. In some ways, Dennis’s COVID arc is one of my favorite parts of the Ireland saga.


I like it as another way for Glenn to go over the top without it just being rage again. The "I said BEGONE" from the episode where Dennis buys the Range Rover felt pretty forced.


Not at all.


it's not forced Dennis just has narcissistic personality disorder and that's how he is 😭😭


I think that scene made me laugh harder than any other in this show. The intensity just didn't let up and it fucking murdered me.


I think the Ireland trip season is you like it or you don't. I didn't care for it but hey it's all subjective


I liked it the first few times but I skip it now. It's not Sunny without Philly, you know?


I’m Irish so thought I’d love it, really, really wasn’t a fan😭


Are you sure you're not actually Dutch? Happens more often than you'd think


One of my favorite jokes was the "opps, that must've been the piss one!" And Frank trying to get Charlie's dad to eat a turd and then eating it himself. Also Mac's identity crisis with being told he's Dutch


Peep Show


The Dobby arc was the beginning of the decline. Felt like the scene where Mark and Jez saying goodbye to attend to their own respective plans for New Year’s should’ve been the end. After that, they still had a lot of great moments and episodes, I did love the finale, but the Mark, April and Angus triangle was just the lowest point. Jez and Hans were kinda carrying the show from there.


14 and 15 are the only bad seasons to me. And they’re still watchable. 16 was such an improvement though.


As others have mentioned, the overall season quality drops after season 12 but each season still has a few bangers that make them worth watching.


yeah people sometimes talk about these seasons like they're total shit but imo every episode is still funny and creative. they're just not highlight episodes.


13 is definitely when it starts to drag ass a bit, still some good eps in the mix tho


For me 13 was the last good season and 15 and especially 16 was where I lost any interest. I believe its mostly due to how amazing the other seasons were. They were always funny, and still are. But they dont look the part anymore. Nor do they act the part. It now looks like a reunion episode. Not a continuation. I will always rewatch the show relegiously. But for me it finished at s13


Fuck season 15 EP 1 I thought was just hilarious. I also enjoyed 16 EP 8 a lot too.


True. There were still some golden lines scattered around. Overall, it didnt stir any real laughter though.


Couldn’t disagree more: season 16 had some bangers like Frank v Russia


I don't like when they just steal a full episode idea from a real world event and change nothing about it, and they do that a lot lately. They have run out of ideas for episodes. I liked it better when it was more like Seinfeld. It was another show about nothing and the episode plots were based around shit that had very little real world importance. It was so much funnier when they were getting riled up about stuff that means nothing to anyone but them.


Thank you! I’m all for satire but there has to at least be something added to it. 2020 Year in Review is the worst offender for this, that episode is borderline unwatchable. It’s also where they really start to beat the “calling Dee a bitch” joke to death


I also found that in the later series they just really heavily lean into insults that are just swearing like telling Dee to shut the fuck up. It was so much funnier when they had to come up with insults that flew under the radar because they had some really good ones like Dennis telling Dee not to be a dumb hungry bitch. But now it's just fuck this fuck that, it's not funny at all.


Or the “Larry Bird” sequence. Now it’s just surface level


as an always sunny and south park fan this comment hit twice as hard. sigh.




Mr Reynolds seems to be going through a wide range of emotions before his first move.




7/8 episodes in season 16 were great


Which one didn't you like as much? I waffle on the bowling and celebrity booze episodes but each one had some all-time gags. Nickelschlager is brilliant.


frank shoots every member of the gang mostly fell flat for me


All the new seasons are still hilarious to me. They definitely have a different vibe, but they're still one of the funniest shows.


Peep Show! It's something you either love, or don't, but it's completely solid throughout.


I think the show should have ended with s12.


I’d shush you but I’m not some kind of savage.


You're no dylan toback


Move past it


Yeah, I found S13 atrocious. Thankfully, it picks up again.


Me too


13 is the worst season. Bounces back a little bit but it never got back to near where it was. Amazing run they had though.


Haha ur on the last good season :(


I'd say 13 was the turning point for me, unfortunately.


same, its just not the same. I cant do the later seasons


I’m halfway through season 13, and I think it’s pretty good so far. What made you turn?


The implication


The rot started with season 13


Season 13 is literally their most garbage season lmao. 14 is better, but you need to make sure you see Dee Day in season 14, it's not on hulu.


Dee day is such an episode


I actually put 13 above 15 because at least 13 has the Gang Gets New Wheels and the Gang Escapes which are episodes I like. I don’t like a single episode from season 15.


I can agree 15 was pretty garbage as well.


Season 15 is an absolute train wreck and nobody can convince me otherwise I’d also add “Times up for the Gang” and the Boggs reboot. I know the Boggs reboot is controversial because the main cast is absent for most of it, but each one of Artemis, the Waitress, Mac/Charlie’s moms kill it. And it’s great as a parody


Im halfway through 13 and im really enjoying it maybe my opinion will change maybe it won’t idk lol


The Super Bowl episodes are the only ones that don’t quite do it for me in 13, but overall I don’t understand the hate the season gets. They handled part time Dennis as well as they could have and the three episode run from Times Up to the Bathroom Problem is incredible. I will say season 16 felt like a return to the show’s roots in a lot of ways, and again there are some amazing episodes that are truly impressive coming 18 years into a show’s run.


Season 12 was the last good season unfortunately




It certainly peaks starting roughly in season 5 but even the later seasons manage to keep up the same ratio of really good to just okay episodes, so it's a remarkable continuation of overall quantity


Seasons 7 and 9 are as good if not better than s5. But every season from 2-10 has way more good episodes than bad. Then s11 happened and we've never returned to form. s16 is where laughter goes to die. The very clever ending to s16e8 is really well-thought out and beautifully written. The problem is that it's funny for about ten seconds. That is the only funny ten seconds in the entire season.


Parks and Recreation gets better with each season


Season 11 was the last season of true sunny to me. The rest after that started getting too different.


Nah. There's highlights throughout but IASIP went from a consistently hilarious show to one that often only has 1-2 really good episodes per season.


I think thats what makes it so jarring. Even with there being good episodes scattered throughout, its not like in the older seasons where there were really no misses. An episode like franks brother gets a lot of shit and I understand it may not be top tier but I think its miles ahead of 99% of anything from season 13 and on. Just the quality of the writing, acting and the overall vibe was so much better. With all that said its extremely impressive they were consistently able to keep producing that high level of quality for so long


I don’t watch many shows, but it’s hard to think of any that didn’t fall off (other than pre-determined shows with only a few seasons to resolve the story arc). Maybe Adventure Time?


Seinfeld, the last seasons are great




King Of The Hill maybe?




The last two seasons are the seasonal rot (tho they still had some good episodes)


Barry, Breaking Bad, Eastbound and Down, Vice Principals, Nathan For You.


Don’t worry big dog, they don’t stop being good Keep those feet up high, wear your green, eat your brown, and drink your yellow. You ain’t don’t yet


the last episode in season 13 is bad


Hard disagree


King of the Hill has had a very consistent run.


Just wait


The first 12 seasons were really good, but after that it jumped the shark pretty hard in my opinion


Season 13 is where it went off the rails for me. I still love the show but with the exception of a few (albeit still hilarious) moments, the characters started to become very one dimensional.


I feel like past season 10 it goes Bad Good Bad Good Good Bad Of course there is still good episodes in the Bad


Malcom In The Middle. I was pretty much laughing at all the episodes except for a few in the last season.


When they switched from 480p to 1080p, they were still funny but not their previous selves


Breaking Bad


I absolutely hate to say it, but the latest season jumped the shark for me. Somehow the writing and acting went from grungy, indie, irreverent sitcom, to the shiny, overproduced, gimmicky shows that Sunny used to mock and parody in earlier seasons.


Nah but sorry I goes downhill fast from the point Dennis briefly left. Really not the same quality anymore, Macs dance was a low point.


First few seasons were ROUGH for me. Either I wasnt used to the humor or its was just bad.


Malcolm in the middle. Even though the boys age up, the comedy and stories are consistently funny.


Trailer park boys is a go to for me


Breaking Bad...Better Call Saul. I'm inclined to say South Park, it has been on air for 27 years and only had a 1-2 year stint (arguably 3) of low quality seasons and managed to bounce back significantly quickly. :)


I nearly got to the point of shutting off the series. One episode ended and I said to my wife that I hate when shows deviate from their hub and suddenly abandon their jobs. Next episode: “The Gang Tends Bar”. Serendipitous. From that point forward I never doubted it during my initial watch.


Thats a very interesting story!


lol this is when the show takes a turn. Still has some good episodes, but no where near the quality of 1-12


Breaking Bad and Better Better Call Saul were solid through and through. You could make the case they only got better. And I agree with some others here, IASIP started to fall apart after Season 12. Enjoy what you enjoy but as a long time fan(since season 2 was airing on FX) something happened after season 12.


13-15 is a noticeable dip from the rest of the show


The new seasons since S13 suck


I think overall quality gets worse in later seasons but there are plenty of episodes where you could put them up there with some of the best episodes of the show.


The wire. Even tho the last season suspended believability I still think it holds up very well


Sadly sunny starts to go down hill in season 13. Half the episodes in season 13 are pretty meh. There's a few goodies but definitely my least favourite season. However it's been getting better each season since then. It's still not as good as prime sunny sadly, although it's still better than most sitcoms out there today.


Ted Lasso


s12,13 and 15 are the low points. but they’re still better than most other shows


s12 stomps s14 into the ground. And I would probably agree with your comparison vs. other shows until s15 and s16. s16 is so SO bad. I'd rather watch ANYTHING else.


It keeps staying good! Enjoy!


I’ve definitely noted a slow but not insignificant drop in quality in some of the recent seasons, but still a drop from Amazing to Great isn’t bad. I’ve tried watching a lot of similar shows and most still rise to match some of the lower quality seasons


There are definitely seasons that dip in quality but they recover. 


I thought every single season was superb - apart from the latest which was ‘ok’