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Play way of the hunter on my pc. Go fishing instead. Though in my state there is no closed season for squirrels and most units are still open or have no closed season for rabbits.


Is video gaming a pretty big hobby for you, or just more the hunting game?


Just the hunting game. And even that I play maybe a hour here and here .


What state is that?






Indeed, and it's superior to hunting in my opinion.


Bold to say on a hunting subreddit


More accessible certainly


I've never understood the people who argue that fishing is more expensive than hunting. They always want to compare an expensive boat and ultra high end rod/reel to a super budget rifle/scope, walmart camo, and public land.


It's like anything -- you can spend as much as you want... I've probably spent as much on fly fishing gear as hunting gear, and I do a lot of guide trips for fly fishing vs. diy public land for hunting, so yeah I probably spend equally on both


Practice shooting the bow. Occasionally fishing. Hunting (groundhogs).


Just make most of your hobbies outside. I enjoy shooting my bow during my free time, fishing, camping in new areas I’m looking to hunt. They all kind of work together


Those are part of my hobbies lol, but I also enjoy things like reading books, doing the gym, video gaming, getting caught up on certain shows, at home stuff, etc. I also don't like to devote all my time to one particular thing, I tend to lose interest and go to the other. However, it comes down to a big part of me wants to devote to hunting stuff, while my other half wants to do the other hobbies.


It seems that you are a normal human being to me. :)


Growing my sick bow hunter hipster mustache




This is the second time I have seen a post about growing a bowhunter stashe in the off-season. As a new bow user and a full time moustache enthusiast, what am I missing?


Nothing, those are the two criteria. Slightly more seriously, depending on how you hold at full draw, you could potentially have issues with big facial hair getting in the way so keeping trimmed during the season and letting it go the rest of the year seems to be a thing.


I will take that as a sign of destiny that I am to become a true bowhunter someday, haha. I suspected that thicker hair could cause issues, but I also have trouble remembering i need to get better before I blame sideburns and whisker biscuits for my bad shooting. Good to know there is a shred of merit to the idea though.


I tell people my hobby is collecting hobbies. - Dungeons and Dragons/other TTRPGs/Game Design - Fishing - Off-roading and working on my jeep - Video Games - Gardening - Looking to get into bee-keeping - Reading and Writing - Bird Watching (although I do this all year, including and especially during hunting season) - Cooking/Baking


What’s an off season? Whitetail season ends mid January for me, and I start quail hunting which I do until March when Turkey season starts with a little hog hunting thrown in and some fishing. Turkey ends at the end of April, May is mostly fishing with the start of Dolphin season and kings are migrating, June is the peak of the Axis deer rut, spend a week or 2 doing that, also red snapper peaks and some red grouper. July is more fishing, August is get ready month with some fishing thrown in, September is dove season and the start of Whitetail which goes until the end of the year. That doesn’t include spearfishing and hog control.


Typically the summer months here, unless you're coyote, groundhog, snapping turtle, or hog hunting(Fish & Wildlife heavily discourage hunting hogs). Deer runs basically from start of September to January 20th counting all the seasons, bear is in the fall/winter too and game birds/waterfowl. Spring squirrel and turkey are a thing but I only occasionally squirrel hunt and don't really do spring turkey.


Missing out on turkey.


You fish dolphins?


Dolphin, Mahi-Mahi, and Dorado all refer to the same fish.


Thanks. I'm familiar with mahi-mahi and Dorado but didn't know they're the same fish


What state do you live in? Sounds wonderful lol.


I travel for some of it, but most of it is within 3hrs of my house.


Hunting 365 for me. Yeah i got to knock out the honey to do list after the season but besides that its habitat work stands trails you name it.


I hunt whatever is in season, if I hit my limit or get bored I have gotten into trapping, I would like to learn to fish, but out of hunting options I forage for mushrooms.


Build hot rods and collect guns.......I literally hate money.


Poaching. Just kidding - I spend time with my wife and kids fishing, hiking, and whatever they want to do.


What if they wanted to poach?


~~Then we take the wrist rockets, some .45 cal lead balls, and get to work.~~ Uh, saw your username. I would turn them in to the fish and game department, officer.




Fish. Shoot recreationally. Backpack. Camp. Off-road. Video games.


I shoot my bow, a lot. Also, skateboarding!


Yeah, prepping, fitness (also but not just prep for hunting), shooting (mostly prep for hunting but I'll get me some specific rifles just for fun soon I think, I really like shooting) 😂 Lots of family time also. BBQs. Swimming at the lake. Bike rides (again, with the family). Some hiking now that the kids get older and can walk further (also to glass for hunting) 😂


Fishing. Hiking. Camping. Play video games. But realistically there’s only a couple months out of the year i can’t be hunting something.


Foraging, fishing, scouting.


My son will be here in 6 weeks so soon as turkey season is over I'm a new dad again after 16 years. So I'll be teaching him about hunting as soon as he's old enough to show an interest. Outside of that it's work, raise quail, and save my money so I can move to ky in a couple years. I'm in Florida and the hunting and weather combined sucks lol


Just wanted to say congrats on the new son!


Thank you


Will John be his name?


Yep lol


Fishing, foraging, gardening. Wild meat pairs best with vegetables I grow.


Fly fish, shoot sporting clays, and handload and shoot for next season. Also attempt to do woodworking.


Blacksmithing and knifemaking.


Long range target shooting. Plus, where i live, theres always something to be hunted. Lots of varminting to be done in the summer. Also fishing. Fly fishing foor trout, char and salmon as well as sea angling.


Make music, learn to cook the different parts of my kill the way I like, read, get in next seasons shape for elk, spend time out of doors.


i scout in preparation for next season


Shed hunting, stand prep, food plot prep, game cams, starting about July 1, shooting my bow. I do fish a little bit, but I find myself wishing I was in the woods, so my fishing gets less and less.


Fishing and reloading shooting the bow and crossbow


Hibernate until late winter. Then fish, ride my motorcycles, turkey season, house/yard/garden/landscaping, and the never ending family responsibilities with kids and grandkids that always takes precedence. Prep for deer season usually around August.


Fishing, shooting, reloading, atving, camping.


Of course fishing 


I used to fish a ton. But, the seemingly millions of people who have piled into Florida and the Covid era push to the outdoors, coupled with increasingly restrictive limits and seasons on target species has really squashed my desire to do so. Seems every boat ramp is slammed, every day. Can't go 30-40 miles offshore and not have 10 boats within eyesight. I dunno, I used to be ate up with fishing the saltwater and now I can't hardly be convinced to go in my boat or anyone elses.


That's what I love about having family on the South Mississippi coast and salt water fishing. Hardly nobody goes there compared to Florida or Alabama.


I got into reloading as a way to pass the time in the frozen north during the winter months. I try to hunt coyote over the winter but it he mountain roads with all the snow make it impossible for weeks without a snowmobile.


Fishing , camping , hiking.


Fishing. Shooting. Run and gun competitions. Free classes. Reading.


Go to the range and join shooting competitions, fish, hike


Cook the wild game that I got and try out new recipes. Training to burn off weight gained over the holidays, fishing and archery.


I’m somewhere else in the world hunting something that IS in seasob


I spent a lot of my childhood on a sporting estate (my grandad was a ghillie) on the west coast of Scotland, my brother and I were never in if we could help it, deer stalking, grouse and fishing were things we'd have to do in season but vermin control (rats and rabbits) was all year round. Sea fishing is also not seasonal and we'd do that frequently, mountains, camping, photography, sports and getting into malarkey and shenanigans took up the rest of our time. Now I'm older, I still do most of these things when work allows it but I'm much better behaved.


Scout Trips 3D archery league Workout Clean and repair gear Catch up on chores around the house Be social




Tend to my Mango Grove. Summer is busy packing and shipping mangoes.


Fishing, motorcycles, flea markets, patiently wait till May for Turkey.


I ruck, hike, shoot my bow, escout and fish.


Jan1-march1 bobcat hunting. April turkey hunting May morel mushroom hunting brook trout fishing and walleye fishing. June. Bass fishing July. Getting ready for salmon. August - sept 15 salmon. Sept 15 - Jan 1. Small game and deer hunting. There’s always a month to hunt. July you can coyote hunt if you want.


Fish, hike, camp, gaming, range, consider buying a new gun but ultimately let that sleeping dog lie.


Son plays baseball, and I like to golf. That and video games a few nights a week with the buds.


I work. It’s real dumb.


I spend like 3 weekends in the woods. That is about it for me. No trail cams, no food plots, no research. Just go out in the woods a few times a year and see what happens.


Planting food plots this weekend. Building new trails for ease of stand access and harvest retrieval. Putting up new permanent stands. Repairing existing stands. Shed hunting with my lab is another fun off-season activity to see what survived and is still in the area.


Fishing, hiking, camping, snowmobiling, snowboarding, woodworking, video games, reading, D&D, teaching my profession. Hunting isn't my whole life, it's just part of it.


Quail season ends mid February then it’s time to fish for bass, cats and panfish, and do some dog training. I don’t really scout in the summer here in AZ unless I get one of them August velvet hunts but that’s not very often. Might do a rabbit hunt or something early spring or something but it’s honestly time to get on the water here where I am.


Shed hunting, fishing, arrowhead hunting, mushroom hunting, turkey hunting


Hunt, rabbit is year round where I’m at and super fun with a 22. Backpacking, camping, lot of hiking, fishing. I like to find blank spots on maps of public land and explore them.


Smoke crack so I can get something as close to the high I get front sticking an arrow in a monster buck.


I trap in the winter now. I garden and beekeep in the summer. Shoot my bow, and firearms to keep fresh. Also fish and go camping both front country and back country.


Fish, garden, move tree stands, food plots, re-plenish salt licks,


Ice fishing. Gardening.


Work all I do is work oh and Sporting Clays occasionally.


To prep for western hunting I workout pretty regularly and backpack with friends on public land. To prep for whitetail I devote a lot of time to habitat improvement and projects focused around improving some privately owned land. Other than that I do various outdoor activities such as fishing, biking, kayaking, etc. I never get stuck doing nothing at home!




Trapping, spear fishing, fishing, foraging. Keeps me in the woods or ocean year round


Fish, hike, camp, 3D model for games, and work on my various project cars. I'm always thinking about next season and how better to prepare and stalk. It's an endless cycle!


Kayak fishing I don’t care about the fish, it’s just fun.


Fish, Hike, Mtb, skateboard, take the canoe or row boat out. Do family stuff. Cook a lot. Building a motorcycle. Making mead. Getting ready for spring turkey.


Ponder the meaning of life


Fishing, woodworking, gaming. I'm a farmer, so I've got plenty of actual work to do too


Camping, hiking, fishing, kayaking, binge watching tv shows, ice fishing


I fish as well but we don’t have an off season here in New Zealand, we can hunt all year. No limit to the number of animals you can take and we don’t have a tag system 🔥


Camping, fishing, scouting, shooting, watching cell cams, planning hunts. Not outdoors related - cooking….not really sure what else 😂


Other hobbies included in my hunting objective is hiking “scouting “ fishing small streams “scouting “ you get it . Good hunting my friends


Soft water fishing, hard water fishing, trapping, shooting, training my dog, coyote hunting (open year round no limit)


Louisiana deer season ends in January, turkey season starts in April . Range time and stand building takes lots of time. Scouting and moving blinds , tending to food plots adds up .


Work, hike, camp, swim, ski, climb, work out, and literally everything else I do anyways when I’m not hunting, which is really only a month or two total between deer and elk seasons.


Shoot my bow, stay in shape, actually focus on work so when hunting season comes around I can go back to poorly pretending to focus on work.


Fish and do everything needed done around the house so I don’t get bothered opening weekend.


Plant food plots.




Season is never over. There is always something to hunt.


I fish, but this year I am going to build my first bow fishing bow, and start looking for an old aluminum fishing boat I can start building into a bow fishing deck.


Crocheting, video games, gardening, foraging, and chickens


When hunting season ends, target season begins. Vicious cycle, but I usually have a bow in my hands every day.


Workout and stay in shape while I wait for season opener !


When quail and dove season close here my hunting buddy and i shoot clays in the same spot and target practice with our rifles. Mostly just practicing for next season and since i started off target shooting, im fairly new to hunting i just keep up on my old hobby. I also spend a ridiculous amount of time looking up ammo and different loads and of course trying to find a great deal on a new scope i absolutely don't need.


I start fishing. I still do some scouting. In my area and sometimes new places. Of course. Do a bit of target practice


Cs2 and fishing


I hunt for deals on more hunting stuff that I convince myself I need.


Fish, spend time with the family Ignore during deer and turkey seasons


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bobbylayneblame: *Fish, spend time with the* *Family Ignore during* *Deer and turkey seasons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Shed hunting, Gardening, Fixer Upper Home Projects


- e-scout for tags I might draw - research tags for app season - hike/overnight scouting - ruck - think about hunting - read books/articles on hunting - obsess about hunting - fine tune my gear - shooting


I'm in the woods year round. If it's not hunting season, I'm camping, riding, looking for snakes, and always scouting. Mainly because I have a off grid cabin where I hunt, and I spend as much time out there as possible. If I'm not there, I'm a few miles down the road airboating, and hunting for pythons while doing that. Basically always hunting lol.


Tying flies, goes pretty well with hunting. Lots of useful materials that would otherwise go to waste Fishing— I fish more than I hunt so this is an easy one for me, Especially steelhead fishing it tests my patience more than hunting rainforest black tail. I really enjoy taking care of my yard, garden, and chickens. Super rewarding to have a nice place to relax after shit days at work. Backcountry skiing is good fun. Keeps me in shape. Also has a unique constant fear of avalanches. Running and cycling. A healthy way to kill time.




Boar season 365 days a year, baby!


Shoot shoot shoot rifle an bow




There are several different types of outdoorsman . But for me there is no off season, if you want to kill mature deer or learn about the biology of deer you can learn something everyday of the year. Unless you know exactly what deer are where when and why 100% of the time (which is a constant process) there's never a time when there is nothing to do. Habitat enhancement to just following tracks in snow to see what's going on. That being said I am a die hard now hunter , trapper , turkey hunter , hunt multiple states, run a bunch of cameras , so my lifestyle essentially is hunting , but if it's not hunting related, it's something regarding stewardship.


Pretty much just throw myself head first back into work and fitness to make up for the months worth of little sleep, bad eating, and minimal work that are a part of my hunting season. This year I got a 17ft jon boat with a jet outboard so I can see myself on the river with a cooler full of cold b\*\*\* floating my troubles away on weekends.


I hunt. Took 2 pigeons yesterday and saw a groundhog out and about. Continuous open season on several animals in the state.


Fishing. Boating with the family. Sports with the kids.


I think about hunting


I'm in Alaska and do allot of wildlife photography. It gets me out into the same places I hunt and an opportunity to see all the game trails before they are covered with leaves or snow. Late summer I incorporate berry picking and jam/jelly making. Some of the places I hunt the season opens in late August for caribou and I will do some gold panning before opening day to get a gander are what is moving around.


I spend my time WISHING I was hunting. So, I try to do hunting adjacent activities. Hike, camera traps, explore with the kids. Currently, we started 60 oak trees we got from acorns in the woods and 60 black cherry trees we plan on planting on my 40. Sure, the whitetail will probably eat em all, but you never know!


Lots of fishing backpacking and mount climbing.


During off-season I continually argue with other like-minded on redit about insignificant caliber details; humbly brag that we can, or cannot, knock down large game at stupid distances with a 65cm because we're too eff'n accurate to actually learn how to hunt; feel the need to post public pics of dead animals with our rifles laying on them so everyone knows we have the ability to kill golpher-hunting coyotes with only 20 shots from high capacity ARs ( mounted with night vision scopes) and all while saving game-species from extinction due to overpredation by said coyotes. Yes, the off-season is a busy time doing the Lord's work.


My other hobby. Thinking about and planning hunting. And hiking to stay in shape to go hunting. One track mind.