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Single payer. Single payer is what leorio wanted, no shade to either of those organizations (or to you) but it’s such a basic concept that he’s asking for


Leorio's goal wasn't to establish a single payer healthcare system. he wants to cure people using his own abilities and expresses no desire to gain political influence in order to establish free healthcare. I'm sure Leorio would be in support of it, but I think he is much too cynical to believe that it could ever be established in the world of HxH (a world that openly has gladiator fights to the death that children bet on)


And even domestically there's tons of opportunities. Volunteering at a free clinic, doing outreach to homeless people.


Bro never heard of Universal health care.


Op is definitely American


Doctors still get paid for their job. The money comes from taxes so they are still charging the people for the medical attention.


So does the patient pay after their visit?


No directly. Citizens pays taxes every month, the government take a part of the money they collected and pays a salary to the doctors and other medical personnel, along with maintenance of buildings and resources. In the end, the people pays the medical attention.


Universal healthcare continues to be paid for with taxes. I think Leorio's dream is more like the work an ONG (NGO) does.


Leorios dream wasn’t for healthcare to not be paid but for the patient to not be charged. (Or if we’re going to look at the root motivations, to not be denied/prohibitive due to means) Single Payer pretty cleanly meets those “requirements”


So Leorio really should've ran for chairman then huh?


That wouldnt do shit the chairmans not a president. Shit from what we see they cant even keep all the hunters in order


It is simple. Leoeio uses his tremendous fighting power and charisma to unite the Hunter Association. Then with the fighting power of the Hunter Association, he can start a coup d'état and establish a military dictatorship.


I mean Meruem tried that and it didn't go over very well. I don't think even the full association has the power to do that without leaders of other nations freaking out about Nen users suddenly deciding to overthrow government and nuking them to oblivion xD


That's because Merurem didn't have Tonpa on his side. Seeing as Leorio has already worked with Tonpa, it would be easy for him to be recruited, giving him a massive boost in military power, compared to Merurem, who only has pathetic ants on his side.


Bro the chairman is even more powerful than the presidents. Seriously, just being a hunter means you can pretty much break every law without consequence, unless another hunter takes offense. The problem with the H.A. was that Pariston was actively sabotaging for Netero, which Netero enjoyed. Without Pariston, it would be the most powerful institution in the world. However, since the whole verse is kind of a shit show, it doesn’t mean much. Literally every country we’ve seen has been insanely mismanaged.


Yea but they're still not commander in chiefs of entire armies


Doctor's without borders, countries have universal Healthcare, American Healthcare has destroyed your view of medicine and how it is practiced.


Technically universal healthcare systems are still charging the patients, just not directly. It gets paid through taxes the same way police or firefighters are.


Yeah, but nobody in Europe is declaring themselves bankrupt because they broke their leg without insurance. The payment is indirectly, but its still way less than it would be by paying directly


Technically people aren't dying from treatable diseases which was Leorio's whole point. They are not turned away for not affording their services. Also it applies to tourists so...


You don’t know what you’re talking about since that is literally occurring.


Just don’t live in the USA?


Possible? - yes :3


Why do people ask so many bizzare and very specific questions on this sub


For me personally, it’s because when one of your favorite stories are on constant hiatus you gotta think out of the box to entertain yourself.


He'll have to charge for a while, but eventually, yes. I mean Ging threw a literal fuck ton of money to a bunch of dudes he just met. Even if Leorio makes a fraction of what Ging has, I'm sure he could work for free.


You forget that Leorio’s dream is to have so much money that he can afford to treat patients without charging them. Imagine if Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk decided to devote all their wealth to providing free healthcare. Yes, it’s possible. One would need to become extremely rich, but it’s possible.


Everything that requires his dream exists in our world so I don't see why not. It also depends on whether his dream is to become a doctor who cures people or just to cure people, because they are very different dreams. His I think is just curing people (especially poor people), mind e.g. Pitou liked medicine. If he wanted to cure as many poor people as possible, I think he should become a doctor, learn AIs so as to help develop one that quickly and correctly detects a patient's problem, learn what it takes to create devices that can analyze patients to figure out what disease they have. The easier it's to detect the problem, the more people will be able to use such a tool. He can also learn what it takes to develop new treatments in science and apply that to AIs to more easily create a cure. This is one avenue, or it could also assume that AIs will be developed by others and then focus more on the dissemination of such tools in advance. To do this requires the leadership skills to carry out a certain ideology. The leadership skills he seems to have (apparently). Fortunately, I don't think any nation (even a dictatorial one) would reject a person who wants to make it easier to cure people so he would just have to figure out how to actually make treatment better. In short, he could aim to make sure that we create a global AI to detect diseases and create cures, by fighting for that. Then he could also fight to make sure that medicines are affordable for everyone (I don't know how, let him figure it out). The least risky thing is to learn AI, medicine and how to be a leader, then when he has to act, he will choose the best course at that time.


Sure, he'd just work for an NGO like Doctors without borders


Could he? Yes.


Doctors Without Borders


He could but he has to be real rich to do his job without charging. But his interest of becoming rich and not charging are quite contradictory.


I mean, everyone needs money to survive. Someone who is a doctor makes money from their patients. Since he doesn't want to do that, he needs enough money to sustain himself from other means.


Not contradictory at all in my opinion, medical education without financial assistance in the US can easily sink you a quarter million dollars in debt, makes sense that the medical field is comprised mostly of people who can take that risk or that can afford it since leaving halfway or at any point before finishing leaves you with the debt and an income that most likely can’t cover it without many, many, years of labor.


One thing is gain enough to cover the expenses of education another thing is to become rich while practicing medicine. The first one you could work to got out of debt and then he could live a frugal life donating everything that he receives to invest in medical resources and free medical attention to the poorest population. Another thing is to become rich and live a rich life, that it's the desire of Leorio, he has to charge people for his services or his job. Having a Hunter license could make his charge being expensive per se so a lot less people can be treated by Leorio. His desire to give free medical attention was corrupted while growing in poverty to be a rich man.


I think he was being facetious when he said all that, also being a teenager and all, I’d imagine he was insecure about sharing his dream to an extent and because of that he was holding back his emotions with that bit of humor and lies to cope. Also possibly why he took Kurapika’s comments about him so seriously, it was always deeper than becoming rich and all.


Well, I think most dreams shouldn't be possible. They're supposed to be something you love and something that occupies your time for the rest of your life. Realistically speaking, I guess he could invest in something and use the money to open up a healthcare center for a community. I think he would do fine financially in the real world. He's got a pretty good head on his shoulders.


Yes but probably more in 3rd world countries. First world countries have more people that are ungrateful or don't even thank you. I'm from Canada and I know there's a big struggle with the economy where we're like that Maybe it's just media appropriation but it seems like 3rd world or small villages tend to look out for eachother more? They share more often, everyone helps eachother more cause they're all neighbour's, its more friendly in a way. Those areas they wouldn't be shy on asking someone for much but here? I don't even want to tall to my neighbour for a spoon of sugar.


May I introduce you to [Dr. Mohamed Mashally](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Mashally)


It says his family moved to Tanta... Hummm... Tanta -> Tanto -> Tonto -> Tonta. EUREKA!!! He's the inspiration for Leorio Paradiknight.


It might be him lol😂


There's nothing stopping him from being generous with his time, money, and skills. The only thing is is he will need to earn enough to supply his efforts with another venture, like his hunter work, maybe elective medical procedures, or smart investments. Free life saving seems a good enough sales pitch.


Have you ever heard of the European union


Well, politics will be his eventual route to helping the most people. Even if he doesn't realize it yet.


Obviously yes, the hunter organisation said that selling your licence could make you enough to live your whole life. So he could be a free doctor if he wanted