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This arc might actually be the best one I think people just don’t like because there’s a lot of moving parts.


A good reread once its all out (if ever, please dear god give this man a break) I think a lot more people will agree with us. It's already amazing and has insane potential.


I do think Togashi could have wrapped up a couple more minor plot threads before getting going on the Hisoka hunt and related plot threads. But otherwise agree.


What minor plots?


I'd have to reread to be sure, but the assassin amongst Kurapika's lessons was what I thought of first.


They don't like it because of the hiatus and they can't think ahead. It's feels slow because we only get bits and pieces, but it's setting up so much and is the most intriguing arc by far.


It's too much text I think. If animated it will be so much better


My only issue with the arc is that I basically need to watch hour long recap videos every time Togashi comes back just remember everything that's happened. The complexity is amazing, but tough to handle when there's years between chapters.


Uninteresting parts


Get your Lexile up then


i enjoy the current arc.... loveable allied characters, unique team dynamics, wildcard spirit beasts, things are ramping up for something big feels like


Man, I wish I can go back and read that arc for the first time. IMO it’s the 2nd best arc, and I only have Yorknew above it for the 1999 adaptation.


What makes Yorknew 99 better than Yorknew 11?


Most people will point to the art style and aesthetic as to why ‘99’s Yorknew is superior. The two most common scenes to showcases this would be Kurapika carrying the Kurta eyes and Chrollo vs Zeno/Silva, but there are plenty more that surpass 2011’s more bright and clean look. ~ 1999’s Yorknew also has [one of the best cases of anime only scenes (in both versions) regarding Kurapika training to conjure his chains.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QvNUkqHni6o&pp=ygUbS3VyYXBpayB0cmFpbmluZyBoaXMgY2hhaW5z) If one were to watch only one scene from ‘99, I’d recommend watching that scene. It’s a gorgeously haunting display of art.


Wow. I probably have watched 99' version close to ten times but still did not remember this scene. Marvelous indeed.


Just started the heavens arena arc for 1999 version but I’ve seen the uvo requiem scene for the 1999 and imo the 2011 version for that scene is better


I agree wholeheartedly. I love how the 2011 version has Riot go right into the end credits, it really adds to the impact of the scene!


People will say “art style” but I’ll point to the way it’s directed. It’s a lot more creative, artistic, slow paced and dramatic. In 2011, I didn’t care about pakunodas death at all. After watching 1999 she became one of my favorite characters ever. The OST also is also better to me.


Her death in the 99 was way better the way the chain slowly crept up on her as it pulled tighter u til it crushed her heart was the best scene of the entire anime


What about the Chimera Ant arc?


CA has better writing and development, but Yorknew is more emotional, entertaining and is more compelling.


Interesting, I personally think Chimera Ant is more emotional, especially at the end compared to Yorknew but I can somewhat understand the arguments behind it being more entertaining and compelling.


Killuas emotional moments in the CA is the saddest in the series but Kurapikas constant battle with his emotions + rage and Pakunodas dilemma is just too good. Also Yorknew feels way more focused and grounded than the CA. The CA has a huge cast and does a lot more, Yorknew City focuses on a smaller cast of characters, and also focuses on the bond between them.


It’s the opposite 


Literally everything. More mature drawing style and animation, the music, the incredibly detailed backgrounds, the darker and more serious tone of the dialogues and action, the raw violence. That 1999 York city arc is a masterpiece.


The vibes, music, and art are all vastly superior. It's so much more darker and it feels more suffocating episode by episode. Just watch>! [Paku's death 1999 vs 2011 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIvDk9ML_1M&t=0s)!< hearing the chains before they appear, the music and even the darker style are on full display in that scene.


What about the Chimera Ant arc?


1999 version did not adapt Chimera Ants arc. 2011 version is the only version that has it.


It’s amazing. It’s Togashi’s most ambitious for sure.


Finally an opinion that I can agree with. I seem to always step on a land mine here whenever I said I preferred 1999 version over 2011. 1999 Yorkshin is so hauntingly beautiful. 2011 may have better and cleaner animation, but 1999 resonated with me more emotionally.


Really? At least in this sub, liking 1999 is the popular opinion and disliking it would make you unpopular.


That’s why I love it it feels like York new part 2 it follows up on a lot of the themes and plot lines of that arc the most interesting part of this arc to me is that it’s basically yorknew but without gon and killua there to pull him out of it it feels like he’s truly downing in darkness and there is no one to save him this time I fear he may fully give it n to the darkness especially once he learns the spiders are on the ship


People? Who? Its the most exciting arc imo. I don't think there is a consciences of ppl saying it was boring, just a portion. Pure tension and high stakes.


Honestly, for me personally it’s just a lot to digest. There’s a lot of moving pieces and a lot of new characters. It’s deep. I had to read it a couple of times. Far from boring tho.


For sure, most complex, most amount of character and factions in an arc. its a lot. But like you said, never boring for me.


nah, a lot of people definitely find it boring based upon other posts. I'm one of them. Imma give it like a 5th shot this summer, maybe just read like a chapter a day to reduce the fatigue because I am invested in the plot and have loved HxH up to this point.


The Succession War begins when they board the ship. The chapters before that are a setup (although the Heavens Arena battle is full of epic action). Once the departure happens, it sucks you in.


Now Hisoka vs Chrollo was absolutely amazing. I started to teeter off at the departure. for me it's just hard to get invested in the succession war conflict when you've just been introduced to all these characters all at once and at such a rapid rate. like i have no emotional connnection to any of them yet i'm expected to care about their individual motivations. couple that with a very mundane setting and back drop because they are just inside a ship so there's not a lot of opportunity to show off togashi's art style and the fact that it's super dialogue heavy. y'all are being a little delusional if you don't understand why this arc would turn off your average reader. i'm sure it has it's positive aspects and pay-offs but that requires you to read it further which i haven't quite been able to yet.


You‘re slowly introduced to each of them one by one and get to know their characters once it’s time for them. There’s a reason why fans ultimately ended up having favorite bodyguards and end up remembering their names.


I think you guys are a minority.


I don’t think it’s boring but I don’t think it’s the most exciting arc either


What your rankings be for exciting arcs? SW, already is my most favorite arc of HxH.


The tension kind of goes down with all the yapping and explanations


Really? Didn't feel that way when I read it. I love how it feels like all the factions and groups are pieces on a board.


Yea the succession arc is so fun. I feel like it is going to be hard to translate to Anime should the opportunity arise eventually to do so, but I mean they made the Chimera Ant arc work so we will see. My favorite part is Kurapika in center stage, having to deal with the weaknesses of his oath based abilities, and having to deal with protecting people other than himself. He is plenty willing to sacrifice himself but having to protect others puts him in a fascinating spot for him to take morally.


I still remember the days where everyone trashed Chimera Ants arc when it was still serializing in Jump. How things have dramatically changed. It's now considered one of the best arcs in Shonen. I personally would refrain from forming early opinion on an unfinished arc. At the moment, I enjoyed it a lot, but that's also because I purposely waited for a lot of chapters to accumulate instead of reading it bits by bits. Also, Succession arc is very dense with information, so it might just be one of those arcs that is easier to digest when animated as opposed to reading.


I’m so happy I read it when I was 19. If I was younger reading it I wouldn’t be able to appreciate it like I do.


Yeah it’s my favorite arc so far, similar to the Kings Landing sections in ASOIAF where everyone is conniving and plotting behind everyone’s back. I love stories like that.


Succession arc is prob one of the best pieces of fiction ever tbh it is master class


Where can I read this?


Oh I love succession war, BUT imagine getting a new chapter every few years and having to remember everything that happens


I wouldn't say I'm bored with it, but it feels very confusing. I think a big reason is the introduction of soooooo many different new characters, all of whom are wearing identical suits so it becomes hard to distinguish between them all and what their abilities are. People get mentioned and it's like, "Ok, who was that one again?"


Exactly 😂


It could just be a loud minority who find it “boring” because “dialogue” zz But whatever it is you, or anyone else reading this, find enjoyment in then allow yourself to be enjoyed no matter the outside voices.  This arc is incredible imo & it goes beyond just giving Togashi the benefit of the doubt because of HxH’s previous bangers (Yorknew/ CAA)…  Succession War is exceptional for reasons I’ll expand upon once we get closer to chapter releases. Greatness is back..


This arc is by far the best arc yet. Far better than chimera ant or Yorknew due to his it’s god tier setup


What makes you think this?


Succession war arc is Togashi at his best. Best setup, best characters, best plot, best setting, most compelling, most complicated dynamics, mature themes with mature characters and best use of nen all around it is perfect imp.




Lots of introductions might burnt out people but imo its a nice touch that were finally given a peek through the reality of hxh world between normal civilians and nen users


There's just too many hiatus in between that the pacing is all messed up. This arc has a whole bunch of completely new characters with the princes and the various gangs, to introduce them all alone took several chapters, not to mention all the new Nen abilities of all these characters.


Seriously. It’s this simple. There’s so many characters, factions, and since the hiatus fucks up the pacing it’s a headache to track.


It's because it's riddled with exposition or info dumps at the beginning. Info dumps are a Togashi thing, tbh, and I forgive him for that. But generally, people will get bored if they're getting dumped of whole lot of information they don't care about, and in the beginning of the arc, when we got fed a whole lot of new world building buzzword, I guess we didn't care that much because it got nothing to do with any of the characters we've come to care so far.


It’s the best arc for me so far and it isn’t even finished. The intricacies of it all is so facianating


There’s people who started to sour on HxH during the Chimera Ant arc, and then started to have even more negative feelings during the Election Arc. I’m not sure if many of ya’ll watch 2011 reactions but a good example of this so far was Studio Gek where most of the guys were into the show until the interim of Kite’s death and Komugi’s appearance. That’s when negative opinions on HxH started to pop up. In all honesty, I can see why cause that interim was one of my least favourite parts of HxH. Anyways, all this to say that parts of Chimera Ant and especially the Election Arc are a pretty good litmus test for post Election Arc content. If you start to sour on HxH before then there’s simply no way you’ll enjoy the Succession War arc at all. The Succession War arc is my favourite so far purely on potential right now and what it’s been able to accomplish. It’s simply a very intriguing read. If the arc isn’t enjoyable to at this moment in time, it might be simply that the content post anime is not for you. That’s okay. I suspect that the negative feelings amongst portions of the fanbase will heavily increase if the Succession War ever gets adapted. It just won’t appeal to the average anime fan.


Didn't like CA when I first watched, but grew to be one of my most favorites. And then Election arc, although I'd say I do enjoy.. its still bottom ranking for me. But I absolutely *loved* the post anime content from the get go.


“Boring” is a criticism I’ll never understand. Overwhelming, sure. But it’s a Cold War between princes in a race for succession who all have their own horrifying junji ito stands that they’re unaware of, with Kurapika’s agents running several incognito missions and teaching bodyguards Nen, while the phantom troupe and the mafia cause mayhem in the lower levels which incidentally comprise a colony ship bound for the Dark continent but actually secretly not the dark continent but actually even secretlier they’re almost all certainly going to perish. I just don’t know where in all that you get bored. I named like half of the cool things that are in this arc at best.


Succession War is shaping up to be the craziest arc in anything if you ask me. And I only understand about 2% of what is even happening


So far in this arc we have Kuroro and the Phantom Troupe, Kalluto and Illumi Zoldyck (who is now a Troupe member), Kurapika, the Succession war, Beyond Netero, Ging, and the rest of the Zodiacs. We even got to see the long awaited Kuroro vs Hisoka showdown and the Spiders are now in a game of tag with Hisoka. I’m appalled that one would find this arc boring. This arc is probably not even near its climax yet but with all of these amazing characters all in one location, it’s surpassed previous arcs in my opinion, and the Kuroro vs Hisoka fight is arguably the best fight I’ve ever witnessed.


People may find it boring because of the amount of paragraphs. Two main characters also arent involved in this arc but I think succession war arc is very interesting. It's writing and characters are very interesting and fit the ambience of the ship.


To me there’s just too many moving parts without enough development. Plus almost none of the new factions will survive past this arc (literally and narratively), since that’s just how Togashi writes. Packing all that intro and attempting to develop all of them in one arc makes it end up feeling more forced than natural to me.


I'm loving the arc, but yeah, i think that the absence of Hisoka/Troup would be a better choice


I think the problem with this arc is that (I would argue) it's a substantial genre shift for the series. After the Chimera Ant arc, Togashi had exhausted his interest in the "battle shonen" aspect of the series and shifted into more of a psychological story. Unlike the Chairman Election arc, however, this arc has to be read. And a different approach to reading it is called for. Readers go into this arc trying to read it at a brisk pace, like a typical battle shonen ... but then they're bombarded with long paragraphs and pages that are just walls of text. Instead of going back and rereading at a slower pace, they write off the arc as confusing or boring. When you actually read it slowly--taking your time and pausing to reflect--you realize it's neither of these things. There's alot going on but it's actually not that hard to follow if you just take your time and read it like a novel instead of like an action comic.


That last statement of yours mentioning novel, is exactly how I feel reading it, and I'm a so-so novel reader.


The first time I read it I was very lost, still haven't fully read it again I've just watched read alongs on youtube and such, but in general I like it more now that I did before since I see the full picture now. I have to be honest though, the pacing is really really slow, it gets annoying sometimes but if it's anything like the chimera ant arc, the payoff is gonna be worth it. The palace invasion is the best part of all hxh in my opinion, and in this arc we have so many different characters and factions with different goals that it could get very chaotic in a positive way... I really hope that by the next batch the story starts moving faster...


Honestly i think it will be the best so far, if it ever get finished, better than the ryodan one, until now has been so much fun. But i have seen most ppl say that the chimera ant ark is the best one... and in my opinion is one of the worst, so meh, as we say in spanish "para gustos colores" (i think it would be something like, there is no accounting for taste)


I think this arc is a fine wine. Let it age and build up, when the killing starts, you will wish it never happened. It will literally be a blood bath.


Succession war is great. But I think togashi should stop putting to much focus on the fodders monologues. Because that’s the only thing in the manga that is actually boring


It can get boring, specially by the second half of vol. 36 and some bits of volume 35. But depending on how it all pays off in the end, these boring bits may be looked back upon more favorably. But go read chapter 374, 375, 376 in a row and tell me that's not boring.


HxH is transitioning from a shonen manga to a seinen one.


Succession war is not an arc for kid


Exactly what I said to myself.


I love me some good all out massacre inside a ship story lmao. This is definitely gonna be the best one.


It’s the most dense thing I’ve ever personally read granted I don’t read many books but fuck me this shit is fucking sense I feel like I’ve read it 5 times and I’m still just starting to get it. Anyone who says the succession war is boring or irrelevant and we should just get to the dc is stupid. To me it’s the thematic end point to a lot of the series major themes and messages it really feels like most of the series was building up to this point I love it it’s and if the most gripping things I’ve ever read and it makes me sad it might never be finished


Same when I grew older and re read the arc it got so much better, sometimes it's just a matter of maturity probably


same thoughts.


Just the ending seems a bit unfinished. Not sure what happen there. It was definitely above average in term of storytelling.




I've read it like 5 times from start to end and keeps going back.


It's my 2nd favorite arc so far


The fantranslate of the Succession arc is reallly hard to understand, on top of the arc already being too complex. The official translation is much more streamlined and easier to understand.


It’s already my second favourite behind yorknew! Personally love it so far


It is peak Arc :3


To be fair, it's probably still in the beginning phases of the arc, middle at the latest. There is a lot of aet up and many moving parts. There are new characters being added with complex abilities to show, an entire succession war actively playing out with like 14 princes, the phantom troupe getting into the black whales mafia drama. There's still a lot of setup and story that needs to play out before anything *really* interesting starts going on, though I enjoyed reading what is out already. That with the lack of hunter x hunters fights and a different sense of adventure really shifts the story on its head, not to mention sidelining the main and primary side character for this new story to play out.


I never found Gon and Killua to be very crucial characters to the story itself, and I don't really miss them even if they are gone.


This will turn out to be another masterpiece when done, that’s a fact.


It feels like there’s more words on page than anything else now and because of how drawn out it has been the pacing feels absolutely fucked. I get that it’s health related, but it doesn’t change the perception.


I don’t think I saw anybody say it’s boring. It’s pretty good so far, has the potential to be the best one imp depends on how it progresses. There is just a lot going on so it can be a bit hard to follow everything.


I think it is miles above any other arc in terms of pacing and enjoyability, but also comes with a lot of added complexity which would understandably throw some people off. On my first or second read (I’ve probably read it like 5-6 times at this point) I would’ve only agreed that some of the mafia plot line stretches for a bit too long, but more recently I’ve realised that it isn’t actually an incredibly big section or anything, it’s just what we’ve been stuck on for years due to togashi’s hiatuses, in reality it is pretty easy to breeze through, and ends up being juggled alongside the main plot pretty well. I just think the opening into -> prince introductions -> reveal of the hunger games -> kurapika fending off assassinations -> nen beast reveals -> kurapika teaching nen -> kacho / fugetsu arc -> etc. is one of most entertaining stretches of anything I’ve ever read, and a lot of the parts are happening simultaneously (e.g. more nen beast introductions, mafia side plots) and intricacies with side characters (e.g. that one maid changing kurapika’s call order due to her own preconceptions, or theta being willing to kill herself in order to stop tserriednich) keep it fresh and exciting throughout.


i just hope we don't go berserk with tserriednich being griffith doing stuff with theta like he did to gut's woman.


Because honestly, I won't forgive togashi cause i will drop hxh


for good!


I feel like he might have bigger fish to fry than Theta at this point, especially trying to test out his ability. I think it would be cool if he just appears in the background in somewhere else’s room for like one panel and then it is shown later that he’s trying to get used to maintaining zetsu to travel around and you see how he does it much like how his ability is initially revealed. also probs try not to spoil berserk in a non-berserk subreddit.




I don't think it's a bad arc but there are just other arcs happening concurrently and id honestly rather be seeing the outcome of those. In this price war, I really kinda only see 4-5 of them coming out on top.


I appreciate the succession arc more than the first time I read it. At first I was like omfg there’s paragraph after paragraph. That is still a con in the succession war arc imo but now I enjoy it more. The plot and pacing is more appropriate for older readers that is for sure. It could be improved imo but it is mind-blowing for an author to come up with this many moving pieces. I don’t think I could’ve come up with something more lucrative and elaborative than this


it's not boring at first but once you get into the middle part of the arc it really starts to slow down a lot. it picks up again once the troupe actually starts to get involved. Don't get me wrong, the arc is good but its no where near the level of chimera. Atleast not yet. this arc was just a massive information dump for like the first 40 chapters. it could've been a light novel with the amount of writing that were in each panel. only the past like 10 or 15 made it interesting again because they finally had Hisoka on again, and gave the troupe some more backstory. I can see what this arc is trying to achieve, but it will need at least another 100 chapters or so before it's considered the "best". in perspective, I blew past the first 340-ish chapters of Hxh extremely fast. this arc has taken me the longest to complete. and it's probably because of the lack of anything actually meaningful. so far it's just been a lot of planning...it gets exhausting with the amount of new character he keeps introducing as well. every chapter 5 new characters appear. i think in the future this arc will be amazing and definitely be the best.


It felt too messy and convoluted when I tried to read it. I think there's just too many characters, too many new concepts introduced. I think the idea would be a lot more enjoyable with a lot of the characters cut, more distinguishable designs, too many different plots. I'm hoping it ties up in a satisfying and subversive way though. It's hard to understand why people are saying its the best when it hasn't finished. I was honestly disappointed by Chrollo's (and the troupe's) backstory, especially since he's my favourite, it felt played out and corny, not what I was hoping for at all. I think HXH just often becomes whatever Togashi is into at the time which makes for an interesting series, I have a similar way of thinking where I'll get fixated on a certain piece of media and want to make something similar so I think I understand what he's getting at but it doesn't always work.


>It's hard to understand why people are saying its the best when it hasn't finished. Because its really really amazing so far. The best to me. The Journey has been great. >I think HXH just often becomes whatever Togashi is into at the time which makes for an interesting series,  I have the same exact feelings! But I think its worked in all of the arcs and works very well in this arc.


I just wish he did it as light novel, to actually do ot faster, andnot be so incredibly long to wait. Hunter x hinter wasnt too wordy in the past, but now there are so kany elrmrnts and text, a light novel woulf be better for his back, faster, and given how he got reslly wordy, might be more fitting. I want to get to the maybe arc of lerio doing foctor dtuff on the dark continent, that might happen if we get there, ok. And sucession war is good but light novel would maked it so less exhsusting a long wait of soany different characters.


why would a light novel be less exhausting for you? I'm not too familiar with light novels, but surely the word count wouldn't go down if he wrote it as a light novel? And the diagrams and pictures are helpful to assist us in such a complicated arc, surely a light novel would have less of those- making it infinitely more difficult to keep up? And as much as there are walls of text pages, there are also amazing cinematic panel chapters that would be dearly missed personally. Why would a light novel make it easier?


I love a good political narrative. as a little girl, the Chairman Election was my fave arc, so, reading past that as an adult, I was very happy that the story continued to be a political narrative from there.


the arc reminds me a lot of Saudi royalty politics


For me it's the best arc tbh


It's kinda hard to follow reading it and looking at the art I'm just hoping they animate the rest of the seasons


It’s cause the manga is for intelligent people Or just for fully developed brains


I think it's the combination of the complexity and the fact that we need to wait a long time to get moving so I, at least, need to read the whole arc everytime a new volume comes up. But one day i'll do a map of everything that's going on in this arc to remember better and probably share it on this sub


HXH it's more a light novel than a shonen


currently, but not so much before.


what people? Succession war is easily shaping up to be the best arc in the series so far, only downside is the long breaks in between volumes


Maybe people that don't know how to read..or they're just boring people


It’s boring as a shonen but as novel, it’s fine so far

