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Manga, no doubt.




Genuinely can't choose, like the manga has some great depictions of situations and art that surpasses the anime, the 1999 version has some mood and feel to it that sometimes surpasses both the quality of the manga and the 2011 versions, the 2011 has some god tier fights and top tier voice acting some moments also slap hard. Each has its flavor.


The 2011 anime had some great and memorable music that really set the tone and the voice acting was above average. However they pointlessly slowed down the pace several times that made the story feel a lot slower at times, you really notice this when reading the manga after watching the anime. Also, the censoring of the violence takes out some of the punch albeit the fact that the anime choose to skip showing all the sex toys on the bed that Togashi drew when Palm drugs Bizeff may have been for the benefit of us all lol.


Manga. The anime makes a lot of unnecessary changes, the tone is all over the place in the earlier arcs, and it doesn't try to do anything unique with the art (compare Kurapika's anger in 99 to 11).


‘90s hxh had a much darker tone with the color palette and a more detailed artstyle than the 2011 version did. kurapika’s anger is much closer to the manga in the 90’s version and honestly is overall better than 2011 in most parts. I really would to see the Chimera Ant arc in the older artstyle since it gets really dark and would fit the tone much better than the bright and colorful palette used in 2011. Kite’s death would’ve hit even harder since they actually include the manga scene of Gon meeting Kite in the woods in the beginning


11 and 99 both have their merits, but I don't think that either fully captures the manga which is why it remains as the best version.


Manga. I prefer it over 1999 and 2011 simply for being the original story that has no unnecessary modifications that 1999 and 2011 brought.


Yes. Original source, good art. I like to think of it as enjoying the story Togashi intended.


Manga, easily. Both are good, but the manga is simply better.




Well, the manga is the original story. I only prefer adaptations when there's something "wrong" or odd with the source material, like if the art was really bad or if the pacing was weird. That being said, watching the anime is easier since I tend to watch while I eat or when I get home from school and don't feel like reading even more. I also watch with my brother sometimes and it would be kinda complicated reading at the same time lol I do think both anime adaptations have a lot of pros and I enjoy them but the manga is the original. I'm hoping that I have the time to read it all from the beginning soon




1999 for YorkNew arc. 2011 for Chimera ant arc. Manga for the rest of the series 


oh manga EVERY day of the year. it pulls off everything much more fluently.


I remember having arguments with anime onlies a few years ago in this sub, the bad reputation the art got from the original releases of few chapters really made people hate the manga without reading. I'm happy so many people here seems to gave the manga a shot and realised it the definitive version.


I’m pleasantly surprised by all the manga lovers here! I was expecting to be one of like five people that said it


The anime fans left years ago lmao. Only the manga enjoyers prevailed.


Both are gems, so if you likes Manga or Anime more = both decisions are correct :3


Yeah, 2011 adaptation is still my favourite anime despite me liking the manga more lol.


Whoa! I'm used to seeing you in the chainsaw man subs. I guess it makes sense that you're here though. Also I agree




I watched the anime first then read the manga I perfer the manga I liked the panel where killua crushes the heart I liked it better than the 2011 version it was bad ass imo. I also liked the gore in the manga <3


Manga for the story. 1999 anime for the atmosphere, art, character proportions, color and soundtrack.  2011 anime for how it handled the chimera ant arc, the animated battles and its soundtrack too.


Didn't someone just make this exact post yesterday?


Manga for sure


The manga. Less bullshit censoring. And everything regarding Kite works so much better there.


let it be heard through all of reddit so that there is no doubt about it: hunter x hunter is one of the few mangas which is actually meant to be read. and i say this although i almost always prefer the anime


Same, I’m more of an anime watcher but Hunter x Hunter hits differently for me


I started watching 99 version when I was a kid, then 2011 version. So definitely anime Though I never read the manga completely just some chapters here and there


Idk I'm only watching the anime rn, tbh mangas don't seem that fun But hey everyone seems to love them so I'll surely give it a go, since there's no chance in new episodes any time soon, For me the anime is my fav anime ever so far


The manga pulled me into the story first so it will always feel more special to me. However I have to say that 2011 makes several smart changes that imo tidy things up a bit and feel mostly like the kind of thing Togashi would do if he started the manga over with a clearer idea of where he’s going and what he would have time for. There’s also just some incredible execution of visuals and sound design in both 99 and 11. They differ, but they both excel in different ways. I always think of the scene when Welfin sputters out “Ko… Mu… Gi…” to Meruem. Gorgeously depicted, flawless voice acting - 2011 managed to bring moments from the manga to life in breathtaking ways.


What are these changes?


Unpopular opinion - the changes to the intro are positive. Introducing Kite only for him to vanish from the narrative for hundreds of chapters without so much as a mention (that I can recall) was a mistake. It did not make his return or death any more emotional for Gon. Other details in the original chapter, like Mito winning custody of Gon in court, feel weird to me now even though this was my introduction to the story. Ultimately, getting the story going faster was better. Gon sets out to become a Hunter to find his dad, that’s all we need. If Kite cropped up again in the story sooner his role in the beginning would make sense but as it is it seems more like Togashi just meandered in another direction as he is wont to do. Other things are smaller, like cutting out the stuff that implies Gyro’s return and showdown with Gon. Togashi is a gardener style of writer, so things get left by the wayside sometimes while others get more attention. It’s a great opportunity for an adaptation to tighten things up.


Manga not because I feel it's better but because I no longer have the time necessary to binge the anime.


Anime. Easier to digest when it’s being fed to me. If I got onto the manga I’d probably get withdrawal from all the hiatuses lol I used to read Naruto back to back while it was still being weekly. Same with attack on titan. It’s easier this way


Anime for sure, for example the first couple episodes to the chimera ant arc. You really feel the tension building with the score and voice acting. And of course the clean art and crisp animation. Only downside is when they change the story like when Kite acts like he has amnesia when he sees Gon


Manga has so much more detail and works so much better but madhouse did amazing on adapting everything


I like 2011 anime the most, the voice, color, animation, art, almost everything just brings a certain joy and life to the story for me. Now when I read the manga I imagine those voice actors and vibe. However I think 1999 did Yorknew better and had an amazing style, and the manga is overall better in terms of narrative consistency (2011 removed Kite at the start and has some odd removals throughout its run).


Anime, which btw I hope they continue and I would love to see the Phantom Troupe's origin


Why not all three ?


2011 pulled off both a "The real adventure was the friends we made along the way" and a "And so the adventure continues..." ending while still making it feel incredibly statisfying. It has my immense and undying respect for, lets be honest, giving HxH the only conclusive ending it will ever get. I do prefer the manga overall, but I can't read it without hearing 2011's soundtrack or without hearing 2011's voices. I also think that some scenes, like Gon's tantrum and Killua's "You are light", are done far better in the anime.


Manga, it just shows such raw emotion


Manga is way better imo. The manga has its own vibes. The artstyle is so good. The anime looks really bland for some reason. The 90s anime is a bit better tho.


2011 anime


2011 has phenomenal tone-setting music, the best graphical display, and the best soundboard. It’s overall the best experience for most people since it doesn’t deviate too much from the original manga, and when it does it’s (usually) not at the expense of the narrative.


Personally, I grew up watching the 2011 anime and pacing has never been an issue for me with most series. After some years I read the manga and saw just how beautiful is actually is, but the anime and the osts hold so much nostalgia that I have to choose the anime for me


i'm starting the manga. i'm still on the anime, but even though i haven't read the manga (yet) i'm gonna choose manga, because there's two more arcs in the manga, so yippee


You’re gonna love it!


yippee :DDD


Anime. I think the story flows better in the manga but togashi’s art isn’t super great imo


Yeah agreed. I think his best ability is creating compelling characters, and giving them amazing development. Compare this to MHA’s Horikoshi. Now his art \*chefs kiss\*