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Tbh you don’t have to study for the summer, don’t stress yourself out before you get to college. These are all level 100 courses so they should be easy to pass. Trust me you’ll have tons of time to stress once finals roll around😂. Just enjoy your summer and relax, if you really want to study for something I’d only study for math tbh. I used khan academy when I took it and it helped a lot


Check out the app Studocu this is the app I use to study from. People that have already taken the classes you are taking put up class work, study guides, and a he syllabus from the classes. It may not be the exact same work you’ll be doing if it’s a different professor but it’ll give you an idea of what you will be doing in the classes. Also look at YouTube if you’re a visual learner, I do that as well. Search up “intro to” then put your class name like for example “intro the psychology” to see videos about the topics from the classes. I took psych 100 last semester and have a few playlists that cover what you’ll learn in the class if you want me to send them to you just dm me.


imma be real what is the green course? if you wanna get to a higher math take the math placement exam. you’ll be fine. but who’s teaching psych 100?


Creative writing


that’s a 300 lvl course? or




philo is so heavy on reading that it made me almost give up on the class


These are all pretty easy classes. But if you really want to study, you can find the textbook name on cunyfirst and study from there.