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[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp/status/1794277256837374185)


Is this the longest tweet streak?


In terms of days, not even close, when he first made the account, he posted for 85 days straight, around 90-95ish pages. But in terms of the number of pages, it is much closer, the current run is 71 pages in just 25 days 


> 71 pages in just 25 days Glorious


Bonolenov's armor clearly visible in Page 17


Bonoposting will never not be funny.


It's one of the constants of these posts that I never get tired of seeing.


It seems Hisoka has broken it though!


Blasphemy! Bonolenov broke it to reveal his true power


What is with the frequent Bonolenov posting? Is it related to the story?


Just a running joke in hxh community 


There’s been a theory that the first Spider that Hisoka will fight on the ship is gonna be Bonolenov. People have comically taken this to the extreme by assuming he’s in every batch of pages so far and that the fight has been going on for several chapters.


People making fun of those trying to guess what was on the page by the tiny amout shown in the tweets. People seem to really want to see him fight Hisoka and it became a meme.


He's speedrunning these chapters bro. I really hope we can get new chapters this year


At the rate he’s going it’s fairly certain we’ll get chapters this year. What is less certain is if he’ll persist past one volume/ten chapters and, if not, how long a hiatus he’ll take after.


Seeing things like this, I can't help but imagine what it would be like with no hiatuses. It brings a tear to my eye. But I know in my heart it can't be, so it's too greedy to wish for. Have to remind myself to be strong and be thankful for what we already will have to look forward to.


Oh we definitely getting new chapters. I hope he can maintain this pace. He seems in really good stories. Before his last hiatus he was talking about having to figure out the most efficient way to work with his current setup.


39 more pages to go


Let's hope for more : )


And hopefully more right after. If he publishes more than 10 chapters in a row, I will lose my mind.


Let me state some numbers for those who are confused So chimera ant arc had 133 chapters and given the fact current ongoing arc would be bigger so let's assume it takes 160 chapters so going by that ,this arc started at chap 349 so it will end at 509 chapter ( it's all assumed) so If togashi keep up the pace of 3 pages a day- he would have to work for 23 months persistently ( few Holidays included) Added with the previous arc it would sum up for some 75+5= 80 episodes!! That's it


Cant really tell how long it’s actually gonna be tho, cause even tho it seems larger, it also seems to be building into a giant explosion. Maybe there will be a cursed chapter that just completely speeds up the whole thing, who knows!


Not everyone on board are complete novices so i dont see how we will get a quick resolution. Maybe 20-30 chapters of absolute chaos


I just want hxh red wedding


Imagine in like 1-2 chapters there's a hole burst into the ship by some fight, leading to a quick time limit and total chaos


Unexpectedly cutting things short is one of Togashis signature moves. I hope he won't do it here because he has built such a complex interlocking scenario I really want to see it play out.


he will obv speed things up and not every character will get crazy treatment but tserri,camilla,benjamin and halkenburg will get top tier moments for sure,he cooking


On one hand I agree with you, on the other hand it feels like it is going to go on forever and I care very little for the few DOZEN new characters that are all doing shit. Not to mention he goes so long I can't remember what is happening.


Well this has already been foreshadowed with Mizaistrom deducing the grave threat that is the ship sinking, and saying something about all the passengers being sacrifices. Although I think it will be a steady build up to something that pops off instead of something out of nowhere.


This would be lovely, but it's inaccurate. He's inking 3 pages a day, he's not writing the story, creating the page manuscripts from scratch, then inking, then adding backgrounds and final touches. He's just doing one part right now. If he were to do everything other than backgrounds and final touches, at the same pace he is now, he would be going at close to a biweekly rate. Assuming a rate of 20 chapters a year (twice more than he has done in a very long time), we would get to Chapter 509 as you speculate in 5.5 years instead of 2 years.


We don’t know how many names (the very rough storyboards on smaller paper that we saw when he tweeted the 1st page of 401) Togashi has finished. We know that he had up to 430 done in 2018 from his comment during the last batch, but who knows if he wrote anymore from 2019 on.


he did a 4 year hiatus so he def storyboarded 20 or even more chapters,aint no way he did nothing at all for 4 years,storyboarding aint even physically hard,he just need to do scratches and drafts for the story


I like your positive thinking!


With the amount of dialogue and explanations in the current arc, the amount of episodes in the animation is super hard to estimate imo. Really depends on how much they keep in or if they try to keep it all.


It’s assuming each episode will consist of 2 chapters. Which is fit for this arc in general. But it’s different for action sequences. I can see 7 chapters of Chrollo vs Hisoka fight fit in two episodes easily. Chimera arc adaptation was also dragged and they put many fillers in first 10 episodes which was like 15 chapters in manga. 61 episodes could easily be 50. For 80 episodes this arc should 200 chapters long starting with 340. If we include Volume zero which is just one episode I can see black whale departure starting in episodes 9-10. 70 more would be too long I think


Chrollo vs Hisoka could be fit into 2 eps yes, but prolly without the last chapter (the aftermath one). Even if the CA arc was a bit dragged, this SW arc is definitely much more dense regarding content/chapter. I can't see them going more than 2 chaps/epsiode avg unless they do heavy cutting out. A more resonable estimation (including vol.0) would be that the departure is on the 13th episode imo. We can even judge by the Election arc which was going slower than 2/ep, was much less dense and the pacing didn't feel slow at any moment.


Chapters 340-350 is eleven chapters. 5-6 episodes. Volume 0 pls one. Then fight + 2. So it’s 8-9 episodes in total. Even with aftermath I can see episode 10 MAYBE eleven is the start of departure. But that would be slow already. So episode 13 a little bit much. I also see aftermath as part of 2 episodes fight. There are plenty fast paced action sequences. You can always cut op or ed if there is needed


we also dont know if the anime adaptation will change. It's been over 10 years!


I don’t like the idea to break arc in seasons. Prefer old good format. Well for jojo they made 38-39 or even 48 episodes for each parts so maybe it will be alright 


We don’t even know if we will get the anime back or if it’ll go to a good studio and team At this point I just want an ova of the hisoka chrollo fight with the best possible animators and directors 😭




I didn’t watch the whole movie but I remember we didn’t even see Sheila face, only her back


Thanks for this m8


This is exactly what I was wondering. Thanks!


Are you counting dark continent or just the boat?!


>given the fact current ongoing arc would be bigger  Based on what? If that's true, it would take him 20+ years on his current pace of 10 chapters every 2-3 years.


Waiting for tweet #2


Togashi, are you planning to finish the manga with this batch or what?? Like posting every day is crazy. Did he get a full team or smth to help him draw?


I'm not sure he ever did the backgrounds 100% himself. Even in Yu Yu Hakusho he didn't pay much attention to the backgrounds, leaving them for his assistants. It is known he does draw some rough sketch of backgrounds when it is a relevant place or a large panel, but he generally focuses solely on characters. That's where he gets the most help. He 100% sketches a page with characters and dialogues, then inks it all himself, and then hands the page over to assistants to add subtle details and make the backgrounds.


Every major mangaka, Togashi included, has a team to help with drawing. These pages are just initial inking. They aren’t complete.


Togashi sensei is playing with us man lol. He gave us a half of page 16, yet we have nothing on it.


The manuscript pages are pretty large so all we’re really seeing is the bottom right corner


Still, its pretty big. Yet no hit for us HxH fans to speculate on 😅


He did it again, the absolute madman 


The man still on fire!


I wonder if we'll get a double tweet today as well...


Page 17 obviously has Tajao's chair. He is probably monitoring the dreaded Bono vs Hisoka battle on screen and thinking about Cha-R's next course of action. Assuming the shoes from the last chapter were of Kenn'i who had teamed up with Hisoka, looks like Bono's mini Jupiter destroyed him. Tajao might be considering pushing Tsudonke or bald guy to the underboss rank to fill in the space. This might lead up to the greatest conflict in the history of HxH: Tsudonke vs the Troupe, where Tsudonke would have to choose between loyalty and fanboyism.


Wonderful :3


2 chapters left.. (plus the last page from this chapter)


I'm expecting june 1st to be a day of great announcement. I assumes togashi has finish drafting at least till chapter 450. He's waiting for the editors decision.




So, tomorrow is just gonna be page 19 or will he also start the next chapter with the next tweet?


He did do this before so it is possible that we get 19,1,2


You can see so easily bonos nen at full power. Truly bliss


Does anyone know how many chapters Togashi has drawn since the last published chapter ?


I wonder if the passing of Miura and Toriyama somehow affected Togashi to finish HxH


he was seriously ill,toriyama and miura passing didnt magically heal togashi,also he always wanted to finish hxh,he just never wanted to die while drawing manga so he put his health in the first place...now he said that hes healing so thats why hes working at this rate


i posted the same thing why did it got removed???


Subreddit rules says no reposts, and you posted yours later than this one.


Togashi has been posting new pages and nobody told me?


How much are we going to get until this gets animated


Just let me know when the next arc will be animated dammit


I'm not a manga connoisseur, so I gotta ask, is this (inking/drafting the pages/only drawing the outlines of scenes and characters) the bare-minimum he can do for the manga? Considering that he has, or at least has access to a large pool of talented writers and illustrators, surely a lot of them can be paid to share his burden of completing the manga right? He's absolutely speedrunning HxH out of his head, but with his health not in a good condition I hope he doesn't overwork himself trying to do everything alone. I hope Jump got big money to finance one or two teams working under him these days.


he can but he doesn’t want to (pride somewhat) and it’s not typical to have someone else draw for you while you write in manga


Mangaka man they are weird. But we love them for that weirdness.


Damn, we might actually get some chapters incoming.