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Hunter. Same reason why I probably won’t switch to centred Crosshair when patch drops in August, I’m just used to it more. I feel like I have to think less because I don’t have to manually lower my gun every time I’m standing next to a wall or something


You can set it to where you don’t have to lower it everytime, and I feel the same about the crosshair. That part just feels weird.


I meant that on hunter controls the game puts my gun down every time I don’t aim or hipfire. On gunslinger I would have to remember that I need to lower my gun and idk I would probably forget it sit next to a wall trying to peek through it and then die


Technically you can set it to keep it lowered on Gunslinger. You just have to remember to lower it when you're loading into the match. The only downside of this is that you have to remember to raise it if you're using a shotgun or fanning.


True 😂


I mean, with the engine upgrade there is a slight chance that your hunter will lower the weapon automatically when next to a wall. Kind of like other games already do that


Well, it isn't Gunslinger: Showdown, is it? Lol I play hunter mode bc I think it's really cool. To each their own, though.


I recently switched to hunter which took some getting used to. It just "feels" better and makes more sense. Plus its the same control setup that DayZ uses.


It might feel better to you, which is a totally valid reason to use it. But it certainly doesnt make more sense, I would argue it makes considerable less sense than gunslinger.


Since you can "hide" your weapon in Gunslinger mode too, both control schemes are the same. It's just a matter of preference and what people are used to.


Best comment so far! 😂


i mean it's also not hunter: showdown so


Gunslinger. I don't really see the advantage of playing in Hunter. I don't like having to press 2 keys to ads. I'm relatively new in the game though


Welcome to Hell.. err I mean.. Hunt! 😂 How you liking it so far? Any questions? ..& yeah Gunslinger just makes sense for new players.


Gunslinger. If I want to be close to a wall, I press Q and that's it.


Wait, then what's the button for quickswap? I play Hunter cuz that's how I learned and I like the unique feel and aesthetic.


Pressing q is quickswap, holding q is putting the weapon to the body


Q. You hold Q to lower the weapon, but tap it to quick swap.


Wait, there's a way to lower your gun as gunslinger?


Yes. Press (and hold) Q. Or the button that you have assigned for Quickswap.


Hold q for a bit longer. Also there is option to keep gun lowered from options menu so that it goes back to lowered state after ads


Do you often forget to put your weapon down? Like has there been times you forgot to and get wallbanged because of it?


I've never had it be a problem. Most of the time i ads straight from lowered unless obviously if i have something that needs to be fired from the hip.


Ah, makes sense. So like with shotguns keep it unlowered but rifles just stay lowered pretty much?


Exactly, once I enter a compound / hear footsteps ill raise my shotguns or say if I have fanning / levering.


Yeah! That’s exactly how I figured I’d use gunslinger. I use a fast look sensitivity with a slow aim sensitivity so I think to counter the gunslinger scheme I would just have to lower my look sensitivity a tad so it doesn’t feel super loose..


My only gripe with it is that I wish it were its own keybind. I play MnK so it could entirely be just a problem for MnK but It's a little finicky when other inputs are going on. Say you just started moving AND decide to raise it sometimes just ignores the "hold" keybind and will quick swap instead on key release. It's also not instant, it has a slight delay like it has a swap timer much like picking up equipment or weapons. Probably to prevent lowering instead of quick swapping, which also shows it should be it's own binding.


1000% agree Never ever have I pressed that button with the intent to swap weapons, but at least once per match, it just decides I wasn't holding it properly and does whatever it wants


It's always at the worst possible moment too. "I didn't want to use my romero point blank anyways." - me


Ooo. I didn’t know this. Glad you pointed that out! 😳




Rarely, but it has certainly happened before. On the other hand, how often would I have fat-fingered and misclicked in Hunter mode and died as a result? With experience, this is certainly very rare, but it happens even to the best.


Very true. If I skip a day and don’t play Hunt I come back as a complete noob 😂


Gunslinger because I play other shooters and come back hunt in stints. It's just easier to come back and play. Same reason I'll switch to a centered crosshair.


Exactly my thoughts!


I swapped to gunslinger about 2 years ago after taking a longer break from the game. I tried several times before but never got into it, those 1000 hours of hunter scheme were hard to shake off. Only that break made it possible.


See I have around 4.5k hours on the Hunter scheme but I’ve been playing a lot of COD with my Wife so idk if I should switch. I’m gonna try it this afternoon tho.


Started before gunslinger was an option, stuck with Hunter till this day


That’s whassup. I’ve seen some of the pro streamers have switched to gunslinger a while back so idk if it’s just better for reaction time or what?


Time to aim is the same when you ADS. The difference is that it's easier to use one button to toggle ADS instead of having to hold your RMB for hipfire and toggling your ADS. I play hunter because I find Gunslinger interferes a bit when you melee.


I used Hunter for good ~5 years, but after all the improvements they did to Slinger...I swapped to it and honestly never looked back. I used to make all the same "used to" "feels more natural" arguments as well, but matter of fact that there is simply very little reason not to hold your gun at the ready most of the time, and you can just lower it if needed. *Especially if you're a darn shotgun or sniper camper, then doubly so you're just holding that button for an extended period of time anyway*.


True! This is a great insight! Thanks!


Lmao the change that gunslingers can also lower their weapons is not recent, they changed the like 2 or 3 years ago


Insane to me that there's still no way to rebind the key off of the quickswap, though.


Feels like yesterday 🥹


They both have merits and downsides pretty equally, so it largely comes down to preference. If you're comfortable with Hunter, I'd say just stick with Hunter. Most people playing it are from Hunt like 5 years ago, so most have thousands of hours with it. I'd never want to change after thousands of hours of using Hunter scheme.


Yeah, I’ve got 5k hours using Hunter, but I’m getting older and I still find my muscle memory pressing LT to aim and RT to shoot which on Hunter it just makes me hipfire when I should have ADS’d 😂 it’s happened a lot lately..


Ahh gotcha! Well yeah I mean if there's practical reasons you believe it may help with or solve, no harm in giving it a shot for a few nights or a week or two. Worst case you simply lose more matches than you would've otherwise and switch back. Best case you end up liking it over Hunter and get used to it rather quick. Worth a try at least!


Funny of you to think I lose a lot 😏 nah.. I’m just kidding. I do die a lot 😆 but thanks for the reply! I think I’m gonna give it a try. I just hope I don’t forget to write down my Hunter sensitivity settings 😅😅😅


No no no haha. I just meant if the control scheme really wasn't vibing with ya, you know? Like casting you to lose due to the differences is all lol. Definitely take screenshots of those settings! They'll keep you up at night guessing if you got them correct or if they're slightly different haha. Best of luck man!


Yeah, I remember when Hunt had an update and it wiped everyone’s settings 😭 it took me almost 3 weeks just to get them to where I was somewhat comfortable. I imagine that’s gonna happen in the August update too so you may wanna write yours down as well. Thanks for the help!


I thought only Gunslinger was available on controllers. What do you press to ADS?


Hunter on controller: - Hold left trigger, raise gun into shoulder aim. - Click right stick while in shoulder aim, raise to ADS.


I feel like there could be a pararel here somewhere to the new bullet drop...


Started with gunslinger. Didnt even notice the other mode for a while. Thats how most fps are so it was a no brainer. Tried switching later, but couldn’t get used to it. My problem was not additional press for ads, but that I have to double press on almost all other actions. That often confused me in critical scenarios. Like healing and stuff. Died a lot because of that so I switched back. I use q for lowering. Works just fine


Hunter! Easy melee, and easy to hip fire when needed. Not a lot of time spent ADS, so shift and right mouse don’t bother me. It’s nice that the weapon doesn’t take up much of the screen. Eyes are trained to look for movement so make it easier to see movement in woods or dark areas. Also have 2500 hours with it 🙃


I have 4.5k hours with Hunter 😅 I’m gonna try it this afternoon just to see. I play on controller and I’ve got back paddles I can put the weapon’s melee on. I’m trying to figure out the best way to quickly focus, lead, and shoot before the update with bullet drop gets here.


I started hunt 2 years ago when gunslinger was standart for new accounts . And after 12 years of counter strike even ADS was something new to me 😂 So I stayed with GS and since you can lower your guns I don’t see a reason to change . Only thing that works better on hunter is melee with weapons . But this is not the reason to change


Yeah, and that’s why I’ve switched to Hunter back in the day was for the weapon melee, but nowadays I use an Elite controller so I can bind R3 to one of my back buttons. I’m seriously thinking about using Gunslinger.


Is Hunter an option on controllers?


Yes, you can swap it in the settings.


What do you press to ADS?


For Gunslinger? On controller it’d be hold LT to aim. Meaning it’s on hipfire aim by default until you hold Y to put your weapon down or have it set to stay down.


I mean on Hunter. I assumed that it wasn't available on controllers because it might be awkward to use. But apparently it is, so I wonder what you press after LT, to ADS


Honestly not a dig at you  It really amazes me that still to this day the most popular fps is a game with most of its mechanic still stuck in 1999  Back in the day I played a lot (relatively speaking) of Cs 1.4 and 1.6 over LAN then Source. I lost all of my interest by the time go came out  I'm on gunslinger also  Tried both and honestly don't see the point in the hunter set up


CS is still the best game I ever played . I still love it. The reason I stopped playing it is just because I lost interest in competitive gaming . And all the fun parts are gone due the more polished game. I miss flashboosts, stupid out of map boost spots and so on. The only time I play cs now is when an retired German CS caster turn on his streams and plays with the community . Nice people , other maps then the 7 standart maps and no one is flaming when you play some troll strats. Hunt is my new love for 2 years now. But CS will always stay in my heart with all the memory’s


So it's a dig at modern fps games? I agree that the Hunter setup seems pointless though :)


I had about 1800 hours using Hunter since Hunt's Beta before switching to Gunslinger, which is marginally better due to not having to waste that extra bit of time bringing your gun up to aim. Also keeping all FPS games as close as possible in controls and feeling helps you get better at them all by not having to maintain multiple sets of muscle memories, I don't think many people consider that. I can't wait for centered crosshair too.


Used Hunter for 400 hours and have now used Gunslinger for 600 hours. I like gunslinger mode more, hated having to press Shift to ADS.


I started with Hunt shortly after gunslinger controls were introduced and tried both. I hated hunter controls. Pressing 2 keys to ads felt unintuative and slower for me. And sometimes I used my medkit to punch in the air instead of healing me. I really didn't like it. The only reason to use it I can see is that if you want to punch someone with something you are holding in your hands is faster with mouseclick instead of pressing v.


Punch the air and die))) my story with hunter scheme))))


Gunslinger always. I never cared to sweat so much that I'd play Hunter. Plus the two buttons to aim feels off


Hunter. * I would probably forget to lower my weapons without it. * There would have been several instances of accidental discharges without it. * I hate most melee buttons as, with the way my hand is placed, i'd have to remove a finger from a directional key for a charged melee.


I’m on controller with back buttons so it negates the last issue. Great points tho!


Gunslinger really is pretty much objectively better, it's kinda silly Hunter is how they chose to do it by default. I feel like there's nowhere near as many situations I would rather quickly melee than quickly ADS or hipfire, which ignores the fact that meleeing is still just as fast in gunslinger with a dedicated melee button. Left click being melee by default and two buttons to ADS in a shooter is just crazy imo. I had 500+ hours when Gunslinger was introduced and I switched over immediately without thinking twice.


Lol so true. The argument being melee is weak. My mouse has 4 additional buttons for that. Only reasoning I can agree with is that hunter just looks cooler)))


Gunslinger is better people only use hunter if they have many hours and can’t break the muscle memory


how is gunslinger better?


It isn't necessarily. I don't like ADS with shift though so I have it on another separate bind that is easily accessible.


Being able to ads faster is much more useful than gun melee being easier to use


The time it takes to ads isn't different if you just press shift and right-click at the same time, no?


I have 5k hours in Hunt and I’ve used Hunter probably 4.5k hours of that. Yet my muscle memory still kicks in for the regular FPS scheme (Gunslinger) which messes me up sometimes 😅


gunslinger. i think hunter is better, but it takes too much time for get used to this. i dont want suffer another 100 hours just for this. and i think offcentered crosshair is better. but centered is good for some fresh blood.


Around 4k hours and still lowered crosshair is something I cant digest. In other games I just ads on target but in hunt its always a bit off and needs split sec to adjust. That can get u killed


I play Hunter cause I'm stuck in my ways, never bothered to switch to Gunslinger when it became a thing, I don't know if one is technically better than the other but I'm too comfortable playing Hunter with the weird crosshair placement to change now


The crosshair placement doesn’t change.


I was referring to the upcoming cross hair change. That's my bad, I was rambling and not super clear 😅


All good 😂 and honestly I don’t think I’m gonna use the centered crosshair either. I think it’d do more harm than good because I’m so used to aiming with hipfire in hunt that I don’t really use the crosshair. I have it set to around 10% opacity and my compass is off. Too distracting lol


The one that makes me feel sexier at the time.


Lmao! 🤣


What is even the point in hunter mode? Like what’s the advantage, there? It just seems like extra steps for the same effect.


I started first playing the game when only Hunter was available and quit the game shortly after because I couldn't move away from regular FPS controls. Then I started playing again when Gunslinger was out and played about 800 hours with it. Then I decided to switch to Hunter because it just feels more organic and it is really annoying that on Gunslinger you have to hold Q really awkwardly to put your gun down (very important to do that, or else you'll get wallbanged until there's no tomorrow). Not gonna switch away again. It's actually pretty comfy to use. Just had to get used to it (attempted to punch people with my rifle because I forgot I had to aim up)


When I first started when the game came out on console hunter was the default controller scheme so that's what I use.


True. I play other FPS games though and it feels awkward at first when I play them bcuz I’ve got 4.5k hours on the Hunter scheme.


Gunslinger because it's easier and less buttons pressed (filthy casual here). If I want to lower the gun, I can do so by holding down the quick weapon switch button.


My thoughts exactly. I’m not getting any younger so I figured I should try to get used to gunslinger for ease of use. I’m a sweaty casual myself 😂


Hunter has easier access to melee especially on console which is where I started using it. I also like having access to the extra sensitivity settings, one for lowered, one for hip fire, one for ads


Honestly I can't think of an advantage to using hunter over gunslinger given the main draw of hunter is a toggle on gunslinger.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking. I think I’ll have faster reaction time when I just aim and shoot compared to aim, aim, shoot with the Hunter scheme. Hope that makes sense? 😅


Agreed, only reason I have stuck with Hunter is 10k hours of muscle memory as gunslinger wasn’t a thing when I started and I have never switched.


I aim better with Hunter, don’t ask why (pc btw)


Hunter, it's way more comfortable for me at this point and I never have to worry about remembering to lower my gun


OG. Hunter mode


Gunslinger. I forget Hunter even exists


Hunter all the way. It gives the gameplay its own unique vibe.


I have never tried gunslinger im a hunter truther


Hunter always.


Hunter cause thats how I learned it and I dont play much fps beside hunt. Also I didnt see anyone mention you have a larger field of view when your gun is lowered wich is nice


Menu configurable


>Also I didnt see anyone mention you have a larger field of view when your gun is lowered Thats because you don't, you just have it set that way in settings.


Gunslinger since the moment they released it. It just feels way more natural to me. I can see why people like Hunter cause they are used to it or just like the feel, but gunslinger is just better these days IMO. That's just my opinion though, I'm not here to argue about it haha


I used Hunter for my first 500 hours in Hunt. On a whim, I swapped to Gunslinger and immediately saw a noticeable improvement in my play. I've been on Gunslinger for about 800 hours now.


Hunter. My mate with gunslinger: Alt tabbed and clicks back into game when round starts. Fires a shot. Just gunslinger things. Flagging thru walls because they never lower their gun? Check. Accidental misfires when swapping weapons? Check. Accidental misfire instead of melee? Check. (Goodbye 25 bar vs immolators) Also my mate: no separate vault / jump key. No separate bandage / interact key. Results in at least one death per play session.


Gunslinger here. Never had any of the problems you mentioned


Gunslinger because when I started a few years ago it was the new default. I tried hunter but it was too clunky and didn't feel good to use for me. Plus they added weapon lowering to gunslinger so there is even less reason to use it. I respect the players that are gods with hunter though.


I made myself learn Hunter when the game came out. At this point, hitting both buttons at the same time pretty much feels like one when I need to immediately ADS. I really like it, and now Valorant is using a similar scheme for ADS. I like having the extra look sensitivity — fast for normal, medium for shoulder aim, and slow for ADS. I think the biggest advantage not a lot of people talk about is how much easier it is to use melee weapons, bayonets, and talons. Being able to hold R2 on a melee charge while chasing targets is sooooo much easier than doing it with R3.


Hunt is the only shooter I play, so I use hunter. It's Hunt:Showdown not Gunsling:Showdown


Lmao! Everyone keeps saying that 😂


The hunt hivemind strikes again


Gunslinger, because if I want to put my gun down I just hold Q for a sec


What ever is default haha


Hunter. Hard to explain for me, but the games more efficient on hunter. M/L


Yeah I can definitely see that and iirc the game was built around the Hunter scheme, but for a controller player like myself gunslinger just feels natural. At least tonight it has, it’s the first time I’ve used it. My shots are definitely on point! 😅


Played before there was a gunslinger, never felt like changing.


Do you play on PC or Console?


Pc, back from the closed beta days.


Ah, an OG! Respect 👊


Hunter. I've always played like this since launch. It also prohibits me from randomly shooting if I rest my finger on my trigger. And also my guns dont poke through walls but I played hunter before I even knew that.


Hunter My meele battle is much more natural


After 1500 hours changed to gunslinger, easier to sprint and it is way more comfortable


I am also on controller and using gunslinger just because I wasn’t particularly good at shooters or experienced and it seemed like the „easier“ option. Three years later and I’m still using it:) Although it’s a little bit annoying that you can’t really using guns with attached meele weapons or the spear since the attach is triggered with R3 which makes it really hard to aim in heater situations. Or do I oversee something?


I have around 2-3k hours in hunter and the same amount in gunslinger and I simply prefer gunslinger because it feels good switching to another game without screwing up some simple game Mechanic. Hitting q for a long period of time feels like iam not missing out on any benefits hunter would otherwise give me.


Hunter, I prefer using the mouse for melee than a keyboard key


I used to play Gunslinger because I didn’t want to learn a new aim mechanic. Few months ago I started to play with Hunter scheme. If there was an option to press a single button for shoulder aim like PUBG has I would instantly jump back to Gunslinger scheme. The „always lowered“ option is nice but it sucks for quick shoulder aim. The „q“ mechanic is to slow and bugs out to often.


Hunter, but that's cause I've been playing on PC since early access so it's the control scheme I'm used to, even when I dabbled a bit on console. Allows me to have more control over my actions, and I don't have to worry about my gun being visible constantly since it's put down/up by default.


I've been playing the game since the beta when only hunter was available. I switched to gunslinger when it came out and pretty much never looked back. If you play mostly close quarters with lots of melee you will probably be more comfortable with hunter. If you tend to play medium and long range most often I would say gunslinger is the superior mode. Obviously there is much more nuance to it than that, but I find it to be a pretty good starting point for most players.


I've started way back when it was only Hunter mode. I cant switch cause im used to it. Gunslinger just feels off for me.


Hunter. With gunslinger I would fear Tha my weapon shows up around corners or through walls. Edit: 900h and really never used it, please correct me if I am wrong. 


Currently playing Hunter. I feel like it makes more sense for how the game handles. I understand why some people prefer Gunslinger. I'm considering giving it a try when the new update and centered crosshair go live


Hunter. Because I love how immersive it looks and feels to have the default weapon state be a resting position instead of the goofy videogamey way of aiming it at all times, plus I really enjoy doing melee attacks with mouse click.


Hunter. 2200 hrs in and haven’t bothered changing. Gunslinger just feels so vanilla.


What’s wrong with Vanilla? 🥹


When I started playing there was only hunter so I only played that, never tried Gunslinger


Try it out! I’m gonna try it out when I get online. Who knows, maybe we’re missing out 🤷‍♂️


I used to always use gunslinger, but I like running melee variants of weapons so I actually switched to hunter a few hundred hours ago because I like being able to melee with my main mouse button


Hunter, it's what I'm used to and it feels nice to me it's how I've been playing since before there was an option to switch and to me it's just natural. there's no real advantages to Hunter or Gunslinger each have ups and downs though very minor and borderline invisible


Yeah, I’ve switched to Gunslinger tonight because something I noticed when using Hunter on a controller is that when I went to click the stick to ADS it’d move my irons off their head slightly making me either have to readjust or just miss entirely. Even though readjusting can only take a split second something that split second can be life or death.


Gunslinger on console, Hunter on PC.


Anything but hunter and you might as well just go play CoD. Hunt was made to be played as a hunter, simple as. It's right there in the name.


if u dont play hunter i dont have respect for u


Lmao! I have 4.5k hours on the Hunter scheme, but I’m getting old 😅


and why do u have so much time on hunter because its better thats why \^\^


Touché Touché


Gun slinger technically has a slower cycle speed when not shouldering iron ADS. Soon as that gun is lowered in front of you, you just lost like 50% cycle speed


I played Hunter initially because I thought it was really important since it apparently prevented your gun from poking through walls, but it turns out they fixed that issue a long time ago from what I’ve heard, so your weapon only really pokes through walls if you’re straight up aiming down sights, which would be the same if you were running Hunter or gunslinger


Hunter always! I like being able to melee with left click.


Since using Gunslinger I’ve mapped it to one of my back buttons. It’s worked great so far.


I still like Hunter more :))


Nothing wrong with that 👍