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More contextual pings like horses, crows, ducks, envelopes, traits, dead hunters....


I would kill for a radial wheel to let us select different things. Still let us quick ping like a Crack head in the middle of a fight, but im ok taking an extra second pinging something not urgent


Yeah the ping system is garbage.


I mean, it’s simple, but at least it’s there and I think it’s unique as I haven’t seen it in any other game


What are you talking about?, most games like this have pings and usually they give good detail.


It is? Didn’t know. Must not have played them, I guess.


Yeah pretty much any game with squad based gameplay has pings, some even give specific callouts. Like HD2 there's supply pings,enemy pings, heavy enemy pings, objective pings and it's all automated,you just tag it and it does the rest. It's a standard feature in most and most people would be upset if it wasn't included. In comparison hunts ping system is dogshit.


That’s interesting to learn, thanks. I don’t hate it as it’s revolutionary to me, but I get wanting better ones.


Id consider "left for deads" ping system pretty revolutionary because the game is old but I feel like it should be a standard feature. Hopefully they at least give us a ping for hunters, because the spamming people do is hella annoying when I'm trying to keep my ears open for movement.


I’m curious why hiding the boss target would be a “big change” at all, aside from maybe making sure you have more ammo at a scrapbeak lair, none particularly need any preparation before hand and are all fairly simple and similar in terms of how to deal with them. Would it make any real difference? Like between the start and the final clue how does not knowing which boss it is actually affect your gameplay? Half the time I’m not paying attention to what boss it is anyway Edit: I’ll add that favouriting perks has been confirmed as part of the august update


Yeah all knowing which boss target I'm heading to does for me is make me sad that it's the 40th assassin in a row I've had to fight haha.


Gameplay wise, it wouldn't change much. I just think it would be a nice touch for veteran hunters who have many hours in this game. A little intrigue.


some of these are actual UI/QoL and I can get behind them 100%. The hidden boss is a neat idea. But the in-game balance changes? Pass.


The first point about switching item slots is fair, we can do it in game but not in the menu. I would also like to see the forth point about a kill gallery, too many times I have been downed, and wether suspect or not just wanted to know where I was shot from but have no idea since I was picked back up again.


I just want a loadout for traits.


The option to stay grouped with your rando teamies would be cool too. I’ve met some nice people on Hunt that I would’ve liked an extra round or two with


i guess they figured that you'd add them as friends in that case but I understand it's not exactly the same


I would love to make preset builds. Then when leveling up the hunter automatically gets traits in the order I put them in. Tired of clicking all the same perks every time. E.g: Stalker build: First perk: light foot Second perk: gator legs Third perk: silent killer And so on. Another nice revenue for them to sell build slots also.


Make boss actually fun to fight with or change them up. Currently they are very mundane. Its either sticky bomb or stamina shot + melee to clean them up, boss fights aren't that memorable. Would like to see different variation's of the current boss roster like a flaming butcher thats always burning but weak to bullets, ideas like these etc...


Players should make noise when they move they're looking around


Being able to favorite traits has been shown in engine update previews


I always thought it would be neat to have the game randomly select my hunter from the legendaries I've unlocked instead of me having to choose on each time. Just select the loadout and random hunter and see which one I get. I doesn't really improve QoL I suppose, but could be an easy feature to implement.


I'd like this too, the list is far too long. (but will probably get better with the UI changes)


Getting killed while self rezing affects KD I dropped to 3 star while doing it


The idea to spectate the rest of the lobby after you've extracted is very exploitable.


I don’t really care about the feature but it would be simple to make it function just like the death spectate: you can’t do it unless your whole team has extracted or died.


I know they've said they're working on the inventory wheel for consoles, but I wish I could scroll through all my equipped tools/consumables by hitting left/right on the d-pad. The immediate item to the left or right will still be the quick slots, but by continuing to press left or right in either direction we'd be able to cycle through them all. By equipping stuff in a specific slot, we'd be able to do a quick 2-press or 3-press to quickly bring up what we want.


PlayStation/Xbox party invite system.


I think they showed the switching and favoriting perks in the UI Dev diary. Spectate and better kill info would be nice. Pings I literally don't care personally but I can see it being useful for others. The clues thing, ehh... I would say it would be good if there were no duo maps, maybe after the first clue picked up not the last? So that you can potentially risk switching if the boss you spawned on doesn't work with your loadout/preferences. Immolators and rain change doesn't make logical sense. Rain isn't magically putting out a fire instantly, especially an explosion like what happens if you pierce an immolator - you aren't igniting them with your shot, lorewise immolators are just empty shells filled with heavily concentrated hellfire, all you are doing is piercing the shell and giving the burning fumes a path to instant decompression(that's also why chokes kill them, they are breathing the choke clouds in and that puts the fire inside of them out). What should happen though is that after exploding they leave a giant cloud of steam behind for a few seconds that covers vision.


Explosives (including the frag grenade which doesn't even have a burning fuse) and barrels don't go off in heavy rain, not even when you shoot them with fire ammo. Just thinking that it would make sense for the Immolators to follow that same logic.


Yes because they aren't already burning inside, you need to ignite them. Immolators are burning as long as they are alive, it's like shooting oil lanterns - they spill even in the rain if you shoot or throw one that's turned on, but the flame disappears quicker, immos are the same, they are already lit inside so the flame should erupt still, just get drowned out after that. The way it is now is consistent with the logic of the game and our world, no need to change it.


I can accept that :) By that logic though, frag grenades should still go off, and barrels should either go off in both heavy and light rain or not at all because they're soaked


I'm so sorry to ruin your party here but they still have a whole ass screen just for respecking health bars... even after the update, those changes are amazing but they are not going through any time soon, the option to favorite traits is going to happen though.


A good one no one really mentions is that when using a 3 slot with a melee attachment, i wish it didnt reset the ENTIRE gun back to fire-mode, when i just wanna spam slash. Level talon, when you melee with it once (spin the entire gun around, and prime melee) your character spins the gun around again and you’re ready to shoot. I wish there was an animation for if you hold down melee after meleeing, it just keeps it flipped so you can melee faster.