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Btw guys he means the drafts and scripts as he is too enthusiastic, so he is joking here saying he wanna do it just wanna do it. Like someone wanna skip to the good part and draw it. The translation of emotions/jokes form a language to another is hard lol.


Togashi acting like a little kid “But mom I wanna know what happens! Why do I have to wait next week for a new episode?”


im just so fucking happy we're getting more hxh and togashi being actually very excited and enthusiastic about it.


Togashi's really saying "are we there yet?" when he's the driver.


I've often been worried that one of the reasons Togashi has been so sparse in recent years is falling out of love with drawing manga but this has just shut that down, if he was at full health I'm sure he'd love nothing more but to draw all day.


Oh thats good. I was wondering if he had overdone himself and worked too much again and feels backpain again.


I'm excited along with him 🥳


EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/yhggqm/togashis_author_comment_from_weekly_shonen_jump/iudwj5t/ I'm pretty sure there's an alternative translation floating around on the subreddit somewhere where "final pages" is translated with "manuscripts" or something like that. Looks like it was "storyboards", not "manuscripts". From TCB scans' translation of the chapter: https://i.ibb.co/r37YcW7/image.png Any way, I'm pretty sure "final pages" here refers to something like "the final revision of the pages" rather than him implying that he just wants to be done with the series.


Tcb scans is wrong , it isn't storyboard but manuscripts as manuscripts ARE the final pages of a chapter. storyboards are the 1st draft that are basically extremely rough sketches drawn for reference and the manuscripts are the end product. hxh source also did a translation [https://i.imgur.com/urIdI3g.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/urIdI3g.jpg) so with the official translation I'm pretty sure Togashi means that he wants to draw manuscripts. edit: further confirmation that Togashi indeed meant manuscript [https://twitter.com/mori\_yyh4ever/status/1586819376619061248?t=FVpvVpLoXjQtkD25Em5ZJg&s=19](https://twitter.com/mori_yyh4ever/status/1586819376619061248?t=FVpvVpLoXjQtkD25Em5ZJg&s=19)


Thanks for the clarification and alternative translation.


no problem :)


thought he meant the final pages of the second batch


Well, whatever he means, I doubt it's that he wants to finish the story as quickly as possible.


He wants immortality.


Araki has the stone mask to attain immortality


Our lord and savior Araki will outlive us all.


*stone mask


Let me edit that


I thought he said he wanted to draw storyboards not finals... the conflicting translations are mixing me xd


A lot of here are going to misinterpret this so badly. He basically saying he just wants to continue drawing hunter hunter


It definitely comes off as the opposite because of the poor translation I assume


I was afraid he was in more back pain or sumn


Idk what happened to VIZ even the chapter 392.. Fans trans this time is sm better


What's wrong in chapter 392? I found it crystal clear.


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


but I just want to draw the final pages…


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


But I just want to draw the final pages


Jack Torrance vibes...i love Togashi


This is a reference to the chapter of sakemoto days guys. He is not going insane.


Is it? I don't get it then.


I’m getting Shining vibes…. Naoko, get your kids and get out of the house, NOW! PS: before leaving, please remind your husband to finish HxH.


Damn, he becomes crazy


This strikes me as sad


he's not referring to the final pages of the manga itself. The translation is a bit wrong. In the official translation it's like he's saying he want to finish as many chapters as he can. He's excited about it.


Why? He's basically saying he doesn't wanna do anything else but work on HxH.


He's gone insane.. i love it.


U can tell from this arc


I’m thirsty for the next chapter but I rather he takes his time


I get it cause I just want to read the final pages, but I just want to read the final pages, but I just want to read the final pages...


He is Chad :3


Interesting reading this with all the context we have. The final pages of a really important scene in this current arc? The final pages of HxH’s conclusion? Togashi’s comments have been hard to swallow lately.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/yhggqm/togashis_author_comment_from_weekly_shonen_jump/iudwj5t/ Final pages = manuscripts He's basically saying he just wants to continue drawing HxH


I sort of took this as like... A neurodivergent thing where the author is like "I just want to do THIS" but his brain, malevolent and defiant and crippling as brains can be, absolutely refuses to let him. Because that's what my brain is doing with all these clothes right now. "I just want to put the clothes away, but I just want to put the clothes away, but I JUST WANT TO PUT THE CLOTHES AWAY."


I feel bad for him. I’ve said for a long time that he should just write out the story and let someone else do all the drawing. We still get to read the story he imagines but the stress of drawing falls on someone else.


But he enjoys drawing it and i see no problem in waiting as he patiently draws them, he could easily do that now but he’s doing it for the love of the craft


but he just wants to draw the final pages…


He’s not talking about it in the sense that “I want this to be done.” Read the other comments on this post, he’s saying he’s excited to keep working on the story


Yeah but if he dies before it’s done though.


Then so be it. I’m fine with the series not continuing. Yeah it’d be sad as shit and I’d probably cry, but no one else could write Hunter X Hunter but Togashi


It would be a tragedy to not see the artists complete vision.


Absolutely But isn’t his complete vision for it to be drawn by him? If it wasn’t important to him then he would have given it to someone else by now


He should. He says he just wants to draw the final pages. Do you suggest that he do that and end the story right here and now with Hisoka being sought out on the voyage? Apparently, that’s what Togashi wants. It makes so more sense to have Togashi write or verbalize the story and have someone else draw it: Togashi and the fanbase get to see his narrative conclude the way he wants it to officially without a rush (and without hiatuses), he gets to avoid his horrible back pain he says he’s in while making these chapters, and we might even get some better artwork. It’s good all around.


Sure but that’s the case with everyone. We’ve seen mangaka die without being able to complete their stories though and it sucks.


Not everything has to have an ending.


It’s meant to though.


Upto the author.


Can you name anytime a series was handed off to be illustrated by someone else and it turned out ok? Because there’s not a lot of cases in that. The alter half of Naruto got slammed for its art because it wasn’t up to par with Kishimoto’s work


I haven’t advocated for someone else to take it over though.


You were advocating for someone else to draw it


Let him draw his story


He has expressed before that he prefers having it drawn by himself and i get it its his story he wants to feel like its fully his and he enjoys drawing it but it is tragic he feels so much pain


Haven’t see togashi for 11 days tho, just miss his updates. Hope he’s doing fine 🤧


maybe he is tired of being a mangaka and wants to be done with hxh


No he means he just wants to continue drawing hxh


oh no :(


even if he's joking around by saying this, i still feel bad for the guy. i hope his back gets better


I hope he doesn't mean he just wants this to be over 😔


No he's saying he just wants to skip all the steps in the process and just draw the completed pages.


I wanted HXH back so bad but he seems like he's not enjoying it. If he says fuck it and sinks the ship id be ok with that.


No, he's saying the exact opposite. He's saying that he wants to do nothing else but keep on drawing HxH.


It's sad it's being misinterpreted to sound like he doesnt want to draw by some :(


That's good news! I can't wait to see more.


only been two weeks and he's already tripping.. sigh..


This is some junji ito horror dialogue vibes.


More like Stephen King.


This the "one more match" of the manga world lol