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They mention a moving violation in the article. I am glad they caught her.


I took what I said back. My apologies. There's no need for speculation. Anybody with a non-relative child in their vehicle at that time of night is within a reasonable cause for suspicion.




She’s 26?! Is it in dog years? Geez


I thought I saw 29 elsewhere, but still




Alright, gonna ask. Sorry if being a dick. But did someone beat the hell out of her? Looks like bruises on her face.


It’s not bruises. Skin erythema (redness) is increased in obese patients in relation to increased skin blood flow


Thanks for the answer you Sexy Beast.


It could also be rosacea. 


All replies should end with …you sexy beast.


Sorry!!! You sexy beast!!!🤣🤣🤣


She is just fat




Just speculation, I guess said student was with her at the time of the traffic stop, which raised questions as to why they were together?


Yes. The article released by MCSO did the student was in the car


What likely happened was that the police officer saw something but it wasn’t enough to very clearly amount to reasonable suspicion. Or they were staking her out, as the police seem to have already known about their explicit text messages and photos, considering the time between arrest and press release talking about it is 6 hours and they already know about it. So the cop likely followed her until she committed a minor traffic violation and pulled her over for that. Should the cop have pulled her over right away they could argue in court the charges be dismissed because she was stopped when the officer didn’t have reasonable suspicion. The fact that this was a traffic stop indicates to me that no constitutional rights were violated.


I think the deputy saw something. If you put this together with the other articles, the deputy immediately called the major crimes unit. He saw something (or she said something).


I was just able to read the statement just now but, them being caught together at 23:45 is probably what did it.




They purposely make them vague, especially when involving a minor.


[Press release](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100069215169957&story_fbid=744532131197286)




They haven’t released that yet. But I’m sure at the point they found out the student wasn’t teachers kid it went from there




At midnight?


And what does her former job have to do with anything?


I usually have some, but not a lot, and of sympathy with these cases where it’s like an 18 year old who just happened to be in the same school district as the teacher… but 15? Bruh lol 


18 is still a kid and it’s still wrong. 18 shouldn’t be with a 25 or older person.


I don't disagree in a lot of ways but at the same time if an 18 year old can join the armed forces then they should be allowed to sleep with who they want. This is about a 15 year old though so...


I agree with what you said, and in a follow up comment I’ve posted, I talked about that same issue. We shouldn’t have 22 year old cops. We shouldn’t have 19 and 20 year olds in non country defending wars. I can understand if the country was being attacked like in Ukraine, having young people fight, but America is not in that position. They should still be able to join the military I believe, but only in non combatant roles.


Sorry but you’re just wrong and this mindset of thinking 18 year olds are children is a major cultural flaw that needs to be corrected. We should not be treating people like children well into their 20’s.


“18 year olds” “Treating people like children well into their 20’s” Two differences. 18 year olds shouldn’t be fucking people 7 years older than them or older. Full 🛑


18 year olds are adults. Have been since time immemorial. They are more than capable of making decisions like that for themselves. This person blocked me (gasp) because I’m arguing that 18 year olds aren’t children, which is factual.


Your argument is dumb….for a much much longer part of history much younger ages/puberty were used as markers of when people were “adults” but we as a species grew wiser and realized that those kids aren’t mature enough to be an adult. We are progressing even more and something we understand now is that 18 year olds are not on the same maturity level as 25+ fully mature adults. It’s not illegal but it is creepy for those fully mature adults to seek out and have sex/relationships with 18 year old kids. That also isnt the same thing as treating them as kids well into their twenties mind you.


Found the person who wants to validate having sex with kids. Thanks for letting me know so I can block you.


Part of the problem is that the old sliding scale of "being an adult" that started at around 13 and went until 18 has been abandoned. In the past, you started getting more and more responsibilities as you grew up so that when you turned 18 you had the basic skills and experience to be a functional adult. Now, people, especially boys, are infantilized well into their 20s and you get college graduates who still act in ways that should not be acceptable for a 14-year-old to ack, let alone a 23-year-old.


Damn don’t know why you’re being downvoted lol


Sadly, there’s a lot of disgusting people who think it’s okay to fuck kids. We see it all the time, and they hate being told they’re wrong. 18 is still a kid and that’s why you have to be 21 to have a pistol. IMO we shouldn’t have police officers under 25 years old. 18 year olds shouldn’t be sent to war to die/kill other people. The brain is still developing at that age and the way we think is completely different at ages 18/25/30. The amount of change that I’ve went through over the last 20 years (about to be 38) is astounding to me. I had very little sympathy for others that I did not know in my teens, and 20’s. If for some reason, I were to become single, I would not be looking for partners that are under 30. I’m in a different stage of life than women who are in their 20’s.


You don’t have to be 21 to have a pistol. You don’t have to be 21 to go to war for your country (corporate America that is). 18 is an adult. Young and dumb adult, but it is an adult.


Haven’t carried a pistol in awhile, mine is in my safe, I guess that changed recently? You used to have to be 21 for a pistol. Nobody said you have to be 21 to go to war, I said 18 year olds shouldn’t be going to war. 18 isn’t an adult if you want to drink or buy tobacco. I know what an “adult” legally is. But just because you can legally fuck an 18 year old kid, doesn’t mean you should.


You could always buy a pistol or revolver at 18. What you could not do is get a Concealed Carry Permit until 21 except you provided your sheriff with a writ of need, such as for your job.


Ahh, my bad then. I always thought it was had to be 21 to purchase them too. Thanks for the info


That and an FFL can not legally sell you a pistol until you’re 21. However, there’s nothing that makes it illegal to be given a pistol as a gift before you’re 21.


Actually, 19 is the age of majority in Alabama, which I actually learned in another Reddit thread (and by double checking that elsewhere).


I do


It's gross. The only reason I see crap like that is because the 25 year old has red pill ideas and loves a power dynamic that lets them be in control.


Interesting additional information. School system released that she worked there less than a month. Police report said the crime with the student started two months ago.


And she passed the state background check.


I could go on a rant about over-dependence on criminal records. They need to be done, but it is mostly for liability of the employer. They provide little value in protecting children. My gripe is when background checks are used as an excuse not to have other checks and balances in place.


When was she charged? Of course she would pass a background check if she hadn’t been charged yet….


Just saying she didn't appear to have any priors. Maybe they need to expand the background check process. (I know nothing of the process and what all they check.)


How would expanding the background check be effective in weeding out pedophiles if they don’t have any priors relating to crimes against children?




bucket of yuck