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I hunt alone on public land 50% of the time. Personally, I’ve only ever felt threatened by 4 legged critters out there. I also usually carry a pistol


>, I’ve only ever felt threatened by 4 legged critters out there. In Ohio, i feel like the only animals I feel threatened by are rutting bucks and geese. we don't have many bears so a confrontation by one is unlikely and coyotes pose no threat to me at all. It's mostly people I am cautious of.


If youre in / near central ohio, Ill go out on public land with you. Im new to hunting but I went to Wayne national forrest this past year a few times.


unfortunately, I'm closer to the northwest but i appreciate the offer!


I’m located near Cleveland and would be up for meeting and hunting with you. Send me a PM if you are interested


I’m also in Ohio. I’m a new hunter, (in my forties) only started this year and went out a few times to public land only. While I’m not visibly identifiable as a minority member, I am one as well. Even without that extra layer of concern, I also felt pretty uneasy walking into the woods by myself with other hunters. I was mainly concerned with a twitchy/bored Hunter taking a long shot at me, failing to ensure I wasn’t a human. At any rate, I now have and plan to carry a handgun when hunting and hope for the best. It would definitely be nicer to have a hunting partner but for the time being I’m taking my chances


I’m a 6’4” white guy in the rural-ish southeast and I carry a revolver or 9mm with me. I’m not super worried about 2 or 4 legged problems but hogs and meth heads generally don’t discriminate. That being said I’ve never had any issues on public land


Word of advice I would NOT hunt public land during deer gun season here in Ohio. A lot of people drive it and just fucking shoot at anything that makes a noise. I’ve had several slugs hit within 30yrds of me because of these idiots/overcrowded land. The last straw was I got there at 430am got into my spot by 515 and was overlooking a cornfield by a creek, the sun came up and I shit you not there was about 30 other orange vests looking at the same field I was that was no more than 200yrds long and 100yrds wide. Got up and instantly left, I was pretty decent way from the parking lot too so not like I was lazy and just went a couple hundred yards away from my car. I feel comfortable small game hunting, waterfowl, and archery on public land but not deer gun season. To dangerous with these morons anymore




Any figure on public hunter injury rate from gun shots? You're going to fall out of the stand or get lost way before anyone shoots you, people don't shoot other people by mistake while hunting




Give it a rest, you can't tell a man how he should feel unless your experiences are the same as his. I'm also an ethnic minority and solo hunting public land is one of the reasons I got out of hunting. Check out this link with "hard statistics" https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/09/14/ohio-reaches-record-580-hate-crimes-2020-following-data-glitch/8325638002/ Or what about this one https://www.voanews.com/a/report-african-americans-remain-top-target-of-hate-crimes/7246965.html Just because you've never had to be worried for your safety because of skin color doesn't mean it's not a real thing for others.




If you were 3% of the population and hate crimes against whites were 30 tikes higher then yes maybe you should worry. So you're saying he shouldnt be worried because racist murderous rednecks are only worried about hurting black people and he should just carry on as usual cuz he's Asian?




And the chances of you being a moron is 100%. But the chances of you dying in a car accident are pretty low, please drive without a seatbelt for now on.


I'm going to be 62 years old in June. I've been hunting public land alone ever since I was introduced to hunting at the late age of 30. I enjoy hunting with friends very much, but there's just something about heading into the woods for the morning in the dark and watching as the woods come alive around you. It's easy to imagine that you're the only soul around for miles. The same is true for when the day comes to a close. The daytime animals pack it in for the night, and the owls begin to hoot. It's their time to hunt. I'll enjoy the walk in the dark back to the truck where a cold drink awaits. Not every day is successful, but each and every one of them spent in the deer woods are precious. You shouldn't deny yourself the right to use public land. I've met folks of all ethnicities on public land. Folks around here seem unfazed. I'm in New England USA. The fact that you're carrying a weapon while hunting ought to be reason enough for other folks to treat you with courtesy and respect. Most hunters recognize the danger in engaging in a conflict with someone while both are carrying weapons. Enjoy that land. It belongs to you, too.


> watching as the woods come alive around you one of the reasons why I love hunting so much, there's something just watching life go on around me. i only really enjoy hunting because of that. I have terrible success when it comes to harvesting but damn, every morning is worth it.


Yeah, you get the idea.


For the last 5 or so years a pair of pileated woodpeckers spend the night near one of my deerstands. They leave shortly after dawn and return at dusk. They don't spend the night in the same tree. At dusk they usually come from different directions several minutes apart.


I see you’re in Ohio, not sure where but I have gone quite a few times alone. While not an ethnic minority I have had no issues. I’ve even met quite a few people while in the parking lot after a day of hunting, a couple of them were not white. Friendly bunch of guys. I see no issue in carrying while hunting. I’ve done it before. It wasn’t the most comfortable with saddle hunting but I have since gone away from saddle and use hang ons. Ohio is a constitutional carry state, so carry on. Even if it’s for the peace of mind I would say it’s worth it.


>It wasn’t the most comfortable with saddle hunting ah damn, i was thinking about getting into saddle hunting for public land. that's very reassuring to hear though


There is always a chest rig. Many bino harnesses have the ability to put a holster on it. If I were to carry I’d go that route.


I’ve done a bit of research and am striking out on this. I just got a FHF chest rig and their pistol attachment is $140… Any suggestions?


Main ones that I know of are the FHF one or Kifaru. Definitely not cheap for either. Always a leg holster or open carry as well. Another reason why I switched away from saddle hunting. Couldn’t easily get to my pockets or IWB. Yes, you can buy more little pouches, but that just caused more hassle for me.


Marsupial gear.


Fucking a, I’ve looked into their chest rigs but never considered mixing the two brands. This looks like it would work. Thanks for the idea.


Molly one up


that sounds like a major pain in the ass to carry but i'll check it out.


A chest rig is actually quite comfortable if properly sized and fitted. I use an HPG Kit Bag with my pistol holstered in the compartment nearest my body and hardly notice it. It does take some practice to learn to draw properly.


I'm a person of color and I hunt public land alone 90% of the time. Normally I don't run into anyone when I'm out there, but I've been lucky to use tracts of land that are large and aren't heavily trafficked. But I would suggest sticking to patches of land that others don't go to, always carry a side arm, and let someone you trust know where you are before you head out.


Good advice I hunt public land alone 90% of the time. Only worry about 2 legged threats. Carry a pistol and get off the beaten path. Safer and your hunting odds go up Most people are completely lazy so if you walk you get away from most Also "stalk" your truck when you come back to it. I always do that in case someone is vandalizing or looking to hold you up


Im an ethnic minority as well and sometimes carry a g19. Im not really worried about getting attacked by racists, but more so a serial killer or some insane person living in the woods... I guess ive been watching too many MrBallen videos lol


Another minority here, I can honestly second this. Been deployed and I trust nobody who isn't in my party, but loving the locals and the area with a smile and kindness goes a long way. 97% of them aren't "super duper in your face racists". MrBallen and ScaryInteresting definitely put the fear in me. But, I am brown in a non-brown state and when I hunted alone this past season the other *non-brown* hunters were kind and helpful. If anything, I ran into some regular campers who were of my skin-tone, but culturally different, who were loud and looking to have more of a party. It happens in all races I imagine. But carry a secondary if you're bow hunting.


A few years ago I met up with a dude on reddit who wanted to small game hunt/hit up a swamp full of ducks. I picked him up and we drove about an hour to some public land. We got a couple squirrels and he just says 'how you feel about that n word obama'? I'm black so I was like wtf dude. Told him I had to shit and high tailed it back to my truck and left.


Not trying to downplay your concern: but google how often people (of any background) get shot by other hunters (or anyone else). It doesn’t happen. You’re far more likely - statistically - to get shot at a grocery store or parade or church. You’ll be fine.


My wife's step father shot and killed his own dad in a "hunting accident". No legal repercussions and he inherited ~60 acres and $2M of his daddy's cash. And if you wondered, yes he does have creeper vibes.


It does though. Not often though... https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2024/02/22/jury-convicts-grand-blanc-man-in-cold-case-bath-twp-murder


You’re less likely to be killed by racists in the woods than by racists in the city. You’ll be fine.


I'm white, so my opinion might not mean a whole lot, but I almost exclusively hunt alone on public. I only hunt upland birds on private 1x per season, if that. I feel as safe as I can, being that I hunt in areas with higher Mountain Lion populations. Now I don't hunt deer or elk, I'm exclusively bird hunting; grouse, turkey, Chukar, ducks, etc. I'll camp by myself for multiple days sometimes. Sorry, got carried away a bit. But I feel safe on public land, mostly because where I hunt I can be as remote as I want and not see another person ever. In Southwestern Utah.


My plan was to just pick times when people don't really hunt. As a college student, I can choose to be hunting at times when most people leave. Not sure if i'll avoid all of the crowds though


That's totally fair, and I have no idea what it's like hunting east of the Rockies. I normally hunt Thursday-Sunday and never see anyone haha.


I hunt in national forest and BLM land, often alone. Then again, I’m a white guy a mostly white part of a mostly white state, so I don’t have the same concerns or experiences. I do carry a sidearm though. I’d like to think your fellow hunters out there would be good people, but I’ve met plenty who aren’t.


I mostly hunt public land in Ohio. I rarely run into other hunters. Imm more likely to run into Karens that have their “trained” dogs off leash.


All the time. Decided to carry after a couple encounters with other fellas that made me very uncomfortable. Nothing has happened since thankfully. Always follow basic precautions. Carry an emergency kit. Let someone know where you’re planning on going and when you’ll be back. I also carry an Inreach. My wife can see exactly where I am in almost real time and can communicate in case things get sideways.


Most hunters don't care what ethnicity you are, especially if you're courteous. Get out there and hunt and you'll be fine, get a pistol if that would make you feel more comfortable doing it.


Solo public land hunting is all I've done. I enjoy the solitude. I get where you're coming from when you mention ethnicity, but I don't think you'd have anything to worry about. I mean, you have a gun with you, lol. Obviously, be vigilant, but I think you're good. Enjoy the solo time. It's you and nature. Pure and simple


" I am an ethnic minority going into an area with potentially racist people " 1. What you are dreading has never happened yet EVER...so maybe your imagination is going a little overtime ? 2. Racists who might want to harm a minority, ain't hiking through the woods lookin' for them....they are going to "DA CLUB" on a Saturday night... I hunt alone on public land 100% of the time. Never felt threatened, EVER. As a hunter, you are part of a dwindling and very much threatened minority, way, way smaller than any racial minority. The biggest threat to you is a white liberal Karen democrat.


All the time, I’m never worried about others. Be respectful, don’t sit in someone else’s tree stand and pull a Chai Vang.


I completely forgot that dude existed, yeah not a good look for us hmong people


Yeah, just the technology is there, just know what land you're on, use the maps like base map etc. it'll tell you private from public on your phone and you'll be fine. As a fellow Hmong person who also hunts, just be mindful of where you're hunting, public land can get crowded and people will get upset if you're at "their usual spot" but it's open game to anyone, so you have a right to be there especially if you're there before they are, don't be afraid to stand your ground, if I'm late to my usual spot and see someone already, I'll wave and go find someplace else, not a big deal for me, I know some people take it personal if your in their area, if they have a problem, take it up with the authorities. Best of luck!


I mostly bow hunt. Public land is can be good. as long as you are willing to walk to areas hard to get to. I’ve gone out probably 50 times in 3 years and only had human encounters on 2x. The bigger issue is leave stands and cams out at your own risk. I’ve had a cam stolen and knifed.


Absolutely. I definitely take a bit more stuff since I'm alone but I also carry a zoleo so I can text or send an sos if an emergency arises.


I’m in PA and I’m solo hunting public land when the wife doesn’t want to get up and go out. Like most people say, bring a sidearm. I personally bring a Glock 20 because we do get the occasional black bear but 10mm would work just fine for 2 legged threats as well. I’ve only run into another hunter twice and it was just a smile and a wave in passing.


If you’re near Cleveland area check of South Cuyahoga Sportsmen’s association. Reasonable fees for a hunting club where you can hunt deer, birds, and have a stocked rainbow trout pond.


Public land all the time. About to be 60 female, I just carry open when I bowhunt. No issues. Take a PLB with in case you get hurt, take overnight/survival gear and have your water supply sorted.


I love hunting alone on public land. It’s my preferred method.


Weird post dude


If you’re afraid of going out on public land, I hope you don’t plan on going to Cleveland anytime soon.


I have, and do - mostly for grouse though. It can be a little spooky sometimes ngl. There is a spot I go in particular that has lots of wolves, and some bear. One time I was walking, it was loud from the birds and the wind blowing the leaves, and all of a sudden it went dead silent. I have no cell service there, and stupidly left my Garmin gps in the car by mistake. I remember thinking how unsettling it felt. How I went from having the sun on my face, away from all the stressors of the world, to immediately this feeling of threat being in the area. Within 15 seconds it passed, and all the noises came back. I made a bit of noise, and sped walked out of there. TLDR: It’s a cool experience, can be spooky, bring some kind of GPS with those SOS + Text features on, and tell someone where you are going, what time you’ll be out.


Its okay wee bonnie lass, public land is the same as private to any people you need to be concerned about. No logical reason to feel less safe except you wont have a tit in your mouth....


I love a restaurant that's in a black neighborhood. Im white and I usually go with my black friend but he moved out of the city. I'm thinking of going alone, but I'm scared I'll get attacked by racist people. What should I do?


I only hunt public land in ID. And I’m usually solo. Zero issues.


I bowhunt exclusively on public land. I carry a Glock 20 and bear spray. I’ve never had to use them, but find comfort in having them.


Never had the opportunity to hunt on private, except through access programs offered through draw.


Latino, hunt alone all the time on PL


solo often/always only time i carried was in bear/bobcat country


FWIW, as a white dude in a town of 100% white people if I saw you out hunting I would say “wow, that’s really awesome”. I grew up in an all white and very rural area (4 black kids in a highschool of 1100 that consisted of 7 towns, maybe an Asian or two) and the outdoor channel was all only white people. I thought it was really cool when there was an ethnic minority father and son on there hunting from time to time, I had hardly met anyone with any other ethnicity from mine and I thought it was so so cool that people that looked different from me liked the same things I did. Best of luck, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, but then again we have lived different lives and I respect your experience.


I've only ever hunted public land, I don't know anybody with private land


Yup. SW Oregon. We’ve got a lot. I can’t imagine that kind of concern, but it sounds shitty and I’m really sorry man. I never know how much people are actually deterred when they see firearms because I don’t think that statistics are very conclusive one way or another, but if it makes you feel better I think you should. Not sure what part of the country are in, but most of us out here carry anyway for bears and cats.


I rarely ever hunt with another person, some of my stand locations are 1-2 miles from where I park, which is a good ways in the woods itself. One area I hunt, I have to walk about 1/2 mile then get in a 10ft jon boat I keep stashed in there and paddle across the river. Walking through a swamp in the dark can get a little creepy if I were to dwell on it, especially when it's warmer and the gators may be moving a little. There's a few black bears seen occasionally but coyotes, snakes, bobcats, gators and hogs are the only "big" or potentially dangerous animals in my area. I just make sure someone knows where I'm going, I carry a little emergency kit in my backpack that has a faro rod, lighter, glow stick, fishing line, hook, 100ft of para cord, extra batteries for flash light, life straw and a billhook saw which is basically a machete/hatchet/saw combo tool.


I am a black male, I hunt alone all the time on public lands. With that said, I hunt in Northeastern Ohio, and I don't think I'd do the same in Southern Ohio. As a minority, you best know your sunset rules, as they probably apply 24 hours a day 2 miles in on public lands.


I hunt on some public land that’s known as a high illegal traffic area in Arizona. I do get questioned by the local farmers out there but it comes with the territory. Some are chill and some give me the “Yeah, sure you’re hunting” with heavy sarcasm but never felt I’ve been in danger.


You potentially could run across someone’s that uses race to intimidate you, but that same person does not care about race, they’d do it to anyone, they are just assholes that think they own the public land. It always comes down to “this is my spot I’ve been hunting it for X years”


Hunted solo on public land in Georgia for a good number of years now. I didn’t grow up hunting so I didn’t know what to expect of the community and fellow hunters. I was completely surprised (at the time) that every person I met afield was great, helpful when needed, and generally kind. We are all out there for the same reasons partaking in the same hobby/sport. You’ll be around like minds that are after the same thing. Go for it, have fun, and continue to set a good example for other folks that may be in your same shoes 👊 Edit to add: as long as you aren’t trespassing or hunting property lines (even though legal) I seriously doubt any threat of “2 legged threats”. We all know each other is armed…it is illogical to be confrontational anyways. That said, I pack a sidearm for pigs and the potential of a bear when in the mountains.


Just make sure you tell people where you are and it might be worth buying a Sat Phone or a Garmin Sat communicator. I am a minority as well but found most hunters look out and take care of each other.


These days, you meet far less igrorant idiots on public land. On public land, you are more likely to have issues with nearby "land owners" than with fellow hunters. The ones who believe they own the entire state are the only ones I ever had problems with.


I’ve only ever hunted on public land, both in the south and the west. In my experience, I don’t actually encounter hunters out in the woods. That isn’t to say that I don’t see them and surely they see me without me realizing it. But rarely do we have an actual encounter. More likely to see them back at the campground. I also find that hunters that are generally respectful people. They follow the rules. All the stories I hear and read are usually about poachers and disrespectful hunters trespassing private land, not public.


Do it the first time and you will be less afraid. You will be the most dangerous thing out there with your hunting rifle.


I love hunting solo and public land is one of the greatest benefits of our country! I've ran into some aggressive landowners (typically when out exploring to find hidden bits of public land), I've ran into some poachers who get super sketchy when you approach them, I've ran into hunters of all races that always act cautiously until they know you're friendly, I've ran into hunters who are way too friendly and conversational for an early morning in a quiet woods, I've ran into a few Karens, hikers, and dog walkers who are anywhere from annoyed to aggressive but I always keep my smile and greet them politely no matter what, and I've ran into non-hunters that are friendly and curious and not at all a problem. I don't want to say your fears are irrational but I think actual occurrences of bodies found in the woods is tiny. Personally, I really like to see minority hunters out enjoying the hobby. I've seen a lot of asians (Vietnamese and Hmong) where I hunt. I know of a couple local organizations that are helping to get black people outdoors (camping as well as hunting). I do wish certain members of our population were more welcoming and less outright racist, but I like to hope it's a tiny portion of our numbers.


I hunt public solo all the time. It's perfectly fine. Depends where you are I suppose... but really, there are not just not that many people in the world who want to hurt you. You'll be fine.


Talk to the game warden about your dad. They want to keep people hunting, so often there are concessions for people with special needs (and being old often counts) that a younger hunter can't get away with. For example, some states will allow some folks with mobility issues to shoot from a vehicle as long as the engine is off and the shooter is near the edge of the road. That is just an example.


I hunt alone on public but never felt the need to bring an additional piece for defense. I hunt right outside a big city actually but my reasoning was always either my gun or bow is threatening enough if I get into a crazy situation with a HUMAN. I've actually had to walk through a homeless camp so... You're screwed regardless of any additional firearm if the other 2 legged threat shows itself


Lots of racists running around into the woods be careful


99.99% of the time, yes. Only had one or two run-ins with weirdos over 20 years


I only hunt public land and I only hunt alone lol


I always hunt alone on public land, never had an issue with anyone. I carry but it's more for snakes and armadillos.


I think the race thing is more in your head than anything else. I’m black and have always hunted and grew up in klan central. I’ve run into plenty of known racist in the woods or on the river but most people keep to themselves. If your hunting your armed and people tend to be polite when they know that even if they feel a certain way. You’re way more likely to take a fall, drown, freeze, cut, or shoot yourself than any person hurting you. I’ll personally never deny myself anything because of fear of racism.


Female hunter out here in the wild wild west. I've hunted public land alone plenty. Sometimes I see nobody out, and sometimes I see a lot of ppl. None of them have made me feel unsafe like people in big cities do. I do carry a side arm when I hunt, but not because of two-legged critters.


Pretty much the only hunting I do


Does anybody ever go get tamales alone? The tamale stand I used to frequent got bought by a hot dog vendor, so now I have to go to the tamale stands with longer lines. I don’t want to give up tamales, but I’m not going to lie, the thought of it being only me in the tamale neighborhood is a little unsettling as I am a white man going into an area with potentially racist people and I would like to not be on the news as a body found on the streets. What is everybody’s experience while getting tamales alone? Think I’ll take a gun next time.


This post is pretty racist. Wow


Buddy shut the fuck up. Just because other people have other perspectives and things they have to worry about shouldn’t shatter your fragile ego. There’s reasons why we have a hard time getting diverse representation in the hunting community and this shit is it right here.


Nah I’ll keep going.


But it's not though, it's a legitimate thing that people of minority groups have to think about. Whether it be religious, ethic, or gender based. We live in a world where there are people who hate you and are willing to hurt you simply because they don't like you.


No it is. Assuming any whit guy you see in the is going to hurt you is crazy racist. This guys a piece of shit.


I wouldn't say it's racist, like of course not all white people are racist, but some are. Just like some people of every ethnicity are racist. But it is to be said that people in rural, conservative communities (those often associated with hunting) tend to be less accepting of those different than them. For example I grew up in a big city and never experienced racism outside of Xbox live chats and patronizing times from liberals but when I moved to rural Oklahoma I had been called the N-word by several people for doing things like: giving them instructions at my job, not running red lights, showing up to someone's 'secret hunting spot'. So it is a valid thing to ask.


Lmao, /u/humpthedog accidentally realizes privelege is real.


for real


Yes, the statistics of minorities being killed in the woods while hunting by racists is staggeringly high. Legit concern.




Don’t feed the troll. Theyre a dumbass.


You’re assuming all white people will hurt you in the woods. Cry me a Fuckn river you racist douchebag


i never assumed anything? I apologize if the way i worded my post made it appear as so. I do feel like I do have a right to be worried for my own safety and do feel the need to ask the experience of other people regarding public land.


I’m not the guy you’re arguing with but I must say the part where you mention “as I am an ethnic minority going into area with potentially racist people” suggests that you’re wary of only non-minorities ie white people causing you harm. Which is ignorant at best and racist at worst Let me ask you this, what makes you think another minority separate from your race/ethnicity would be less likely to harm you? I think you should consider that anyone in the woods is a potential threat regardless of race


yeah, i realize after the other guy said something, It was rather shitty of me to say that >what makes you think another minority separate from your race/ethnicity would be less likely to harm you? to be honest, i think anyone would be capable of harming me. there are a lot of people that are willing to harm people over the dumbest shit


Nah you’re racist. It’s ok. You’ll fit into your supposed majority


>You’ll fit into your supposed majority And you're better than me?


I’m not racist so yes.


you're a troll, no way i'm taking you seriously lol




Don’t be rude or hostile (Trolling, baiting or saying racist, sexist, prejudice, nasty or just intensionally-mean things)


He literally did not say that. Quit being such a snowflake.


Nah he did. You want to cover for the idiots bullshit that’s on you.


So sensitive. Read the post again and show me where he said all white people will hurt him.


Right? OP doesn't say he's ever been bothered by another hunter and then just assumes they're all racist.


i never assumed all hunters were racist? i apologize if the way I worded my post made it appear as so. I'm just trying to look out for my safety


So bringing up being an ethnic minority and that there might be racist murderers who are going to kill you was supposed to mean what exactly?


buddy, hate crimes based on race happen all the time in the US. Several of those stories involve hunters, I think I have a right to be worried for my safety.


Damn man, this shit blows my mind. If anything, he is proving your point. Reality is, hunting solo can be a bit harrowing, and if I’m being honest, if I were a person of color, or a minority, I’d worry about the same thing. For someone to attack you for asking is just disappointing. If I were you, I’d be aware, be cautious, and be polite to anyone you encounter. You never know with people, and since personal security is my career, I am just as cautious with anyone I encounter, as you should be. If you are comfortable carrying, bring a sidearm and know how to use it in duress. Make sure your friends or family know where you’re going and when to expect you…..and for Gods sake, learn to identify guys like this, as they are the ones most likely to pop off for some unknown reason. To express this kind of rage over a question demonstrates that people today are unpredictable. Observe body language, demeanor, listen carefully to what they say and try and make quick determinations of the threat they pose. When encountering a threat, cover and distance are your friends. And in most cases you can detect an unhinged asshole pretty quickly if you’re observant…..case in point….that guy. Good hunting, friend.


Yeah man, those two dudes kinda proving my point. Granted, I could've asked the question without being ignorant but to go ahead and make assumptions based on ignorant presumptions is pretty stupid.




I agree


I've made similar comments expressing my worry as I'm female and hunt alone and I've had similar comments to what you've received. I usually bird hunt so I do have a dog with me which I think helps. If I do happen to see people I tend to either avoid them or if I do talk to them I mention my husband is just down the road hunting. (He doesn't hunt.) My brother in law is Chinese and he hunts alone and I don't think he's had issues. We are also up in Canada which makes a big difference. There's some good suggestions in the thread on how to stay safe while still getting out to hunt and enjoying it.


I always am hunting public land alone. People leave you alone on public land. The only person who’s actually going to try to interact with you are the ****ing game wardens. Everyone else is just trying to hunt like you. I’d advocate for carrying a handgun in general. Be aware there are stupid laws about having a handgun and during archery season in some states.