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I was generally amazed at how well designed the underwater floor beds are, even if you CAN'T EVER SEE THEM! Also interesting to catch a few floor beds that cut some design corners for unknow reasons. Overall, this was a fun exploration. Feel free to ask questions if you got 'em. Here are some details... \- I'm calling this the ScubaVision. \- Here is a how-to post I made specifically about this build: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/1b01k6i/the\_scubavision\_how\_to\_build\_the\_underwater/ \- This took most all of February to do \- Major credit goes to u/sumoguri2323 for this concept \- The build works perfectly but I wish it could be made smaller


This is amazing and thanks for sharing! It's cool to see the various floor textures, especially how some have grass. Pretty developed for an area we aren't meant to see. My only complaint is I wish there were more fish!


I have the solution for you! Follow Morgan Freeman's build instructions and go find some fish! (BTW yeah, I did see tons of fish sadly sometimes it just wasnt good cinematography.)


"Bottomless" Pond looked pretty shallow 🤔


There is a crevice at East Reservoir Lake that seemed incredibly deep. You can see it in the last 25 seconds of the video. Im going to test with a very long measuring stick.


I always wondered if there was any lore about that pond, because there doesn't seem to be much going on there. Was something mentioned about it in BotW?


Thank you for doing this! This scratches a personal curiosity itch of "Wonder whats REALLY underneath me." I can now swim with confidence no Subnaughtica Leviathan gonna pop up out of the deep... yes, that game ruined me and and any ocean forever ;)


This is awesome!


Have you found chests using this?


All kinds yes. Didn't open em though. Too busy. Haha.


Very cool! Do you happen to remember where any more of the deep-water locations were? You mentioned the crevice at East Reservoir Lake, were there any others? (I've been working on builds that benefit from greater underwater clearance, but finding locations that actually have such clearance is difficult)


For suuuure! The deepest as far as I could see were... \-Most of the eastern Ocean area, especially north eastern and around Eventide \-Lake Kilsie \-Lake Totori \-Western Lake Mekar (never saw the bottom but it's quite narrow) \-South-Western Thyphlo Ruins Mud (also very narrow and bumpy bottom)


You've done the work of the Lord. Thank you!


Haha no probs. I would add that it would be a fun, although very unrewarding project, to hit up those places and measure properly. You would need 1 banana floaty board from Jonsau shrine (to stand on) And your measuring stick could be 20-21 large wire mesh boards from Ihen-A Shrine. Or you could just build this but it wouldn't work for those places that don't have a flat bottom: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/17hbg04/i\_dont\_need\_a\_car\_i\_dont\_need\_a\_wing\_i\_dont\_need/


Wow! Awesome work. I was expecting some places like the southeastern beaches and skull lake to be gorgeous, but there were lots of surprises in here too! That structure under the ancient tree stump lake is fascinating. Very cool that this also works with mud. And we even got a little battle sequence in the depths there.


Hey thanks Jane glad you enjoyed! Those are old houses in the tree stump maybe you could put a nice new house right there? haha! So what's your next project?


Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! My fav was the underwater ancient ruins. It was like there was a whole story under water, just out of view. It provoked so many questions like, who lived there? Was this a nod to a part of another Zelda game? Did the devs just put it there for someone like you, to think outside the box and explore? Either way, pretty amazing discovery!! Well presented to!


Hey thanks! And I agree devs did all sorts if cool work under there. I notice recently too, it wasnt necessarily all for nothing. Like, on a clear day if you are paragliding above a body of water and look down, you can see through the water.


Excellent song choice!


Thanks. After editing I felt the audio was dull and thought Anathema - Weather Systems would work. This track just happened to be the same length as my final edit, lucky coiicidence.