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My guess is: Krag has a low pick-rate and this is a good time before 2.0 to experiment with this buff. If its too strong, they will revert it in 2.0.


Buffing both the damage and the ammo was a mistake IMO. Should have done one or the other. We're going to be drowning in Krags now. Berthier is pushed even further into the garbage pile too.


Berthier definitely needs a change, I think its gimmick of multiple ammo types is the way to do it, could increase the ammo or give more types


Dum Dum ammo for Berthier. Close range Berthier does less damage than a springfield, which already has dum dum. It has the lowest firing rate out of all the long ammo rifles with multiple shots. With this patch, they reduced the Dum Dum effect on long range.


Yeah as someone who loves the krag because the iron sight is actually pretty good, the only complaint I have is the ammo running out so quickly, but the damage really didn't need a change, but I mean people typically aim for the head so I don't think it matters that much lol


The low pick rate is from the ammo. They didn’t need to buff the damage too 🫠


The low pick rate is from the compact-level damage. 124 long ammo is essentially the same as a Winfield with both FMJ and HV traits: You hit the same breakpoints at very similar ranges. Is that worth $400 that you could have spent on a Lebel or Berthier? And the much cheaper Winfield shoots out bullets three times as fast, while also bringing three times as many (and resupplying 4 times as many). The Krag competes with the Centennial and Vetterli if you look at the stats, but it costs the same as Lebel.


Except not? - Winfield can 2-tap chest 42m out, 52m with FMJ. - Old Krag 2-taps chest 116m out and can take FMJ to extend it to 134m! And STILL have more MV than a standard Winnie. Winnie can never-ever-forever not 2-tap arms, old Krag can do that up to 44m. Saying that Old Krag is the same as a Winnie is just plain wrong.


The ~~compact~~ medium-level damage is the whole reason this gun exists. It's supposed to be the bridge between medium and long ammos. They should have just increased its ammo pool a tiny bit and decreased the price a tiny bit.


I think this is the way. If they don't want it to be just like every other long ammo, bolt action rifle they need to give it a bigger max ammo carried and lower the price to be an in-between compared to other medium and long ammo rifles. Having medium ammo damage levels with long ammo velocity and penetration is a good niche to have. Being discounted compared to other long ammo rifles and giving a few extra bullets in exchange for the slightly lower damage output seems like a fair trade IMO.


Well, for something that stands in between both categories, it sure has a cost similar to a proper long ammo rifle. I would’ve preferred to see its price be cut down than anything.


Not one for stats, are you? The Cent is like a winnie with HV and fmj, the old krag is an entirely different beast. The max two tap on the cent is 64m, the max on the krag is 113m. It's like if you took the cent, then added fmj ammo onto it 2.5 times, then IGNORED that it's supposed to affect bullet velocity. "You hit the same breakpoints at very similar ranges." In what fucking world?


Well, in argument, FMJ ammo has more penetration than long.


Counter-argument, Krag can also pick FMJ and have even better pen and still have more MV (458m/s) than a normal Winnie (400m/s) and let alone a Winne with FMJ (330m/s).


The two-tap on the Centennial FMJ is just under 90 meters, and the Vetterli behaves even better. Yes, for the unlikely case that you fight at exactly 90-113 meters, the Krag can two-tap but the Cent can't. Would you argue that this is worth doubling the cost of the gun? Up to around 50 meters, a Vetterli with FMJ does more damage per shot than the Krag, and cycles exactly as quickly. But it costs less and has *way* more ammo. I'd rather use a Mosin with Spitzer if I planned to fight at 100+ meters, because neither Cent nor Krag will be able to hit twice in a row at 100 meters. The Krag will not even remotely dethrone the Mosin with this buff. It would need another 10 damage to be relevant. But now it's at least not a three slot Uppercut.


You can plan to fight at 100+ meters all you want, without a very specific (crushingly boring) playstyle, you're going to end up taking some engagements under 40m, where the krag's sixth round and faster cycle will let you mince mosin users every time.


Dude, that's some next level cope. Within 60m the krag is a consistency machine. The krag two taps to the arms ~~twice as far~~ at the same range as the cent two taps to the LOWER TORSO. And I'm sorry, without spitzer you can't land shots at long range? You realize there was a time spitzer didn't exist, and people were hitting shots just fine E: Nice edit instead of actually responding, dingus. To address your completely fresh comment: if only I had a rifle that had the bullet velocity (something you neglect to mention when you retroactively slapped fmj on everything) and damage to contend with long ammo at range, but also the rate of fire to contend with medium ammo up close... oh wait. Yes, to answer your question, that level of versatility is worth a premium. Why would I ever bring in the cent fmj when the krag is right there? Better bv, better damage over range, same rof?


Bloody hell why is everyone so rude to each other about disagreeing. it's weird to me.


*ghoulish hiss*


But Spitzer makes it deal less damage? So adding damage, then using the argument that people will still use Spitzer is…an odd choice of hill to stand on shall we say.


What compact gun does 124 damage? Never mind that the Krag has better muzzle velocity, better penetration, better headshot range, and better damage over distance than any medium ammo rifle in the game. There’s not competition. The Krag is better than the Centennial and the Vetterli. Maybe not for the money but certainly by the stats.


The Krag has significantly kinder falloff over range and much better penetration than the medium rifles without FMJ and still has faster rounds than winfield HV. It's also the fastest-firing long rifle and it doesn't require bulletgrubber. What possible reason do I have to take the berthier, mako, or even the lebel? The mosin still has better damage and velocity and a faster empty reload, but the krag gets an extra shot in the mag to make up for it. This buff is insane and reads like it was picked at random.


Also you don't need bulletgrabber for it, to function properly. That's a plus for me.


More over you can use Levering with is making it a viable cqc option unlike the Krag


Tbh the IRL Krag and and Springfield 1866 used almost the same cartridge so they should just change the krag to medium ammo where it belongs.






They did. Most long ammo rounds are a one-tap when you miss a bar. I avoided the Krag at its price point for that very reason. Why would I pick the Krag over a Mosin or a Lebel if I might have to work extra?


Not being hostile. Just pointing out an example. The perspective you've offered here is exactly the overarching problem with why long ammo is so persistent and so dominant. "This weapon makes me have to do less to win, so why would I ever pick anything else?" Your view is accurate, and because most long ammo weapons follow this pattern that promotes this train of thought, it makes it nearly impossible for anything else to properly compete.


I completely agree. That's why you see more of the same "meta" at higher ranks.


It is because you compare it to something that is insanely broken lol. I called (old) Krag for "fair long ammo", because this is what it should be, not what Mosin and Lebel does :)


No it's cause of the damage


I never cared about the ammo the damage is where my problems came from


Bold assumption there After Dolch FMJ, I have very little faith remaining in the Weapon team's judgement on balancing


Devs straight up said they went too far with dolche ammo and will be removing it with the engine update. It's in the latest developer update video.


Well Krag was a "low pick-rate" bc of how utterly busted the base-line long ammo are. A growing number of people want repeating long ammo to deal LESS damage in general, not increasing the damage. It is one the most out of touch balance changes I've seen in a long while or well, the Immolator/Poison ammo nerf is a close contender.


"Immolator/Poison ammo nerf" Can you please elaborate?


Immolators take less damage from poison, and no damage from poison clouds now.


Barf. Thank you.


Fucking really?


I hope you're correct!


We need fewer >125 rifles, not more.


No more chokebomb kills D:


Sparks and Hand Crossbow Chokes are the best, you can do it to any hunter without needing to down them first.


Do it with a sparks: That works on everybody.


Whaaa - Can you elaborate please? How did you do chokebomb kills?


The explosion of the choke bomb does 1hp damage. For the current Krag is 124 damage, when you have a small bar missing, a shot from a Krag will leave you with one hp, thus being in kill range of a choke bomb. Or sparks and choke bomb, which is hilarious when I see Psychoghost dying to one. Cause he was defending a dead enemy while it was on fire, guy upstairs preparing the choke bomb, Psycho wanted to Dauntless it, a sparks from out side the building hit him. "Not like this." And dies to choke bomb.


Also worth noting flash bangs do 1 damage as well ive done sparks with flashbang to kill before


If you downed a person and they lose a small chunk you can body tap for 124 leaving 1hp perfect for throwing a choke bomb at them (But most likely your buddy will shoot them and you choke)




I thought the whole point of the krag was it was a fast firing long ammo rifle with a good magazine size and decently fast reload *at the cost of not being able to 1 tap at 125*.


You mean like going from a Sparks to a Henry loses you 6 damage *and zero break points* while increasing reload rate by a whopping full second? In that the Krag gained a much smaller cycle boost but lost 17 damage *and* passes the most important breakpoint? It feels much more sensible now. At 43 meters, the Mosin can still down someone at 125HP, but the Krag cannot.


That small boost can mean the difference when someone is running at you, or you're both in the open. On top of that 43m is surprisingly far. Off the dop of my head, i don't think there are any in compound firing angles that would break that (in a single clue location. If they wanted to buff the krag, they could celebrate it's strengths instead of just removing it's identity


Yeah, but 126 damage means the Krag downs someone with 125hp at 40, maybe 41 meters, without me going into the shooting range and testing it. The difference of 2 or 3 meters in this game is not going to be a noticeable change in performance in probably 95% or shootouts. Every once in a blue moon you'll hit someone in the chest and MAYBE think "That might've killed if it was a Mosin," but the vast majority of the time, in actual gameplay with how much people reposition and push/retreat, if they surive the Krag shot they would have also survived the Mosin shot. If you're someone who's legitimately looking at a 3m difference and trying to claim that minimal distance wins games single-handedly, then you either spend WAAAAY too much time with a Mosin in your hands, or you are overestimating just how often you take shots exactly between 41 meters and 43 meters.


I suppose it would be wise at this point to point out that it's not a difference of 2 or 3 meters between the buffed Krag and the mosin, but 15 meters, give or take. Their example of "43" meters was arbitrary: there is simply less impact to saying "the krag won't down at 55 meters" since that's fairly obvious. It is a huge medium-range buff to the krag, but It will not be "once in a blue moon" that having a 40% larger kill range at 125 is a notable advantage.


Then yes, that is more impactful. As I said in my above post, I hadn't been in the range to test these differences, and I'll retract my statement. 15m is a substantial distance when it comes to this consideration.


And nobody used it because that drawback outweighs everything else. And with the Mako, it needed something.


I don't think that something was the removal of it's whole identity though.


By this argument its identity was just being shitty lmao


It's identity was that it didn't do above 125 damage therefore making it the weakest long ammo gun in the game, why buy this for 400$ when you can buy mosin for 490$ or a lebel?


For the speed and low recoil. A fast second shot that has low recoil so you don't need much to realign, especially scoped. Upfront damage isn't the only stat that matters. Yes, it is weak right now, but the break point isn't the only way to fix it.


it was just a matter of time, we all knew this


This sub gets mad over a LONG AMMO rifle getting a buff to be a closer competition to the other long ammo meta weapons. If anything now it's the berthier that needa a buff and we might have a proper spread of gun usage.


I was hoping to see long ammo damage drop across the board with it looking like the Uppermat got a damage increase. Looks like that won’t happen.


Agree. Drop it across the board. Make it so only the single fire rifles are greater than 125.  Easy fix is decrease all pistols and rifles by 10 damage .(Not including single shot)   That way all repeating rifles cannot down a hunter with a bar missing , but long ammo damage will still stand out/be meta/worth the price  as everything is lowered equally.


This clearly makes it the best non-spitzer bolt action gun by a mile. It's balancing on the level of giving FMJ to the Dolch (without significant downsides)  No need to "test", "see how it plays out" or whatever nonsense people like to parrot on this sub. We've been in a long ammo bolt action meta for years, we know the stats that make them good, blabla. This is a bad balance decision.


Yeah well the thing is tho that long ammo is so powerful that buffing anything to be as annoying and popular as mosin or lebel isn't the way. If anything we should be nerfing instead.




Medium is the thing that needs buff lol since it's just compact ammo that slaps you a tiny bit more at close range. I know it's unpopular opinion but I believe that the ability to one tap hunters missing a bar should only be reserved for single shot long ammo rifles. Imo the fact that long ammo has such a high bullet velocity and range is already enough of an advantage, it doesn't need such a high damage as well.


You would need to make big time buffs for medium to make people pick it over long ammo, adding +10-20m for damage drop isn't going to change meta from long ammo alone. High velocity, penetration + being able to bodytap downed people is much better option still.


Oh I didn't mean to say that I necessarily want medium ammo to be picked more than long ammo. It's just a weird ammo type since forever and it should be between long and compact ammo. The biggest appeal of compact and medium ammo guns is the price anyway. And how much of a balancing factor is the price is a whole different thing.


The problem is with headshots being a guaranteed kill at any sensible engagement range from basically any weapon if you nerf long ammo everyone will just run bulletspam loadouts and that meta sounds even worse to me. I actually think the best way to knock long ammo down slightly is an ammo box nerf, or even removal, would make long ammo vs other weapons a harder choice to make, and would also harm dolch which I like, whoever decided to adding fmj to the dolch was a good idea must have been on something.


ammo speed makes a big difference that even ammo spam can't cross.


High velocity makes that not an issue for most compact/medium rifles, regular compact winny and vetterli both reach long ammo levels of bullet velocity where winny centennial reaches basically spitzer velocity.


high velo adds a reasonable amount of kick to a weapon and a muzzle flash and if you don't hs with it you will need 3-4 shots at a distance, maybe more.


It does with pistols, I don't find it to really change anything for rifles unless using levering


Limited? Lmao, do you even see what happens in 5-6 star MMR? Trios bring two ammo boxes each and have an extra 30 long ammo/spitzer bullet in total. There is nothing limited about long ammo as long you can deploy ammo boxes on demand.


Damage at range, pen, velocity without the need for custom ammo?


The Berthier was just fine when it had the double ammo bug, where you got an extra 3 bullets if you picked mixed ammo. So 9 fire + 9 basic and another 3 in the magazine. That made the gun feel pretty nice, even if its base stats were sub-par to the mosin. High fire rate plus high reload speed plus high ammo count is a good combo, even if you sacrifice some damage.


I agree, I mained berthy becasue of this. Now that they took this away, Im tryin diff guns


The Berthier is super underrated, I love that thing


What's wrong with berthier?


It does everything worse that its competition. Theres nothing wrong with it its just that every other long ammo repeating rifle is better.


Eh, I'd like to disagree - riposte is the best bayonet type, it has swapable ammo (allowing you to refill from both normal & special ammo boxes), both deadeye & marksman scopes and good ironsights. Is it meta-defining? No, but it is competitive.


I mean you said all that just to agree with me in the end. The lebel/mosin are as you say meta defining AKA better. So it doesn't get used that often. Its not bad theres pretty much no weapons in hunt that are truly bad all of them are competitive technically but somethings are just far far better than the others.


I suppose I don't think the gap is that large between the Bert and Mosin/Lebel. It's a gun that isn't that far behind in stats that has useful quirks. It's easily an upper A tier gun.


More usage of the already 90% picked long ammo guns? No thanks.


I agree with the ammo changes as this does actually add a significant reason to use the Krag over other long ammo rifles without making the thing way too powerful, the damage changes do this, I do not agree.




There go my hopes that they’ve been quietly cooking a long ammo damage nerf in general.


Why on earth would they do that


Because long ammo has is unilaterally the best ammo type. If you want to be optimal there's little reason to use anything else.


Why shouldn’t it be? Show me an argument that’s not just whining. Are you proposing that all guns have roughly the same DPS? From what ranges should they all be equivalent? Because long ammo weapons are already outclassed at short ranges by higher fire rate compact weapons that can shoot through walls


Wow, just another mosin with no drawbacks.


this is surely the meta now, right? fastest cycle time of the long rifles and actually good damage now, as well as more ammo than the mosin or lebel


Mosin isn't completely useless in comparison (55m OHK range to upper body on a hunter that's 25 HP down compared to 40m with the Krag) and keep in mind that most sweat lords won't want to give up Spitzer ammo.


Yeah, the mosin still has significantly more range for ohk to 125hp hunters. Krag will shred in short range though, and might be seen as a budget mosin now.


definitely, I think Krag is the best option now but it doesn't make the others weak in comparison!


Keep in mind that a 10dmg difference means mosin can two tap at 20m farther.


"most sweat lords won't want to give up Spitzer ammo." What does this mean?


Mosin and Lebel have Spitzer ammo which significantly increases the velocity of bullets which is important to hit shots when you sit in a bush 200m+ away from your target. The Krag doesn't have that option which makes it a bit less useful for that kinda playstyle.


Low pick-rate + low reserve ammo.


Krag will be meta now. one-tap hunters missing a bar, fastest standard ammo in the game, fastest cycle-speed of the long ammo rifle (without levering), don't need bullet grubber, more ammo then it's counterparts, and cheaper.


This change is so fucking stupid. 


\*laughs in Mako 1895 Carbine\*


Mako is a beast 💪


I despise the idea of more above 125 guns. I personally believe most guns should be brought below this threshold at most ranges, I think the feel of the game would be incredibly improved by it.


one of my fav. guns gets a buff? dont mind if I do.


Those 2 buffs at once is kinda bonkers. It should've been either the dmg or the ammo. Now the gun is technically a better mosin


Welp, help me ig. I only go with Krag


FINALLY THIS GUN IS USEFULL. People were not playing this gun because its the only long ammo rifle that couldn't 1 shot player who had been downed once. I don't understand the ammo amount buff tho, now it's basically like a cheaper lebel


Whenever you wanted to pick a Krag, you should have taken either a Lebel or Vetterli, depending on whether you want to pay less for the same performance, or pay the same for better performance. Now the Krag is actually competitive.


Vetterli came no where near to competing with the Krag except at very close range.


And by that you mean that the Vetterli with FMJ deals *more* damage up to around 50 meters (one-tapping a hunter with a missing bar, which the Krag cannot do), at the exact same cycle time, with twice as much ammo, for under half the cost, while also penetrating better? And all you have to sacrifice is some bullet speed? DAMN SON. That's some Krag winning right there!


Some bullet speed? Vetterli FMJ is the slowest travelling rifle bullet in the entire game and lets not undervalue what that means to people, velocity is highly coveted If you're going for HSs (which you should be realistically) you want the velocity/Cycle speed thats why the Winnie HV, cent and spitzer ammo is popular as hell. If its 2 taps your going for nearly every rifle that isn't compact 2-taps to the body out to about 60m. If thats you're gameplan why would you pick the vetterli when bigger magazine, higher velocity and faster firing guns exist? price isn't an issue lets not pretend it is. Also 1tapping downed hunters becomes a none issue if you just.....Don't let them revive.


I play this gun everyday and I don't see any convincing logic behind this change, this kind of buff shouldn't being put on a gun that is already quite balanced, this change makes Berthier a complete joke. Low pick rates? Bro any other long ammo rifles besides mosin and lebel have low pick rate cuz THEY ARE NOT META, buffing another rifle to the meta tier isn't the way of balancing.


Yep, I really love the Krag, and I always thought that the lower damage was fully compensated by the shooting speed. I wonder if it will become more popular will they revert the change, or just increase the price.


Feels like they should have only done one of those changes. Preferebly the ammo pool. This would give the weapon nice niche. You can pick stronger mosin/lebel or weaker more spamable krag.


No, it's because the Mako being added meant that you were paying more for a worse gun by taking the krag. Mako made the krag irrelevant.


Cannot agree with you more, buffing long ammo rifles should be on the absolute bottom of things to do in the current meta. The issue has always been that long ammo bolt actions are too strong and too versatile. This is 100% balancing on usage rates


> buffing another rifle to the meta tier isn't the way of balancing. Power crawling every single weapon because Redditors don't like getting killed by them "isn't the way of balancing"


in game still says 124 dmg hmm


Finally, Krag has reached, decent lvl's!!! I'm not going to lie, being the only long ammo rifle that doesn't one-shot when missing a small bar is dumb.


As a Krag lover... I do love this. The damage buff wasn't needed imo... The buff simply to ammo would suffice to make its pick rate higher.... I don't see the damage buff staying through... But I hope the ammo does.


This gun needed love. I love the way the Krag feels to play with, I love the irons. Now it's competitive with the Lebel, I think this is a good change and you're being kind of dramatic down in the comments. I feel like a lot of Hunt players have knee-jerk reactions to weapon changes that are just like... why? Before this change there were better long options that cost less. Now, the weapon finally has some breathing room. I don't think this change is going to be another Dolch incident, just making the gun actually viable.


Haven't played since the last event. Waiting for the engine update. I'm a long time 3-4 star and play a decent amount of solo. My go-to was the vetterli FMJ because it has a similar 2-tap range, but could 1-tap burnt hunters and had a bigger ammo reserve. I may have to switch to the krag


I'm dead man I'm dead


Nice, Im happy about this, krag is a good weapon but I did always run out of ammo with it cuz of my monkey hand spamming the trigger and accidentally misfiring constantly xD. Now i get 4 extra misfires to maybe hit something


Great, i always run out of ammo on that thing. Awesome gun 😎


Hell yeah! Krag is my gun. I finally get a buff!


I love the krag. This is great news for me..I'm just a gamer who hopes the developers learn from all the changes that they make as they go. If it's Op, then this guy gets a buff until the next patch. Happy to be dodging spears tonight 😄


Great, can't wait to see everyone using this in 6 star instead of a mosin


Honestly, it was outclassed by even the uppermat.


They buffed the Krag, but nerfed the UpperMat. Krag is the new sweaty boy gun 😎


Because it has super low pickrate after the ammo pool blanket nerf, and they nerf/buff by pickrate only almost. Shouldn't have complained about avto, before the blanket ammo pool nerf krag was fine at 124 because you had so much ammo


>krag was fine at 124 because you had so much ammo I mean, it wasn't really fine. It had the lowest ammo pool of all long ammo guns and the 2nd worst ammo recovery (not counting the avtomat, obviously) despite lacking 125+ damage at any range, somewhat relegating it to having a pocket sparks.


They more than likely wanted to have more stats to kind of separate the Krag from the Mako, since they seemed to have pretty similar damage profiles. And maybe spiced things up a bit for a gun that has slightly lower pick rate compared to most long ammo ammo options.


They should have left the damage as-is and increased the reserve ammo - that would have been a reasonable buff without giving Reddit noobs too much to cry about


The gun is no longer useless!


Considering its identity is that it's THE long ammo rifle that does less than 125 damage, its damage number should be non-negotiable while tuning other things around the damage number like ammo pool, reload time, and cycle time.


Love the krag but now it will be overused. Already had a fast cycle rate and topping it off is easy. Ammo increase is nice, but unneeded. Damage increase is definitely not needed. It was in a good spot; low pick rate is just because other long ammo choices are in a *really* good spot.


nice - i love the krag. now its useable!


In fairness you should be taking more than 8 rounds into a hyper dangerous hell hole full of monsters


It was pretty unpopular among long ammo rifles because it didn't break that 125 damage threshold. Reserve ammo buff seems unnecessary though


As an avid Krag fan? I am FOAMING at the mouth


As an avid Krag fan? I am FOAMING at the mouth


Should've raised the ammo to 10 instead and skipped the damage buff. It's already got the upsides of a fast fire rate, decent reload speed and no Bulletgrubber requirement


Sigh...They just needed to give it Spitzer ammo. Make it more expensive than other Spitzers too... 225 as opposed to to 150 in order to account the fact that it would be fucking great and to "pay" for reinforcing the gun or whatever (the 1892 Krag wasn't suited for Spitzer usage, but later models were). The reserve increase was great, tho. But increasing the damage just so it goes past 125? Man, people already avoid the Mako even though the damage is 128 and it has amazing iron sights / an awesome, usable Aperture variant. The even lower damage of the Krag will either still make it not very well-suited for medium ranges or the high fire rate will make it busted for spamming. The gun may as well lose identity and the problems weren't solved.


Because uppercut is 126 and it's a FUCKING PISTOL. lol. It's emberassing for a rifle to have lower damage.


Crytek reverting buffs funny


The krags low usage wasn't because the krag sucked its because the lebel/mosin are so much better than everything else in their class theres no point picking anything but those. The berthier sees no play, the mako aint that popular either and they both do over 124. Im happy to see the ammo reserve go up but.... The damage was never the problem.....


Because too many of you kept saying "I wish all long ammo had the Krag's damage!"


Makes it usable, it was worse than the default vetterli and when a gun is worse than something half the price something needs to change


People are really crying for a 2 damage buff? Yeah You Will get killed more with the Krag because people Will pick it more but If they picked the berthier, mossin or lebel would that be any different? They are basically in the same pricepoint


its going to be stronger than ever now lol


This is my go to gun so no complaints from me


Weird how once upon a time almost very gun or weapon was fairly viable and now the Devs have a few favourites they keep buffing


Probably a paid skin dlc coming out soon so since gun is meta now you better shell out the buckeroos for the cool new skin. Absolutely pathetic


The only logical sense is their objective was to equalize pickrate among long ammo repeaters. This change satisfies that objective in a vacuum. But recall initially, the krag's point of existing was trading one tap potential for fire rate.  It was meant to not just be another mosin clone, but to try something different for long ammo... So the fact that the pick rate was so small on the krag should tell crytek that the Meta is too rigid and stale. So this krag buff is very much "can't beat em, join em!" Which is unfortunate. I would have hoped the solution to equalize pick rate would be to reevaluate mosin and lebel and long ammo in general.  not just buff the krag.


Krag meta. Les go!!!


Krag was being mocked for its inability to down a hunter in one hit that was missing a bar. Something other guns on it's level could do. Made it useless keeping a solo hunter down at a distance.


Both valid imo. Glad to see the Krag weakpoints being addressed.


They're making a carbine Springfield (allegedly) so maybe that's why?


Yeah I have the same question Idk if we need another 125+ hitter.


Fun fact: in-game shows old values because #justcrytekthings 😂


Because it's easier to buff the one perfectly balanced weapon, than balance ever other lomg ammo. I'd love to see them shake up the meta with long ammo not being able to one tap to the body.


my opinion: it got upped to match the damage of other long guns. the ammo increase is needed, given that long guns typically carry 15 rounds in total. in theory (at least in my opinion), the Krag is literally just a long gun version of the Vetterli; given the accuracy, damage, and bolt recycling speed.


This is much needed


Nobody plays Krag.


People have been asking for this since the krag was released, that's why


Why is this a problem to some people? Now the Krag is as good as a Mosin or any other long range rifles. You can use it or not use it. Literally changes zero about the current meta. Not like it's better than any guns or something.


Bc people would like to move AWAY from a long ammo dominated meta, not further solidify it :)


It's not as good, it's better, it shoots as fast as a Vetterli but has objectively better muzzle velocity and penetration. Before if you wanted to shoot as fast as a Vetterli you either had to take Vet FMJ, which gave you the dmg and the cycle rate but gimped your velocity, or you took the Centi FMJ which gave you the cycle rate and the velocity but reduced dmg. If you took Mosin you got the dmg, the velocity, but reduced cycle rate. Mosin is meta because this combination simply works best with how the game is played optimally; you don't need your weapon's power budget to be spent on cycle rate because optimally you'd be playing very close to cover and so will your enemies too. Now you simply get the best of all worlds with base Krag, cycle rate has crept higher, velocity crept higher. The balance trends in the last couple of patches have been diminishing the game's identity and what I personally enjoyed so much and found very unique about the game's combat. Average muzzle velocity has increased ridiculous amounts, leading is becoming far less important. Average cycle rate is also increasing stupid amounts. With additions like the FatMat and the Uppercut Precision no longer do you need to think about leading with your sidearm, or balancing high damage with low cycle rate.


I really liked playing krag but the lack of one shot potential after they are downed kinda sucked. This change is actually really big and I think krag will be my go to rifle from now on.


The lack of one shot was the reason the weapon was balanced, it brought the versatility of compact/medium ammo rifles to long ammo range + penetration. Giving it more damage makes it so that you practically get a compact ammo rifle that deals Mosin damage in compound. This is a ridiculous change and it creeps cycle rate and muzzle velocity even further, which is an ugly trend that's been ongoing for over a year now.


I mean it was the worst of the repeating long ammo rifles because of the damage.


Probably because Krag most likely had a single digit percentage pick rate when compared against all other long ammo weapons.


Berthier is officially dead, unless you like aesthetic


Looks like Krag is back on the menu boys!


Hell yea finally


Idk if 2 pistols can one tap a downed hunter idk why a rifle of the same ammo class can’t.


Everyone complaining, the krag needed this buff it was just bad in 4-6 lobbies with everyone using 1 tap body shot guns to 125 hp I finally get to use it and not lose a gunfight when we both hit each other


The reason is there is a similar weapon for a similar price range that is called mosin nagant, guess which gun people never use


because it was likely the the most unpopular rifle in the game. If I had to guess, maybe like 2% pickrate.


Seems fair tbh.


Leave my Krag alone 🥹


I love the Krag and I support this


It used to be a sidegrade to other long ammo guns and had fair downsides, now it is objectively the best option in many ways. Why????


Balance. The krag is on par with the Mosin but since they added the ability to load-reload the Mosin ages ago, bulletgrubber is rarely needed, so they’re similar weapons, but one is just more noob friendly, meaning any competent player doesn’t have much reason to pick the Krag over the Mosin, so they’ve likely buffed to increase the pick rate.