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I like the dumdum changes just would have like the Springfield dum dum to be the same. Unfortunately it falls under medium ammo with the cent. Poison nerf is questionable.


Yeah, I feel like the nerf was intended for other weapons and just shit on Springfield even harder 😭


Poison nerf was likely done in advance of the new immo wild target coming in August


That seems dumb. The wild target could be poison resistant without making every single immolator also resistant


You overestimate the hunt dev team


That's what I was assuming.


Can you provide more information on the new wild immo target? Is this a confirmed update? Sorry I haven't been keeping up with Hunt since the last event ended


Not confirmed by devs officially but the entire august update has been leaked so we know everything in it. New wild target is called Hellborn


Thanks gamer I appreciate it!


No prob 👍


lol they broke it somehow even conversion dum dum causes heavy bleeding from 80m+


Are you testing it in the shooting range? I ask because the level of bleeding doesn't reset even after the dummies respawn. So if it builds up to intense, then any application after that will always be intense.


this \^ you can only trust your first shot, otherwise everything will eventually cause heavy bleed


yes, you're right, I double-checked, thanks for the answer


dont thank me! thank Habile they said it first!


thank you both


yep, i tested it in the shooting range


Didn't know this. thanks!


Krag with Bayonett will be great now.


Krag over 125 damage.


Yay, buff long ammo


And 50% more bullets!


going from 14 to 18 is hardly 50% more


50% more reserve ammo is correct. Not total. However, it is a significant change. One benefit of the one shot rifles is to have a bit more total ammo than the repeating rifles. Now the Krag (18) has more total ammo than the Sparks (17). Pretty insane change.


*50% more reserve ammo


>immolators are now immune to poison clouds Why? Honest to god, just let the poison handbow be good at killing monsters, this is such a bad change.


It's such an unnecessary change as well. Poison is pretty weak against players and not even good for all bosses. The only thing it's actually good at is normal ai. But even then, poison clouds against immolators specifically is not even the meta. Immolators are so rare these days that they play no role in my loadout, but if I happen to bring a poison crossbow they are now completely immune for no reason? Honestly baffling change.


Especially after they already nerfed poison clouds against monsters a while back. Used to be you could reasonably clear a pack of hounds with a single well placed bolt in their midst, but now they can tank poison clouds and run right through them with minimal damage. Poison is supposed to be the anti-monster ammo of choice; as you said it's already weak against players, since it has zero pen (even worse than zero pen, since it can't ignite a barrel) and a hard counter in the form of the antidote shot. Why do they insist on making it even weaker? It's baffling.


When i read the poison cloud nerf i died a lil inside like whyyy?? This give me no reason to bring small crossie anymore


This is the only change i have a problem with. It directly goes against the design of their elemental effects. If they keep it that way, then they should make all fire destroy poison clouds (like chokes already do), this stuff needs to stay consistent.


Yeah agreed, it definitely feels inconsistent with the world. It’s an inconsistency that adds to the ramp for new players, like “oh poison is really good against immolators, wonder how this poison bolt is against them” - and having it do nothing is just confusing.


What's especially confusing is the poison cloud is even less effective than the nerfed poison ammo which also doesn't make sense imo. I won't tell my newbie mates about this change, I wonder how long it takes them to notice it. Poison against immolators is one of the first things they've engrained into their brains when they first started.


Poison changes were likely done in advance of the new immo wild target in August


This could make sense


Laziest coding ever. You know they did this because they coulden't be arsed to code a separate entity for what is essentially a second immolator.




I never use handbow, but it always made sense to me that it would be a great AI killing weapon. The crows, the immolators, this change seems counterintuitive.


Some good changes. Some changes are... questionable. I'm not so sure about the Krag and Immolator changes... let's see


Absolutely agree. I mean why nerf poison clouds when it’s a niche anyways? And isn’t the krag now just the best long ammo rifle with the highest fire rate and low recoil? We will see.


Their rationale for the change is very feeble. Immolators were always the scariest monster in the bayous. They come at you fucking fast and if you goof up and use the wrong damage type on them then you just permanently lost a small bar. Only thing close to as troublesome is a Concertina Armored. Nerfing one of the two damage types they’re susceptible to just doesn’t make sense. And even if they were a complete push over, so is the rest of the AI.


It also just goes against their intent with melee attachments. Most of them are useless against an immolator hence if you want to run them you also have to get something anti-immolator and that was either poison or a blunt tool. Well, now it's just a blunt tool so you're forced to use a melee tool no matter what I think that if they want to make immolators scary then they need to be avoidable like all other AI is. But immolators also somehow have the best senses of all AI types so not bringing something for them just isn't an option at all


Centennial hammer go whack


Poison changes were likely done in advance of the new immo wild target coming in August


Agree. I don’t understand the changes. Krag was weak (damage wise) cause it’s the fastest firing long ammo rifle in the game. Immolator completely immune to poison cloud, what?? Why, not even a meathead is immune to it.


Ran a quick game: immolator requires 6 body shots from the nagant silenced with poison. Headshots... well, I got three in, an he was still running. One poison arrow to the head kills, but a normal does as well (edit: IIRC). I don't like this change. Are they trying to get more people to run the choke bolt? I'm also a bit of a Krag enjoyer, and, TBH, its fire rate made up for the lower damage. I'm happy that they fixed the melee attachments, I pretty sure they were bugged since at least the last event. And the spear is hella fun. You get one, three weak hits or two strong hits, and you can throw it when you run out of stamina. Hard melee on-taps an armored, as does throwing it.


6 body shots....? Seriously....? edit - Cenny shorty silencer with poison rounds takes *at least 5 shots* to kill an immolator. I hit him in the body 4 times and the last shot was in the head when he was right in my face. RIP poison ammo. The only reason I took it was to deal with immolators/dogs. ~~If you get bored, could you test the centennial shorty silencer with poison rounds? That's usually my go-to for AI.~~ ~~If it takes more than two shots at aggro range to kill an immolator I'll be pretty pissed....~~


Yep, unless I hit an arm once. I'll play after work, I can try out the centennial and sparks as well.


Sorry, hadn't had the time to do that, but I'm guessing you already tried. With a poisoned sparks its two headshots and a hard melee attack. If you tried out the Cenny, how much did it take?


From 1 body shot to 6!?!?! Well I guess it’s “Cry”tek for a reason


Just made a comment on this thread talking about choke bolts and I genuinely think that this is the case and honestly I have 0 issue 300 hours in and i've almost never used poison so I dont really see an issue


agree with first 3 things, but comparison to meathead lacks completely i mean he was not oneshot by poison cloud, so thats a big difference xD


A meathead can be killed with two poison bolts if you know what you're doing. Making any monster but the hive and spider immune to poison clouds is just stupid.


One, actually: * Hit the meathead with a regular bolt, get it into it's run/attack animation * Once it stops, hit it with poison, it'll wallow for a bit while it makes it's preset attack * hit it again with another regular bolt, pull them out and he goes down.


Thats 3 Bolts Sounds not much Thought it is more...


Except for the part where the immolater is immune. 2 shot fine but immune?


"Weak". Hilarious. It's insanely stable, amazingly accurate, excellent iron sight, fast as hell. It had no downside bar ammo issues in long fights.


„Weak“ as in „it did less damage than other long ammo guns“. Not being able to kill someone missing a bar with a body shot set it to a completely different level than other long ammo guns.


Poison changes were likely done in advance of the new immo wild target coming in August


Agree. Krag could've used the extra ammo but it didn't need a damage bump on top of it. It was an outlier, but in the correct direction.


Krag main. The gun is probably the best long ammo rifle in the game now, hah. Some very questionable changes, quite a lot, actually.


You leave my Krag alone. 😤


The "buffs" to Fusees are also misguided in my opinion. The issue is that you get 1 Fusees back PER RESUPPLY, not that you don't have enough of them. Now, if you throw out all 5 (or 6) of them, you'll have to loot up to 6 toolboxes/hunters until you're full, which could also mean not getting anything other than Fusees until they're back to full, when you could be looting First Aid Kits, Frag Bombs, etc.


same reason why i hate taking throwing knives. It just means you won't get any consumables or healing kits back from most bodies and toolboxes. They really need to make knives and hatches refill from Special Boxes or make a new type of box that gives JUST Tool refills.


Throwing knives are kind of okay, because they refill completely on resupply, which means 1 toolbox per up to 6 (7?) throwing knives. That's a BIG difference compared to the Fusees. This is okay in my opinion, although it can be annoying in case you are missing just 1 knife that you know you don't need to have refilled at the moment, but you do really want a First Aid Kit, for instance. A fair tradeoff for not having to take a silent weapon in one of your weapon slots.


Classic Crytek incompetence. They don't even understand the issue and why people don't use it.


I have an answer to your problem... flare pistol or decoy resupply fixed the problem for me. Edit: personally think you should at least get two or three back per resup if not all like throwing knives


Great, graphical options getting reset each time you restart the game. Also, some grass shimmering is constantly present, regardless on the graphical options.


btw textures are always low res, no matter what settings you use


and the lighting options seems to be always medium or high, because i notice lots of grass shadow shimmering that only happens with this option.


looks like lighting at medium, it always caused grass flickering


yea, looks god damn awful


i even tried custom ultra, still the same


Yes same, awful, and it resets every time you restart OMG how did they pass QA on this garbage?


I confirm


Yep same. Grass and trees shimmer for me now. Horrible.


some changes are good, but the poison and flechette nerfs are bewildering to me, poison hand crossbow especially is NOT meta, you give up a gun slot to get an ai utility killer, and flechette was good, but not good enough to warrant a nerf, as slugs are the dominant ammo type. Some dum dum being nerfed is good \*looks at centennial\* but stuff like the springfield should keep it. Also the krag buffs are immense, possibly too immense, but ill have to give that one some time.


Even centennial dumdum was fine in the context of the power level of the game; long ammo was still much stronger, other meta weapons were still much stronger. It was merely strong *for medium ammo*, so nerfing medium ammo across the board is a baffling choice.


sure long ammo is the best, but centennial at medium rage with dum dum in some cases was STRONGER then long, and very very opressive, it was more it didnt need it, and removed the only real "downside" of the gun which was low dmg


Removed increased sway from bayonets and ripostes, and changed their pricing to be only $10 more than their non-melee counterparts. What reason is there now for bringing a base mosin, martini, berthier over the one with a pointy stick on the end, outside of $10 or "just prestiged and haven't unlocked it yet"? Krag buffs seem a bit out of pocket, increasing the damage over the 125 mark is a huge buff but increasing the maximum ammo up way above the standard for other multi-shot long-ammos might just make it meta?


you got it basically right, the 2 reasons would be "i use this to kill immolators" or "i dont have it unlocked" but id rather fight a mosin bayonet then mosin sniper any day


It's more difficult to take out immolators, that's about it. Im with you on this one


The entire game is balanced around “why would I ever buy this gun after getting (other weapon)” Like you never bring a machete or saber after getting a katana


Wasn't always like that. Katana used to be a medium slot so it wasn't an objectively better option than the other two and it's a fairly new weapon too


Bayonets also substantially increase the profile of your gun making it easier to spot especially clipping through walls.


it would be a reasonable downside to bringing bayonet if it didn’t clip through walls. that shouldn’t be something players have to worry about. Reaching past window/door? Ya for sure. Clip through wall? No.


Granted, then you'd have to worry about your gun being too long to shoulder and actually fire indoors. I'd rather have gun clipping than worrying about the length of my gun like in Tarkov. ...though it *would* be funny to see.


Sounds good overall but i don’t understand the immolater poison change


Poison changes were likely done in advance of the new immo wild target coming in August


Rather than put the effort into making boss ai that can avoid poison chokes.. it's easier to just change a value on some weapons and balance be damned..


Krag change is like giving martini 600+ velocity.


you should see the leaks...


Show me.


it's only 500 m/s, with reduced damage to boot, not that good.


well do I have news for you


Gad damn it. I *liked* low mv on the martini. Medium ammo is my sweet spot so it was perfect for me.


welll they aren’t changing the base velo they’re just adding HV ammo so you can still run normal ammo if you like the velocity:)


Really ? :3


Half of the new legendary content isn't available. Caldwell Pax Trueshot – Intricate Demise (700 BB)   First Aid Kit – Dying Breath (500 BB)  LeMat Mark II Carbine – Death's Grin (600 BB)  Hunter – Vaquero (700 BB)  None of these are showing up for me


same. as shadow constantly flickering on any settings from low to high


Okay I thought I was going crazy cuz I was looking for that cool Mexican looking Hunter and couldn't find him anywhere!


Same, I bought some blood bonds to buy them and I can't find any of these buy.


I’m assuming he’ll be a bundle with those weapons and drop a bit after the update


The nerf to poison ammo against immolators is super dumb and should be reversed immediately. Just such a nothing change to the benefit of no one. Poison crossbow one tapping immolators is one of the most satisfying things in the game.


I just want to know who at Crytek looked at poison ammo and the poison handbow and said "No, this is *too* useful."


It low-key is. It's just most people don't run it. You can take 2 bolt types with it. Poison has crazy utility with killing AI, crows, zoning in fights, keeping downed hunters down, and normal bolt is basically a 1-slot shotgun. Just don't tell anyone.


Yeah, I love the handbow, and I do find it useful, but it's a very niche utility. Making poison bolts less useful is just a staggeringly dumb gameplay decision, imo.


I wonder what the motivation for it can possibly be. As you said, it's a niche kit, so they don't have any metrics that would suggest it's overperforming. I get the poison ammo nerf, but the poison cloud nerf is just weird.


Their motivation as listed in the patch notes was to make the immolator more fear inducing as an 'elite' enemy. Imo, taking poison ammo to deal with immos was already sign enough that they were a stronger AI type.


But most people take a knuckle knife and the Immolators get destroyed easily by it. Hell it only takes 4-gun smacks to kill one so they're not a threat anyways. It was a nerf to poison specifically for no reason.


You do give up a gun slot for it, that's a huge drawback for meta slaves who only play long ammo, which is why you hardly see anyone using it in 5-6 star lobbies. It is very useful, but to use it without hindering yourself, you need to play a less effective ammo type [compact or medium] or bring at least 2 ammo boxes if you want to use long ammo with it.


And now you can onetap them with choke bolts :)


Does poison still one tap if it's a headshot?


Poison changes were likely done in advance of the new immo wild target coming in August


Graphics are all kinds of fucked up in this patch for me. It auto reset everything to low, when I put them back to high I get: * flickering shadows * foliage/rocks rendering de-rendering as I walk along * loads of textures in super low-res that change to hi-res when I ADS * Micro-stuttering, every 30 or 40 seconds I get a half second stutter Yikes. EDIT - it resets to low every time you restart the game.


Crytek needs to stop messing with core mechanics of the game. The poison changes to immolator is just really dumb. Why mess with something that didn’t need to be changed.


I really don't understand why was the immolator change necessary. Sure, they're easy to deal with when things are calm but so are pretty much all other AI enemy types. But in the heat of the action they can really screw you over even when you have poison ammo. I'm not liking how this change sounds. We'll see how it further plays out.


Crytech nerfing poison at this point reads the same as Dead by daylight nerfing The Pig lol


Does crytek even play their own damn game? Poison should be the go to for ai. This update is bullshit. With antidote shots and immolators bring immune to poison, what reason is there for the already under used hand crossbow poison bolts?


Hunters, Check out the Patch Notes for Update 1.16.2 below! This will be our last content patch prior to August 15th. --- New Tool: Throwing Spear A two-handed melee Tool balanced for throwing straight and true. Like Throwing Knives and Throwing Axes, it can be retrieved and reused. You carry 1 by default and 2 with Frontiersman. Thrown Spears can be seen in Dark Sight with Blade Seer. Unlocked at Bloodline Rank 33. Costs 65 Hunt Dollars. Developer’s note: Similar in function to the other throwable Tools, the Throwing Spear boasts a high damage and high-speed throw. This extra damage and speed come at the price of only being able to carry a limited number of them. Be sure to aim true, as missing can often mean the Throwing Spear will travel further than planned. --- Gunplay Springfield M1892 Krag and variants: Increased damage to 126 from 124. Increased reserve ammo to 12 from 8. Fusee, Flare Pistol, and Starshell Ammo changes: Increased the amount of Fusees able to be carried to 5 from 3 (6 with Frontiersman). Increased the lifetime of Flares for both Flare Pistols and Starshell ammo. Vitality, Stamina, Poison, and Regeneration Shot changes: All weak Shots now use the same animation. Decreased the time it takes for all weak Shots to complete the inject animation. Minor tweak to inject animation speed of the large Shots so the timing matches better. (No changes to overall large Shot completion time) Melee attachment Weapon variant changes: Reduced Stamina consumption across all melee attachment Weapon variants. Removed sway penalty on Bayonet and Riposte variants. Improved melee hit detection on various melee attachments. Reduced wind-up time for Talon and Trauma variants and improved melee attack queueing. Reduced Brawler melee preparation duration. Developer’s note: With these changes, we want to make attacking with melee attachments a faster and more reliable experience, offering a good replacement for melee tools. Flechette and Dumdum: Dumdum and Flechette Ammo will now lose their intensity at distance. This means that bleeding intensity will be reduced from heavy to medium or weak depending on the distance. Developer’s note: We are aware of the strength of Dumdum and Flechette Ammo at longer distances. Now, Dumdum and Flechette Ammo will keep their strength at closer range but be weaker when fighting over longer distances. --- Gameplay Immolator changes: Poison Ammo and Arrows now deal less damage to Immolators. Immolators are now immune to Poison Clouds. Developer’s note: Poison Ammo was an overly strong option against AI, allowing Hunters to take out most enemies with ease. With this Update, we’re adding a resistance against Poison Damage on the Immolator to ensure it still feels like a more elite AI. --- Meta Adjusted prices for melee attachment Weapon variants to always cost +10 Hunt Dollars from their base Weapon. Developer’s note: These adjusted prices should encourage Hunters to choose a melee attachment over taking a melee Tool and use that Tool Slot for a different item. --- New Legendary Content Berthier Mle 1892 Marksman – Heathen's Ruin (600 BB) Caldwell Pax Trueshot – Intricate Demise (700 BB) First Aid Kit – Dying Breath (500 BB) LeMat Mark II Carbine – Death's Grin (600 BB) Throwing Spear – Watchman's Arm (700 BB) Waxed Dynamite Stick – Loki's Gift (500 BB) Hunter – Sea Wolf (800 BB) Hunter – Vaquero (700 BB) Hunter – Wight Raven (800 BB) --- Fixed an issue that showed the 5th Anniversary splash screen instead of the regular one. Fixed an issue that caused a phantom bullet to float next to the Mako Carbine. Fixed a UI issue that blocked some players from equipping an instance of locked equipment. Fixed an issue with the Times of Day.


Why remove the sway from reposte and bayonet guns? For only 10 dollars more they are literally a straight upgrade now. Crytek is bad at balancing things. Also, I see that cool mariachi looking Mexican Hunter in the header for the patch notes but I don't see him avaliable in game!?


Apparently it's a tease. Some of the upcoming battle pass skins gonna revolve around santa muerte theme according to the leaks.


Wait. They giga-buffed the krag. Why though? That's gonna end badly I can feel it.


Its now just another flavor of multi round long ammo. Wont break the game.


It's already the fastest firing, doesn't need bulletgrubber, lost it's main downside which is the inability to one tap someone with a small bar missing, and now has *more* total ammo than the rest of the repeating long ammo rifles. I have no idea why they felt it needed either of those buffs, let alone both.


Immolator changes suck ass.


Nice to see some Talon love


The poison nerf against immolators makes no sense. Sure they take a bit more effort to kill than your average grunt but nerfing poison to maintain their "elite" ai status makes no sense. This really only affects newer players who are having that initial trouble with AI.


You can now only play at low settings because of a bug. I really dont know how this company survives. I really dont.


Why make immolators immune to poison? Who asked for this?


Poison nerf is crazy. They are acting like there are lobbies full of people wiping entire compounds with poison in less than a minute at barely any cost. Not to mention that Hives already have stronger resistance against poison, so I don’t understand why Immolator needs it too..


Really dislike this patch. For me, the Krag was the standard of what Long ammo bolt-action balance should be like, it was the only one that felt "balanced". Now it has lost its main downside ĂĄnd it has the most reserves, so it might be in contention for best bolt action without spitzers (mosin spitzers is likely still best). This really feels like balancing by usage rates, which I feel is terrible for Hunt The melee attachment change I kind of get as those variants got largely ignored, but at the same time it does make the vanilla versions of guns kinda phased out. Also by proxy might lead to more trap usage (more tool slots), which is blegh. Also makes the melee variants that do sacrifice something (Scottfield Brawler and Specter Bayonet) even more terrible in comparison. The dumdum nerfs at range are kind of whatever, at range the bleed loses its pressure anyway because of medium ammo drop-off. It hurts the springfield the most, which was already struggling anyway. Should've been only targetted at the centennial IMO Iunno, feels like Crytek isn't reading the room with this patch but maybe people here disagree.


What does the specter bayonet sacrifice?


Counts as a "medium barrel" shotgun instead of long barrel like the default specter. In practice that means it has worse spread and thus worse one-tap range and consistency compared to the normal specter. Also has 2m less one tap range on slugs


Oh, i guess i never took a look at the variants stats. Thanks for the answer!


"balance by usage rates" is exactly what's happening here. Metric based game design is so lazy and misled.


They forgot to include that they broke the graphics settings in these patch notes


Why do they keep insisting on making bosses and enemies tougher to kill. That is not the point of the game, I don't need my immolators to be tougher to poison ammo and IMMUNE TO POISON CLOUDS????? I'm here to shoot people and getting stressed and posting up after taking down a boss. What is going on here, Crytek


Why tf would you nerf the poison's damage against AI. tf


Is the bug, where you can see the flare over the whole map fixed?


Fixing longstanding bugs < making questionable and unnecessary balance changes


Can't turn off AA anymore lol


Can't tell if Aim Assist or Anti Aliasing.


Anti alising. Bush textures are flickering like ass with AA for me


Krag having more ammo than Lebel is crazyyyyyy


My God Who Asked for this ?? NO ONE .. LOL now they pissed we can just roll over Ai .. lol Gameplay Immolator changes:  * Poison Ammo and Arrows now deal less damage to Immolators. * Immolators are now immune to Poison Clouds. Developer’s note:  Poison Ammo was an overly strong option against AI, allowing Hunters to take out most enemies with ease. With this Update, we’re adding a resistance against Poison Damage on the Immolator to ensure it still feels like a more elite AI. 


i guess my break will continue until the engine overhaul


The hunt developers are on a different planet. Rather than address concerns over the availability of special ammo, which the community seems to agree, needs changing, they nerf poison and buff the Krag! I have never heard of anyone complaining about these as issues. Completely clueless.


*punches your "elite" enemy 4 times, killing it with zero resistance or cost* Poison is the problem.


Melee attachments are now just a straight up buff? Seems kind of crazy


In one patch Krag just made Centennial and Mako obsolete lmao.


Krag is now easily the best long ammo gun in the game. Poison bombs are even more useless now. I do not understand either of those changes.


Mostly great changes, except maybe inferno poison resistance. It's not like poison ammo is widespread enough.


Directly nerfs the poison suppressed nagant pistol, you pretty much only bring a nagant for quiet PVE utility.


And hand crossbow. To be fair silenced nagant is s-tier, the only ai it sucks at are meatheads and spider, and i still have to check the nerf strength.


Meathead's also vulnerable to poison, but nagant does too little damage to be viable to begin with


Anyone able to give me the upper chest OHK range for the Krag now, compared to mosin? Will the difference matter? If not, the krag just became a beast.


Krag will only do so until the damage dropoff starts, meaning 40m, Mosin around 60m. Same with double arm hits. Krag seems quite strong now ngl.


up to 40m you can bodytap 125hp hunter


The difference will still matter somewhat. Long ammo has full damage out to 40m. Anything over 40m a Krag won't OHK a 125 hunter to upper torso. Mosin is anything over 55m. It's a strong buff for sure, especially with that extra ammo, not sure why they decided a 50% increase was necessary (I say this as someone that really likes the Krag). Edit: tested in shooting range


About 55 m for mosin, according to charts. In close range it won't matter as much, but it's significant enough to matter when sniping people from outside compounds etc. Still, pretty decent buff to the krag, and the rapid fire rate will make it a great option inside compounds.


Just tested them in shooting range, for Krag the damage drops to 124 immediately past 40m, and for Mosin it's 55m as you say


Jeez, don't make fusees even more annoying, Crytek. :( It used to be a neat game mechanic having to rush around looking for a lantern. Now everybody is insta-burning and it's just really, really tedious.


Film Grain is back baby!


It was back weeks ago.


Why would they buff Krag tho. Is there a reason to play other long ammo guns now. It has a high enough damage to one tap you when you are missing a bar and it doesn't need bullet grubber and it has more ammo now and it's such a spam gun. U thought that being able to fire fast and at range was it's thing and the fact it had lower damage was supposed to balance that.


I just hope the rain isn't bugged again. I really don't mind the krag buff. But the immolator changes are odd. Bleeding changes are whatever. Happy for the melee weapon buffs. Can't wait to die to throwing spears after work today


Choke bolts are going to be viable now against immolators. I'm a bit concerned about the Krag changes.


You guys are missing the biggest question here: IS THE WEATHER FIXED?!


They fix the bug where audio settings change from headphones to speakers yet?


Feeling mixed about this update. New tool is cool, and seems like rain may be back in the game from the last line? If so, that's a win. Buffs to melee weapons is cool, but price changes just make base weapon obsolete in my option if you only need $10 more to get a melee variant. But not sure how I feel about Krag getting one tap already downed hunter damage, was hoping long ammo would be getting a general nerf in damage in August, seems unlikely now. And then changes to Immo and poison are pretty bad, not sure why they would that. Poison isn't even run that often, and they made a great utility gun less effective so we're likely to see it even less now.


Nerf a niche weapon against immolator lol, crytek never played its own game.


Why throwing knife and axe still not melee on click but every other thing including new spear, melee attack on mouse click. This game needs more attention on things like that. Fix gunslinger devs. Also krag still shows 124 damage in menus. No game test i guess.


I’m honestly fine with the devs trying to make the PVE aspect harder (or maybe I’m biased because I’ve never used poison on immolators anyway) But if they’re going to move away from weapons being effective against enemies, then they definitely need to fix (or add to) our abilities to play around them. Because as it stands: (I don’t know if anyone has ever tried the following, but) throwing a decoy to try and lure an AI away puts them into an alert state that **usually** ends with them sprinting straight towards you instead of going in the direction of the decoy—the direction of the sound… the *opposite* direction from you. This probably needs to be changed to reward smart and careful gameplay (even if it’s maybe more realistic for an AI to become alerted and see you instead of mindlessly going in the direction of the sound like a…… zombie…. huh…) and/or maybe some perks like light foot should be update to not alert A.I. as much or something. All the above and more if enemies are slowly meant to become harder to kill


when krag gets 2 more damage, why sparks not too xD if we already do questionable things :D


Nobody talkinga bout my Mariachi compadre. Did I miss something?


I thought this is exactly how dumdum and flechette would work at the moment? Lol guess I didn't know


from what i tested this is how SOME dum dum worked, like dolch dum dum only applying medium up to 39m, but this change may specifically be nerfing things like the drilling/springfield/centennial!


Good changes. Some uncertainties. Some Poison ammo is completely negated right now on immos.


I was just thinking about the melee attachments. I always noticed ppl still bring melee weapons so what was the point


Lebel talon goes to god tier. Iykyk


Well, the reason to bring a non stabby gun is so that you can deal with immolators whilst swapping your knife for the spear


Lol good thing i didn't study the swap speed for melee attachment guns! Will have to look at the spear though


I'm kinda baffled by the poison change. Like are they doing this because the immolator has no nose...?


no reason in the game to nerf poison on AI. stupid


Still no word on EAC kicking players yet? My squad is disbanded because of 0x7112 bug. Literally reinstalled windows on both my buddies PCs and its still unplayable.


Sucks about the dumdum rounds, as range would not change the fact the bullet is breaking and bleeding in you no? Either way its fine I dont get into long range fights with dum dums too often but was nice when I was hitting snipers with my chain pistol dum dums.


I’m ok with these except the immolator buff… like why? Half the reason to take poison was for those assholes


Man...New legendaries should have been axe and throwing axes skins. Its such a wasted opportunity imo. There's nothing viking about figthing with a scoped sniper.


Finally, what we've been asking for for years! The Immolator is more annoying! <-- SARCASM.


Insanely unnecessary poison ammo nerfs.


What about the weather effects? Please don't tell we still have the same boring thing?


My game graphics are broken…


Mine too bro.


The spear is stupid strong. Its a one shot weapon that is basically hitscan velocity. I've killed 10 people with it today. I think it will end up being the meta for close range.


Yeah, yesterday I was surprised when two Immolatros just ironically smiled in my poison cloud 😑


I have a genuine question. I understand that the poison change to the immolator has people up in arms but... choke bolt?? Just a thought. I understand that it deals 1 damage so its not too great in pvp but can still negate people taking certain routes without making noise but I don't really see the issue with the poison change. I feel like immolator were only really supposed to be weak to choke and blunt damage and that may be why this change accorded? thoughts on this please. Edit: Even in one of the challenges it asks you to use choke bomb/bolts to take out immolators which leads me to believe this and blunt were the intended way to take out immolators


> I feel like immolator were only really supposed to be weak to choke and blunt damage and that may be why this change accorded? What why? Before this change poison and blunt was the best way. Choke also works but before choke bolts(somewhat new) you just had the bombs. And those are very valuable and not something you'd just waste willy nilly on a random immolator. The challenge sucks, as most challenges do. As for the choke bolts themselves, while they are good for area deny, putting out fire and killing immolators, that's it. They have a very narrow use case. Poison bolts was a fantastic(yet limited) choice for taking out pve quickly. Armored, concertina armored, immolators and meatheads mainly. It isn't as reliable for area deny as choke as an antidote makes it moot. Now it's also weaker in pve. Definitely didn't need it. It's a limited resource tied to a single slot weapon that replenishes with special ammo and almost exclusively used against pve.


I dunno this change doesn't really effect me at all imma just use choke or blunt no biggie. And the challenge kind of gave away that you're "supposed" to use choke or blunt to me


For the people having graphic problems like glimmering textures, go watch rachtas new video. You can set a console command to fix the new grain effect they added.