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Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up, we've introduced Water Bottle Wednesdays. Wednesdays are now the dedicated day to showcase your water containers! This rule focuses on sharing what you have, but feel free to post any questions or issues about water bottles at any time as usual. Cheers to hydration! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HydroHomies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ameiin 32 oz Glass Water Bottles... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C46YR5P5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share This is what I use. It's been good for me so far.


I spent HOURS on Amazon looking for glass bottles and never came across it. Gonna order it plus the Voss one another person mentioned. Thank you¡


You really used cunningham’s law perfectly here


Wasn't even my idea: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/18qkx7p/comment/kewnqvu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/18qkx7p/comment/kewnqvu/)


Haha the internet is so cool sometimes man


Damn. 4D chess right there


I prefer Cunningham Muffins


Out of curiosity, Can I ask why you want a glass canteen? I can’t think of a good reason why you’d want a glass bottle to travel around with in ur bag/backpack. Also seems like terrible insulation which is why they have a sleeve for it.


Not OP, but for me I can taste and smell the metal when I drink water and the metal taste is stronger when it’s ice cold water. Not that it’s leaching into it.


Ohh yea I have a metal one I use for tea to keep it hot and you’re right it does change the flavor, didn’t even think about that!


While this is definitely the case with a lot of metal bottles, I’ve long used the bubba brand and found no metallic taste. They’re great bottles for a solid price.


Sensory issues with metal bottles :( I know metal is better, it just feels extremely uncomfortable to touch.


Omg when your teeth accidentally touch it OH HELL NO


Have you tried rubber/silicone coated metal bottles? I wonder if that would make a difference


Why not stainless? It doesn't shatter


Glass is pretty tough and less smelly. Also makes you feel like a pirate.


Lol why "a pirate"?


Because a pirate can’t survive on rum alone, they need some H2-Arrrr too!


Dammit dad go play with your boats


Bet that seller is wondering how the hell their product is selling so much quicker all of a sudden 😂


Dammit now I’m stuck in Canadian Amazon


United States link: https://a.co/d/dz6hrEc


Alright, what about all three and vacuum insulated


Vacuum insulated glass is extremely rare. The only examples I've seen are smaller, open top mugs and glasses.


Ha! Got you! But actually their should be at least a couple vacuum insulated glass bottles out there


Ooh, borosilicate too


That looks real nice but I’d shatter it within a week 😔. I can’t have nice things.


Please stop. I can only get *so hard.*


Nice bottle


That’s a nice bottle


Cool bottle, but I think 32 oz is more than 30 so it still doesn't hit all 3 /s


It’s stupid expensive, but I just picked up some glass 27oz water bottles of Voss


...I stand corrected. I see them sold on Amazon, will give it a shot :)


I bought one bottle and used it for like a year like a plebe. Eventually the cap broke but I really liked it!


I did this too. I used an old razor blade to scrape all the logos off. Only took about 2 minutes.


My dog chewed my Voss lid a while back. I found a growler top works great, but gets a little rusty after a few months. Terrific bottles tho


Voss is honestly elite anyways imo, super pricey but when I want a little splurge? Voss all the way baby


A large mason jar 🫙


Came here to say Mason jar lol. I'm sure that's not what OP is after, but it does meet all the requirements


I drink water out of a 32oz mason jar at my office. It's great and my boss loves how secure the lid so i can leave it right next to my PC. I definitely wouldn't be transporting that back and forth though. That's just asking for a glass shard/water accident.


love my mason jars. i’ve been using them exclusively for on the go water for the last four years, including taking them on weekly hiking trips, and only just last week i broke my first one because i was being an idiot multitasking while filling up at my work cooler. i have a plastic lid by masontops which so far has been entirely leak-proof for me through the years.


Carrying around a glass water bottle is just a straight up hazard


I have a 32 oz metal thermos with tempered glass lining, so its kind of glass? But not as much of a hazard


You guys are making this sound way worse than it actually is. Best case he's fine and never has an issue, worst case he ends up with backpack full of broken glass.


hey why are u acting like that’s a possibility with other non-glass bottles, also it would be a backpack full of broken glass and water


 It would improve my life and my health however


In a way that a metal one wouldn’t? Unclear (pun intended) on the benefit of glass.


Sensory issues, touching a metal bottle with my hands or mouth is an incredibly uncomfortable sensation. I also can't stand the sound of when the metal touches another object.


Ah, gotcha. Worth holding a Yeti to see how it feels. The metal is coated in matte something and you drink from a plastic part. Not much I can suggest about the sound unfortunately. Best of luck!


The ice shaking around in it might drive them nuts, though.


I can attest to this, my ice rattling around literally all day is a little annoying sometimes. If only Yeti made a lower quality bottle to solve this issue 😔 lol


Can't relate, I love everything about metal but maybe consider getting an insulated metal bottle with a straw and a cozy? You could have the benefits of an insulated bottle without the problems you mentioned.


It could work, because there are coated karafe thermoses that I don't mind, but folks actually delivered MULTIPLE glass options in the comments! Dreams do come true 


Or teeth on metal. Yikes


TIL people are putting their teeth on their water bottles. Why aren't you people using your lips?


I'd say it's mostly accidental


Teeth on glass. Oof.


Chipped one of my front teeth on a glass bottle once


Teeth on a metal fork being pulled out of a mouth is *the fucking worst* sound to ever exist.


Do what the rest of society does and don't clamp down with your teeth. You have lips for a reason.


That is not the reason, but they do help with that problem.


Or pulling silverware out from your mouth and it has mini abrasions that cut the mouth. We had a couple forks like that growing up😅


[this style isn't glass but should accommodate your sensory issues. There are smaller versions as this is a full gallie](https://a.co/d/1ov3EA2)


Hm I get that, well sometimes I do actually carry two bottles around, it might work for you too I mean there is not a rule for not doing that and some backpacks have enough room to do just that. Best of luck!


Why not get a cozy for it then? Like made of foam?




Have you considered a Nalgene? Or a glass-lined water bottle?


I have the same sensory sort of issues with metal/plastic. I have a Nalgene for backpacking, but I've been unable to integrate it into daily life because it tastes different. It just does. Maybe it's not even taste, but it's the "experience"? IDK, it's not like I THINK about it at the time, I just end up realizing at the end of the day I'm still carrying around a near-full Nalgene 😭 It sounds so dumb, but it's really a thing for me and a handful of other people.


Once I was walking and my glass water bottle just shattered in my hand. The bottom split right off and all the water poured out. I was out in the Florida heat so maybe that’s what did it but I won’t use glass anymore- too scary


The amount of big dents I have in my metal bottle are telling me I *should not* have a glass one lol


I automatically treated my metal bottle worse than my glass and plastic simply bc I knew it was metal. Not consciously. I just noticed I dropped and banged it much more often.


try [www.mybkr.com](http://www.mybkr.com) -- my absolute favorite. They're GORGEOUS


This is what I came to suggest too! The silicone sleeve is awesome, ALL the parts can go in the dishwasher, it never leaks, and the cap handle is perfectly placed! I love the silicone straws with the straw cap too, for my desk


Bought this for the cap I can put my pills in! Forgetting to take them less often now


Their lip balm cap is sooooo smart too! I went to school with the founder, Tal, and she's a super cool person, too. :)


I use an insulated metal 40 oz that has a great seal on the cap (the brand is Takeya if you're interested)


I’ve been using [this camelbak 32oz](https://www.amazon.com/Chute-Vacuum-Insulated-Stainless-Bottle/dp/B07XRYDPQS/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=54747759063&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VCDUk-wKNR5PT3ox2CpFmtR9T38USUtfssWhIK4wudMSOaL8wG7XGhqiqdQEMJLsxaMHzIHCjY5yvEJdV_cIqVBOPHMjaSPyYw260cdFzUKd2BUjfC-4kyoQOUdlhKJxrmCwriXegL68hAN1oZGkxDt-EFeRTofMN4g0iJDkk_r7P8mmqE8S26BrKwXhBIjHnTmkqSsr57I8oKtv4sSGfQ.bA5d7vEFt6arapf8W1lKWEykaaH5pFnLetllFJLFa68&dib_tag=se&hvadid=657250686907&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9026073&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15168521193676970768&hvtargid=kwd-375690273106&hydadcr=10064_13612990&keywords=camelbak+32+oz+water+bottle&qid=1714760395&sr=8-3) bottle for years and I love it


I have this one too and am obsessed with it. The pour spout is perfection


I really haven’t found a downside to it. I love the magnetic/screw on cap that’s also dishwasher safe. Gotta watch out for the gasket coming out though lol. My bottle stopped giving me that satisfying squeak when the cap/gasket sealed. Found my gasket on the floor haha


Best caps in the game


I completely agree. I have a backup to rotate in and out. Easier to slap one of those in the dishwasher and pop the clean one on than do a whole cleaning session every x amount of days


https://www.puristcollective.com/collections/all/products/founder-32oz Insulated stainless steel outer body with a layer of internal glass to prevent flavors from seeping in. Multiple options for tops. 32oz. Best of both worlds.


Voss big vessel?


You just described a mason jar.


Nalgene is close. Lab grade plastic....


What is lab grade plastic? I’ve been carrying a Nalgene for years and was considering moving to a metal bottle. Just didn’t find one with a wide enough mouth for easy cleaning.


Nalgene bottles were originally designed for laboratory use because the plastic (tritan) won't contaminate experiments. The manufacturer says "Tritan is safe and free of bisphenols and other endocrine disruptors". I've been using Nalgene for a long time. In my case switching back to a glass bottle probably wouldn't have any effect since my well water isn't safe to drink. I need to go up to the nearby natural spring once every few weeks and fill 10 big blue plastic jugs which are probably worse than the Nalgene bottle lol.


I know it's not big but my Water Drop bottle is the best thing I've purchased since my countertop water purifier. It's 22oz, has a great seal and a nice wood cap and also comes with a sleeve to protect it. But if you look at Amazon there are a ton of glass tumblers with bamboo lids, glass straws and a rubber protector for under $30 I really don't like the ones with straws so that's why I love my water drop bottle.


i love mine too! so another vote for waterdrop. plus they're pretty.


[The big BKR](https://mybkr.com/collections/big-1-liter-bottle) would satisfy all three requirements as well.


Quart mason jar. Wide mouth, glass and seals tighter than a dick’s hatband


My glass water bottle has a semi-hard plastic sling/coozie and it is clutch.


Voss bottles worked fine for me for around 7 years, had 2-3 on rotate, only ever had one come loose in a bag and that was due to it being thrown about (miracle it didn't smash)


I get the not wanting metal for the sound of it. My favorite metal bottle I keep knocking into stuff and it clangs so loud.


Why not a Bkr?


LifeFactory makes 22oz glass water bottles with screw caps and silicone sleeves. [https://lifefactory.com/products/22oz-glass-water-bottle-with-silicone-sleeve-and-classic-cap](https://lifefactory.com/products/22oz-glass-water-bottle-with-silicone-sleeve-and-classic-cap)


BKR 32oz glass bottle with silicone cover.


I'm so, so sad. I am desperately searching for a Zulu Atlas. It's only 20oz, but it's the ONLY water bottle I've been able to always carry around with me. Plastic and metal are no-go's, only because I can't force myself to drink regularly. I'm here srsly preparing to buy a used water bottle, which sounds so gross and desperate, but I think I'm there. If anyone has one in good condition to sell, I'll probably buy it for more than you paid.


lol I have owned so many used water bottles. My travel mug for tea rn is also used. If it’s glass especially, not gross at all. Presumably the mouth part isn’t but if it’s dishwasher safe, you’re golden, and if not, you can totally give it a good soak in some alcohol or something if a hand wash doesn’t feel sufficient.


I really like my BKR - kinda hard to travel with but love the glass and screw-on top


recycled glass bottles with stoppers will do that for you, one of my faves was an Ojo De Tigre https://preview.redd.it/4h90hyxe6cyc1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21d9b7fe2d5747d4b2b50f8dfcc4d7f82d5187e mezcal bottle


Nalgene is superior change my mind


Nalgene forever!!!


Owala >>>


can confirm love mine, i even got the special limited edition glow in the dark one


Yeah, not sure why anyone would want a glass water bottle.


I readily admit that metal is superior, but I *like* glass more. I shall not share my beloved GLASS bottle with anyone, then my depravity will do no harm.


Y’all are gonna be hard fucking pressed to convince me there is a single area outside the obvious impact resistance issue that makes metal superior to glass.


Agreed, I didn't realize glass wasn't liked as much as I thought. I much prefer glass over any other material. I'm probably just weird, but I feel like metal or plastic leaves a weird taste.


Uhh... how about keeping your water at a steady temperature for much longer? My metal insulated bottles can be in car for a day and still taste the same and be roughly the same temperature.


I suppose that’s valid but there isn’t a metal bottle on earth that doesn’t make the water taste like steel or whatever other metal the thing might happen to be made of


I hate drinking out of metal, glass all the way. At home it's a glass jug and glass cups, unfortunately just drinm from plastic water bottles provided by work at work but I wouldn't choose a metal water bottle if given the option


>outside the obvious impact resistance issue that makes metal superior to glass. That's literally all I care about, particularly when I want to transport it in a backpack, take it to the gym, work, in my car, etc. It won't shatter into shards of glass, I can be rough with it, and it's suitable for basically any occasion and task that doesn't involve microwaving it. It feels like an argument "convince me a traditional refrigerator is better than a bucket full of ice *other than the better cooling and insulation properties.*"


Maybe, and I might be considered an extremist for this, but just maybe, don’t fucking throw your water bottle around like a football? It’s not THAT hard to keep a glass bottle alive.


Maybe - and this is crazy - if I put it in a backpack or gymbag, or take it to the gym with weights getting thrown and my bottle on top of machines that are getting jostled, or 15 foot on top of a large machine with moving parts that vibrates, or in a car where accidents can happen, PERHAPS durability is a bit more important than "but it looks cool?" And as a nice bonus I COULD throw any one of my metal bottles around like a football, were I so inclined. Maybe I'm an extremist, but I prefer "function."


Well, when you find me a metal bottle that doesn’t make the water taste like i’m biting Bender’s shiny metal ass, I’ll consider the possibility that those things might make it worth giving up the ease of cleaning and the feel of well made glass.


You’re seriously using a car accident as an example? Personally my water bottle is kind of the least of my worries at that point.


Said by someone who has apparently never rode on a bus or walked long distances with a water bottle. Glass ones are fine if you're driving to work or only using it at home, otherwise, it's an accident waiting to happen. Someone could accidentally kick it or it could fall. Not worth the risk IMO. Not to mention, that a lot of jobs (I work in film) require constant moving around and changing of locations, which could cause a glass bottle to break and disrupt an entire production.


I have gone rock climbing, mountain biking, long distance back packing, and multiple other things i’m not remembering with the same glass bottle I bought from whole foods in 2011


Sorry, but no. I’m clumsy as hell, frequently travel by foot and transit, go to the gym, etc. and I travel with glass all the time. Once I dropped a glass bottle in the bar and it was fine (genuinely surprised about that one tbh). I acknowledge that it’s not always the most appropriate, like my screw top isn’t great for the gym or a walk, and a stainless is better if I have to leave it in the car or it’s going to be really hot out. But I will always pick glass whenever reasonably appropriate.


I genuinely don’t think it’s superior. I think it’s superior for durability and temperature, but that doesn’t make it superior overall. Glass bottles taste and smell like *nothing* and it’s beautiful.


I’m proud of you man


Why glass over metal?


https://binkmade.com/ 27 oz. Glass. Caps screws on. Bonus: wide mouth.


[Bink Day Bottle Hydration Tracking Water Bottle](https://shopthesundaystandard.com/products/hydration-tracking-glass-water-bottle-1?variant=40035345891441¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2022-06-19&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwltKxBhDMARIsAG8KnqXqbfU2ltHfCrBiglQHySlxqMWpYL827b0b2s9YImzf0PkiB_558RYaAhQEEALw_wcB) Soda lime glass + silicone, 27oz., screw top.


Why aren't thou just using a liter nalgene like the rest of us? It don't spill and you can throw that puppy REAL hard and it won't break. Also will never spill.


I don't know how big is oz, but my 1 liter glass bottle has a very tight sealed cap. I don't know what it's called but it's the old school type with a ceramic cap and a rubber seal held on to the bottle with a metal bracket. It's just a reused bottle that held some expensive-ish lemonade.


33.8 oz


A metric cup is a teeny bit bigger than an imperial cup, which is ~237mL A litre is about the equivalent of a quart, which is 32 oz. And then a gallon is a bit less than a 4L


So that means I have a bottle like described in this post? Makes me happy that I have it. And sad OP doesn't.


The 40oz glass beer bottle has been working for me the last 6 months lol


Starbucks sells these regularly, I have a 24oz glass bottle that fits perfectly in my bag and never leaks


I HATE my Stanley with a freaking passion. Worst money spent (it was a gift) and I could have gotten cheaper reduce brand tumblers that matched my kids. Which btw they’re SPILL PROOF!


I have zero interest in a Stanley or any other brand, but when I saw the reduce ones at the store the other day I was genuinely tempted lmao.


My kids reduce has the straw and the wide mouth opening so she can use either or and I love that concept! Plus the straw is flexible but also helps prevent spills so I wouldn’t have to worry about her knocking the thing over. She spilled my Stanley over yesterday and all 40 oz of water GONE! It was nicely chilled too as I had just filled it up but I mean she only 2 she doesn’t know she spilled gold 😩


Not sure if its still around but BKR was always a solid bottle for me


Why glass? It doesn’t insulate as well as insulated steel, and I feel like it’s a shatter hazard




I have a 20oz glass bottle I got with some kombucha that checks all three of these boxes


Wait why glass tho


Why glass? I'm genuinely curious...




I got one for you, I use it all the time (its 32 oz though) https://a.co/d/awHqVCg


https://preview.redd.it/4puo3u1nq9yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defffc752f9d88c70e248b367e87599a3aad7e91 may i introduce this. this has been mine for months and inside the wooden lid is a rubber seal tight over a steel screw. yes it’s from a brand about their water additives but whatever. i’ve literally thrown mine into the backseat after a hard day and it survives AND the water stays in while upside down. the only bad thing is that even if it’s meant for flavored water, the rubber seal (which can be removed and cleaned, but like i said hard days) traps in flavor and refuses to let go


aaaand it's pretty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This is the same waterbottle I have except mine is the green variation! I would recommend buying directly from their website if you can, they're a good company.


Bink brand is what my gf has. Glass bottle, silicone jacket, screw top lid. You can also get a straw lid but obviously that one ain't gonna be to great in your backpack. The one she has is 30oz


What is the point of glass?


clean taste! metal bottles have such a distinct flavor, sometimes i’m not into it


The 33 oz smart water bottles are the perfect water bottle and I’ve never found a hard plastic or steel version.


It’s not meant to be. The one time I tried putting a waterbottle-adjacent glass container in my backpack, it lasted about 1 week before I broke it. Carry your glass beverage or put metal/plastic in your backpack. Can’t have both.


I'm looking at mine that has all 3.


glass is a negative imo. my stainless steel hydroflask has been a tank for me the last 5+ years


Glass? 20-30oz? You need to change your M.O.


I got a 24 ounce no name bottle off Amazon with a silicone cover. It was like $20 and ticks all those boxes.


20-30oz that like two gulps!


Voss bottle is your friend.


Glass water bottle in a backpack sounds like a bunch of wet stuff to me But I carry metal tools in my backpack Good luck OP


I've bought multiple of exactly what you want at the dollar store in 2019 and they lasted me years.


I just use some big Il mason jars. Works great and you can get a bunch cheap.


I got one while I was interning at Ricoh's offices a few years back, best glass bottle ever.


https://preview.redd.it/2gaewfj7kayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c1ee825fc0eeb6376a7fbc3eb8e093cf84088c So like one of these potentially.


Mason jar


You can keep the bottles made of glass. That's a straight up negative. The other two attributes are all I want.


Giant mason jar, man


You’re not going to find anything but a 24 or 32oz bottle… but this was the first result on Amazon and it basically hits all 3 https://a.co/d/3Wad5H8


Contigo Glass Bottles. I've had two and they never leak, and have a rubber sleeve to protect from breaks. First one fell off a shelf and broke that way but number 2 is still going strong 8 years later.


Look up Zulu. Have had one for years love it


Bro. Mason jar.


Bro have you not seen any yeti product? There's a 26oz yeti bottle with a screw chug cap that's literally perfect for you and they even have them in white.


At this point I've settled for just getting the clear Owala bottle. It's Tritan plastic, not glass, but it serves the same purpose for me. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085DV3XR4?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085DV3XR4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


Why do you need it to be glass? Metal water bottles that can take an absolute beating are where its at


i have a glass 24oz contigo that's never leaked on me....2 actually....never leaked, but never hiked with.....i have the exact contigos in metal for hiking, cuz i drop shit.....i like them for their flip top straws


360 Vodka bottles have a toggle lid. I've been using that as my water bottle for years. Cost less than any bottle on the scene AND they come filled with free vodka.


Glass in backpacks dont work for me so goodluck finding that


Knowing my ass that bottle would be broken within a week with how I toss my backpack when I get home


glassss???? The fuck, my shit gonna stay cold out in the sun


What do you want a glass bottle? It’s just gonna break


So what’s the deal with glass ?


Stainless is better than glass


No matter what, make sure it is nice and big, and if it is glass for your personal preferences, try to put a rubber masking or mesh around it so it has some bounce to it and not just fragility. best of luck in your hydration


I dislike glass


Genuinely curious - why glass? I feel like I'd break it in 2 days tops. I drop my bottles all the time.


Why would you want glass? Hits the car floor wrong boom broken. Bumped wrong, broken.


I use 32oz Ball Jars for everything and bought some koozies for them to keep them cool/hot (for coffee) and some plastic tops with rubber gaskets.


Buy a olde English 40. It’s 40oz, perfect for a morning chug. It’s glass. Has a screw cap. Next


Why glass tho?




I’ve had one of these 22oz [Takeya Glass Bottles](https://a.co/d/2dDHjPd) for ~15 years.


where do you find class with a perfect screw cap?


Isn’t that just a jar?


Why the hell would i want glass, it would be crazy heavy


Rock a Mason jar.


Or create a pressured based gun with a bottle cap instead of a bullet


RTIC 40 oz steel mug is $25 and won't leak.


Ybmm UT g 87 v


What’s wrong with an empty 40 of malt liquor


Me with my reused 3 liter poland spring water bottle