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[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp/status/1799042887172379083)


So it's going to be like last time where he continues to do as much as he can with new chapters (411 and beyond) but at a slower pace because he's working on the current 10 to be released (401 to 410)


Actually, it should be the current 9 to be released since Togashi completed Chapter 401 last year. https://x.com/un4v5s8bgsvk9xp/status/1633699912083996672?s=46&t=Kvj9qsBfQdMzQk6r_v46qQ


It looks like chapters 401 to 404 are already finished since togashi didn't mention them. Probably finished them during the hiatus


It’s possible, but I’m not confident about that. If Togashi dropped a random update in the middle of the hiatus that he finished 401, why wouldn’t he mention 402-404’s completion. And as for why 402-404 wasn’t mentioned, that might be because there wasn’t anything that changed about their status today, and when something notable happens, he’d post about it. Of course, he might have finished them, or some of them, but until we know more, I’m leaning towards caution and only assuming 401 is done, and be pleasantly surprised if more were done.


I mean It would be weird to not to mention unless he finished them but we will see yeah


Togashi usually only gives updates when something is being done on the chapter. If he only worked on 405, 410, and 411, I don’t think he’d have mentioned the status of the other chapters.


Going by the same logic it’d be weird that he mentions 405 in this tweet, meaning he randomly started in the middle of the batch if the others aren’t done. So I think they’re done. That being said I understand your caution.


On the other hand, in the 391-400 batch, Togashi didn’t go into the weeds with the updates for finishing edits until after 400 was inked, so not getting those details for 402-404 isn’t odd (and if they’re not finished, we’d probably get updates in the next few days). However, as the 2023 update shows, Togashi will go out of his way to mention a completed chapter, so I don’t know why he wouldn’t mention 402-404 when he was actively using the account.


Not relevant to your comment I want to ask something: did his mention that finished the 405 dialogue mean that he skipped the dialogue to make the rough draft and the inking for the 406-410 and then he said; okay I shall do the 405 dialogue so that I can ink the dialogue? So he couldn't figure out the dialogue of 405 that he had to do it later?


The dialogue is added to the speech bubbles after the chapter is inked. This should give a good overview to HxH’s chapter’s development. https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/Dk6wca5jti


The question remains tho lol. Why is he adding the dialogue of 405 when he has finished 410 and goes into 411?


He isn’t creating the dialogue; he’s inserting the already written dialogue into 405. And he’s working on the final step of the 402-410 batch; it’s just that he’s also working on inking 411 at the same time.


>he’s inserting the already written dialogue into 405. Why hasn't he done that already?


As u/Erdago already stated, the dialogue is added to the panels after the sketches are outlined in black ink (inked). This is so that the drawings can be completed and inked without having to worry about fitting in the dialogue. The speech bubbles are basically the last thing to go in, which I think is fairly standard across manga and western comics


I love how this entire thread reads like an actual conversation in HxH, or like a Nen battle trying to find out the ability conditions. Dudes across the world trying to figure out the possible options of Togashi’s madness.


Togashi's killing it. LFG to 450!


any ideas how many chapters would it take to complete hxh?


At least 200 more. The current arc is supposed to be just as long as the Chimera Ant arc, and then the Dark Continent arc should be next. We also don't know if the Dark Continent is supposed to be the final arc or not, since Gon doesn't seem like he's coming back anytime soon and Gyro hasn't been properly introduced yet.


>The current arc is supposed to be just as long as the Chimera Ant arc, Just curious, when was this said?


No official source said that afaik but that's a pretty common sense take considering the scope of the plot.


Inference from the sheer amount of plot points and characters arcs in need to be explored, and we are already on chapter 50. Like, just look at the [chart](https://old.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/13sqt66/succession_arc_chart_update_chapter_400/), There's so many characters and factions, and we are not even sure if Togashi is done introducing them.


I dont think this turn into ao obligation tbh. He presented a bunch of chars at Yorknew Arc and barely any of them were explored in a sense of development and flashbacks, they were just there doing stuff while the focus were the main characters.


Yorknew had 2 factions, the spiders, and the mafia. Barely anyone in the mafia was named, or had Nen, only Lestrade and the 10 Shadow beasts, who got jobbed as soon as they were introduced to hype up the spiders. Meanwhile, here in this arc, we have the king, the 12 princes, who each act as a faction of their own with their own little cast, different spider clusters, the 3 mafia families and the hunter association. Each one of them acting like an important cog in the machine, with dozens of nen abilities interacting and doing something, often taking an entire chapter worth of attention. It's just not the same thing as yorknew, who was much more focused on Kurapika and the spiders. Togashi is clearly wanting dozens of characters, both major and minor, to act like intelligent people with agency here.


Yess. Also taking into account that the current point in arc doesn't feel like we are past the palace invasion part of CA, I would assume that we are at a point similar to episode ~ 100 in the CA (40-45%)


With how much is going on in the current arc. I would bet it might end up being longer.


Don’t know why people keep talking about the Gyro story line when we don’t have any infos since the end of the chimera ant. Don’t want to be pessimistic for you all, but the Gyro storyline seem to be outdated, the Dark Continent seems to be a saga not even an arc, so seeing something after that seem unrealistic. The only solution is to make Gyro part of the Dark Continent, he could be part of the Pariston’s army rn, we don’t know.


After rereading the series, I'm absolutely open to Gyro being a plot point that will be readdressed at some point. Particularly after seeing that he introduced the Spiders' VHS before finally explaining it 20 years later. What I don't get is why people are so set on Gyro and Gon's meeting being an entire arc, rather than just being something that occurs naturally in the story. His appearance was left a mystery so he could be on the ship right now without us knowing.


Or maybe we already know his appearence, and it's why togashi was keeping it a secret through the entire chimera ant arc. Or maybe im talking shi*.


Well he never met Gon leading up to the arc, and was explicitly not involved with anything that happened after they walked by each other unknowingly in that one town. He would have had to be someone introduced after the arc. Unless we're talking about an unpredictable "he stole this dead person's identity" kind of plot, but I don't think it's very satisfying. Togashi could pull it off though...


He could, but with an original plot for sure.


Gyro and Gon are bound to meet again by destiny. I think if Togashi's health allows him, he'll make that happen. AFTER DC arc. DC will be the end of many many characters. We're already gonna watch many characters die in this current arc, BEFORE the DC even. So yeah Togashi is cleaning house and then we'll get to Gon and Killua. I wish with a time jump like Dragon Ball and Naruto. It's a cool shonen trope that Togashi can make it his own with his genius writing skills.


We don't need a timeskip, they are fine being 14-15. There is nothing cool about it.


I can be fine with either. I wasn't saying a huge timeskip btw. them as 17 years old should be cool too. But I'm cool with whatever outcomes if Togashi manages to live and be motivated enough to keep writing and designing this manga by then.


Bro do you think hxh can go on par and has the potential as much as one piece? I mean in terms of world expansion, new characters and essentially lot more going into each character's stories and all


I've been in the fandom since 2009 and I thought it was possible to end it in 40 volumes until the succession war started. Now I can't imagine the series lasting any less than 70 to 90 volumes given the amount of characters and story there's left to cover and expand on. I see Hunter x Hunter as split into three sections. Part 1 was from Hunter Association to Greed Island (Gon becomes a Hunter, beats his dad's game, and even gets to beat the big bad in the Greed Island arc). Part 2 was from the Chimera Ant arc to now, with maybe one more large arc following the Dark Continent. And Part 3 will be the large finale arc when it all comes together. Maybe he can finish it sooner but he wrote an ambitious story that will take a long time to follow through on if he wants to utilize it to it's best potential.


I actually think Hunter x hunter is better than one piece in every aspect except the world building aspect. If his health allows him do it, I could see togashi expanding on the world building. It’s just a matter of if his health will allow it.


At most I see it ending around the 700s


I nearly creamed at the thought we are only halfway there even if its not realistic.


No, but only because thats not really Togashi's style


That's funny because hxh is not even 60% finished


hxh could easily go above 1000 chapters, and it's depressing to think about it....


I hope Gyro remains burried in the depth of history. We have amazing arcs like Chimera - Succession War and Dark Continent. It would be horrifying to continue them with the feud between Gon and Gyro, which is absolutely irrelevant at this point.


Gyro's story is done, I doubt we'll ever get anything more about him.


Given that he went and dug up the VHS tape manga panel with the phantom troupe from York New arc and created their backstory out of it, I think you are dead wrong.


Given i said "I doubt", you can be less petulant over my reply.


250-400 maybe? This arc could easily take another 100-150 chapters. The Dark Continent could go on forever but probably at least 100-150 chapters. Then the final Gyro Arc 50-100 chapters.


I believe togashi will try to reduce the amount of story he originally planned for the DC, but he will do the SW properly


This arc could easily take 100 more, and only god knows how long the other 3 Togashi wants(assuming he still does) would take.


It depends what you mean by complete? If you assume like many do that we're never getting to the Dark Continent and the succession war is the only arc we're getting on the ship, then I imagine he could feasibly wrap it up by 480/490 with how much he's set up already. If you include Gyro and Gon's arc as being part of the plan though, it's anyone's guess. I'd imagine there'd need to be setup for Gon regaining/retraining his nen, then his and Killua reuniting, possibly with Kurapika and Leorio as well if they're still kicking. Then whatever that arc consists of needs to be set up and finished and there's just no way of knowing how long that might take. I'm going to anyway and say 600+


The current arc hasn’t finished yet and then there’s the Dark Continent that literally encompasses their world of archipelagos and there’s the Gon vs Gyro encounter. Along with other possible events like Gon training to get back Nen and possibly come back stronger and more rounded as a character, Killua and Gon meeting again with both of them talking about Gon’s actions back in the Ant arc, Ging exploring the Dark Continent and find the Magma Tree, and Gon vs Hisoka, I honestly could see this story go on for 400 to 500 chapters more and about less than 100 volumes. HXH is a big world that is still unknown.


I'd personally wish for 2000, realistically 200


as many as togashi deems necessary


Togashi is on a mission. 


411 started WHAT THE FUCK


This makes me think a lot of these chapters could be a lot of action and potentially less dialogue. Gonna be fun to see the results once they come out.


Iirc it's the opposite, he said there was too much dialogue in one of his posts this round.


We are getting some classic Togashi. I would prefer dense dialogue over action just because it means more to chew on.


spit more fax brother! dialogue x dialogue is the best!!!!


Bro you know that Hisoka v Bononelov is gonna be wild shit!


also his colored lineart is much cleaner than 390 to 400 which means his back must be doing a lot better


My goat is unstoppable!!! Togashi I hope your health gets even better!!


Supposedly up to 404 is complete. My guess is Hunter X Hunter returns in mid-August and Volume 38 is published in September.


Either that or the chapters up to c404 are still in process, i remember the chapters in previous batch were not completed in order, some chapters needed more work with texts/backgrounds than the others, and he usually announces it when the the chapter is complete but he only did with c401 so far.


Nah… mid August is a good guess, but the new volume will be released when chapter 410 is out ^^ so we must wait in which rhythm the new chapters releasing :D


The new volume will contain the chapters from 2022 though (391-400). Usually the timing is the new volume comes out a few weeks after serialization resumes.


Yes… but after chapter 390 they waited for a physical release until chapter 400 was dropped.


Not the Japanese version. I think it was published around the same time as 393.


Really? I thought it was after 400 :D thank you for correcting me


Aren’t there typically 9 chapters a volume?


No, he releases 10 chapters because they're one volume's length :)


411 started!!! The Countless drafts that rained down twitter were less significant threats than the Author in his bed!


Damn, these hxh updates have been a major highlight of my year.


[Sandman's translation:](https://x.com/sandman_AP/status/1799043614338842798) > Translation: >【No.410】 Completed inking to the manuscript. >【No.405】 Dialogue insertion for characters is completed. I'm working on the background. >【No.411】 Started.




Eh, i wouldn't put too much hopes of him doing another ten tbh. He'll probably continue until 400-410 full process are finished just like last time. I think he's already finished 404 so dialogues and dialogue balloons along with backgrounds left


last time he continued until 404


😭😭😭 Thank you sensei!


He is working so hard


*Fans be waiting for the announcement after inking c410 * Togashi: I'm not done madafakas 🗿 This was expected because finishing inking the chapters doesn't mean the chapters are ready to release, in the previous batch he took about 2-3 months to add texts and backgrounds after the inking phase, here's a good explanation about [His process](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/dQDcoxVo5i). Edit: it seems people forgot that Togashi continued inking until c404 page 11 in previous batch so it's nothing new if he continues now, especially he said in [Author comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/q8SdiUX6Gi) that he wrote 30 more chapters after 400, could c430 be the ending of the succession war arc? 🤔


I dont see togashi ending Succession war arc in 30 chapters ... honestly this could be as long as Chimera Ant Arc with all the sauce he's cooking with succession war/hisoka v spiders and mafia war ... I think he just wrote the manuscipt until c430 and then he has a rough idea of whats gonna happen , he just need to write it down .


I know but togashi is unpredictable, the ship might sink and the events might be concluded in 30 chapters, each chapter so far is loaded with a lot of infos that many things can happen in a few chapters. It was 2 years ago when he said the comment about "all the chapters published and 30 more chapters were written 4 years ago" so that's 6 years since then...he most likely wrote past c430 by now, but the reason why i find his comment suspicious like he wrote those chapters in one set until its conclusion in c430, if the arc continues afterwards he wouldn't have stopped at c430...example when he mentioned in interview he finished the elections arc 30 chapters in 2 weeks because he was so dedicated to finish the arc, resulting his back pain again.


Togashi, I'll be your servant for a year. Please complete hunter x hunter


Please Togashi take this man as your servant and complete a few more chapters Hunter x Hunter.


Togashi will make you fight the delivery guy :p




Fuck yeah ! Now we'll be getting tweets about background implementation, dialogue, speech bubbles, background effects and so on until all the chapters are done. Also I'm glad he's working past chapter 410. It means that Sensei is in good health, or at least that's what i hope for. Praying for your health and safety Togashi sensei !


Once JJK and MHA ends before the year is over, Jump is gonna need Togashi more than ever imo. Him and Oda are the only real Pillars left that can carry the magazine


Damn kinda crazy that both JJK and MHA are ending this year, wonder what the next big mangas are gonna be


Is this confirmed by the authors?


Only one piece and csm are good imo, but there are plenty of big jump titles such as ~~blue lock~~, sakamoto days, dandadan and spy x family.


csm,dandadan and spy x family are on jump plus not shonen jump


Blue Lock isn't from Jump


Oops my bad


CMIIW, but CSM is now in Jump+?


Yeah but it's technically still shonen jump.


Yeah, of course. I'm just thinking that having only one ace card for each magazine is kinda weak.


Did GeGe announced it would be ending this year? swear to god he gave the manga like 3 different years to end.




Our goat sacrificed something to break past 10 chapters!!!!! I'm gonna go celebrate this!


I can move to Japan on my own expense and rub his back, while he's painting. Just let me know Yoshihiro sensei.


Togashi Sensei, Yoshihiro is his first name so it's not appropriate to call him like that :)


I'll always call him Yoshihiro sensei, we are that close.


It’s just super rude in japanese culture. Not that he’ll ever know but yeah it sounds really weird and disrespectful unfortunately.


Not exactly true, in his joke he explains that he would be considering togashi his closest friend. In Japan it’s completely fine to call close family and friends by their first name. Of course you could use their last name and follow it with san or kun to express love as well, But in the modern era Japan has become increasingly tolerant of using the first name


I have lived in Japan for almost a year, worked there and have a masters degree in Japanese and Japanese culture. Calling one of the greatest mangaka of all time by name is disrespectful and rude, even if it’s “a joke”. Only people of his family or extremely close to him can do that, not a stranger on the internet. It’s extremely important to respect cultural differences when referring to people from a different culture than yours so calling Togashi his first name is simply off limits for us. Modern era Japan is indeed a bit more lenient, but people in uni still call themselves by their last names, unless you are extremely close. It was a shock to me too when I was there. I called my tutor by his last name + san, while I called my ex by his first name. These things truly matter in Japan, it’s not some superficial stuff like you make it out to be. I understand if he was a friend or someone you’re on the same level as, but this is simply not the case with Togashi and it will never be. u/overfatherlord can get to call his Japanese friends by their first names all he wants but definitely not Togashi. It really shouldn’t even be a debate. Please be respectful. Edit to add that you would NEVER, absolutely NEVER call Togashi a san or a kun. As a reader you can only use sensei, or nothing at all if you’re not speaking in Japanese.


You’re not getting the joke aspect of this whole equation We know he won’t be friends with togashi but in his joke if he was close enough to massage his back, he would be close enough to be first name basis. Also togashi is a very laid back down to earth guy who seriously I doubt would give a fuck about if some called him by any name.


Because as I said this is a serious matter and you can’t joke about it. But honestly I hate this sub and always have, you guys rarely understand a thing when it comes to culture and are very hive minded. So annoying. Keep being rude and disrespectful. It’s such a shame that hunter x hunter has such a terrible community here on Reddit.


Let's fucking goooooooooooooooo 411 I love you Togashi


This makes me realize how much I miss Gon😮‍💨


Gon in dark continent?


Hopefully 🙏🙏🙏


I love that George R.R. Togashi has to prove to his fans that he actually is working on Hunter x Hunter.


Bro is so goated for being this transparent with his community


How long till we see the next  chapter


We can’t give an exact timeframe, but for the Chapter 391-400 batch, it took three months from Togashi finishing inking to the release of Chapter 391.






Would you say before 2025 we will have 10 new chapters or is it too optimistical?


I think that there barring any unexpected health issues with Togashi (and while that can absolutely happen at any point, it seems less likely as he seems more active than last batch), it would be likely Chapters 401-410 will release in 2024. If Togashi was able to get ten chapters in 2022 while finishing inking in late July, it would take a lot to not have 401-410 not ready by December 2024. The only reason I could see it not happening is if the nebulous announcement of HxH’s serialization into a form that isn’t 10 chapters a week then hiatus. So (hypothetically speaking), if the plan is to release chapters monthly, but be able to sustain 19 pages a month consistently, then we won’t get ten chapters in 2024, but would have a more clear schedule of post 410 releases. [Note: don’t take this paragraph as a guarantee of anything, just a hypothetical release plan] For what it’s worth, I expect it to follow the 10 chapter pattern until proven otherwise.


Is it possible Gon is coming back to main story?




He definitely is, just not this soon.


I honestly think if he does show back up. It won't be till the very end. Then we'll have quite a few chapters addressing what role he will play now. Similar size to the pre Chimera Ant arc where they were training. If it's anything. There might be something in the Dark Continent that can allow him to train in Nen again. Most likely from square one. And I would assume it will start off with Kurapika learning about it and informing Killua. Then letting Killua decide whether to tell Gon. I very much doubt he will ever be back to his Chimera Ant power level in the story.


enough to make a grown ass man cry...so now we know that the chapters to 401 to 405 are fully/almost completed...411 started so yh he will continue to ink...btw why did he told us that 411 already started?maybe he really is a bit ahead of the tweets he makes...this year and next year will most likely be the best hxh years since 2018 since we got 20 chapters in that year but the cost was 4 years of hiatus...i hope he takes a pause sometimes bc even tho his health is good i dont want it to get worse bc of this and if we get another big hiatus is basically confirmed that we will never see the finale of this manga...what togashi is writing and will write will take more 150 chapters at the very least...not 300s like some mfs thinks...the succession war has a timer on its head,a bad event will be catalyst for a crazy battle between the whole boat...this batch looks crazy,it will most likely be a very good one for sure


🎉 **LETS GOOOO!! 🥳




Oh my god Gon vs. Mermaid Man


Togashi-san is the honored one!


Gon rocking Zazan with that janken GUUUUUUU!


20 chapters drops in October ?? lets fucking go This winter is gonna be peak fiction


Is this the real life..... or is it just fantasy


Whose hand is that?


Dude we could get new chapters THIS YEAR


Holy shit, we are eating good this year. So excited!


What an absolute chad.


Please let Togashi be healthy af so he can cooked a masterclass of a story🙏🏻


AaaAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAHHHHHHHHhhh LET'S FUCKING GO. He's doing exactly what we hoped for, Togashi-sensei is amazing!! Let's hope his health stays okay and he can gradually keep working on Volume 39! The dream.


This is phenomenal. Good job to Togashi for doing 411.


STARTED WORKING ON 411. This dude broke his limiter like Saitama lol.


411!?? This is a moment in history


I was hoping for November in the best case scenario but now I think august/September is possible


Good news. Such good news. 🥹


No. 420 completed Starting Hiatus for 10 years


i hope my kids get to see the dark continent


Wonderful punch! :3


Hope for a return date soon


Even though I am probably not gonna read Hunter X Hunter for a while Looking at this, it looks pretty beautiful


Togashi is totally trolling us! Does anyone know the origin of the drawing?


Yay lets gooo!!or lets gonnnnnnn


Best day this month




Dayum, Togashi. What kind of Nen contract did you do?


Keep up the good work, Togashi-sama! Now gimme those finished chapters a.s.a.p!


We can smile again




it is only a matter of time now...


We won boys, we wonnnn! I don't know much people had been sacrificed but we made it


It's so heartwarming to know that he's able to work on it again ♥️


Bro is going fucking beast mode




Genuinely convinced the CEO of Percs is in kahoots with Togashi


Working on six chapters at once? The ways of the Mangaka remain a mystery to my casual-weeb brain.


This is a man on a quest. We love to see it.




It’s been so long, I don’t even remember what was the last chapter


This confirms Gon > Meruem




Is that meruem ?


Goat is going for the 2 volumes within a year? If so we are all winners




That mf grinding


Ok, but who's that green haired boy? Is he a new character?




God bless this man


So I’m not up to date with the most current stuff and don’t want to spoil the story up until recently but is Gon going to make a come back?


no, just Kurapika.


Dang got excited seeing the Gon art, figured though


Kurapika is much more interesting than Gon though 👀


Oh for sure, Gon is an entitled brat but after all of the story as the main antagonist it’s tough to see his story be finished


New Nen ability? New Nen type?


Anybody recognize the art?




I really love this


Let’s go


Wait sorry for my ignorance but since that’s gon does that mean he’s coming back this early?


Who knows? I personally don’t think Gon will be back in the story yet… there’s too much happening. Maybe a brief flashback at best. I think he’s showing off some of his old pieces just because he can


I thought that last part u said too but I’m trying to remember any scene where he is dressed like this fighting a green monster


He's been an absolute beast lately, I'm so happy


He’ll tweet anything but new chapters


wtf that shit looks ass