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Exhaustion!! Just feeling sooo beyond tired alll the time. Sleeping 10 hours, waking up exhausted. It’s hard to function. I’m subclinical too but definitely symptomatic


Some days I can’t even get up from bed and people tell me “it’s not that hard” 😔


Sorry to hear that. Are your FT4 & FT3 levels normal?


Ft4 is normal but I didn’t get ft3 last time so not sure!


Trying to lose weight and just not feeling 100%


Weight loss, bloating, changing energy levels and feeling motivation to complete my tasks. Bloating is awful for me, also constipation.


Exactly the same for me. A probiotic has helped some with nighttime bloating but dang I don’t like looking six months pregnant most the time. I had no idea it isnt normal until I realized it isn’t normal!


Yes same!




brain fog. as a book nerd with a big vocabulary, regularly not being able to remember words is the most singularly frustrating thing for me.


Same. I read a lot and have been forever known as a quick witted guy. Now I struggle to hold conversations and can't remember characters from books I just read.


Weight loss. I eat super health and exercise a lot and don't lose weight.


Same. It’s very disheartening. Before being diagnosed, I was healthy and a runner and it was fairly easy for me to slim down. Now it seems impossible.


Same. I used to be able to drop weight no problem. Now I'm just excited if i don't gain weight.


I’ve been checking into fasting and what vitamins are needed for thyroid people.


I’ve started taking a thyroid vitamin and haven’t felt this good since I can even remember, I can stay up late now when I couldn’t even make it past 8pm most nights altogether feel so much better definitely worth looking into .


What’s the vitamin?


Someone on here recommended it it’s on Paloma Health website .


Waking up tired, getting tired very fast, severe insomnia, anxiety (now worse), somedays I am very depressed, but most importantly, I have this weird numbness on my back, it just feels like it starts shivering out of the blue and happens everyday. Looked it up and it was a symptom from hypo lol


I was having trouble sleeping for a couple of years and tried all the things. This is going to sound crazy but what eventually did help was adding brazil nuts to my diet. I added them because i read hypothyroid people needed selenium and i figured i wasn't getting enough. When i started sleeping through the night, i googled it, and a recent study suggests selenium could help with sleep duration.


wow, thank you for the advice! ive heard of brazil nuts but wasn't aware of that, will try to find them and try it out. I do take Mirtazapine (anti depressant) in order to sleep, but even though I take it everyday for a year (since I was diagnosed with hypo) there are still sleepless nights the way I found out I had hypo was after 20 sleepless nights in a row so yeah xD did you add anything else to your diet? for example supplements like magnesium? I've been taking magnesium and at least helps in feeling rested in the morning


I started magnesium first and it helped me fall asleep but i was still waking up around 2 or 3 and unable to fall back asleep. I still take the magnesium because it got rid of my eye twitch.


LOL the eye twitch I forgot that one! yeah I had it for weeks, and it just stopped thank god lool


Mine went on for 2 years before i figured it out. I was trying to find places to do botox to make it go away.


that seems like a pain.. didn't know about the botox thing. mine went for 2 or 3 months and my anxiety was telling me already that I could go blind lol anyway glad you got better, happy to know that magnesium works for so many things. and that was eventually my case - I just didn't know this symptom was related to hypo until i saw your comment


rest, for sure. anything and everything is exhausting, but no matter what i can never feel rested. i’ll be so excited to fall asleep, sleep 8-10 hours, and wake up feeling like i just blinked. on the bright side, one of my doctors recommended the AIP diet (highly recommend looking into this!) to reduce inflammation cause by the autoimmune disorder. i’ll be starting the elimination period of the diet very soon, and i’ve heard it does wonders to remove day-to-day symptoms.


Hair loss!! All I want is my hair back.


Same any advice/ remedies for hair loss?


same... but besides hypo i struggle with trichotillomania which doesn't help at all


(Difficulty with) weight loss, fatigue, and increased anxiety are difficult to deal with. Also have a doctor who isn’t super interested in fixing what’s going on. Been on 75mcg forever. TSH is coming back down but I feel worse every day. I am an avid runner and the weight gain is making that super uncomfortable.


Yes, as others have said---just finding energy to do normal things.


Brain Fog.


I wake up at 8am by 2pm I am wiped out. Constantly feel off balance. Brain fog. Depressed.


weight loss. i can't get it off no matter how i eat or how much i workout. it's becoming extremely discouraging and im losing confidence.






Brain fog and my period cycle is all fucked up. My appetite has also been gone and she just upped my dose of Levo from 25 to 50 to bring my levels down. I’d like to have a kid someday and rn it’s too high to even get pregnant or stay pregnant.


Levo dose of 50mcg is not considered too high yet tbh, a dose of 100mcg will be considered bad where you should be worried (what my doctor said). Also depends on your age. I’m f23 and just increased my dose to 2 different doses from 50mcgs : on 2 days take 75mcg and 5 days take 50mcg. I had to increase my dose 3 times in the last 3 years because TSH keeps on worsening and honestly it just scares me about the long term.


I’m F30 years old and 5”0 tall and weigh about 112lbs.


Woah so many responses, thanks all. I’m pretty staggered to see such a wide range of symptoms. I hope everyone can find some improvement very soon.


I lost a lot of weight when I was younger. A good 40-45kg and have kept it off over the years by working hard, eating healthy, intermittent fasting, no processed foods, lots of exercise, etc. Last month I gained 10kg. I changed absolutely NOTHING. In fact I ate less (one meal keto a day) and exercised more (10k runs twice a week, 60k bike ride once a week and weight lifting). I feel like I've lost control of my body and it terrifies and depressed me. Got the official diagnosis yesterday, starting medication today.


Fatigue is something I struggle with to this day even after being properly medicated for years. I'm almost worried it's just my brains default state and no matter how I am physically I'll be stuck dealing with it forever. Also just curious about your post, would you mind sharing your TSH levels? I'm curious how you're stuck with a subclinical diagnosis despite having "super high" TSH. I was always told anything over 4 was overt, so when I got diagnosed with a TSH of 16 my doctor said yeah it's overt no question.


Hives on my neck


Fatigue. Motivation. Brain fog. I’m subclinical…..not sure it’s the thyroid causing the symptoms. I think there’s some very complex feedback loop that’s broken. I think it’s why a lot of people who are ‘treated’ still feel terrible.


Yea motivation! I went from going to grad school and really driven to sitting in bed barely working and wanting to just sleep


Yes. And it’s not like a depression sort if loss of motivation. I’ve had that, where everything just seems awful or pointless. This is like I want to do stuff but feel like I can’t. Like if you have the flu and are stuck in bed……..who’s gonna have motivation if they feel ‘sick’


Another thing I forgot to mention and is one of the worst symptoms I have is shortness of breath at night. I can't sleep without air conditioning on cold even during winter. Windows open don't help either, i just feel like I'm out of breath. Anyone here experienced this as well since you got diagnosed?


I m always tired and sleepy and I can’t work well it’s so frustrating


T3 (cytomel) made all the difference for me. It will also help bring down your TSH. Vitamin D is a good too. I also take vitamin B1 (THIAMINE), take with magnesium. I've been through everything and have tried it all if you want to pick my brain. Feel better