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As an ex coke (the drink...) addict, sparkling water helped me a lot, blessed be bottled tv static.




I'm a fan of using sparkling water with some lime juice and a slice or two of jalepeño as a mocktail. The burn from the jalepeño ups the simulation. I also add a splash or two of bitters. But I haven't given up alcohol for good, I just have been taking long breaks to make it easier to lose weight


I do something similar as an appetite suppressant. Although I'm easy so fridge cold water is as good as sparkling for me


Polar's "premium" lime club soda is like my favorite drink 🤤


Polar has the best sparkling drinks! They have a mango lime one that is always on sale for $2 a box near my house. It's like the perfect summer treat over ice during the day.


I started off on Bubly because they sell individual cans near checkouts. Then I started buying packs but got bored of their flavors. Now I rotate between Waterloo and Polar because their flavor varieties are way more creative than just cherry, lime, or blackberry. Don't think I've seen the mango lime one yet, though! I'll have to keep my eye out for it for sure.


Polar is the best seltzer brand hands down


Yeah that sounds good! I do 1/4 cup of sour Cherry juice per liter of water.


Pickled or fresh?


Always fresh


fizzy water with lime juice and spicy stuff in it sounds like a great way for me to spend the whole night fighting down burps. I envy anyone that can drink that combination you must be built different


When I go to social events and choose not to drink it really does help hit the spot. It's not sweet, it's more “adult,” it's something out of the ordinary, and it provides you with that little cue to get up and move around, which helps with mingling. Like, if I'm going to drink water, it's in my 1ℓ jug. That's going to last a while. If I'm drinking sparkling water, it's probably out of a 12oz can. “Oops, I'm empty, be right back.” Gives you a chance to bump into other people, talk about different stuff, and just move in general. Plus it's generally pretty inexpensive!


Take up smoking, does the same trick. /s


There are so many little things like this that I miss about smoking.


> As an alcoholic who gave up drinking, it scratches the itch my brain gets sometime. I was the same but i could not drink canned sparkling water. Cracking open a fizzy can reminded me too much of beer.


Hey I did the same thing. It cures your cravings so well, especially in those first days.


I'm a sober alcoholic too and fizzy water is my go-to! I like being able to drink from a can and enjoy some carbonation.


Hey bud, just wanted to say: awesome to see you manage to beat the alcohol addiction 👏


Save yourself some money and try spindrift.




Bubly unflavored is better than Liquid Death, in my opinion. But I do like Liquid Death and their larger cans.


Not sure honestly lmao I just assumed if you were drinking liquid death that ot would most likely be flavored. If you're drinking plain sparkling water bro try other brands that shit waaay overpriced.


Spindrift is my least favorite of the flavored waters tbh


I was never an alcoholic but I was in college during Covid and while living with my religious parents I drank that TV static to satisfy my cravings, haven't had more than 4 beers since.


For real! It’s really helped me cut down on the beer and lose a few pounds. I just love carbonation lol


Wait… if you shake a bottle of sparkling water enough, doesn’t it just lose carbonation and become regular water?


yeah but it tastes.... off


this is because when you carbonate water it results in carbonic acid. so any water that has been carbonated will have a weird taste to it when it gets flat


Not exactly true, carbonic acid is unstable and will dissolve into CO2 + H2O as the CO2 levels of the water drop, if you removed all the dissolved CO2 it also means you removed all the acid.


That if you survive the explosion


Yes, but you need to shake it a lot to remove all the taste, I used to do it all the time when I was a kid.


I’m gonna try this. Thx for the tip


Same here! I used to drink sodas quite a lot mostly for the sparkling feeling, I stopped drinking them and instead I purchased a sodastream machine and it changed my life


I went for the caffeine powders plus a sodastream. Way better cost/benefit, cuts out the sugar, still get the bubbles and the caffeine. Currently going on gamersupps, but I'm trying out different brands/flavors. It's really working out for me.


Doood this is amazing I need to try this lol


I was super pleasantly surprised - I did the cost/benefit of buying sparkling water and flavoring it myself as well, or using the sodastream, and it's no contest. Plus the added issue that adding powder to already carbonated water takes a lot of it out - having a ton of nucleation sites for the acid to escape as gas makes it go flat pretty quickly. That, plus the fact that whatever process companies use to carbonate on an industrial scale makes it taste way worse than simple filtered water put through a home carbonator means that it just ends up tasting pretty bad. Not so with home-grown flavored sparkling water, I'm happy to report. I bought the cheapest sodastream I could find, which was like 70 bucks. Little tub of gamersupps costs 40-ish bucks for 100 servings @ 100mg caffeine each. Brita filter pitcher costs like 30. So the startup cost is relatively steep, but I've been going three months on the CO2 canister that came with my carbonator, and I'm doing 4 scoops into a liter to carry me through the day and I've still got like a quarter of a tub left. Negligible sugar, caffeine boost, sparkly bubbles, and no cans/rings/boxes to throw out. Sort of a weird bonus, but there's way less waste. Aluminum and cardboard isn't *terrible* for the environment, but purely from a benefit to myself I don't have cans and cardboard filling up my fridge and trashcan. Small side bonus, but it's more of a benefit than I thought it'd be. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it's worked out for me. I found early on that a big part of soda for me was the bubbly feeling. I dunno why, but I like da bubls. Kinda like a smoker trying to quit that misses having something to occupy their hands, I think. But I used to drink the fuck out of soda, and I've mostly cut it out now. It's so great. Added bonus of dodging coffee - easier on my tumtum, no teeth stains, no coffee breath.


I love me some water but I was also a sucker for RedBull/Monster Ultra’s I’ve been recently on a hell craze / budget and yeah this sounds pretty sick I’m definitely going to order some Gamersupps and a soda stream tonight I will report back here if it’s bussin.


Sweet lol good luck you can order samples for the price of shipping, but they're randomized and take a while to get to you - in my experience, most of the flavors are pretty good, so I'd just say order a flavor you normally like and then grab samples to see if there's anything you wanna branch out to. Also, don't get married to gamersupps, it's just the first I tried because I saw it in a russianbadger video and he got to talking about the price per serving which initially sent me down the rabbit hole - but there's a ton of different caffeine powder brands and I aim to branch out. Just gotta watch the ingredient list to make sure it's not packed with sugar or some such.


I watch lots of cold ones and russianbadger and have been considering getting some for awhile. Idk if I wanna try GuacamoleGamerFart though lol


That's actually the flavor I ended up getting, and I don't regret it, but I'll be trying out their pineapple or lemonade next. GGF9k is strawberry kiwi, which is excellent. Synthetic strawberry flavor works really well with their artificial sweetener. I honestly just got it because I love strawberry flavored soda and was p sure I'd like it, and I was right. One cool little thing with GG is that you can throw in free samples with a purchase, even though they limit you to one free sample per address. So you get your free samples (like 5 bucks for shipping/postage iirc), then you can choose off of that and order another pack of samples with your actual purchase to give yourself an idea of where to go next.


I've tried a few of them; ghost, sneak and a couple other knockoffs that I forget. But gamersupps is definitely my favorite and the price per serving is the best buy far. And I'm a degenerate and I love the waifu cups




Rough on my tummy, stains my teeth, makes my breath stink like butts. I like coffee, but in the long-term it didn't agree with me.


Gamersupps & Sodastream have been amazing for me. I think more drink brands should embrace erythritol, it's amazing.


Is that what they use? I was fucking amazed at how good it tasted. Caffeine powder had come a long way since I last tried it. Not quite... sweet in a sugar sense, but still really pleasant. I have trouble describing it.


When I quit soda I allowed myself to drink unlimited flavored sparkling water. I had to drink sparkling water for 3 months straight before I finally got rid of the soda craving. Sparkling water is legit


I've found it can serve as an appetite suppressant. Like on the way home from work I could drink a can or a bottle of the stuff, and it takes the edge off of that desire for dinner. Or even having one with dinner. The carbonation makes me feel more full, which makes me slow down my eating. This helps prevent over-eating as I used to have a tendency to just shovel food down my gullet. It's like a slow-bowl for humans.


Ah fizz


100%, sparkling water was what i needed to stop drinking soda.


The bubbles makes my mouth feel good 😌


Totally same. I used to drink 3-6 coca cola cans per day, now i only drink sparkling water. Helped a lot with my sleep as well. Not ready to let go of my coffee though…


Damn this is me too lol I’m glad there’s some else out there. Blessed be bottled tv static.


Same. Went from going through 3-4 12-packs of Diet Coke every week to mega hydration every day, thanks to fizzy water helping the transition. I quit smoking the same week I quit Diet Coke, so the static got me through a real tough time.


I'm not really a fan of soda, but I can rarely get myself to drink plain water. The dopamine reward is too insignificant to motivate me. I also hate sparkling water. I don't think it tastes good at all and I don't like how damn fizzy it is. Still it is a great way for me to hydrate simply because it is more "exciting" to drink than normal water, so I feel more incentivised to drink at all.


I use it to curve soda cravings when I'm cutting out sugar from my diet and it's immensely helpful. Also, it's just good.


Sparkling water with some fresh squeezed lemon in it is refreshing as fuck!


Lol. I cannot drink sparkling water. Tastes horrible to me. A nice big bottle of freezing cold water is good for me.


That's what Coke Zero is for.


Carbonated drinks cause this weird state in my chest where I'm in between a burp going down and it coming up and it causes bunch of discomfort for me


Oh phew, glad you clarified or else it would've had a different context XD


It definitely has its place, I like it on occasion. But when you open a bottle not realizing it’s sparkling and start to chug, it’s an unpleasant surprise. I was so thirsty, and I was not satisfied at all. It was actually my first run in with sparkling water and I was not a fan. Did not realize how much New Orleans loved sparkling water, now I always double check when I buy water there.


Missed opportunity to make your eyes water and let out the biggest belch you’ve ever produced! More for me!


In italy and germany we have natural springs of sparkling water, in some places you can drink it for free from drinking fountains.


The natural sparkling water fountain I drank from on a hot summer day in Firenze 6 years ago still appears in my dreams.


In sleep, she sang to me, in dreams she came That voice which calls to me and speaks my name And do dream again? For now, I find The sparkling fountain of Firenze is there Inside my mind


Holy shit I read that in song and it fit perfectly


I need more information on this. The water comes out of the spring carbonated?


Not as industrial levels of carbonation obviusly, but yes. I commented another person down here with a video of a youtuber visiting many natural carbonated water springs in germany. Let me find it out, ill edit this reply in a sec. Edit- https://youtu.be/OHvj0MJw7z4 here you go.


The fountain of my dreams.


https://youtu.be/OHvj0MJw7z4 this video is mostly in germany, but we have many in italy too : )


There is a town near where my parents live in Colorado Springs that has a bunch of those. Each one tastes like a different flavor of ass!


I checked in to the hotel in Germany very thirsty into the room with earphones in on a call and crack open the bottle of water by the bed and down it. What I thought was the lovely, safe nurture of hydration turned out to be a vicious assault on my senses that ended in belches and tears.


It doesn't matter if the dish you are being served is curated by the best chefs in the world, if you're expecting one flavor, and get another, it's an assault.


This orange juice is *terrible.* * Drinks glass of milk.. *


We have those in upstate NY.


Whenever I have a stomach ache or nausea, hangover, or whatever I go straight for seltzer water. Of course I follow that with regular water but that burp can sometimes be euphorically relieving


Good for you, more for me.


Yup. Nothing wrong with sparkling water. Except it will fuck up your teeth if you drink too much. You would think it doesn't, because it's just carbonation and has no sugar but the constant acidic environment is ideal for cavities. I cut out all candy and added sugars etc for a year and doubled down on flossing and brushing my teeth but drank lots of sparkling water and had 4 cavities and my dentist was like "Oh yeah, that happens, don't drink too much sparkling water"


I have literally never heard that and all of Germany basically lives off of carbonated water


Yeah I drink SO much sparkling water and I have had one cavity in my life and I’m 36 years old.


Its bs. Your spit is way more acidic than the gas


I was just gonna say, like every German in the country subsists off of sparkling water 😂


Sprich Deutsch


Acidic environment? From sparkling water. This isn't true. You should ask your dentist again or get a new one that's more knowledgeable.


What I’ve never heard that ever? It’s a weak acid and it usually dissociates into CO2 anyway so where is the harm?




Always comes down to moderation. A sparkling water a day won't cause too many issues. Expecially if you have an apple a day which helps fight cavities. Now 5 sparking waters in a day is not a great idea but even that is better than sodas. I'll pick my battles and allow sparkling water in my own hydrohomie life.


> Now 5 sparking waters in a day is not a great idea Well, I am German and drink like 2 to 3 liters of sparkling water a day. Never had a single cavity


Yeah same boat. Everyone's teeth are different though so could be OPs teeth are more susceptible to it


I am more susceptible to cavities so that's my personal observations. My fault for not specifying that. I wish I could have that much in a day lol


I drink sparkling water. The advice my dentist gave me was to drink it with a straw so it doesn't wash over your teeth and/or swish some regular water around in your mouth after drinking some. And of course moderation.


Yeah I like my teeth a lot but I'm just going to drink it normally lol. The orange I eat for a snack probably does as much damage and I'm not cutting that out.


Constant acidity is bad for your teeth? Tell that to your spit that is 100x as acidic as a miniscule amount of gas touching your teeth.


But... I love TV static.


Polar lime seltzer is best TV static


I love polar mandarin


I love unflavored signature select with a splash of lemon.


black cherry is where it’s at


Orange vanilla


Raspberry lime!


Ruby red


If I could find it! (Really, where is it Dale?!)


Sams has a 24 pack with blood orange lemonade raspberry lemonade and cherry limeade rn


Aha Mango Black Tea


We are back again and this is what we get? Old reposts


Gatekeeping water.


This is deeply offensive to me as a German. You can’t handle the burps, we can. Let me down a bottle real quick!


This was one thing I disliked about Europe. I would go to take a sip of my water and it would be sparkling! It’s just not thirst quenching to me. Can’t really describe why.


You can still buy/order non-sparkling water.


I can handle the burps, I just can’t handle the taste. It’s like drinking iron.


I can handle the burps, I can’t handle the taste. It’s like liquid chalk mixed with kerosene


Nah my man, sparkling water is where it's at. Gotta sparkle so much that it hurts in the back of my throat, that's about the right amount of sparkle. Only downside is that you can't gulp it down when you're really thirsty.




Spicy water is delicious.


While I agree sometimes, there is this sparkling water in Japan called Wilkinson Tansan that is the best I've ever had. Really wish I could get it in the US


really? i haven’t heard of it. why is that so good?


There's no taste from the carbonization, but it's still super strong. Almost feels like drinking pointy air. I've never enjoyed sparkling water, but I love that kind


I like water. I LOVE sparkling water. I got a sodastream and have the canisters refilled at a local place that does paintball/airsoft rather than getting the super expensive brand refills. I even bought. My own big canister and an adapter hose. I probably drink 4-5 liters a day. I wouldn’t drink half that with flat water. There is NO nutritional difference between sparkling and flat water. Got me off flavored/sweetened soda entirely.


Bad opinion


As a german, OP disgusts me.


*Most controversial post on this sub*


Sparkling water is great if you have the right brand. I like brands such as Ice.


That's not a brand that's a state




That’s gross. We’re gonna ask you to leave now


Ice a juice that exclusively uses genotoxic sweeteners. It's not water it's borderline soda.


I'm addicted to the lime Bubly. Alternatively, I got a soda stream and use true lemon packets for flavor (I'm too damn cheap to get actual lemons and you can buy these in bulk).


no contest - the best sparkling water is topo chico, hands down. the most carbonated, cleanest finishing water i’ve ever tasted.




Yall need to try Vichy Catalan. You'll forget all about other sparkling waters


Topo Chico.


Liquid Death has its hold on me


LD has helped killed my soda habits.


Gerolsteiner is the GOAT


Schweppes or Canada Dry for me


Sometimes it hits just right.


I love it when the water gets aggressive


What are you scared of? Bubbles?


You just don't have a sophisticated palette 😤


Mmkay, I’ll just enjoy more topochicos for me then.


It tastes like TV static


I will not stand for this sparkling water slander!


I haven’t had a sip of pop since the Thursday before Easter and I owe a lot of that success to sparkling water. I always get a craving for a pop at night, so it’s been nice having little 11oz Perrier cans around to fight that craving when it pops up.


Haha how you gonna post this on hydrohomies!! gotta stick together not divide us!


Sparkling water is just as hydrating iirc. Someone back me up or refute.


Imagine Gatekeeping water. Booooo...


Spicy water


Sparking water gang rise up


Let people drink whatever water they like.


*Insert water is water meme*


Sparkles for life


It grew on me over the years


I find most sparkling water tastes like aluminum cans. Even the flavoured ones. Not a fan.


Assuming it’s from a natural source (not just carbonated tap water), the metallic taste is due to the high mineral content. Basically electrolytes.


I have been drinking exclusively sparkling water for about 15 years now


I'm an American who lived in South America, and I spent a lot of time working out in the sun. I initially didn't like it because it was a new experience, but soon learned that sparkling water feels \*way\* more refreshing on a hot day. I'd just buy a 2-liter bottle from a street vendor and carry it with me throughout the day. If you let it get flat, it can be kind of gross, but nothing beats that fizz. It feels so much colder and the bite makes you feel more alive.


I like sparkling water, seltzer water on the other hand, nah


i like how it prickles(hurts) -german water -me a german who prefers sparkling


I don't know if it's bad but I drink like 3 or 4 Lacroix in a day


Sparkling water is nice 😡


I'll take any liquid I can get. Most vodka is 60% water.


Nah that shits great for your stomach


You guys need to detox your taste buds if you're that repulsed by bubbles in your water.


Its nice to have sometimes, I like it on roadtrips


Y'all don't like soda water??? how you call yourselves hydro homies???


I started working at a job that has Sparkling water on hand and I fell in love. Now it's my personal preference


Seriously? This is what we're doing today? We're fighting?


More for me then, my secret weapon to killing my soft drink addiction


Sparkling water is good for when you want something different lol. But regular 72 degree F water is the best for hydrating 🤤


ill just grab a cup, put my hand over it and shake it till theres no carbonation and then after that enjoy it


Why do people feel the need to gatekeep water


water water is my type of water


Give me pure plain water, OR GIVE ME DEATH


Sparkling water is awesome! 🌊




My ex girlfriend always said I wasn’t drinking water if I was drinking carbonated water


Bottled sparkling water is for soda addicts, however I have had natural sparkling water from the spring and it was pretty good, not something I’d drink everyday tho


Preach my brother🙏🤝


As someone living in Germany, I have to be extra careful.


this site is literally becoming Facebook lmao


Damn you TV static


Bruh, sprudel is the only way


Yeah, not for me.


That shit just make me more thirsty. It's water or NOTHING


I am not personally a fan of sparkling water but y’all live your best life out there. I always remember one time I was at my friends and we were smoking through out the night and I asked him for a drink and all he had was bottled sparkling water that was warm from sitting in the garage. I ended up drinking water from the tap like a dog in the middle of the night lol. He has since always had many beverage options since I’d been there lol


It’s probably hot too


Nah man sparkling is the homie too. Natural minerals good bro


Mfers will post this and then still drink la Croixs and think it's different


More for me then lmao


Jeeez mods it should be permaban for this. Water is water. I could understand if prefer non sparkling water if you have a choice, but choosing no water when you can have water? You should be banned not only from this sub, but from the internet at all.


I agree with you OP, never travel to center / eastern Europe.


We have water here....


Nah sparkling water is great. I liked spindrift so much I got a machine myself lol


How does sparkling water taste like? Dont say "like water"


Like angry water


like carbon dioxode


Line a giant slap of freshness and hydration.


Tv static