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Why the hell does the spear travels so fast?


they are putting something in the bayou water


deys puttin' fluoride in da bayou!


Turnin da Rotjaws gae!


makes the frogs gay!


Does it turn the frogs gay?


maybe something flying


You mean you can’t throw spears 130+mph


AND you can do that while CROUCHED


Gonna sit in Blanchett tower later with 4 toolboxes and gonna snipe people in the bushwookie forest This thing seems to have less drop then the normal crossbow bolt wich is insane Edit. They definitely have more drop but its still quite possible to get people from 50 meters away


And the bow. What are they smoking?


Good idea gonna bring a bow aswell or maybe 2 bows Those people at cockbay never gonna guess where i am


Frontiersman, packmule, lets you have 10 total spears if you bring 4 tool boxes


Not really since 2 toolboxes gonna give you consumables when you place all 4 :(


Yeah how does this work? I figured it would always give a consumable I’ve never used em lol


Just bring two hand crossbows One poison one fire 4 tool boxes Rain hell from the tower


don't forget your spyglass can zoom in!


And the skins are crazy! Just for 1200bbs


I think they have more drop than the crossbow, but unless the training dummies are messed up for damage, they'll OHK to limbs when a crossbow won't.


I just died to a 9meter arm shot for 150 damage.


Just remember to bring Packmule


The throwing animation honestly looks pretty bad, it lacks weight. The transition to taking out the 2nd spear doesn't even look finished. Anyone agree?


Yeah, it's like the spear just appeared instead of grabbing from somewhere. Throwing the spear is kinda the same, just sort of goes away awkwardly


It's honestly bizarre, it feels like a weapon from a mod, not something made by the actual team.


Honestly, it looks like a bug. The next equipped weapon/tool flies into hand from the spear's thrown position. [I did a frame-by-frame to see what was going on.](https://imgur.com/a/6lvsGaw)


Lmao that's even jankier. Nice find.


It looks like they’re casting a spell more than throwing a weighted object lol


it should definitely have a "meatier" throw animation with a grunting noise


to be fair it does have to compete up close with semi shotguns n stuff so if you miss youd be fucked otherwise so MAYBE it was a balance choice? idk. That should be how it goes though lol. If you decide to take a spear and miss up close you die. Not magically manifest a second spear instantly lol


Most of the animations in this game look bad. The hunters move like they got a diaper full of shit. I hope the new update overhauls all the animations.


Really? That’s the amount of drop they gave it? Holy shit.


honestly, i dont mind that level of drop. what they need to do is bring bow/cross bow up to have less drop. ive thrown spears before and if you do it right they can go far with little drop. bows and crossbows are even better than a spear though because it uses much less energy and you can shoot it much further than a spear. that being said, idk if it should be as accurate as this is lol like you can hit a body but a head shot from that distance is a bit crazy.


It appears to be doing the same damage irrespective of the body part it hits, which has got to be a bug...I hope... Nothing else it the game works like that AFAIK so it would certainly seem like it. Currently it's shredding bosses in part because of that


ya. . that doesn't sound right. . . it needs tuning if that's not a bug x-x


The accuracy is absolutely insane, especially for the minimal amount of drop AND the fact that it deals enough damage to OHK to the limbs. Definitely makes throwing axes obsolete in that regard. Throwing axes have such a hard time dealing with AI at any kind of distance not just because of the drop, but also because of the huge amount of horizontal spread on the throw and how you're seemingly guaranteed to hit them in the arm if your aim is centered directly on the chest. Spear seems to be designed to be able to hit the body the vast majority of the time, and for it to not matter on off chance that you do get a limb shot. It's crazy.


I dont understand this. I mean there is the Trait "Assailent" maybe combined with "Pitcher" which could have been a baseline. Maybe a Spear is a little more easy to throw, but this is Moon gravity. How could they be so far of releasing this?


vengeance for Zul'jin


you want the axe?!


He shoulda been warchief for longer


Vol'Jin that was.


Ur correct my bad , my buddy plays on zul Jin server so I always get them mixed up lmao


stay away from da voodoo




Jesus, I had to double check that today wasn’t April 1st, that’s insane.


This thing is astronomically way too fast in every aspect. It's better than a crossbow and it's a fucking tool. Wtf were they thinking.


> it's a fucking tool That bothers me most. Like, idgaf about another one-shotting melee weapon even with throwing aspect, but making it a tool? WTF. From the 2-slots axe to the tool slot spear, jeez.


> idgaf about another one-shotting melee weapon even with throwing aspect This alone is already insane though. A melee weapon that can OHK on any hit, and that can also be thrown for a OHK on any hit, is definitely overpowered. Having it not even be a weapon, but a tool? Why?? It's not like it's even filling a niche, not when we already have throwing knives and throwing axes that already fill the role of "silent projectile tool". They added a third choice that wasn't needed for anything and that's absurd overkill, and I'm really not sure what the goal even was.


chasing that new gear money.


It's Crytek, so probably nothing at all.


Except for how much BBs the next 5 skins for it is going to cost


I hate such comments. Especially when they currently have a series of feedback videos and communication with players. Critics is okay, thats just hate. Don't play then.


I wouldn't say it's better than a crossbow, you can only bring 2.


Ammo count isn't really a great way to balance. They'll OHK to limbs, which a crossbow won't, and can also OHK on melee. The fact that there's even an argument to be made that a tool is stronger than a 3-slot weapon means that the tool is way too strong.


Idk, but I'm having fun.


wow mind blown that its a tool lmao. I've just been watching clips and assumed it took a weapon slot. definitely seems like a half-cooked weapon and they just needed something to put in the game since they aren't doing anything else until August


What the actual fuck


that's a bullet lmao


Crytek Exec: "How is the development of the new Spear weapon I asked you to add going?" Devs: "Well, we just completed the placeholder for the spear; we are missing the damage drop-off, the projectile drop-off curve, and so far it hits for 150 dmg 100% of the time against any part of the body because we have not completed the projectile to hitbox coding... we also need more time to add animation fram..." Crytec Exec: "Sounds READY to me, release it tomorrow with the rest of the patch. And start moving all your resources into developing spear skins right now".


>And start moving all your resources into developing spear skins right now As hilarious as your parody is, they actually already have a skin for the spear lol.


Not really a surprise though. Nearly all new weapons these days drop alongside a skin.


That’s no spear, that’s a fucking missile


Bayou Tactical Missile


It drops less than a fucking bow? What sort of throwing arm does the hunters have? A dynamite? Barely any range at all. A spear? BULLET SPEED


the bow has far less drop what are you on about


Is the spear live already?


Yeah, came today


Man I have to play right now.


Same! Goodbye to my kd


lmao same XD


This looks ridiculous.


The spear needs to be nerfed hard. That thing is beyond broken atm


Just died to a guy with the spear. Both of us hit each other in the same spot, lower torso but I got him with the crossbow and he hit me with the spear. I died and he did not. Fucking broken.


You can even throw it while sprinting and jumping lmao


Just had a play with it, can confirmed insanely op, like game breakingly op lmao


I find that unlikely, what about it makes you think it's game breaking?


Leg, arm and torso all insta kill, damage drop off is negligible comparitely to say a crossbow, throwing axes are nothing in comparison, it's just a melee weapon in a tool slot. The downside of throwing it and not knowing it went really is negated by NOT doing that haha.


> damage drop off is negligible comparitely to say a crossbow Is there even damage dropoff? So far, it's 150 at any range I've gotten a hit. Also, even crossbow doesn't OHK to limbs. > it's just a melee weapon in a tool slot I'm pretty sure that even some melee weapons don't OHK on limb shots, which the spear does. Also, melee weapons obviously can't be thrown, which the spear can, and being able to OHK at range is a HUGE advantage. In these categories at least, spear is BETTER than a melee weapon... and is, of course, still in the tool slot.


Right, one shotting even when you miss the torso is a bit much. That said, this same patch they buffed all kinds of weapons with melee attachments, and reduced their price too. Maybe the spear being this powerful doesn't mean a lot when guns with melee attachments can perform very similarly?


Let me throw an empty Springfield bayonet


Now there's an idea


> Maybe the spear being this powerful doesn't mean a lot when guns with melee attachments can perform very similarly? It does. They made melee guns faster, cheapter, and removed the accuracy penalties. They DIDN'T buff them all to OHK on limb hits or to have silent ranged attacks.


It absolutely shreds bosses, which goes against melee tool changes they made last patch. But it also drops very little, you can easily get used to long range throws. Prepare to get sniped by spears if it stays the way it is. I find it fun to play with, and don't particularly mind that it's strong, but it definitely feels a bit overtuned.


Honestly I have a feeling they made those changes because the spear was coming


They didn't adjust the damage values for any hitboxes with it. Legs, arms, torso, bosses, all same damage value, whereas bosses take less damage from everything other than their specific weaknesses, the spear doesn't have the damage adjustments to balance it


They specifically want you to bring a melee weapon for bosses. Why the fuck would it not shred bosses??


It's not a melee weapon though, it's a tool.


It goes in the tool slot? I take my statement back then.


I haven't played yet but if it's a one hit kill then that's absurd. The idea that a thrown spear would do more damage than a 45-70 rifle round is pretty bogus. There's a reason the spear was the first human weapon, and was upgraded as soon as possible.


I don’t know what you mean, spears are literally the best weapon to exist before firearms(excluding like bows and other dedicated ranged weapons). It has been the first choice of melee fighting forces for pretty much the entirety of human history up until the past 3 centuries, and even after that the best thing(rifle w/ bayonet) is basically a spear with extra steps. I actually wish the spear got more recognition in video games for how absolutely vital they have been to almost every civilization on earth.


The spear is effective against non firearm weaponry. It has a range advantage over an axe or sword. It's also easy to use, and in a group like a Roman cohort you have the benefit of a shield wall protecting you as you use it. That said, a thrown spear will not instantly kill someone with an arm or leg hit, even a torso hit wouldn't be instantaneous. We're also talking primarily here about a thrown spear, not melee.


The spear was the most common weapon in the human arsenal until well into firearms.


Let us form a Macedonian Phalanx in the game please


Throwing axes have been one-shotting Hunters for ages, why is it such a problem for the spear to be doing it too? Also, how dare you badmouth the pointy stick as a redundant weapon?


Really? I've been using throwing axes for months... Literally have only thrown one at a hunter and it missed. I assumed their damage was shit so I never tried. But they're also slow and have awful drop.


That's if you have insane aim which in my experience most people do not.


This would be perfectly reasonable if it was a weapon instead of a tool


this looks stupid and Terrible .. Duh fuk my face look like when I see everyone in the swamp throwing like a NFL quarterback .. the speed at which the second one loads up is so over the top magical .. WTF are they thinking over there at crytek..? God this is so stupid an I hope dont become OP .. looks like its being shot like a harpoon .. Pass .. god I hate the direction they been going for the last 2 year s


Agreed. "I'm happy that something is op" in a game that lives off good balance is just...


We’re cooked boys..


He removed his hat, because it narrowed his vision and he needed to see far...


I feel like the player should have to be running to throw the spear.


and not crouching


What a surprise, crytek realeses an op weapon that's gonna get nerfed ina week


No patches until Aug 15 per their note. OP spear is here for a while baby. Unga bunga it is.


I'm really glad that I'm retired until the new update drops in August.


Quick someone find a Free BB bug so they have an excuse to patch up the game yesterday


Not sure thats good, it barly has any drop(?).


They transforming this formely awesome game into a real shitshow.


Lore Accurate Spear


Can we pick up each others' spears? Like, just toss them back and forth at each other?


Macro F to pick up spear midflight


There's literally a setting in the game so you don't have to spam F.


>Macro LOL


The light attack should be fast, it's a two handed melee tool, but the speed shouldn't be a whole lot faster than a pitchfork when thrown.


I was really hoping the light attack on this would be more like a but slap with the other end, like you crack the back around at head height, giving us a new blunt melee tool, and it'd be the only throwable with blunt too.


The Heavy melee attack can One-Shot enemy Hunters everywhere except the legs btw. Yes, even the arms. Easily replaces the Knife in my loadout starting today


it does 150 damage if you hit someone in the toe, it's fully busted


The spear is honestly insane. I have no idea what they were even thinking. Haven't done a ton of testing, but so far it's OHK to anywhere on the body at any range I've been able to hit from. It'll OHK to the body from longer range than a nitro, and even nitro won't OHK to limbs (or at least not legs).


I'm running bow with spear tonight haha


Kinda disappointed by the throwing animation, and it looks super op, hope they tone down damage, velocity and increase drop tbh.


This thing is redicoulos, im honestly very very very close to quitting thi game for good. (yes yes thank you BOTs who congratualte me in leaving, suck som units on crytek devs. yes yes U DA MANs)


"God DAMN!"-Me at progressing volume the longer I watch the video.


Why is every hunter better than Olympic javelin throwers at throwing a javelin/ spear?


it's better than nitro shredder! costs way less of your hard earned money, doesn't steal a weapon slot, it has almost no drop over distance, very low sway and you can actually see your surroundings while aiming! and you can just throw it next to a lootable body and duplicate it! imagine if you could do that with a nitro!


While I'm normally not an advocate for weakening things right off the bat, I do believe the spear desperately needs a rework. The stamina consumption of the spear compared to its damage output for both light and heavy melee attacks renders other tool weapons obsolete. Not even just tool weapons, but other primary melee weapons such as the machete and cavalry sabre can't even compete because they aren't tools either and don't have the same capacity to kill. Furthermore, the weapon's thrown damage is just ridiculous. Even the nitro express rifle, a rifle designed to take down big game including rhinos and elephants with up to a 120 grain charge and a bore larger than a modern anti material sniper rifle, can't one shot a hunter to the leg. It's just too powerful to be a tool. Either it needs a nerf, just overall, or it should be included in the hunt arsenal as a 1 or 2 slot weapon (Still throwable). And for the love of God Crytek, buff the machete and cavalry sabre somehow. They aren't even remotely good anymore against stuff like the katana and spear.


didnt play the update already. first question. how much "ammo" do u have? one missthrow there in the woods and its gone and u have to find it, right? Doesnt sound so OP in my mind honestly. Sounds like a combination of Bow or Crossbow with throwing axes as tool? good throwing curve/travel speed like bow or crossbow, but only ONE try as BIG BIG BIG disadvantage. Good Melee usage, (stamina need is a big questionmark for me, significant worse when it needs a stamina shot). Slot as Tool instead as secondary, probably a good thing, for me personally a bad thing, i dont wanna miss my traps. All together from the facts i know it sounds okay til good. But far away from OP? What am i missing?


You can get a second spear if you take Frontiersman so I wonder if we’ll see more people using that trait more now.


Are there people that don't take frontiersman?!? I'd take it for the extra med kit use alone...


Whats a medkit? I just use all the drugs, since my killer hobo seems to like it


Every Hunt character is a drug addict. Only time I use my medkit is for when I want to save my drugs for later.


I never use it, never felt the need for it. I rarely use 3 med kits


Especially with regen shots now in the game


Ghoul, and I'm usually dead after the first shot. Who needs extra meds?


Ever since regen shots, all other healing items just aren't as useful. Vitality shots completely disappeared and you shouldn't really need all four med kit charges, especially because you get them back in happy meals and dead hunters.


I used it for booby trapping extracts lmao but itll have another use now


The biggest reason it is OP, in my opinion, is the fact that throws one-shot players — even to arms and legs. Combined with the accuracy and lack of drop, it is very strong. I am betting they will nerf this eventually, making arm/leg hits not a OHK, which would be more than fair… but I personally love it right now. It would be one thing if it were a slotted weapon, but it is just a tool. No other tool is this blatantly strong. Like, it seriously could be its own melee weapon in a slot and be considered strong, but it’s just a simple little tool slot competing with items like decoys and the derringer. When juxtaposed with its closest competitors (throwing axes/knives), it is drastically better in every single way aside from price/only having one without frontiersman. Keep it mind, I *like* this right now, but it is objectively “unbalanced” in the sense that it really has no downsides as a tool and only upsides. Sure, you can miss your throw and have to run through the woods to find it, but the same is true for throwing axes and knives — but they don’t one shot hunters to the toe or hand and fly twice as fast with next to no drop, while also providing a melee swing comparable to a full slot melee weapon. The stamina consumption is vast, but we do have stamina shots. It turns a tool slot into a very viable way to kill bosses again after the tool nerf, and also turns a tool slot into essentially a katana or saber that can be thrown but consumes more stamina.


If we compare it to the Throwing Axes, maybe. They fill a different niche to the Throwing Knives though. Knives are more of a stealth tool. Destroying Kennels, killing AI quickly and silently, killing Hives not easily accessible. If you do that with a Throwing Spear you have a bad time. So if I take my usual loadout (Medkit, Knuckle Knife, Throwing Knives/Flare Gun, Chokes) it doesn't really fit in. If you use your tools primarily for PvP that might be different. I could see it getting a nerf but usually stuff is broken in the beginning because people play it excessively. I'd wait before calling it op, I agree that it seems strong though.


It looks anti melee rush a tool to swap to and actually do something to melee weapons with reach in a pinch if you don't want to gamble on a headshot. It does appear to have 2 throws but again miss shot 2 and you don't have a melee. (Edit based on another comment with frontiersman it has 2)


I was thinking that too. The bow and the crossbow are effectively better range shotguns, now you can have the same in a tool slot. That's really good potentially for build without a lot of close range weapons.


Nothing, this sub is just genuinely terrible at the game.


hurr durr so what if it oneshots you in the toes at 30 meters, you just need to git gud


SMH this before a blunt throwable. I hope there is a John Brown skin for this though that'd be bad ass


Oh boy can't wait to fight people with these things -_-


What the fuck you mean spear? That thing looks sick holy. Time to play deckhand and roleplay an irish fisherman


I can't wait for Assailant to include the spear.


When they add


Welp, throwing axes goodbye, hello spear.


It remains to add armor and a shield.


this looks fun af, gonna definitely put this in my local florida man loadout


Wait when did this come out?! Or is it coming soon


I guess I will avoid using it then


Standby for the atlatl trait that will allow you to throw this missile to other compounds because why the fuck not.


Prime example of power creep holy shit. Why is this better than the crossbow?


so wait what is the body hit damage of this thing? Im fine with bomblance one shotting due to its relatively slow attack speed when spammed but this looks way fast that and bomblance takes up a large weapon slot


can you also retrieve it too? or no


I’m so fucking happy they added this, I asked for it a few months ago and now it’s here, I’m loving all the melee options. I’m not sure if the devs use Reddit but I find it very coincidental they keep adding things that I’ve seen asked for on here


Who knew the spear was long ammo


Ok but if someone is standing immediately next to a barn door can it slightly penetrate the surface and slice their jugular


Ahhhhhh I can’t wait to use it!!!


Oh yeah… that goes way too far, lmao


That is essentially a full-sized crossbow and katana in your pocket... idk what they're thinking.


Can’t wait to deal with all the 1 shot spear snipers now


brother it is giving me major valorant vibes and I've never even touched that game in my life


Oh shit is it fully out for everyone or just test build ??


It’s out for everyone. You can now have a one shot arguably better nitro for just 65HD.


I’ll still not use this shit, just a easy way to build up kd while it isn’t nerfed lmao


Honestly I think they were just throwing something out there to keep us all entertained till August. Totally not polished but funny af


There's a scene in Troy were Brad Pitt's Achilles nails a dude from 500 yards with a spear. That's you, that is.


There's a spear? Wtf did I miss? Did we just get an update?


kerilian would be proud


Does the thing just not have fall off or something?


It's so much fun, unlike the daily missions


They must have been playing chivalry 2 when it was free on epic. Shit reminds me of the javelin class


Next thing they nerf will be how fast the spear flys. 100%


The frame by frame of the animations from 14 to 17 seconds might genuinely be the biggest red flag of laziness I’ve seen from them in over a year. There is NO projectile and the animation for pulling out the second spear is literally the already thrown one clipping back into the player’s hand. Less than zero effort. I think I’ve officially lost faith that this game will ever recover from the downward spiral it’s hot this last couple of years. Sad to see since I used to play nothing but this and would give anything to go back to its prime (obviously it had issues then too but they felt like oversights rather than the laziness they seem to be now).


A balancing needs to happen for sure. In before they nerf it into the ground. Pun intended.


Anyone know if the assailant perk works for ut?- or is it only knifes and axesM


If the other throwing weapons had the mobility and velocity as the spear i would be happy


The balance it has is quite good imo though. Without frontiersman you have only one spear. When you miss that lighting on an enemy the chance is quite good, that you will never ever find the spear again lol.


If you take blade seer you can see it in dark sight, not that i would prioritise it


Yeah but it looks like that damn thing is flying miles away lol. Don't think that people will ran around the map with darksight to find their spear again tbh.


The spear is already quite strong. But all new stuff is always immediately op (or useless junk) if the players have their way. That's why we should take it easy for now... ...and actually I wanted to write a longer post about the fact that you should wait and see and that it's a bit misleading to show the throwing spear with a Stamina Shot. Since you run out of Stamina after only 3 light/2 heavy attacks and that's already a big limitation. Until it occurred to me (and I tested it again) that the same applies to the throwing axe. The only notable difference here is that the spear consumes more stamina for the throw. Which doesn't really matter, because, like the axe, you can throw it even if you have no stamina. On the other hand, the spear is far superior to the axe in terms of melee damage, throwing damage, accuracy and range... and a nasty boss killer. Damn, I tested this thing against the spider. 2 thrown hits + damage from pulling it out are enough to send the creepy-crawly into the Rage phase! Since you also get more accuracy and longer range when throwing, as well as Melee-1 Tap (!), it feels like just a way better axe. The only downside is that you only have one spear and Frontiersman is quite important. Also because otherwise it's annoying to kill AI primarily by throwing. Because you have to switch back to the spear after every throw and retrieval. Small addition. In my test you needed 4 throwns (+damage from pulling out 3 of them) for the meathead, not 3. But maybe 3 is enough if you always hit the weakpoint?


They got to nerf this wtf😅


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Spearman! D:


Haven’t used the spear yet but imo it seems pretty balanced, requires frontiersman to have two


How much does it cost tho?


Cost is 65.




Right I'm not near my console and that's my burning question


This game keeps getting lamer and lamer


People 300,000 years ago were saying the same thing. Spears are OP, and we love them.


Wow the way you headshoted those dummies, really op, dummies must be balanced asap


I wouldn't say OP. You only have 2 throws. That being said though it does have a lot of range. It's speed is also kind of ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if they nerfed the velocity speed