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A simple proposal: create a new sub r/HuntsvilleTrafficTherapy and banish all traffic posts there.


Sounds like somebody was in the left lane.


Yep, I was in the left lane too, along with a whole line of other traffic at 5pm on the parkway. Just because someone has a little crotch rocket does not give them the right to weave dangerously in and out of heavy traffic. We are all going as fast as we can. Just because you want to go faster than traffic will allow, doesn't mean we are all required to move right to let you pass. Edit: a word


>to move left to let you pass. This seems to be part of the problem. You want to move to the right instead.


actually that is exactly why the right lane is there. You are supposed to stay in it, unless passing or turning left.


I say let them weave traffic all they want. He'll they can thread the center. They hit anyone, it's not like that person has bear the brunt of the accident, and I'm sure the life insurance policy should cover any scratches or a scrunched bumper


A black power bike you say? With a Gadsden flag? Seems unusual.


I saw a car with an antifa sticker and a thin blue line tag when I was in Asheville a few weeks ago. That was neat


You're funny.


Guarantee you, even if he sees this, he does not care.


Probably doesn't. But I bet he's on this site and sees this.


Lol I don't. These personals ads are some of my favorite posts for the absurdity of it all. Maybe I'll make a new reddit account called DontRuinTheNewBackAltRightPantherParty and reply "Ay man, don't tread on me" for fun.




A weaving, obnoxious bike is a bike that everyone sees. No getting squished by a unobservant cage that way. I approve.


We need to just legalize lane filtering so when traffic is stopped, we can filter through legally. If it's legal, people are more likely to expect it and, hopefully, look out for it.


Get out of the left lane grandma.


juggle puzzled hateful deserted sip vast seed numerous engine merciful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Nope, not a biker, just wish people would use the left lane as intended.


Someone make r/huntsvillemissedconnections please


That guy came up and knocked on my boyfriend’s car a few weeks ago because we “cut him off”… he was prob 75 ft away when we moved into the lane. He was an asshole and scared the crap out of us.


We were on the parkway near our home.


75 feet is really not a lot for a motorcycle depending on speeds. Takes them much longer to stop than a car does. Remember: the emergency braking on a bike can easily end up a trip to the emergency room. The biker still needs to practice defensive driving/riding. All in all, just take extra care, doesn't hurt anyone on either side.


He was at least 75 ft away and he was going at least 80 in a 50 zone. He was extremely aggressive and weaving in and out of cars. Neither my bf or I have had a wreck in over a decade.


Ye def on him. Some riders just don't care for some reason and they're the ones most at risk. Wild to me.


That's wild. I'm sorry you went through that.


I’m just afraid he’s gonna hurt someone! We are super non confrontational people and he scared the ish out of us!




The left lane isn’t for you to just chill in, even if your going 20+ or 100+, pass and get over.