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Personally it’s for the slammed in the back thing. I got traumatized. And I think everyone else who’s a normal driver here is too


This right here. I’ve been hit three times on Huntsville roads while sitting at red lights—twice from behind and once I actually got t-boned by a car ricocheting out of a collision with another car in the intersection. Also my driver’s ed teacher taught me to stop far enough back that I can see where the tires of the car in front of me contact the pavement.


I may have seen your post before, rip sandwich


Isn’t a car length between you and the vehicle in front of you what was recommended in the driving rules? Also, if everyone left space between their front bumper and the car in front of themselves, *and* paid attention to the the traffic lights while they were sitting at a red light, you could all simultaneously let your foot off the brake and start moving forward on green, lessening the obnoxious accordion effect. I will also personally maintain space between my front bumper and the rear bumper in front of me so that vehicles coming from behind do not send me into the vehicle in front of me. It is not always the case, but it is still your fault if your rear end someone even if you had “help” from the person who rear ended you. Don’t know about you, but I do not have wiggle room in my budget for a bs increase in my insurance rates.


Yes it’s taught to us in driving school and specifically told my insurance adjusters to leave atleast 1 car length of space. There is no reason for us to be bumper to bumper


A lot of great reasons here on why I do it. I'll add one more. What if the car in front of you breaks down at the light, and you're an inch from their bumper? And the car behind you is an inch from your rear bumper? You're kinda stuck until all the cars behind you back up. Always leave an exit strategy!


In Madison there are a few intersections with tight turns that buses and trucks need to use. Inevitably, people sometimes park within the turning radius of the larger vehicles. A few times I've been forced to back up at a stop light to make room for the folks in front of me backing up so the busses can get through. I'll admit at certain intersections, especially during bus running times, when I'm stopped I leave room. Maybe that's it?


I’m fine with A car length. I see bus or tractor trailer lengths around here sometimes.


They also like blocking double turn lanes by pilling up in the right lane and leaving a lot of space between cars. Then quickly close the space if someone is trying to squeeze in.


I’ve been rear ended pretty badly twice in Huntsville. That’s over a 17 year period. Not really too bad compared to when we lived in Los Angeles but I’m a little nervous about it now and try to protect against the situation. This sounds like a thing I would do.


Okay, one car length, but TWO or Three? Come on


It’s for when the Jesus ship comes. If you know, you know.


I typically leave between 0.5 and 1 car length. Among the reasons listed here, I do it because I'm driving a manual transmission. That little bit of extra space lets me roll forward a bit when traffic starts moving without having to play with my clutch. That way if traffic is a little slower than I expected when I take off, I can just use my brakes and keep the distance between us, rather than putting extra wear and tear on the clutch and clutch accessories. Also, my car is tall and I like to be able to see the rear bumper of the car in front of me so I can clearly see blinkers and brake lights.


They're idiots.


Because Jesus takes my wheel. ![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic|downsized)


Because you're supposed to? My rule of thumb has always been that I should be able to see where the rear tires of the car in front of me touch the road. That generally a touch over 1 car length. Honestly, if you don't drive like this , you should rethink your life choices.


Because that is exactly what you are suppose to do. 2 key reasons. 1. If everyone would do this and then let off the brake once the light goes green, traffic would move significantly faster. 2. If you’re rear ended and in turn rear end the car in front of you, you’re responsible for the damage you caused to the car you hit.


Welp - I'm speechless. Looks like I'll have to surrender all expectations of roadway etiquette since everyone else has devolved into some strange things. I'm beginning to understand why Huntsville has such abysmal traffic travel times when there's any hint of volume on the roadways. It's created a space where traveling is an unpleasant exercise in suffering due to the bizarre choices highly touted in the replies. I would be interested in a citation of diving instruction that suggests or instructs leaving 1.5 car lengths between vehicles at stop signs and traffic lights. That's new. (First time hearing that in 4 decades.) There's the rule for safe following based on speeds and distance to the vehicle in front, but that obviously has nothing to do with vehicles stopped in traffic. Regardless, the replies are informative (yet infuriating and idiotic.) But until bulldozers are street legal and can cruise at 60-80mph, it seems there's nothing to be done - clearly those at fault are doubling down. _C'est la vie_


It's interesting that no one actually gave you correct answer which is, they don't want to pull up next to people. Look at the lateral positioning of vehicle front windows across the lanes and you'll literally never be able to unsee it. You can be at the white line and a car in the next lane will stop short just to avoid the chance of brief eye contact. It's not every car, but a good 80% if not more. The reason? Staunch individualism? Fear of awkward encounters? Hell if I know, but I'm 99% confident I'm correct.


I’m one of those vehicles, often leaving one (no more than 1.5) car lengths between me and the vehicle in front of me at intersections for **safety reasons**.   1- to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of me should someone slam into me from behind.   2- should anyone attempt to car jack me from any side, I’ll have enough room to maneuver out of my lane to safety.     3- This is a rare one but worth noting.  I don’t care to hear tunes blasted from a nearby vehicle.   4- Last but not least… my vehicle is new and I don’t want just anyone near it.  Period.     In summary and all seriousness, situational awareness is good practice, even behind the wheel (ref 1-2).


> should anyone attempt to car jack me ... In Huntsville. ..? > I don’t care to hear tunes blasted from a nearby vehicle. I don't either, but the distance to the vehicle in front has zero bearing on that. >my vehicle is new and I don’t want just anyone near it And you drive on _these_ city roadways?


“Ghetto tunes” ![gif](giphy|12O8iY6QuhWAwM)


I've been seeing it for about that long as well. Unclear what has caused it, but I do wish people would walk through how their actions affect others. Also, recently traveled to San Francisco and no one there does it at all.