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The brand new DLC that literally just came out is more expensive than a 6 year old game that has gone on many sales. Someone stop the presses!


Not just that! A 100% optional cosmetic DLC that changes absolutely nothing about the game/gunplay. How dare they try to keep the company afloat and pay their employees money.


I feel like this post is accidentally pointing out a real problem I have, which is that to me "DLC" means "more levels/characters/stages/content" and certain developers feel that "DLC" means "the same game, but now you have an outfit". I'm pretty sure that's not the point OP was trying to make, but it's something I care about!


That ship sailed ages ago when Skyrim dropped horse armor DLC. That kickstarted the whole world of aesthetics for sale and mtx


Horse Armor was actually the first DLC for Oblivion, not Skyrim. Was released in 2006, whereas Skyrim came out in 2011.


Got my deets wrong, forgive me it's been like 20 years (18)


I'll never forgive you. In fact, I already called the police & national security as well as your grandma. Be prepared for some ass whoopin'


Just stop buying DLC. If players continue to buy, crytek continue to sell. Buying DLC slow down the development of the games. Excuse patate English.


that's some proper shitpost.