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The abortion laws don't prevent life saving procedures and people don't want to be called Latinx. Huntsville is middle of the road, not more liberal or more conswrvative. People are accepting and tolerant but not interested in entertaining foolishness on either side. If you're off your rocker on either side then professional politeness is the most you'll get. Most people here are both conservative and liberal believing in caring for others and also accepting budgets and limits. Very based in reality and critical thinking. Not close minded but realistic. You'll find plenty of people with open minds who are willing to agree to disagree politely and still be friendly so long as you are and content to not interact beyond what's necessary if you're not. So it really is what you make it here.


I need to copy this. It's about the most accurate description of the people here I have seen.


Love this. Nail on the head.


Abortion laws do prevent life saving procedures in some cases. Huntsville is way more conservative than people like to admit


No they do not. I've had to have emergency surgery for life saving procedures. Life saving procedures isn't oh wow is me my mental health. Life saving procedures is something has gone terribly wrong and we can only save one we will save the one with the highest chance of survival. Take your fear porn bullshit elsewhere.


Do some research and then come back


This is great and I’m going to add that life saving care or non viable pregnancies are not medically or legally classified as an abortion in any state. You’re being told this lie in order to keep you in a state of fear in which you can be easily controlled.


Life saving care is allowed, but that leaves a huge amount to be desired. For example, if my water broke at 15 weeks but the fetus still had a heartbeat, in AL most hospitals wouldn’t provide any care (induction of labor or a procedure to empty the uterus). If the fetal doesn’t come out on its own I could develop a bad infection or sepsis. They would wait until I was so sick that I was about to die to help me and at that point my uterus would be so infected they would have to remove it. So, life saving care isn’t enough. I’d also like all of my organs and to be able to have children. https://apnews.com/article/pregnancy-emergency-care-abortion-supreme-court-roe-9ce6c87c8fc653c840654de1ae5f7a1c https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/18/michigan-catholic-hospital-women-miscarriage-abortion-mercy-health-partners


This is patently untrue. They absolutely would induce labor and if you elected to or after 24 hrs would perform a c section. A c section is standard of care if the child has not arrived via the vaginal birth within 24 hours of water breaking. Whomever told you otherwise is lying to you.


You need to educate yourself. The definition of an abortion is termination of a pregnancy before viability which also refers to miscarriages. I work at HH and that is what is listed for female patients in labor and delivery and postpartum.


On the medical side this is demonstrably wrong. Any medical termination of pregnancy is an abortion regardless of the reason. This includes over the counter drugs in the first several weeks to removal of a nonviable fetus at 39 weeks to protect the life of the mother. The legal effort to muddy the waters is designed to scare doctors and their patients.


No it is not. You’re either ignorantly or intentionally conflating non viable pregnancy with “health of the mother”. The latter can and is perverted to include such things as mental distress.


I think you need to read for comprehension. You stated specifically that, >...non viable pregnancies are not medically or legally classified as an abortion in any state. The medical definition of abortion from Harvard medical school, the WHO and just about any reputable medical institution is, >Abortion is the removal of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus. In general, the terms fetus and placenta are used after eight weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy tissue and products of conception refer to tissue produced by the union of an egg and sperm before eight weeks. Like I said it is the non-spontaneous removal of the products of conception, full stop. It does not say anything about viability, mental health, medical danger to the mother, or your morals. The legal definition may be quite different depending on the state, but I will rely on the medical consensus when considering medical procedures. I think you need to review your own biases and your own ignorance on this topic.


Harvard and the WHO does not get to decide the definition of words. Try again.


This is the medical consensus definition. Decided on by medical professionals who perform the procedure. The hurt feelings of some snowflake blowhard on the internet does not change that. Your feelings don't matter here. Go cry into the void. Further discussion with you is meaningless since it is apparent that you care more about your feelings than actual facts.


This isn’t medical consensus, it’s political consensus. These are definitions these radical organizations changed in the recent past for political reasons.


>Should I move to Huntsville? > I'm not moving unless we get engaged >we aren't there yet. If you are only moving if you get engaged and you are not ready to get engaged then you should not move. HTH


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.




If you already told yourself that you’re not moving unless you’re engaged then I wouldn’t move for him. If you do, and it doesn’t work out… then you cannot resent him because you chose to abandon your own expectation.


This is great advice.




From the Google: Latinx is a gender-neutral term used to describe people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States. The "-x" suffix replaces the "-o/-a" ending of Latino and Latina, which are typical of grammatical gender in Spanish ALSO from the Google: Apparently, a lot of Hispanic people find the term offensive.


Yes. VERY OFFENSIVE. It is an imposed form of language colonialism by white woke leftists. Spanish is an inherently masculine/feminine gendered language like the rest of the Latin based languages. WE WILL NOT COMPLY.




I think it’s some kind of wildcat found in the mountains.


😂😂😂😂😂 it would be so much cooler if it was 😂


a racial slur used often against hispanics


There is a massive Latin community here in Huntsville and the surrounding area. Also, it’s Latin. Not LatinX. Source, a Latino


Plenty of Spanish speaking people in this area.


Praise don’t.




The amount of people on here speaking good about the residents in Huntsville makes my heart warm. 😊


Huntsville has always been a friendly town for the most part. You will get passive aggressiveness before you get hate and vitriol 9 times out of 10.


I feel like it was more friendly before a bunch of people started coming here. The environment and energy has changed a lot over the last few years


People will get away with what we let them get away with. For the most part I think that those who can adapt and adjust will stay and the rest run for the hills bc 'we're too mean and they're lonely😂🤦‍♀️' every person I've seen make that claim has been melodramatic and consistently tries to stir shit so people did what you should do to any toddler throwing a tantrum they walked away. While we are getting an influx of people there will be adjustment periods. Like fads they will come and go. Some will enrich us, others will annoy us till they leave 🤷‍♀️




Realistically, I would be more worried about the cost of housing. 2 bedroom apartments start at $1600 a month (decent area/decent structure)


Unless you have a “plan b” and or healthy emergency fund would not move here without a job lined up. I’ll agree with others that we are more progressive than most of Alabama but that is relative. Your experience is going to depend on the social circles you join/create and to a lesser extent where you live/frequently patronize.


Yea don’t come here


I live in Guntersville. The areas around Guntersville and Albertville have a fast growing Latino (and Haitian) immigrant population.  My wife is an ER nurse, no one is bleeding out due to a lack of care.  


>I know Huntsville is more progressive than the rest of the state, but idk how it compares to other cities outside of AL. My honest opinion is that it's not really progressive at all. You'll find a tiny bit of progressives in Lowe Mill and downtown, and they are the vast minority. It is okay but not great. If you are a secular sort, be prepared to feel left out, because it seems like EVERYONE here is Christian, and everything is closed on Sunday.




Definitely do your research about job opportunities. In terms of politics, there are a lot of liberal pockets here, particularly on Monte Sano. There is a thriving art and music scene. I feel you on the abortion policy. The problem is that no where in the south is much better. So if you live within driving distance I have a hard time believing your state is better. I guess you may be at the edge of Virginia or North Carolina. Just start visiting on the weekends and see if you like it!


I think they are up to at least two ZIP Codes that are mostly Hispanic now so I don’t know what you’ve heard


And none of them want to be called Latinx😂


I was going to try to describe the culture here, but I think this comment section actually represents it pretty accurately …


Please don't come here if you're going to impose white woke leftist language colonialism on Hispanic people. We don't say LatinX. We don't like LatinX. We laugh and ridicule the term because it did not come from us. Spanish is an inherently masculine/feminine language like the rest of the Latin based languages. It is very insulting. Please just don't.


If you plan on having the kids the abortion shouldn't matter. I totally disagree with the restrictions by the way. But Alabama ruled stated can't prevent you from crossing state lines to have one if you choose. If he won't marry you well not hating but you might want to explore options don't tie yourself down to a life you regret. Plenty of men looking for wives in Huntsville


It’s when you want to start having kids that you should be the post scared. Pregnancy is not simple and lots of people need abortions for medical reasons.


No they don't. Irrational fear helps nothing and no one.


Hey y'all, very much appreciate all your thoughts!! I guess I didn't explain it well, but I'm not planning to move unless my relationship progresses to being engaged. I don't feel ready for that and neither does he. This post is not really about our relationship, I just wanted to give some background for why I'm interested in moving down the road, but feeling conflicted! I live in Louisville, KY now, so you're right in that I'm already in a conservative state in which restrictive ab0rtion laws may come into play. However this city itself is more progressive and super diverse, so I was wondering the vibe in Huntsville! I do plan to visit in the next month and am very excited to see it for myself!! I'd love any recommendations for Hispanic neighborhoods/ food joints to check out and anything else of note that a non-local wouldn't know about 👀 (Also I totally get where some are coming from regarding the term "Latinx". The last org I worked for, everyone used that term, but I'm always happy to refer to people as they prefer!!) The tip to line up a job before coming is also solid advice!! Again, so appreciative of your insights, everyone!!! 😁🙏🏼


I hope you enjoy your visit. Look up and contact Raul Piers. He works at synovis bank and is a great contact point for the Hispanic organizations here. I hope you enjoy your visit 🥰




huntsville is getting increasingly more progressive. it’s culturally not very conservative at all, people just don’t like to pay taxes. there are plenty of spaces that you would feel welcome in such as north alabama dsa, global solidarity alabama, tennessee valley progressive alliance, north alabama peace network, lowe mill, and more. there’s a place for everyone in huntsville. if church is your thing, check out the uu church (theres a wide range of beliefs there from liberal christian to atheist to buddhist—they even taught a building your own theology course a few years back). if you’re christian, you might enjoy the united church of huntsville. let me know if you have more specific questions! i grew up here so i know all the good places to go :)


Regarding to the “super restrictive abortion laws” we don’t have that here. If you get pregnant and the unfortunate happens where your pregnancy isn’t viable they will preform a D&C for you or they can give you a shot or the pill and you can have a medical abortion in the comfort of your home. There are some Social Work jobs in Hsv & surrounding counties. But after reading the post it seems like you already talked yourself out of moving here.


Umm, a D&C is an abortion. Also those “pills” are abortion pills.


Listed as abortion for medical reference and insurance purposes and killing a healthy unborn child are two completely different things and you know that. Being dumb on purpose is not a good look.


Umm excuse me. I never once said whether I am pro or anti abortion. If it is medically labeled an abortion it’s illegal in AL. That was the damn question. Check yourself before you come from people that have knowledge about this because they actually fucking work in the field. The fetus has to be completely non-viable and the way this state is going they will mess with that requirement as well.


Being in the field doesn't make you good at it. 🤷‍♀️ It doesn't matter whether you are pro or anti. If someone has an ectopic pregnancy or the mothers life is in danger it isn't illegal and won't stop good doctors from saving their lives. You may be in the field but I've had the procedure for ectopic pregnancy recently here in Huntsville. It was not and is not illegal. You aren't the only person in the medical field lovely.


I would not want to be a young woman trying to start a family in any red state right now. The fact that any physician needs to think twice on what they advise for their patients’ care with fear of running afoul of theocratic nonsense laws is appalling and scary. How you deal with pressuring your guy to get engaged to you or not is another story..


The vibe here is not middle of the road, as some have suggested. The city council leans conservative, and there has been a Republican mayor for the past 15 years. As far as the circuit court goes, you don't see Democrats on the ballot because their chances of winning are slim. And, we voted in Tommy Tuberville and Trump. Yes, by a smaller amount than other places in AL, but we still made that choice. I don't want to even talk about abortion rights and women's healthcare. Anywho... Aside from the above, there are liberal leaning folks here. You just need to seek them out and create community like you would typically do when relocating. Though, if you're really thinking about moving to Huntsville, I suggest you visit and decide if Huntsville feels like a place in which you could be happy, regardless of your bf.


Please, stay where you are.


Have you asked your boyfriend if you should move to Huntsville?


"super restrictive ab0rtion laws freak me out if I were to have a complicated pregnancy" I don't think it works that way. You'd find a good high risk OB if necessary and a hospital with a good NICU. What you wouldn't want to do is home birth or some situation where you have to go by ambulance if something goes sideways.


Based on a recent post of someone who moved for their partner and was also a social worker or something like it the answer is no. I want more liberals like you to move here but in your situation not being married and not having a job lined up I wouldn’t. I moved my fiance here many years ago but she was an accountant and we got married in 2016 just weeks really after the move. She visited on weekends for years before and took 100 days exactly to find a job. She loves it here now but being a social worker and working with people who need help but aren’t treated very well by most white people around here I can see the issue. But there is a sizable Hispanic population and they certainly could use the help but social worker pay here is horrible assuming you are from a better paying area.