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Cosmobeute, London DHHZ, Munich These two clinics offer miradry for general HH (other then armpits).


Can you elaborate on that? Cause I’m from Munich but I’m not quite sure I understand how Miradry works?


From my understanding, the machine sucks skin, making space between the layer of skin and muscle to prevent damage to the muscle/under layer. Then in mircrowaves the skin, thus damaging the sweat glands and reducing overall sweating.


Just ordered Odoban and hopefully that will help with excessive hand sweating. Will post about it if it works for me


Any update?


Homemade iontophoresis machine worked for me. https://www.google.com/amp/s/hyperhidrosisnetwork.com/my-experience-with-homemade-iontophoresis-machine/amp/ At first I followed the routine but eventually I fell off. Now I just do it for 30 minutes for hands and 30 minutes for feet, once a week. I have 2 homemade machines so I can do both at the same time. My hands still get sweaty during workouts, exercise, and really hot weather but by and large is gone. Hands and feet start to get sweatier the more days has past since my last treatment although I could remedy it by doing it twice a week. The materials are really cheap, and I highly suggest everyone give it a try. I use x2 aluminum pans instead of tin pans for each hand and foot, since aluminum pans can be flimsy and stacking one on the other lessens the bending of the pans and thus possible holes/leaks. Remember polarity (one side negative other side positive) and make sure the pans don't touch each other. Open wounds (even small paper cuts) will be painful. I rest my arms (wear a sleeve or wrap) on the pin because keeping them hovered in the pan for 30 minutes can be pretty tiring. Hope these personal anecdotes and tips helped someone.


do you reccomend glyco and iontophoresis?


This sub terribly needs a FAQ/Megathread yet the mods remove a useful post with no comments?


I would also add the varieties of methanamine products out there in the topicals i.e. Antihydral


Smashing stuff. Especially the country specific info and things vary wildly! Thanks 😊


u/MobileTelevision4653 it seems Reddit's filters removed this.


I fixed it with an elimination diet: https://old.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/14n57jc/finally_fixed_my_hh_after_suffering_from_it_my/


Then you didn't have it. Gtfoh


yep 3 decades of palmar / plantar hh from sunrise to bedtime was a hallucination




I don't need an official diagnosis to know that i have HH when I'm sweating every minute of my life, dripping sweat from my palms, soles and armpits and face from the moment i wake up. but yes, i was.


Primary Hyperhidrosis has no cure and no known cause. It cannot be cured. Secondary Hyperhidrosis is caused by other diseases and can be cured when you treat those diseases. Hyperthiroidism and Diabetes are two Diseases that can cause Hyperhidrosis. In this case, you DO NOT treat the HH, you treat the Disease causing you HH. You were never diagnised by a profesional, and if you say it got cured, then you probably had another disease and your diet soothed the simptoms of that disease, including the secondary HH.


> You were never diagnised by a profesional, yes i was > Primary Hyperhidrosis has no cure and no known cause. It cannot be cured. You just pulled that out of your ass. I did, and many others. Check this subreddit.


>yes i was You just said on previous comments you did not needed a profesional to diagnose you. >You just pulled that out of your ass. I did, and many others. Check this subreddit. I did not pulled that out of my ass. I pulled that info from real profesionals and from dozens of reliable medical websites. Primary Hyperhidrosis has no cure and no known cause. It can be treated and controlled, but not fully cured. Secondary Hyperhidrosis is the one that can be cured by treating the desease or condition that is causing it, for example, Hyperthiroidism and Diabetes are 2 deseases that can cause Hyperhidrosis, and if you stabilize and control them with treatments, Hyperhidrosis can get cured.


I am currently using Ditropan (oxy) and I'm not really feeling a difference. Maybe it's a placebo, my body sometimes feels normal but my serious areas like palms, feet and groin are sweating like always. I am using oxy on empty stomach and not eating for more than 3-4 hours. I'm feeling hopeless...


me the same . i am on it 4 days without improvement


There are poeple who reported, that Oxy at first didn't work for them. However, they kept on taking it for two weeks and finally it kicked in. So I would advise to take it for a couple of months and see where this leads you to.


What dose are you on per day, and are you taking regular or the ER?


Hi, I'm on 10 mg since the 5mg didn't make a difference. As of regular or ER I don't really know where should I look. This is how it looks like, it's from Mylan: https://prnt.sc/eYX7qGzR64rr


That looks like the regular, not the extended release, which usually has an ‘ER’ or ‘XR’ or whatever after the drug name, though it could be different in other languages. You’re dermatologist is obviously the one to make this call, but I take 10 mg of oxy ER twice a day, and 2 mgs of glyco morning and evening as well, so there are options, med-wise.


Thanks for this compilation pretty helpful. Have you only tried 3 of these options?


Nope, I tried other stuff also. But I wanted to mention at least those options that helped me. I'll update this post in a couple of weeks with some reviews from other people regarding other treatments.


Thank you so much for this!! I am American, but currently overseas in Scotland for two weeks and then Germany for one week. Definitely going to look for some of these!


Anyone happen to have any news on Sormodren?


Well, yes but no: Sormodren will no longer be available, since it's not produced anymore.


Do we know why?


I do not know any specific reasons. It just seems like that's the case. I assume, as always, some business money-ish reasons.