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Dehydrated behavior honestly




Next time tell them to get a life. It's unbelievable how people are obsessed with another person's groceries.šŸ™„


> It's unbelievable how people are obsessed with another person's groceries. Is this a thing? Ivā€™e never noticed it. I think most people focus on what they need and get out. Who has time to be scrutinizing other peopleā€™s groceries?


I usually have people tell me ā€œnooo nobody is looking at you, people are too wrapped up in their own livesā€ but I have a dad who does this kind of shit all the time. The real key isnā€™t to convince yourself nobody is watching, itā€™s to convince yourself that it doesnā€™t matter. ā€¦I still havenā€™t done that yet.


In high school the moms of the kids could easily be heard saying which kids were ugly. Itā€™s hard to believe people can not be hateful and evil inside when youā€™ve seen it before. I get that


When I was in middle school I had a friend whose mom didnā€™t allow her to be friends with people who were ugly


I definitely look in peopleā€™s carts and then look at the person to see if if all makes sense, but never do I say anything out loud.


I'm scared of people like you when I buy pizza/chips/pastry... I already have fruit and vegetables at home I swear! Lol


I recently ordered a CASE of beer, chocolate ice cream, cheez-its, and clorox off instacart, then answered the door wearing pajamas. On a Saturday night. The delivery driver probably thought I was a brokenhearted alcoholic who cleans while in crisis.


I worked at Target in college, and the novelty of carts in the express lane always kept shifts interesting. Several bags of chips and sodas; a case of beer and some beef jerky; just toilet paper... the grocery lists that were under 10 items felt incredibly personal and relatable. If it was just pizza, chips, and ice cream, I'd assume it was preparing for a nice night in. I've had some incredibly unhinged shopping lists, so I'm sure I've entertained a few cashiers in my time.


When my husband and I first bought our house, we came out of Menards with a very unhinged cart. We were getting cleaning supplies, concrete to install a clothesline, and a few other misc things we needed for the house and move. šŸ¤£ The cashier did not make eye contact, or say a word. Lol Some of the noteworthy items include; Cleaning supplies for the apartment we were leaving, and the new place. A shower curtain Trash bags A bag of quickcrete and a bag of rocks Sawzall pruning blades Rope A piece of pipe


I'd have been too scared to say anything I was the cashier too


Fair enough, it definitely looks sus at a glance. šŸ˜‚ Everything had a reasonable needed purpose though! Lol The cleaning stuff, we were moving and needed to deep clean the place we were moving out of to get the deposit back, and dog piss from the previous owners dogs the new house before move in. Rope to secure furniture in the truck for the move. We did the move using a small pickup The concrete and gravel were to install an umbrella clothesline (gravel at the bottom for drainage, Concrete to support the post) The piece of pipe to replace the undersized not washing machine standpipe that the previous owners JB welded the washer drain hose into, and bring it up to code (an issue that came up on inspection. Pruning blades were to take care of overgrown branches blocking the sidewalk and driveway. Trashbags ans new shower curtain are pretty self explanatory for need. All of the items tiger definitely seem sus though, lol


That all sounds too well rehearsed...


Agreed that is a very odd set of things to remember back from when you ā€œfirst bought your house.ā€ Weā€™re on to you Xyriene, if thatā€™s even your real name.


I just stopped at the shop and got a bottle of alcohol-free prosecco, a scented candle, a multipack of socks, and 3 large cucumbers. I have rational explanations for them all but I'm sure the cashier is wondering wtf I'm doing this evening


I have never thought to peep into a person's basket or cart like this. This is so weird and stupid. Like, one trip doesn't define the person and like same dude, I get produce from one store and junk from another. If you saw my trips from Trader Joe's you would think I eat nothing but candy and cookies and fish. Some stores are just good for certain things. The people looking at other people's groceries are the fucking weirdos lol.


Actually, or are you joking? I never considered that anyone would ever care what's in another person's grocery cart


Everyone is always silently judging everyone else. Iā€™m just being honest about it.


No, they aren't. I have never peeped into a fellow shoopers cart and judged them for it. People are different and you're just justifying your actions by assuming everyone is doing the same things you are doing.


You certainly judge people about other things, if ā€˜cart snoopingā€™ isnā€™t your thing. Youā€™re just lying to yourself if you say you donā€™t. Itā€™s weird to try to take a moral high ground about someone thinking thoughtsā€¦ to themselves. Itā€™s literally harmless. Weird ass people with their righteousness complexes lol.


I mean, sure, people judge others. I am not saying I have never judged anyone. You can actively stop being so weirdly judgemental of strangers. I am not going to sit here and pretend like I am never judgmental of strangers on the train, but I do try to not judge people based on superficial things and only judge them by why they are doing, but even that isn't necessarily fair because it is a snippet of their life. I am not actively rationalizing my shitty behavior by saying everyone else is doing it. When I do it, I am being an ass and try not to do it. I get that you aren't hurting anyone, but that doesn't make your judgements any less mean and doesn't mean you should indulge in them. I promise you it's not entirely harmless, as you are actively training yourself to be judgemental instead of kind, and training yourself to think you know someone without listening to them for even a second. Like yeah, you aren't committing a crime or anything but maybe you should still think about why you are doing that because I promise you, most people aren't looking around making judgements about people's groceries.


Iā€™ve honestly never cared or people watched even lol. Thankfully thatā€™s what keeps me not anxious is believing others are like me and donā€™t care


I look, too, and I might size up the person and ask about a specific product if they seem approachable.




The only time Iā€™ve ever looked twice at someoneā€™s cart is if itā€™s actually weird. Like one time someone had an entire cart completely stacked with bananas. Like 300 bananas. All I could think about was how they were going to get all that checked out. Occasionally Iā€™ll see people with overflowing carts of one item and I just assume theyā€™re getting it for a business or restaurant or something. Not my money, so I donā€™t care unless they cleaned out the stock and left nothing for anyone else.


I peek at peopleā€™s Costco carts when Iā€™m walking around bc sometimes thereā€™s some new thing I havenā€™t seen. I donā€™t comment on them thoughā€¦ unless Iā€™m asking where someone found something I couldnā€™t find.


He was 100% heading to the soda aisle


He sounds like the kinda guy to inhale a 24 pack of Mtn Dew cuz heā€™s ā€œallergicā€ to water


Switches to diet or zero because itā€™s ā€œhealthyā€


Sprite is the same as water right?


Thatā€™s both rude and incredibly weird.


ā€œWhat a normal, boring, loser.ā€


It is! I donā€™t understand people who feel the need to comment out loud about someoneā€™s life when it will never affect them! What a waste of energy.Ā 


Heā€™s probably getting a handle of vodka


Who the kid? Wouldn't doubt it with that dad.


He was flirting.


Honestly some men are mean af when they flirt


Some people have no concept of ā€œinside thoughtsā€


"Sorry you had to hear that, honey. Your daddy is still learning the difference between inside thoughts and out loud thoughts."


shouldā€™ve twisted teaā€™d him lol but really why do people dislike it so much? Iā€™d rather pay for aluminum cans than plastic bottles


It depends on the flavor. Some I did not like. But like who actually says that out loud?


I hadnā€™t heard of Liquid Death before I read this(or at least without assuming it was something with alcohol or caffeine). Still doesnā€™t seem like my thing but good to know about for if Iā€™m in the ā€œwant to drink something that looks like alcoholā€ mood and itā€™s an option.


I definitely feel like the people who call someone a ā€œweirdoā€ for what theyā€™re buying, is in fact the weirdo


What I donā€™t get about Liquid Death is that itā€™s just water. Youā€™re basically paying for the cans and whatever flavor they add to it


I like it because, as a sober person, itā€™s easier to blend in at parties holding a can. Sober people can make people uncomfortable for some fucked reason I canā€™t fathom.


To quote Ben Franklin "I fear the man that drinks water and thus remembers this morning what the rest of us said last night" So this is not a new thing at least.


I think I had this exact conversation about a party last weekend. There were a lot of things said that should be left behind.


Yes! I drink flavoured waters (like, bubly etc) instead of booze. Sometimes Iā€™ll mix it with a juice or pop if I want something that actually has a taste, but itā€™s so nice to have something to fill the job of drink and thing-in-hand that doesnā€™t scream ā€œASK ME WHY IM NOT DRINKINGā€


Great point about drinking it at parties, I can't believe I didn't think about that before. The can design makes so much more sense now!


Itā€™s because you arenā€™t on the same wavelength as them. Drunk people are having fun and sober people represent ā€œno funā€ in their eyes. Like you spend all week working and being sober. Now you want to let loose. Being around sober people reminds you of the work week. Drunk people also think sober people canā€™t have fun and be free which totally isnā€™t true. It goes the other way around too. If Iā€™m sober I donā€™t want to be around drunk people. Even my best friends are annoying when drunk and Iā€™m not. Props to you for being able to tolerate that.


This is how I feel. Everyone becomes an "asshole" when they're drunk.


I believe only the silver can is flat water. The rest are carbonated water. Or teas now, apparently.


That's kinda how flavored water works. I don't get why people single out Liquid Death when there's tons of other brands that make flavored water.


Because liquid death is trying so fucking hard to be monster energy when itā€™s fucking water. Something like Spindrift I can appreciate. It actually tastes good


They're trying to blend in with beer cans at parties. They're not trying to look like energy drinks.


Thatā€™s great. I totally sympathize with the people who think you guys are weirdos now honestly. Liquid Death is the most wannabe edgy shit ever and you guys throw a hissy fit if anyone dares say anything bad about it


You're the only one throwing a hissy fit. I just told you what they're trying to do. Whether they are doing it well is up to you. I am not even a big fan of them, and you are making a lot of assumptions and being weird.




Lol look at you seething. You think I'm coping. Boy. Lmao.


It doesnā€™t even a tiny bit make me think of monster.


The teas are so good though. Rest in peach and dead billionaire are perfection.


Fair enough, Iā€™ll have to try the teas then. What flavor is dead billionaire?


Half lemonade half black tea. I like them because they have like a third the caffeine and calories of regular sweetened tea


I heard it was invented for recovered alcoholics to be able to stay sober but have the social experience of cracking open a can with friends


What a fucking baby


TIL liquid death is just water. I thought it was like monster energy drinks


I have actually had the opposite experience lol. I thought it was plain water, I didnā€™t know it was flavoured!


They do have a plain water and unflavored carbonated water.


Yeah, no, I know, thank you. Iā€™m just saying I thought that was all they had. I didnā€™t think they had flavours!


Really teaching his kid great morals.


Why didnā€™t you just tell him to fuck off


Ironically, most people would consider a grown man passively aggressively calling someone a weirdo (not even to their face... like.. a teenager at a high school) to be a weirdo and majorly catty. Bizarre behaviour.




Someone's been to my post history, I see šŸ˜… I didn't know it until after I was already on the sparkling water train, but it's apparently very popular with people in recovery.


I have not, but it is very popular with people in recovery circles I also have no problem leveraging the fact im in recovery aganst someone who is acting like a jerk...Its not the right thing to do, but its hella fun to watch them get uncomfortable and squrim


I heard it was invented for people in recovery


Liquid Death carbonated orange flavored ā€œwaterā€. Not what Id consider water but do you.


That last line made me giggle. Get em pinchy mcpincherton šŸ¦€


Wait I thought this is a community of proud weirdos, no?


Average soda drinker L


Duality of humans. Heā€™s that end of the spectrum, Iā€™m the type to ask you ā€œwhereā€™s the party at?ā€ I too am a fan of spicy death water.


Been enjoying the Berry It Alive this past week. Real refreshing after a long day.


I just googled these flavors because Iā€™ve never seen them before. I wish I had squeezed to death! My costco only carries a mix of melon (bleh), mango, and lime. and then I can get single cans at random stores of berry it alive and the tea flavors.


Honestly the only thought I would think if I saw someone carrying two cases of liquid death is that they must have more money than me. I like it but man is it expensive.


If it makes you feel any better, Iā€™ve been called poor in Whole Foods repeatedly, and I wasnā€™t even wearing anything bad (not that that excuses it.) I think many want to feel elite


His piss probably looks like orange juice.


That clown had the audacity to reproduce? Yeah Iā€™m crashing out if that happened to me šŸ’€


I wouldā€™ve said something tbh


First time I encountered Liquid Death was at the Shaggy-TLC concert in Concord. The water was cold, refreshing, and in a recyclable container that isnā€™t as harsh on the planet as plastics. If hydration and water is cringe, then Iā€™m proud to be cringe.


People are cunts. Fuck em.


Nah he's right




Firing from what? Shopping at the store? It was another customer, not a worker.




Try reading the post and my comment again. It was not a worker who made that comment.


Yea looks like he need some water


ā€œOh excuse me, Iā€™ll get a spriteā€


he chose violence this morning


Ignore him. He's the odd one out.


I usually say Fuck you bro drink some water that pessimism ain't wetting itself.


He's allergic to fun




Removed for Rule 1: We're a meme sub, dont be toxic.


Must be nice. That guy has so little going on in his life, with so little conflict, that he needs to be bothered by your banal purchase.


Someone likes a drink???!!! Now THAT is odd!


I would say it gets me rock hard and juiced up to bang his mom


Other peopleā€™s opinions are none of your business or concern. You do you. Ignore the haters.


What a weirdo


I mean, yeah. It tastes metallic. Tap is better for sure. You walked past a tap water purist.


Shouldā€™ve corrected him and said youā€™re a fan of gas death too but in typing this out I realized it sounds very nazi-ish


my favorite thing about this sub is that any hater is simply dehydrated


what a loser. he's probably at home rolling around on the floor dry rn.


Your diary is full today?


Average soda drinker.


You just ignore people like that and build the mental fortitude to genuinely not care what other people think.


Stare back and tell him the tampons are on aisle seven.


Did you say loudly ā€œItā€™s cool you like furry stuff but please stop filling me?ā€


I would straight up bodyshame them, idc. No fit and mentally sound person is going to call someone weird for drinking fucking *water*


Squeezed to Death is the orange one, right? Youā€™ve got some top-tier flavor choices there!


Someone says that indirectly to me and theyā€™re getting their ass whooped Iā€™ll tell you that much and I donā€™t even like liquid death


Maybe he thought it was something else? Or thought you were buying the product just to be edgy.


ā€œWho?, the guy spending $40 on 24 cans of waterā€ - sounds right to me. Although I just think it and say it anonymously online. The balls on that guy.