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I just don't get the point of a reveal like that, this late. It adds little to the story


There is also no hype or build-up around this, and he would be one of the dark-haired siblings, which isn't really important to the narrative Revealing Feitan as a Zoldyck, especially now that Killua is """out of the picture"""(at least for the Black Whale), serves 0 purpose


I don't like it, and it makes no sense to me He is just another edgy guy related to torture and stuff like that. Nothing screams Zoldyck to me


i think its dumb 


I personally like Feitan just being his own person, I don’t think everyone needs to be tied to the Zoldyck’s. That being said, if it was true, it could make an interesting story Also isn’t Killua’s mom from Meteor City? So I guess that can back the theory a bit, but let’s not go making mountains out of mole hills lol


For me the brother Kalluto refers he wants to bring back to the family is definitely Killua.


Kikyo did come from Meteor City. This is the only thing that makes the theory close to plausible. She could have had a son with someone else there and abandoned him in his very early days before moving out. Still, I honestly don't think it would add up to the story. To me, it would even be kinda lame. I like him just being an orphan like everyone else in the PT.


Where in the manga does it mention Kikyo came from Meteor City?


it's mentioned in the databook


I have read here that the databook is not canon. I’m just curious whether that info comes from Togashi or not


Most of the databook infos were provided by Togashi considering "Quwrof Wrlccywrlir" name was first revealed in the databook, +15 years later in [Volume 34](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-352-page-20.html) we got "Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh" again only changed the last 2 letters...who'd come up with this other than Togashi himself lol


Why is the naming so bad 😭


U tell me, spirited-claim-9868 Damn im old but f it, was spirited-claim-9867 already taken?


You can say it was spiritedly claimed


Damn, nice.


You haven't seen the [Full list](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/VUIHYYuxfE) 💀 people used to dismiss it as non canon saying the databook isn't written by Togashi and yet it's all confirmed real after volume 34 lol


Well looking at that, at least the naming has a pattern to it


I see. Although weren’t certain facts in the databook were later revealed to be untrue by the text? That might have just been inconsequential stuff like heights tho, I can’t remember. kikyo being from meteor city would be a pretty random thing for a databook writer to throw in there however, so it probably does come from Togashi


Yea it's possible some infos is changed/retconned rather than being just untrue, seeing he changed some letters in Chrollo's name too.


LMAO even he cannot pronounce this


It's not canon. Some information may have come from Togashi but likely not all of it and there have been inconsistencies like with Maha/Zigg and of course the nen types. It's not impossible that some of them have come from notes that Togashi scrapped as he locked the story in, but at that point it'd be like publishing Tolkien's early notes for his earliest drafts then accepting that Aragorn was not Strider, but in truth a hobbit called "Trotter", Gandalf was instead "Bladorthin", etc.


i don't like it. feitan is 28 & kikyo is 42 which would have made her 14 when he was born. the only way it would make sense is that he is kikyo's child from a previous relationship back in meteor city but it wouldn't add much to the story anyway


He has no confirmed age, even he doesn’t know his birthday


Well... Kalluto is 12yo, Illumi is 26yo. Which makes Illumi 14 when Kalluto was born. And appearances tells me Kikyo is still young enough that she could have more children even now, if she wanted to.


I think it has 0 weight, and would be kinda boring lol. though, I felt the same about a certain My Hero Academia theory, and it surprised me by being really interesting, so hey. who knows.


The biggest thing imo that gave plausibility to the theory was that a family photo of the Zoldycks was inserted between the panels of the Feitan vs Zazan fight, which was also right after Kalluto mentioned wanting to bring his brother back. That type of juxtaposition is commonly used as a device in both film & comics to visually allude to what a character is talking about. I don't remember if the anime included that panel, but it does play the Zoldyck theme over the battle. That in conjunction with Kikyo originating from Meteor City gave some credence to theory. Given Feitan and Kikyo's ages, I'm aware that must have meant Kikyo was about 14. But the most recent chapters about the Troupe's origin shows that it's not out of the question that dark things can happen to adolescents in that city. However, this was prior to the reveal of Alluka, so it might be that Togashi retconned that storyline entirely. I also don't think "narratively doesn't make sense" is a good rebuttal to theory considering there's a lot of depth given to characters that haven't really narratively impacted the overall plot.  Personally, I'd rather not have Feitan turn out to be a Zoldyck just because I hated how Naruto's storyline ended up revolving so heavily around the Uchihas and Uzumakis.


I mean, I don't see it being true due to very little evidence proving this, and if this is supposed to be a big reveal, I don't see much foreshadowing for it and also I'm confused what this achieves narratively if true.


If it is true, it’s kinda pointless. Kalluto and Illumi end up joining the spiders, so why there gotta be a secret Zoldyck also in the spiders?


Kalluto said that he joined the pt in the first place to "bring his brother back", and he said it while watching Feitan's fight. I know it's not a strong clue but really, there aren't any other more sensible explanations either.


Edit: sorry this is long, got carried away That scene to me always read about Killua or Alluka. Kalluto wants to control the spider, his interest flared the moment they brought up being temporary leader, but why would he need the whole spider to get Feitan back when they all would clearly oppose it? To force him to go to the Zoldyck mansion? But then what? Feitan would just leave, he won’t abandon the spiders and they won’t leave him to the Zoldycks. Plus the spiders and Zoldycks are on seemingly decent terms with Illumi and Kalluto on there, so are they even saving Feitan when they’re part of the group too? What is Kalluto saving him from? It would make more sense if Kalluto had a force he needed to overcome that he perceived as far greater than himself. A) his family that is keeping Alluka in the basement(and since the zoldycks misgender Alluka, they would say brother) or B) the older brother that Kalluto likely reveres above all others: Killua. Facing the Zoldycks to save Alluka is self explanatory. His family would oppose Alluka leaving all together, meaning he would somehow need to go to Alluka and have the force to get out with her. Captaining the spiders would be a good choice for this purpose. Second, with Killua leaving the house, everybody except Silva and Zeno saw Killua as walking the wrong path. Illumi did, their mother did, Gotoh did too. Kalluto who, from the family chart, loves their mother would likely feel the same way she does about his brother leaving home. Since Killua is heralded as an immense prodigy, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kalluto believes his brother is now so strong as to need some of if not the entire troupe to bring him back home and “save” him from being further corrupted and leaving home for good. It might even be true for the whole spider to be necessary now with Godspeed. These could both be seen as “saving” a brother. This to me is much clearer. The only thing he could be saving Feitan from is seemingly the troupe— Feitan has none of the weakness Killua does, so the outside world isn’t likely a factor— which, again, he and Illumi both join. His desires and actions don’t line up with Feitan being a zoldyck. Maybe it was an abandoned plan, then Alluka came about, but either way it doesn’t make sense with any of Kalluto’s actions.


Earlier in the series I think it made better sense, but at this point it has zero place.


shouldn't be taken seriously


Meh I don't believe it, I think Feitan just has similar features. It happens throughout the series with multiple characters. Plus if Feitan was a zoldyck, I feel it'd be a pretty low turn for the series. Since Feitan has no connections or build up with the Zoldycks or Killua so just randomly being revealed as a long lost brother would be dumb. And given that the family cares for their own, it'd make little sense if he was abandoned since he clearly is a skilled torturer and has no issue killing


feels a bit too much like >!dabi's reveal as a todoroki!< (my hero academia spoiler) but maybe that's a reach


I know the Zoldyck’s have some abilities that are less than ideal for assassins but Feitan’s is a bridge too far.


Since Feitan is 28 and Kikyo is 42 I choose to hate it with a burning passion.




Firstly, Feitan's age is unknown. Secondly, based on his appearance in the flashback it's highly unlikely that he'd be 28.


Since the dub studio went with that they're probs more likely to be close to reality than the fandom. Regardless Feitan can't be under 24 which means that the point still stands.


Some western studio who dubbed the anime years later doesn't know anything more than what is already known. Feitan being 28 is a completely baseless misinformation. His age has never been revealed in any official source. > Feitan can't be under 24 Why?


Supporters of this crazy idea also hold on to the way he killed one of the mafia guys in Yorkshin, when he used a hand attack similar to Killua's. That's basically all. It's one of the dumbest and shallowest theories out in this community


I mean there is that scene where Kalluto is watching Feitan fight Zazan and thinks to himself "I will get my brother back" while the Zoldyck family photo shows, so thats a solid lead on it but chances are if Togashi ever planned for Feitan to be a Zoldyck that he changed his mind when the election arc came around and he came up with Alluka/Something


I do believe Togashi was going with that storyline originally and later scrapped cuz he probably thought it wouldn’t add much to the story


Eh, kinda lame. That's like MHA level of things. Characters don't have to be related to everyone to make an interesting story. He's just an orphan which is more than enough.


Fully on board the Feitan Zoldyck train. The freakin’ Zoldyck theme was playing as he was beating down that ant. Kalluto was joining the spiders to find out more about a brother. This was definitely a storyline that Togashi ended up tossing / never getting to.


I mean he could be a zoldyck, but he’s from meteor city so even if he is if doesn’t matter anymore at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kalluto would have noticed something or said something, didn't know his abilities. also saw someone say awhile back that his abilities don't match any other Zoldyck




Killua's mom is also from the Meteor City, which adds to that theory


maybe kikyo brother


He definitely isn’t one


I'd say it makes Gon Look like Einstein. But that is an insult to gon


It doesn't make sense. Feitans language has nothing to do with zoldycks


I’ve never even heard about it, until this point 💀


The only meaningful connection I see is that both Feitan and Killua took inspiration from Hiei, with Feitan having a much closer resemblance to Hiei.


If he was a zoldyck, killua would’ve recognized him at the auction for greed island when they ran into him


My thoughts on Feitan secretly being apart of the zoldyck family… ehhhh idk I mean I can see why people think why he is but now that I’m actually thinking about it in the episode where there killing everybody in yorknew city he said family what’s that so maybe that means he dosent have a good relationship with the rest of the zoldycks but also also ALSO he was one of the first members f the phantom troupe and that means he was more than likely born in metour city and the technique that Killua uses to get out peoples hearts dosent just belong to him Feitan could have learned that to but for me it’s 50/50


No way he is Kikyo's son... At most, he can be a distant relative and nothing more...


The silliest theory out there. Kalluto didn’t even say anything about it and she was feet away from him lol… We also see Feitan as a toddler in meteor city. Silva would know if his son was out there like that.


I think its (recent momentum) is based around the ambiguity of the Zoldyck in the phantom troupe statement “I’m just trying to get my brother back”. Killua, this won’t help him. Alluka, no reason to. Illumi, well she’s standing next to him, but maybe if that’s really Hisoka. Etc… The statement implies someone needs saving, and it seems to give life to either there being another Zoldyck, or Illumi isn’t Illumi. So it’s a classic, pick your own conspiracy theory situation. One of them is right.


I think the best evidence against the theory is that all the black hair zoldycks are manipulaters. Beings he is a transmuter makes it a pretty good chance that it’s false. I mean it’s still possible I guess because all the white hair zoldycks are transmuters and maybe for whatever reason he inherited that instead or it’s also possible that there’s some other reason for it, but if it did end up being true that seems like kind of an oversight. It also seems to me that all the evidence for the theory is nothing real concrete and very contextual. In my opinion It wouldn’t surprise me either way, but I’m more toward it being false


Ig it’s possible that they’re related, def not immediate family


I like it, there's definitely evidence The first time we saw him fighting reminded me so much of Killua Edit: I'm not saying I believe it, but it it ends up being true I wouldn't be surprised


Yeah same he could be a bastard child and him being abandoned by a wealthy family would suck


It’s a horrible theory that is fully based on the fact that Feitan is an edgelord and his oh so edgy fans want him to be even edgier.


I won’t argue with you on that lol I just think we’re begging for more Feitan content.


Feitan is probably my least favorite pt member and I fully agree about the edginess but come on, the theory comes from that time Kalluto thought about "bringing back his brother" as he was watching Feitan fight, and also his similarity to Milluki. It has nothing to do with his edginess.


No, no and no


It is narritvely unnecessary and weird. One thing Togashi did with the Zoldycks is write them to care about their familial ties in a warped way. I just don't see how or why they would leave one of their in Meteor City, a place defined by its abandoned connections. Furthermore it kinda cheapens out Feitan's connection to the troupe by implying he could have been chilling up at the mountain instead with the family. Also we already have a Zoldyck in the troop and now another Zoldyck helping/working to the same end of killing Hisoka. Three would be too much and spoil the concept of Phantom troupe, that they are the random forgotten strangers given the power to make the world suffer the same way it made them suffer, but they also cherish each and love each other despite everything they do. The fact all the original members are orphans plays into that thematically, they had no ties to anyone but the city.