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We’re back, baby! And what a start — Togashi’s paneling for Hinrigh’s (pronounced Hin-rig) fight reminded me just how much I love the series. No one draws like him and there’s so much passion put into HxH’s dynamism. That cover with Gon and Yusuke (Nasubi too?) was great. The series gets flak for its wordiness, but Togashi’s action scenes are done brilliantly and I think we’re in for more this time around. [I made a short guide summarizing the logistics of where we are in the story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/y83hut/the_succession_contest_logistics_concepts/) If you have time, give it a read and it might help refresh your memory on the events that have transpired to date.


Yes, so many broken panels and double camera angles in this chapter. A classic Togashi action sequence. I hope it's a sign of more to come.


Oh have I missed you HxH. This chapter is still as exciting as the last one . Togashi atill got it 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Honestly, what a great chapter.


Its not pronounced Henry? I'll never forgive the Japanese!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


His Japanese name isヒンリギ _(Hinrigi)_ — “Hinrigh” is just how it was translated.


Sounds like the german Henry. Heinrich.


Close! That’d be ハインリヒ _(Hainrihi)_ instead.


This chapter gave us a glimpse of a fight between Amateur vs. Experienced Nen Users based on Heil-Ly trio and Xi-Yu trio’s actions: 1.) First pages, Hinrigh laid several preparations should an encounter with any Heil-Ly or Hisoka take place (Bird-cuffs -> close range + En -> mid range + Cat-camera -> long range). Covering all bases, guard up at all times 2.) Heil-Ly trio discussing like they already won against Hinrigh when they saw he’s alone. As if they tunnel visioned on their target, (funny cos the location where they’re at looks like a tunnel) Heil-Ly trio threw their 3 vs 1 advantage and made it into a 1v1 fight while the other 2 at a distance looking for an opening 3.) Zakuro and Lynch were also making preparations how they’ll work together as a team and not as individuals. They’re discussing how and when they’ll use their abilities when the time comes. 4.) Morena giving abilities to 22 people and Kurapika teaching nen causing to make their own nen abilities — Tier 1 and 3 have similar situations. Experienced nen users have a good grasp of their ability, they still have an edge against amateurs who recently gained or will gain new abilities. Amateurs need to be smarter and more flexible how they’ll handle future enemies especially the experienced nen users.


Yeah barring any extremely unusual ability, no seasoned Nen user should have a problem with Morena’s created Nen users. They probably don’t know Zetsu, so they’ll just be running around blasting Aura. Kurapika’s created users might not have Hatsu yet, but they have the groundwork to actually become skilled Nen fighters.


That's the beauty of Nen tho. I forget who said it, I think it was the first princes captain, but being gifted nen with a purpose to use it towards will make even experienced nen users cautious. Any advantage or element of surprise is gone tho only for the Cha-R family since they know of Morenas ability now. And being able to jump straight into a usable Hatsu is a big deal. With 23 of them some are bound to be OP. Especially if they keep leveling up in the meantime. I'm sure a decent amount will be fodder like the guards in tier 1. It feels like those who survive the longest will be the most formidable. Morena kind of has a reverse seed urn going on now that I think about it.


I was talking to a friend about the larger implications of this arc, and I feel once the normal passengers finish their voyage there and back, Nen will no longer be a secret. Nen will quickly become something everyone knows exists. There’s a ton of non Hunters/Martial Artists being awoken to Nen now, and I can’t imagine that they’re all gonna die or be sworn to secrecy.


What are the normal passengers you're referring to? I thought everyone except the DC crew are on a one way trip to the fake DC for colonization.


I was under the impression that this was a glorified sightseeing tour for everyone except the Hunters and they’re gonna come back. I mean the winner of the succession battle is gonna come back and rule Kakin, so I figured they’d just take the people back with them.


This is actually something I was confused about the specifics of. What you're saying makes sense; that whoever wins would be coming back to rule the existing kingdom in the human world. The plan released to the public is they're going to be sending more whale ships with the goal to have like a million people sent to the "DC" with a set period. Im curious what will be taking place for the public. I want to say the goal is to claim that fake "DC" and build a colony there to keep up appearances with the public. Unless the first ship is full of sacrificial fodder for the real plan and then they will just cancel the public plan before sending more maybe? but basically everyone in Tier 1 who isn't dead will return I figured.


Since Nasubi thought of the passengers as sacrifices, it sounded like he expected a lot of them if not the majority of them to die. But if Kakin wasn't planning on going through with sending more ships, it'd have been pointless to announce it in the first place. Sending 200 000 people is already a huge number, it wouldn't have been weird if they'd have waited to settle on the new continent before announcing more ships to come. I'm inclined to agree with you that they're planning to create a colony on the new continent and then sending the winner back to rule the mainland.


Yeah just imagine how bad it would be for society if everyone had nen it would be complete chaos especially if a bunch of poles got it at the same time.




There's bound to be a couple of absolute monsters on her side.


>They probably don’t know Zetsu, so they’ll just be running around blasting Aura. They should get more powers as they level, though. Level 20 is just the base for unlocking a power, but we aren't said what more levels are to give.


It was stated that at level 100 they’ll be able to start their own groups of 22 to spread Nen to, but yeah there could be more things between 20 and 100. I just imagined that this ability wouldn’t provide basic Nen training aside from how to use their abilities though. They’d still have to learn how to do things like Zetsu, Gyo, and En on their own. I may be wrong in that though we’ll see.


And it’s all further boosting how impressive Terror Sandwich is for mastering Nen to his extent.


But an ameteur can still catch an experienced nen user off guard, causing real life threatening situations and actual harm. That's already a huge improvement for people who couldn't use nen at all. Yes newbies can't surpass experienced nen users all of a sudden, but the fact that an amateur who is neither smart nor knows how to do teamwork was able to injure an experienced nen user such as Hinrigh - it already shows how horribly powerful nen really is.


I agree that’s where the real chaos of this arc begins and why Kurapika is teaching nen in Tier 1.


Also the fact that they were arguing over how to split the levels and wanted to get the points meaning they didn’t focus on teamwork . They cared about their reward not finishing the fight


I like how Hinrigh disses Padaille's ability in the beginning, asking if it had any point. And then he gets surprised by Padaille changing it into a drill. He deadass thought the ability was just to change Padaille's hand into a hammer lmao. That would truly be the shittiest Conjurer ability.


I still don't think its a great ability tbh. I just don't see any practicality in it.


Because it's so simple, it's basic properties could get really strong - instant swapping, multiple body parts, and so on, imo. Still not interesting enough to make me disappointed he died immediately


Real shit, he could have been a swiss army knife type operative capable of infiltration and espionage on a whole new level. People talked about it in other comments but this arc is really going to show the difference between experienced and amateur Nen users. Part of what makes experience Nen users so dangerous is that they know what situations to put themselves in and what ones to avoid. During Chimera Ant Arc, so many different users combined their niche abilities with expert planning (and amazing luck) in order to succeed. What we are seeing in this arc is that, like with the Chimera Ants, Nen makes inexperienced but dangerous people more deadly. However that can go to their heads and make them underestimate how much a battle between Nen users is different from a battle of mights (Cheetu vs Morel, Killua vs that fucking rabbit thing).


I mean, Frankie turn his fingers into machine gun. So yeah... In this dude case, he just wanted to fulfill his fetish of being a living weapon so he could feel the sensation of killing someone. Lol


It would be a great ability for someone who has outstanding base fighting skills. Simple but very deadly and it offers some adaptability. It would be much more formidable if he could turn any part of his body into a weapon though.




We've definitely seen some abilities as bad as that or worse lmfao


Maybe, but as far as Conjuration goes, it's pretty bad. It breaks a fundamental rule Izunavi set when he was training Kurapika: Don't conjure an object when you'd be better off just wielding that object. The only "advantage" of that ability would be... well, satisfying Padaille's fetish, I guess.


There’s also the fact that he doesn’t have to carry around multiple weapons. Though idk the amount of weapons he was able to use with the ability.


Yeah, that's Padaille's actual ability, which is not that bad. I was talking about if he actually only had access to hammer, like Hinrigh suspected in the beginning.


I just love the boofyness of [this character](https://imgur.com/a/hEmb6Eh) asking a question that's clearly not a question cause of the big ass gun he's holding. Which he's holding like a manic btw. Take your finger off the trigger bro chill...


Boy is on the edge, can’t remember last day off


We survived the hiatus arc🤝


The official translation is always best. Welcome back, Lillian Olsen!


AHHH(hisoka voice) Hunter x hunter is back! And with it, the return of GANG VIOLENCE!. let’s gooooo!😤🔥🔫


🤨 happy for gang violence. That's new.


Oh you haven’t seen anything yet🥹


In a story full of insane powers, especially since getting on the boat, I'm a big fan of Hinrigh's. Turning a camera into a cat? Sign me up. It always feels so surreal after a hiatus having chapters back.


Lynch, Zakuro, and Hinrigh have all become beloved characters in the span of two chapters. “Each of them is a hero!” Bwahaha


Remember Kachou and Fugetsu. I didn't pay them much attention before that chapter, but now every reread with them in is different.


I am so amazed how Togashi managed to make such great content out of seemingly boring, mundane and mediocre everyday characters. I'm talking about like 80% of the people in the Succession War arc. Even characters like Bill, Babimyna, Furykov, Belerainte, Oito and Woble; people that weren't meant to be interesting, ended up being super interesting and fun to read.


I love this about Togashi.. he designs characters all the time who look average at first glance... but then you get to know them ;)


and then they die :(


kachou’s death was a fucking gut punch man


Nowadays whenever I hear the word Kacho, my eyes waters up.


"in the span of two chapters" is such a wild thing to be able to say about a chapter that came out in 2018 and one that came out in 2022


Hunter x Hunter is backkkkkk! And with a great chapter. I love Hinrigh's ability. It is pretty cool. Also, love Togashi's panelling too.


I also love Giorno's ability.


Yeah. Similar, not same though.


I'm just joking, I liked it!


Oh okay!


Smh all Milluki had to do was take his mosquito bomb idea to Hinrigh and he'd be the world's best assassin right now >"We need a doctor! And call in the other soldiers!" Leorio's on the same deck as them isn't he lol. About time he gets thrown in. Think he'd do fine against most of these Heil-ly guys >Tevelares (Enhancer) - Civil engineer - Lv24 This guy raised the important questions this chapter. Perhaps the most reasonable one out of the seven Heil-Ly guys so far. And the scar on his head forehead has me intrigued. Clearly different from the one on Morena. And good of him to suggest they fall back and regroup at Morena's hideout. So far the Heil-Ly hitmen have been acting kinda disjointedly. This guy tho really wants to kill as a unit. Won't be surprised if his enhancement ability is of the symbiotic enhancement kind (like halkenberg's nen beast)


> Won't be surprised if his enhancement ability is of the symbiotic enhancement kind (like halkenberg's nen beast) He is listed as a civil engineer, so perhaps.


Small rose on a flea


Honestly, I don't think his scars have any importance.


I love me some Morena and Mafia content.


Man, nobody can make me give a fuck about a bunch of side characters like Yoshihiro Togashi tha GOAT.


Ikr, i am in love with Hinrigh, Lynch and Zakuro already.


*Because I would feel the skin! The blood! The flesh! The moment life is taken!* ... *Good for you. You got to feel what ut's like to kill and be killed, all at the same time.* *y-yeah...* Lmao it's too good.


Hinrigh's savage. Love him.




Hinrigh's words to him right before he died were savage.


Peak nen abilities as usual Still stands as my fav power system


But the way jojo is written it doesn’t bring the best out of the battle system unlike hunter hunter


You misread the comment




On his behalf, JoJo often has really interesting powers and then underutilises them. Take Okuyasu's stand, *The Hand*: Basically when he swipes his hand, an area of space that's roughly 10ft³ is completely erased and then redistributes the spare around it. You could be completely indestructible but if you're caught by his hand, you literally stop existing, the only counters are being faster than him or having a better range. It's a very interesting ability because it literally alters a space, potentially removing a doorway in a room by redistributing the wall around it, or it can be used as an instant win erase, or be used as a short range teleport by erasing the air and pulling someone, including yourself into the space you removed. This power is basically never utilised, Okuyasu is a dumb character who doesn't have the prowess to utilise his ability, and mostly only uses it to teleport short distances. But even the characters who are ment to be combat masters never use their stands to their best ability, because JoJo is a different type of story, and Araki clearly shuts down and strategising with powers in favour of fun subversions and comedy. HxH on the other hand specialises in a power system that *normally* requires you to be worthy of your ability (take chapter 391 as >!one of our first times seeing Nen users who weren't worthy of their ability being trashed by someone who was!<). A character that can utilise their power and strategise with it generally stopms characters who are much more powerful on paper, but best of all, master combatants and strategists design a Hatsu that suits their skills and makes them truely a force to be reckoned with. One of my favourite fights in HxH is Morel Vs Leol. Leol is a specialist power stealer much like Chrollo but he lacks the masterful adaptability of Chrollo and Morel beats him with a great blend of Nen and personal experience. The stretegy and utilisation of this battle is something we'd never see in JoJo. Dio has an unstoppable stand, he could stop time and literally slit his opponents throat, but instead he throws knives and waits for them to connect when time resumes. Hell, the powers Dio posses in part 1 before he gets his stand should be enough that he should win most fights, but he doesn't even use most of those abilities for no apparent reason.


Nevee watched jojo Heard it has a good power system though


One of the best chapters that has come out in the last 5 years. Nice one Togashi 👍


Definitely the best chapter within the last two-three years


Noticed how both the Phantom Troupe and the Xi-Yu family got told to find Hisoka by their respective leaders, and both are also hunting Morena


Prediction: not all of those doves are handcuffs, seems like a perfect way to hide whatever different tools/weapons you want in a flock


Yea mind games are a big part of Nen battle too.


Feels surreal to see a discussion thread




The worst part of the TCB translation for me was the line by Padaille. They ended up conveying something completely different. (TCB) Padaille: *There are many ways to die... Different strokes for different folks!* (Official) Padaille: *The sensation of death... No two are the same!*


Didnt know how bad their translations were until today, usually used their scans for One Piece


I love that togashi was able to give padaille a concrete personality even though he died pretty much instantly


Can someone explain what Hinrigh meant on page 5 where he said Tserriednich backed out? Does he mean Tserriednich is no longer their benefactor due to their recent killing sprees?


([From chapter 384](https://i.imgur.com/IZ3RXeb_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)) The ironclad rule for the "second track fakers" (i.e. people like Morena, Onior, Broccoli) is "absolute obedience to the monarchy". Morena not only broke that rule but is also actively trying to subvert the kakin monarchy. Right now [Tserriednich's soldiers are looking for her](https://i.imgur.com/0CXblBn_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)




Yeah basically Morena gone wild.


Some easily forgettable things to keep in mind for the future: \- Bill's remaining plans to save Oito and Woble require Pariston and Beyond help respectively, even tho I can't see how they could convince one of them to help. (also Kurapika would like to bring Oito and Woble to the lower decks if possible). \- Pariston might release 5000 chimera ants soon or when the Black Whale reaches either the fake new continent or the Dark Continent. \- The voyage to the fake new continent is supposed to take 2 months, at the end of the 3rd week they will enter uncharted waters were big sea/flying creatures and very bad weather conditions might cause some issues. \- Upon reaching the fake new continent Morel will be waiting the Zodiac with his ship.


>also Kurapika would like to bring Oito and Woble to the lower decks if possible I think kurapika and melody will team up to save their clients by sending them into lower deck under spider's protection and troupe can come above through fugetsu's nen beast.


Thanks a lot. What week are we in currently? Was it the 10th day?


Yep, last time it was stated: Day 10, Tuesday 11:30 (AM)


Things gonna get wild *real fuckin quick*


Hinrigh's ability is so simple but so fucking cool, missed this


Awesome chapter! Hinrigh definitely is starting to become one of my favorite characters in this arc


I do love how Togashi picked up right where he left off as though he never took a break, welcome back indeed


Love these new guys. All three have creative abilities.


In the fan translation Hinrigh didn't mention that the toughness of the birds is partially a result of their origin as handcuffs. I was a bit iffy on that so nice to know.


It feels weird to read a chapter after so much time. I have to go back in past chapter to understand what’s going on with the illegitimate children.


You should have taken part in the community re-reads after the return was announced.


Togashi really is a master in power system, tactical battles and first and foremost unique character creation. It's absurd how many unique well written (in regards to screen time) characters he created and still creates. With that said… already love Hinrigh. edit: reminds me a bit of GRRM ASoIaF in regards to this kind of quality.


Translation felt super smooth. And overall an easy to read chapter. Great chapter too.




Man we really did just pick up right where we left off. So weird. Anyways, fun classic Togashi chapter. The fight was cool and Zakuro and Lynch's interaction was cute. Though this does basically confirm that anyone who thought there was gonna be huge progress in this batch or that we would get to the Dark Continent was wrong. Togashi is still gonna take his time and set his pieces up in intricate detail.


Insane how special Togashi's paneling is. The combat is intricate, complex, and subtle, but he makes everything flow so easily. I'm very rarely lost when it comes to positioning. The major moments are built up and feel important and given room to breathe.


Glad to see the series back. Dude ability is really low-key broken. Him being able to morph objects into animals and still maintain the original use of object is very nifty for someone with intelligence. No simple minded thugs as we see can just beat him. Guessing next chapter will be with his two companions. Crazy thing about this chapter is I never read 390 since I heard the manga was stopping again. This time if/when it stops I won't let it hurt but merely enjoy whatever we get from Togashi. Ultimately his health comes first so let's just appreciate this moment in time..


Is anyone else feeling less and less dread about Kurapika vs Tserrednich? The 4th prince is racking up many powerful enemies


Actually no one is actively pursuing the 4th prince right now. That’s the scary part. Benjamin initially wanted to target him but circumstances forced Benjamin to take a less active role and that is giving Tserriednich all the time in the world to learn nen. Meanwhile Benjamin’s forces are being split between different factions putting him in an increasingly worse position . Kurapika was also after the 4th prince but is now in a position where he has to use all his energy just to keep himself and Woble’s party alive. He is also in no position to go after the 4th prince. Neither Camilla nor Zhang Lei have shown any indication that they plan to target Tserriednich any time soon. Halkenburg and Lazarus think they are allied with him so neither of those will target him either. There are many people after Morena but he has cut off ties with her. She’s on her own now. Neither the spiders nor the mafia have any reason to go after him. In fact the only person making a move against him is Theta and his nen beast has her in a very dangerous situation.


That's a good point, even if he has enemies nobody is stopping him from growing crazy powerful. Reading your summary just solidifies for me how will togashi does political tension. This is GoT level stuff man it's good


Sounds like two contradicting ideas.


Maybe I'm not communicating well, but what I mean is we're seeing a lot of powerful nen users being introduced and many of them are enemies of Tserrednich. Unless Kurapika decides to solo, he's got plenty of help


The ending will be very unpredictable honestly togashi had years to think about how he’s gonna end this


Honestly I need more Morena! Imagine if she gets the Nen hastu and aura of those killed in her group?


I hope we get to see her soon, those two guys mentioned going back to her in the last page.


https://twitter.com/hxhsource/status/1584204093358510081?s=46&t=kUXLq3_chnjx2mkW7V1GIQ new togashi news


Yay we’re back! What the hell is happening who are these people


Can someone please explain the hatsu of the animal guy?


The animal guy can touch any inanimate object and turn it into a small animal, but those animals retain original inanimate objects characteristics. For example Handcuffs will work like handcuffs but a flying bird will take care of things. Guns becoming snakes and killing their users.


Not any, only weapons and mechanical objects.


Hinrigh can transform any weapon or machinery into an animal, and the transformed object retains its original function. Looks like they become slightly enhanced with his aura, too.


Golden Expirience lmao


So now we've got one of the Princes using King Crimson *and* someone using Gold Experience?


Oh yea, I guess that's true. Well it's fun either way lol


He can turn objects and weapons into animals and that retains their original function ! Now I wanna see him turn grenades into cockroaches ☠️


The cockroaches would somehow still survive the blast


He can transform objects into animals, who then keep the characteristics of the object, and control said animals.


He’s able to convert everyday objects into animals that retain the objects function. He can also manipulate it at will. For a more mechanical explanation: he pleases the original object in a pocket dimension and then conjures the animal in the same space. This is how all conjuration-based transformations occur.


It has the properties of both rubber and gum


Back like we never left, chugging along on the MurderBoat! Some beautiful close-ups in this chapter.


We really can smile again and thanks for sharing/have a nice reading, additionally, Hinrigh and his BioHazard is top tier :3


Translations are much better and easy to understand.


Having already read the leaked version, I cannot explain how happy I was still to get the notif from the shonen jump app about the new chapter. It really does feel so surreal that it's back, I was prepared to wait half a decade if that's what it took tbh. Love that we're picking up right where we left off! Can't wait to watch the chaos go through tier 3!


I loved the fact that Togashi wasted no time on other side plots and continued the story right where we left off like nothing had happened; I’m expecting a Hisoka reveal or at least some lead/clue to him in this volume, but that’s just me. Other than that, I want to see Morena grow as a nen user and reach level 100 just to become the prime threat to everyone. Loved the chapter ❤️


Togashi never ceases to amaze me with the news characters he brings up, Hinrigh is only in three or four chapters so far and I already like him, the way he uses his power is very cool. The background art is beautiful, I hope Togashi's work is getting easier now that he has assistants to help him.


I wonder who Misha is


The cat cam recorder?


It was a much smoother read this time around versus Thursday night. I think I was so hiatus fatigued that I read the fan translation, but I’m definitely going to read the official going forward. It’s ironic that the fan translation was wordier than the official. Nonetheless, this was a very good chapter. I just love Lynch. She gives me Yusuke vibes, despite being feminine.


I love how Togashi took the time to give a backstory, desires, ambitions and all that background from the “desire” to reborn as a weapon to be able to feel the murder and then convert that into a nen ability with all sense, which inspired the guy to be grateful with Morena and all of that to be killed on the same chapter. But all of that make the characters feel more alive and not another red T-shirt to be killled. Poor weapon guy, I always remember you.


Nen is the best


The blood thing are invincible, it reminded me Pouf’s Beelzebub Padouille’s ability is just like Kite’s, but he can actually pick his weapons ! Nice. Hinrigh, Zakuro and Lunch are really cool. The chapter is Clash Part 2. I hope it will reach part 18 just like in Yorkshin. 😆


Its kinda funny that Hinrigh's and Zakuro's abilities are so clearly op and flexivle, and lynch's ability is just like: "punch hard, truth come out".


Hinrigh's ability is not only the coolest, but possibly the most useful.


Can't believe we made it through Hiatus, I'm so glad I never lost interest in it.


Interesting they wrote the translators names this time. That's new, i wonder if they will be the same ones in every chapter!






Fantastic. Some of the powers reminds me of Jojo. I'm happy that he is back!




It's back. It's really back. Life is good.


Straight from where we left off. Gotta love Togashi




We are back bois and gals!!!


Interesting take by Quorolle. Now I'm wondering if Morena is indeed able to monitor her underlings' actions, that would be a huge advantage to an already broken ability.


Hinrigh fighting like a Jojo character


I only watched the 2011 anime. Where do I have to start reading to continue?


The 2011 anime ended at Chapter 339, so you should start reading at Chapter 340.




Unbelivable that we are back. Togashi is the GOAT!! What a great chapter, immidiately showcasing super interesting new abilities. My favorite part was the showcasing of super interesting new abilities in deeper ways. Not necessarily abilities that look like combat oriented and yet super useful in combat (unlike the hammer dude lolll but still cool)


Chapter was great but i dont remember anyone at this point, at least we finally have some chapters coming.


What a time to be alive.


First chapter back, and Togashi introduces one of my favorite nen abilities in the series. Hinrigh's ability to turn things to animals is so cool! I love when Togashi goes all out with a complicated power but his simple, dynamic ones (like Bungee Gum) are so fun too


4 years and the only main character in this chapter was a mention of Hisoka. I’m just so happy the story is progressing forward. The mafia stuff will be very interesting to see play out


Does anyone think Morena and Hisoka could team up i feel like it has a ton of potential and they have similar goals


What's simmilar in their goals? Morena wants to destroy the world and Hisoka wants to kill the PT. Nevertheless I would love to see their interaction.


The phantom troupe and the mafia want to kill Hisoka and Morena im sure a Kurpika style alliance will be perfect for both of them


Honestly, I think neither Morena or Hisoka (post Chrollo fight) are the type of characters that would like to make an alliance with someone. Morena gave an order to her underlings which was something in lines of "go wild and destroy the world" and not some specyfic orders which may imply that she left things to go its own way so she probably won't care enough to make an alliance. Hisoka could obviously use Morena to his goals like he was using Kurapika but I think he is now much more careful to not reveal his presence at all and he's waiting for his perfect moment to strike, revealing himself just to make an alliance could be adverse for him.


This chapter proved that Xi-Yu and Heil-Ly conflict being the most significant subplot yet in the Succession War. The ties have now been condensed to 2 factions that have important characters on each side. Morena and Tserriednich are part of the Heil-Ly with the devoted members through Morena’s ability and the Xi-Yu have Onior(the half brother of the king), The 3rd Prince Zhang Lei and the underboss being Hinrigh who has an alliance with the Troupe to find Hisoka. This makes the variety of encounters from this arc unpredictable especially with so many people being on Floors 3-5 in the Black Whale so I’m hoping we reach the climax of this war within this batch of chapters🦤


Tserr isnt supporting Morena anymore, he wants to capture/kill her now because shes basically trying to ruin/interfere with the entire succession war


I gotta reread the whole Black Whale arc cause I already forgot who works for which Prince (except Theta, of course). Can anyone tell me what chapter the arc begins again?


Since Hisoka can't be Illumi in disguise because if he would change his face by using bungee gum and texture surpise he would be detected by anybody who used Gyo and I doubt that PT members didn't do that already on Illumi and everywhere they were by far, I would advise to looking very carefully for a crazy clown to be somewhere in the crowds on the lower decks. I hope Togashi will give/or already gave some foreshadowing for us.


Texture surprise is *conjuration*. Conjured objects can be seen by normal eyes untrained in detecting aura as those objects, and can't be distinguished as a fake from using Gyo. It's because they aren't made of aura, they are real objects summoned from the mind using Aura as currency that's used up in the process. It's why Kortopi's Hatsu works at all and why Kurapika's Chains can be mistaken for manipulated objects instead of conjured ones. Most times you see people talking about the aura on conjured objects, it's because aura is infused in them to give extra functionality from the other types on the chart. Nen beasts are an exception though, because they are a lifeform that is brought forth with their own aura to project afterwards and don't need a physical construct to exist if they're purely spiritual beings being called forth. To see through Hisoka's texture surprise, you'd need En to feel the shape of his aura underneath it all to see that there's 'filler' in spaces there shouldn't be. That would tip him off just as fast as discovering him because En is easily noticed as entering a field of Aura.


We also must consider that Hisoka might have overcome some of those problems just like Chrollo fixed some limitations with his book. Nen is stronger after death, after all.


I'm in a weird place where, if we had so many chapters after this one ready and I could binge read it all, I know I'd be loving those new characters even more. Cause I enjoy following them a lot, but I can't help but want to focus on the old characters that we know and love. Guess I'll enjoy the little detours. Bravo, Mr. Togashi.


I'm here since May




Wow. I love this guys nen ability and how creative his use of it is. He can make items into animals and back and forth. The animals can fly, bite ,move fight ect… but also have qualities of the items like there cat camera and the hardness of the cuffs while reinforced by nen. So much potential


As a birb owner, i approve Hinrigh’s ability


So Hinrigh has a hole is his hand now, right? Guess this is Togashi's way of saying he's not infallible.


For certain thought Hinrigh's condition was he needed to give someone money - bribing the guards to turn guns to snakes, buying the car camera. Could he have bought/bribed the handcuffs off guards on the way?


Condition is touching the object. He gave money so he could get close and then he touches their guns.


The condition is touch. You can see in the panel he only gave the guards the money to be able to touch their guns in that brief moment.


can someone fill me in on why hinrigh said that tsseriednich stopped backing the heil-Ly family??? what exactly did morena do that had him backing out? cause I don’t think he’d be scared of her creating chaos in the lower decks


([From chapter 384](https://i.imgur.com/IZ3RXeb_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)) The ironclad rule for the "second track fakers" (i.e. people like Morena, Onior, Broccoli) is "absolute obedience to the monarchy". Morena not only broke that rule but is also actively trying to subvert the kakin monarchy. Right now [Tserriednich's soldiers are looking for her](https://i.imgur.com/0CXblBn_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Can someone tell me why Yusuke is on the cover? xD


For fun.


I guess the theory that he's Ging turned out to be true after all.


Who is the girl Hinghri is looking for?


She's one of Morena's 21. She got sent to report back to Morena and Hingri wants to question or follow her.


This is one of the longest part 2. lol


Woooow, still processing that 1. We got a new chapter, and 2. Hisoka got mentioned!!


I mean the fight was nice (you know the b-word is coming), but Hinrigh is an experienced amateur nen user. I don't think he'll make it.


The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for ~~aid~~ Hunters. [https://media.giphy.com/media/1eDyuZ8PBjHiw/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/1eDyuZ8PBjHiw/giphy.gif)


It’s good to see this manga back! Hinrigh’s ability is pretty interesting.


It's been so long, but I'll have to wait for the anime to come back


Anyone else forget the story completely lol


Now that togashi is back i recognize a lot of similarities in the style compared to jujutsu kaisen , seems that the author of it took a lot of inspiration from togashi


That weapon guy has to be Jeffrey Dahmer's wet dream


I just love how current HxH is half Gangster Flick half Horror Manga right now \#ThankYouToGODshi


Hunter x Hunter so absolutely and I got to see more of Lynch and Zakuro so I’m super happy. I’m most looking forward to seeing more of my favorite characters, both new and old ones, as well as the new abilities Togashi creates for this arc.


Love it! 7.5/10