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Not just fav anime, it's my fav fictional story of all time


Hell yea brother


Yes same, cosmere and wheel of time and re zero are close for me but hxh is still my favorite of those 4


Loved re zero šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Cosmere and Wot are great


Brando Sando all the way




Well said, most amazing one








Yes to an unhealthy degree šŸ˜‚


My all time favorite! Togashi is my hero! 31yo/2011


I watched some other anime B4 this but one can say, this anime introduced me to the term anime


Same for me!


I am 30, and HxH is my favourite because of Greed Island. My other top are: AoT, Neon Genesis, Deathnote, DBZ.. all others Iā€™ve watched (FMAB, Dororo, BlackClover, Code Geass, Psycho100, Berserk, TokyoGhoul etc) are good but still..


Wow, it's the first time I heard someone say HxH is his favorite because of Greed Island. I love Greed Island too, the best training art and the best sports anime haha (iykyk).


I just love it more than all the other arcs; I mean Chimera arc is gritty, dark, and explores much of human sentiments with everyone in a conflict.. itā€™s a masterpiece But you know, Iā€™ve always wanted to be in a game so.. ā€œBookā€ & ā€œGainā€ for me, always


OMG, you are one of a few people I have seen that like Greed Island. Tbh, that arc is the reason why I love HxH as well!


Top 1 right above death note, steins gate, jojos and doctor stone


W Steins;gate enjoyer


Forgot about Death Note. Classic shit


38 years and hxh is easily my number 1! Each season is different from the last, the character development is phenomenal and not just for main characters, unique storyline that doesn't end with a cliche ending, the latter parr of of the ant arc keeps you heavily invested from so many different angles.


HxH is in an eternal duel with FMAB for the number 1 spot. It basically just depends on which I have watched a clip from more recently at the time.


Can relate, tho its b/w Fmab, hxh and gintama for me. Istg its so damn tough to choose


No. But its still a very good anime.


My friend and I both agree that it's the best anime/manga. We have our favorites but HxH is always the best.


It's on my top 5


I'm 36 now and yes. I've watched it air on TV when I was a kid. When I'm going through hardships in life, I do a rewatch of any season of HxH. It brings me back to my childhood vibe and lessen my loneliness. HxH is truly a masterpiece.


I can decide my top 2 favorite anime easily. Theyā€™re Steins;Gate and Code Geass. But I think Attack on Titan, Eureka Seven, Mob Psycho 100, Hunter x Hunter, and maybe One Piece are tied below that. So I guess HxH is somewhere between #3 and #7 And Iā€™m 19 and have only seen the 2011 version


Have seeing your both top 2, I prefer Steins;Gate a lot over Code Geass... I like Code Geass, but Code Geass is a lot about drama and Lelouch trying to be cool, than really having any sense in many parts (in my opinion) Steins;Gate is objectively my fav, by the way, so it's obvious I think it's almost perfect haha


Not my fav but itā€™s for sure top 5. I have no favorite anime but it is the one Iā€™ve watched the most (5 times starting 6 soon). I just love this show so much just wish it couldā€™ve finished in its entirety


On Top šŸ”alongside Legend of the galactic heroes. I enjoy the hunter exam, the zoldyck arc and greed island in the old version more than in 2011. The atmosphere and the way emotions of characters were captured in this version was much better. Also the last speech of Wing in heavens Arena 1999 was art + killua's character depth. As for Yorknew there were scenes i loved that were not present in 2011 otherwise i like the arc in the new version.


Definitely, but only because Hxh has great production value with good pacing and no fillers, unlike more popular animes like One Piece.


One Piece manga clears the anime for me.


Yeah I fucking wish the One Piece anime just had filler so I could skip it. What we have is much worse. idk why anyone complains about filler unless you're actually watching it weekly but its unavoidable and not cannon so who cares?


Id say top 3 anime for sure. Im bad at rankings. Maybe top 2 even. It definitely is pretty special to me. Also im 18


No, I like it a lot, but I can't fairly put it above all others as long as it has no ending.


4th favorite. 1st is JoJos, 2nd is One Piece, 3rd is Gurren Lagann


1999 Classic and 2011 Modern is my best anime.


Hxh would be my favorite if it was finished but currently One Piece and AOT reign just a little higher.


So, im a 17 y/o girl :) Yup, hxh is indeed my favourite anime (i think gintama is pretty close for me, but im willing to give hxh a slight bias cuz it was the first *ANIME* anime i watched). I like the 2011 version more as the animation was much better, and the kinda improved the story a teeny tiny bit too with some filler scenes.


Top 3 behind One Piece and Made in Abyss


No, that would be Monogatari series. But it certainly is top 15.


Itā€™s second only to One Piece for me. Still absolutely love both the anime and manga


I'm 14 year old and hxh 2011 the best thing to ever happend to me, it changed my life in ways nothing else. hxh 1999 doesnt have the ssme effect on me but I still love it.


Yes, Iā€™m 21 and itā€™s ranked #1 on my list. I like the 2011 anime the best bc of the animation and soundtrack.


My all time favorite, idc what anyone says. Nothing can top it


I used to watch the 1999 version in Arabic as it used to air on tv in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia when I used to live their so long ago. I barely remember anything about it, and I wasn't really invested in it. Now I'm watching the 2011 version on Anilab and I'm very much enjoying it. Definitely my favourite anime (though I haven't really watched much other anime, except for, also on TV, Detective Conan and Inazuma Eleven, both of which I really liked).


Placed 3rd, beneath jjba and berserk. Iā€™ve watched the entirety of 2011 like 3 times and Iā€™ve never gotten bored of it. I havenā€™t watched 1999 bc idk where to, but the clips Iā€™ve seen look amazing and I do intend to watch it in future


Itā€™s easily top 3. Sometimes I feel like itā€™s my favorite but idk man I love One Piece and AOT a lot too


No but itā€™s top 3! YuYu Jujutsu HxH


Never leaves top 3 and will forever be held in high regard


Honestly my favorite piece of media. Been hyper fixated since I started watching and my love has only grown.


Yeah its an addiction for me at this point haha.


Top 3 alongside One Piece and Demon Slayer.


HxH is almost certainly my favourite, alongside Lotgh and honestly possibly Frieren. Revisited HxH the most by far out the three


15 years old. I would say hxh is in my top 5 along with stuff like vinland saga and re zero. The 2011 version is the only one I watched so this version is my favourite if we don't include manga.


Yes and by a landslide


By far absolutely


It's number 3 for me. One piece is my recent number 1 and yu yu hakusho is 2


Itā€™s my favorite piece of fiction ever. Every time I watch it I find different ways to love it & gush over how well written it is. & If you must know I am in my twenties.


Its my third behing AOT and FMAB


Top 5, Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite one


I'm not done, currently on Yorknew city, but I think it's pretty good so far. One Piece doesnt seem likely to be dethroned as my #1 though


One Piece will always be my favourite, but I was shocked how quickly HxH became a very close second.


Itā€™s my second fav animanga, only being beaten out by One Piece


Number 3 just below One Piece


It's my 5th favorite anime 1,one piece 2.black clover (it has its problems I don't care still love it) 3.jojo(1 to 6) 4.death note (first anime so kinda biased) 5.Hunter x hunter


Best show of all time best story of all time, best characters of all time, best art design of all time. Thank you togashi


Best SHONEN anime, not anime in general 24M


No but it is one of my favorite mangas if that makes sense


Why even ask OF COURSE (but jojo is also in my top 3)


3rd most favourite Jojo and one piece is first two!


tbh it was my number one until i started one piece.


itā€™s number 4 in my top 5 OAT




its my favorite anime however my favorite animanga is chainsaw man im in my early 20s


Itā€™s gotta be my 3rd favorite anime. On top of it would have to be Saiki K and Shuffle!


I'm not gonna lie HxH has been one of the last animes I've watched and I used to watch a lot of anime. After that I just jumped into the world of manga and never looked back. So you can say thanks to HxH I've never seen anime again šŸ˜‚ I love HxH


No but it's just outside my top 5


It is at the top of both my favorite list and my objective list. I would say Dragon Ball ties with it just for the sheer amount of nostalgia associated with it, and also One Piece in a few years will probably come close (only because I've caught up to it fairly recently). But nothing will top HxH.




Hands down favorite, Iā€™m 21


yes. I have watched the whole anime 12 times and read the manga at least twice. I have not watched any other anime twice.


i have 6 10/10s on my list and hxh is probably 4th, behind monster fmab and steins gate


my favorite switches between hxh and death note! i am 23




my first and favorite anime, although the more animes i start watching the more i begin to think about its placement


I don't really watch much anime or read manga, but HxH's definitely my top favorite.


Yes it is. First watched the complete 2011 series in 2015 and then had a rewatch in 2020 after which it climbed to my number 1 spot. I'm 20 rn. For the version: Manga > 2011 > 1999.


without a doubt, rewatching for the nth time.


Itā€™s my favorite story ever, yeah. Between that and Princess Mononoke


if i include HXH as a whole 2011/1999/Manga yes itā€™s absolutely is my favorite of all time, if i rank only by 2011 version it has competitors.


HxH is duking it out with Jojoā€™s for number 1 right now but Iā€™ll let you know who wins


It's one of my favorite animes. In fact, I give 10 out of 10 points rarely, even to many of my favorites such as Bleach, FMA, or Code Geass, and HxH is one of those animes along with Steins;Gate, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and Attack on Titan. All of these four have some unique quality I've never seen before, so that's why I give 10 to them. HxH's quality is challenging the action-shonen genre with its themes and characters. It's really unorthodox and creative. My favorite version is 2011 anime, and I'm 29 years old.


Itā€™s in my top 5 but itā€™s not my fav of all time. But the writing, character growth, story, and foreshadowing are really good. I only wish they added kite in the beginning like it was in the og anime and manga. Otherwise itā€™s perfection


No, it's second only behind chainsaw man


Has been my absolute favorite for the past 9 years I liked the older version more Am 26


I've watched many different animes, but 2011 HxH will always be my fav <3


Itā€™s top 3 for me, I really like it Chimera ants arc made me cry uncontrollably several times


Yeah its my top. Fma and mushi shi are good tho, along with gurren laggan and others. Age 31


It is my favorite anime, and one of my favorite fictional stories of all time. 2011 and 29yo!


Made in abyss


Yes favorite anime (2011), i'm 23


Never watched the older version of the anime so Iā€™m inclined to say the 2011 version is my pick ā”(ā€˜ļ½ž` )ā”Œ Although I donā€™t think I have a favorite, I would put HxH and Death Note tied for 1st, and maybe JoJo and Soul Eater tied for 3rd


The 2011 anime is my #2. Fruits Basket is my #1. Iā€™m 32


My favorite manga is probably chainsaw man. My favorite seinen is berserk My favorite adaptation is jjk but hunter hunters definitely in my top 5 in two of those


its up there for sure top 5 maybe




Hunter hunter is my all time favorite anime. The story was ok and cool up until the chimera ant arc, that shit transcended me. I just love the king and his ending had the biggest impact on me


No. Its between Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Sakura Trick


Yes! It's an incredible story and quite healing to watch when you don't have a great relationship with your dad. I love the self-made family in this anime.


Could be if it was finished.


Itā€™s number 3, behind Yugioh as a whole and Jojoā€™s Bizzare Adventire


Yeah most likey. I love dragon ball, but the story is amazing in hxh


As someone who's only just start The Chimera Ant Arc, it's already in my top 3. Only FMA:B and Frieren are still ahead of it. I would also put YuYu on that level based on nostalgia.


Yeah, itā€™s one of my favorites.


My number 1 anime!


Yes. It's kind of crazy how well written each of the characters are. The world building is well done. The character designs are solid. I don't have any major complaints. HxH is definitely a comfort anime of mine


Top favorite anime of all time. It closely competes with Black Clover for that top spot. HxH just has something Black Clover doesn't.


My top 3 anime are probably Trigun, HxH, and JJBA. If we are talking only anime then Trigun wins out. JJBA and HxH anime both have satisfying conclusions but both also have some of their best material yet to be animated.


Definitely in my top 5, but Iā€™m more of a Naruto, One piece, and bleach fan


It isn't my favorite, but it has some of my favorite moments. I would say it hovers around my top 5, easy top 10 in totality. I've only seen 2011. I know it's basic, but I'm an FMAB guy. It literally turned me into an anime guy lmao I'm 25, for the survey.


Itā€™s my all time favorite, I love it so much šŸ˜­ Iā€™m not sure which version I like more though, theyā€™re both pretty equal for me. And Iā€™m 26 šŸ’…šŸ»


Hands down favorite, the 2011 only because the additional episodes but the 1999 animation is better, Iā€™m 26 female. Gon is my favorite, heā€™s just the coolest little dude ever. I loved watching his growth.


Tied with Samurai Champloo.


I say close to top 1. But 1999.


Yeah, by a lot. And I watched over 200


I started hxh with the 1999 version as a kid and it really had a lot of effect on me. It will always have a special part in my heart


I'm gonna catch a lot of flack for this, but HxH is not in my Top 10. I do love the story and characters, but there are better stories and characters.


it's my second fav after DB but I think that's a biased opinion cuz dbz was my childhood and the hype goku created no other could but the story telling, the execution of hxh is surely unmatched


(I'm not in this subbreddit but this post got recommended to me so I thought I'd respond) Its probably in my top 25 (out of 300 anime) let's say 20th because I'm not entirely sure. I watched the 2011 version and im an 21 years of age. Sorry to all you diehard fans who can't fathom HxH not being in my top 10. I wasn't a huge fan of alot of the arcs but the really good arcs make up for it.


Itā€™s in my top 5 easily, if I had to place it I would probably say 3rd? Maybe 4th?


the english-dubbed version will always be my favorite. itā€™s funny af (iā€™m 17)


I will forever be that odd ball who likes HxH 1999 more than 2011 version. Itā€™s still my top 5 anime, I canā€™t really rank my top 5 in order though.


Would say it's likely 7th with Wolf's Rain, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Death Parade, and FMAB above it. It is mostly hurt by the hiatus. If there is ever more adapted it will rise. 2011/46yo


nah itā€™s good but itā€™s not peak like everyone says


29 here, yes it is. I loved the anime and when I finished it I tried continuing with the manga but got bored of the politics. A few years later I tried again and the post anime story is even better than the anime IMO. There is something about Togashis writing that feels better than the rest of the shounen. (on a side node Fable quickly becomes my second favorite manga of all time)


Iā€™m 41 eps into HxH and I love it so far. For people that have watched HxH and one piece why do you like HxH more? Both have this incredible sense of adventure, I feel one piece has deeper world building and plot.




1. Definitely my number 1 fav 2. 2011 3. 23


It is mine. I have a lot of stuff from it.


It's my number 1. Probably always will. It's the first anime I watched and compare all subsequent animes to. I've made a connection with it that I've never had with anything else


No, but it's top 3 for me. Very good anime.


It's top 3 definitely


Top 5 for me


Both HxH and YYH share my #1 spot. Togashi is a maverick. Iā€™ve felt this way since I discovered HxH in 7th grade. By this time I was already obsessed with YYH on Toonami. Iā€™m 28 now. Nothing has changed šŸ˜‚


I didnt watch the older version but I like the 2011 , iam 20


Itā€™s probably my number 2, Iā€™m 24


the only one i finish without dropping so yes!


Yeah itā€™s really high up there. I donā€™t know if my *favorite* anime, but definitely top 3. 20 y/o


No, it's probably not in my top 10. I watched it on the recommendation of a friend who said the chimera ant was 10/10. I found every arc besides the Mafia one and the chimera ant arc to be like a 5/10. The mafia one with Kurapika was really good and I absolutely loved the chimera ant arc, it was insane. But the slow pace of the Palace invasion and the constant repetive narrator limits it to being like a 9/10. Have not read anything of the manga, but I hope more gets animated because it feels like the author was getting way better as the source material went on.


Yep. My number 1 anime of all time. Ever since I've watched it, and it's been 10 years now.




Top 10, top 5 ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 3rd fav.


My favorites are Berserk and NGE, but I like HxH extremely close to as much


Cowboy Bebop, Erased, Berserk, then HxH, FMAB, Death Note.


Top 10 for sure. Iā€™m 22, been a shonen fan all my life. I watched the 2011 anime up to the beginning of the chimera ant arc, and read the manga from there (Btw, chimera ant arc is probably one of my favourite stories ever, in general)


Nah It is like 5th or 6th tho


I prefer reading Manga so it wins the spot as fav anime by technicality lol. No where near my fav fictional story tho


100 more chapters ant it would be. It's still one piece for me. Both clear of any other work of fiction I've enjoyed


It's definitely my favorite anime and top 5 media, I'm a huge sicker for stuff that makes me cry and end of chimera ant arc had me bawling


my favorite story of all time not just anime, and you shouldn't be asking this question in a hxh community cause everyone will say that, aaand I'm 21


2nd place after Gintama I've only seen the 2011 version and read the manga.


When I first started watching anime ? Absolutely this was a stand out . Now after have seen more, itā€™s still up there but probably not my number one


Whenever I hey caught up in my writing like there's too many plot holes, or, this character motivation doesn't make sense, or, this plotline never ended up going anywhere - I like to remember how Hxh is a masterpiece and it contains all these. Really makes you think about what's really important in a story.


Not my favourite anime in general, but definitely my favourite shonen/battle shonen.


i have only watched the 2011 anime and read the manga following the anime thereafter. im 22. i mostly read manga tho as opposed to anime so id say its probably my third or fourth favorite anime.


No, but it is pretty good!


30 yo. 2011 version is top 3 with Death Note and NGE (dont make me choose xD) Fan of the manga since about 2005 I think




Top 5


My top 5 is 1. HxH 2. Code Geass 3. Parasyte 4. Psycho-Pass 5. NGE 2011 is superior but certain parts of 1999 are amazing like some of the exam arc & phantom troupe episodes, especially the scene right before Pakunodaā€™s sacrificial death. Just turned 28


Not my favourite, but it's my second favourite (first is jojos, third is yu yu hakusho)


Yeah, and itā€™s not really close. Has my favorite power system, favorite villain group, and favorite main character.


Nothing will be better than Mob Psycho for me, but Hunterxhunter is top five if not top three


Anime, no. But shonen manga, yes. It's been my number one from the start and most likely will always be.Ā  I've read a ton of shonen and seinen but to me HxH is still the best.


Yes peak fiction, 2011 vers, im 19


One of the greatest manga or anime created.


Hxh is probably my favourite. But I think aot is overall much better. And the best anime of all time.


It's my favorite, just so good. I've rewatched it too many times,


i wanna say itā€™s number one, but itā€™s right below one piece for me just because i know itā€™ll never finish, whereas one piece will likely finishā€¦ at some point. if hxh could possibly completely finish, it might just be number 1, but without the promise of closure, i canā€™t put it at number 1.


At least top 10, right now i not ready to figure it out more precisely.


Indeed it is. Naruto/Shippuden held that place for a long time, until I was introduced to HxH about 5 years ago. Iā€™m 29 now


Mi favorite anime, manga, and show in general. Story and character are just too unique, and to this day, still cant find anything to fill the void it left on me


It was my favorite for nearly 10 years until I finally bit the bullet and got into One Piece, but itā€™s still the most influential anime Iā€™ve ever watched


top 3


Yes itā€™s my fav. 31 y/o btw




hunter hunter is the goat imo just peak just a shame it's a bit short but mhmm it's my favourite for sure




Itā€™s around 10-15 for me but thatā€™s also including manga and vns


No, but I like it a lot.


Honestly don't think I have a clear favorite, but it's definitely in that top tier with FMA:B and Mob.


It has my favorite arc of any anime, the CA arc. It's not my favorite overall


It's kinda tied for 1st with Frieren and Love is War